Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 2

 Please, Mummy, I am afraid.............


Author's Note: This is a tale base on the TV Series Walking Dead Season Two Episode One. I was to select a character from the series and I chose Sophie. This is my tale of how she felt when she was alone. For info, in the series, after she ran away from the 'walkers', the group could not find her until much later. She has turned to become one herself. She was shot dead to rest in peace forever.


Contests rules:


"Mummy... Mummy...I missed you." I cannot see her in the dark. I need to move in closer so they cannot find me. It's not Rick's fault; I ran when I saw the walkers moving towards us. I thought I could run for safety but I did not know how and why I ran so far. I could hear the shots but I just ran. I had to as I don't want to be bitten. Just like I did when Ed came for me in the middle of the night. I kicked out and screamed for Mummy. She may not come at times, but that put Ed on the defensive. I used that to run past him and out of the door or window. Either way, I need to get out... Ed would do those bad things Mummy said never to allowed him to do. I don't care if he is my father, I am Mummy's girl. She said so many times.


"They can't smell you, but they can hear you. So be quiet." That's what Rick said when I first wanted to scream when I saw the walkers once. I don't know why I wanted to scream. I used to but now I learned to crawl and hide or jump and run. Nobody holding me down and laying their teeth on me, not even Ed. I won't let him then nor would I let them do it to me now. I squirmed my body deep into the uprooted tree base and tried to blend in with the soil like the roots. I won't move unless I have to. I used to sleep in the cupboard in the attic at times when Ed is in his mood. I can hear him thrashing Mummy but I won't move. She tells me so. Don't ever move. Or you are dead.


Something moving out there, but I can't see it as it's dark. It's moving towards my hiding place. Oh, God. Make it go away. I don't want to die tonight. I want to live to see Mummy. She is all I got. Oh, please. I see it now. It's coming to my roots. Oh my God. It's a rabbit. It sniffing the air as it smells something different. Of course, it's different. I am Sophia, and I am here. It may have caught my scent and it's hopping away. Should I chase it? I don't think so. There could some of those out there. They may catch me. I won't move.


I looked at the stars. It has been two or three nights now, but I am not sure. All I know is I ran and got lost in here. I must have been walking in circles and getting nowhere. Every time it gets dark, I find cover. If I could I would climb the trees but the ones here are all too tall for me. I remember seeing some hole in the ground and I slept there last night. Or was it the night before? It came by me in the morning and stepped on the bush I had over me. I did not scream; I just bit my lips from crying out. I was dreaming of Mummy that night and then it came. But it did not stop as it tumbled down the slope up after stepping on me. I waited for it to come back but it did not. I got up and I ran in the other direction, not looking back. But that is over for now. Tonight I need to sleep. I am very tired.


It was the sound of the movements when I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly and I see a horse in front of me. There is a person on it and it looked like a girl. I wanted to call out, but she has ridden away. I pull at the bushes cover away from my body and got up. I shouted but there is no sound in my throat. It's dry from thirst and I have neglected it. I looked and I see her already far from me. I would follow her. She may be a survivor and there could be more of them. I ran after her trail. It's tiring as it has been days since I have eaten anything but I must find her. She is my only hope now. To get back to my Mummy and Rick.


I come to a clearing and I see the houses. It's a big house with some other smaller ones near it. I see the girl dismounting her horse. I am so tired but I must see her. I must tell her I am alive. She would help me to find my Mummy. I dragged my legs to move faster so she can see me. I raised my hands to wave at her. Oh, God. Please help me. Don't forsake me at this moment. Don't make them shoot me like them. She saw me and she ran into the house. She is going for her gun. I just stopped her. I am alive. Please don't shoot.


No, she is not. She is bringing help. There are two of the men with her now. I see them and I walked faster towards them. I can be saved now. Thank God. I can see my Mummy again. Thank you.


They put some rope over my head. Why? Are they worried I become one of those? The noose is tightening and I can't pull at it. It does not hurt but it's uncomfortable. I used my fingers to pull open the noose but it won't loosen. They are pushing me with the rope attached to a long pole. They are saying something, but I can't hear. What are they talking and where am I going.


I see it now; the barn. One of the men is unlocking the locks on the door. He's opened it and I am being pushed in. It's dark inside. The noose is loose and I can feel it taken off my neck. They close the door again. But why? Why put me in the barn? I am like them so why locked me here. Then I see them. Those whom we are to be scared off. Those we shoot in the head to make sure they die. They put me with those walkers. No, it must be a mistake. I am not of them. I am not dead. I am Sophia. I am alive. I would show them. I dragged to one of those walkers. It just ignored me even though I pulled at its sleeves.


Am I like them? It can't be. I am Sophia. I am alive. Mummy, where are you? I need you now. I am all alone now. Mummy...... Please don't leave me with them.






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