swung the sword to deflect the undead soldier attacking her. She managed to
sever the right hand but the undead was still moving forward.
for their neck! Sever the head and they will stop!” Nymue called out. “I read
of the spell.”
ladies heard the call and did that but the undead was many.
up, ladies,” Morgan called out to the ladies.
when the outcome of the battle was to be expected, the reinforcements came. It
was the elves led by Lord Elfin. The army of twenty-four elves pounded onto the
undead from the rear with the enchanted swords, they removed the undead by the
elves soldiers were trained to battle the demons and they did their works of
battle with precision. The elves worked in pairs while one confront the undead
in the front, the other in the pair sneaked in to remove the limbs with their
slashes or sever the head.
undead was defenseless against the elves and soon had dwindled the numbers.
Morgan cried out in despair. Her victory was snatched from her. She saw the
elves were winning the battle over the undead. She decided to escape but found
her retreat blocked by Lord Elfin.
hold no battle with you, Lord Elfin. Why do you aid the ladies here?”
bear no grudge against you but the war against them will soon affect my realm.
I had to intervene to prevent that.” Lord Elfin looked at the lady. Morgan
turned to leave and saw the path was blocked in the rear were Ninianne and
Morgan Le Fay. We will offer you sanctions to keep you alive.”
will not yield. I know your sanctions of keeping aliveFight me if you dare.”
Morgan screeched at the ladies. It was Ninianne who stepped forward towards
will fight you alone. Choose your weapon from here.” Ninianne told Morgan while
she motioned to the rear of her. The other ladies have returned their weapons
to the chamber.
will fight you with our magic.” Morgan challenged back Ninianne. She held out
her hands to her sides, and the web laced cloak spread wide and above her
before it formed a web behind her.
dark web spell.” Ninianne shuddered at the sight of the web. “You must had…”
am the Black Lord’s disciple now. Fight me, Lady of the Lake.” Morgan waved her
hands and spidery webs spread out. Lord Elfin swung his sword to sever the
strands of web aimed at him. Two of the elves failed to react and were spiked
by the strands. The two elves fell to the ground writhing in pain.
placed down the sword and stepped forth to meet the other lady. Her knowledge
of the countermagic on the dark web was limited.
was Merlin then who felt that the battle needed to be contained or the limit of
the destruction will be widespread, and bloody. The Red Dragon was wounded in
the chest and had landed on one of the towers heaving in deep breaths. The
wounds were not fatal for the scales on the dragon chest had deflected much of
the impact.
Blue Dragon was perched on the other tower with anger in the glare.
the battle here please.” Merlin had intervened and stood on the rampart facing
the two dragons. “We are not to kill each other. Don’t be misled by the lady.”
Blue Dragon heaved a blast of flames towards Merlin but it was not at the other
but nearby like a warning move. Merlin stood there unfazed by the attack and
spoke out. Vivianne stood next to Merlin but the other waved her off.
to the lake. You may be needed there more. I can handle the dragons.” Merlin
looked back to the Blue Dragon. “I am Merlin and was the one who returned the
bones of your young ones. It was me who perform the chant of unification so
that they can fly with you ….even in demise.”
am Merlin the Wizard. I had taken over the land here so that a great castle may
be built over it. The castle housed a great King and many more to come. They
will carry the signs of the dragons on their crest.” Merlin looked towards the
dragons. “The lady…”
wield no lies to the dragons. They are not in my servitude but that of the
Black Lord.” Morgause snapped out. She appeared there in the armored dark suit
with the double horned helmet with no face cover. “As I am to the Lord.”
Black Lord? I thought he had …” Merlin was stunned by that.
You are misinformed.” Morgause laughed. “The Black Lord was never defeated but
went into seclusion to strategize the next move. I am now serving the Blck
are mad, Morgause. The Black Lord is …” Merlin had to bring up the shield spell
to block the flame that was aimed at him by the Blue Dragon. He stared at the dragon who just attacked
save your breath. The dragons are to service the Black Lord. You are wasting
your time.” Morgause looked at Merlin and then at the others. “All of you are
to be defeated today.”
while we are around.” It was Grumpy who roared out while he aimed the reloaded
ballista at the Blue Dragon. He released the arrows and two of the arrows
struck at the dragon’s left-wing causing it to fall to the ground.
the attack, dwarf,” Merlin called out and then he saw the Red Dragon had joined
the Blue on the ground. Both dragons were wounded but they remained there
turned to look at Morgause.
up, Morgause. You are to be defeated.” Merlin looked at the lady.
defeat was still imminent for Arthur’s army was still outmanned and made worse
by the redirection of the army by King Lot’s with Lord Bern. The soldiers of
Lord Bern had seen the traps set by Belvedere and proceeded to assist Mordred
in the fore. Arthur found himself having to withdraw his army to avoid a total
was down to a one-third part of his army even with Belvedere to strengthen
them. In his retreat he found himself facing Mordred. The latter was
accompanied by Lord Bern and Erec.
do face me and we can end this battle.” Mordred challenged the other. “I will
be merciful with your death.”
am not defeated as yet. I will take your challenge but not today. I will not be
tempted to fight with you..” Arthur stepped forth flanked then by Jaseth and
Belvedere. “My army can still take on yours.”
can see the reluctance of yours. You are aware that we outnumbered you here. Let
it fair to all of them. They need not die needlessly.” Mordred replied.
I say nay.” Arthur charged at Mordred. The latter called out to the other two
your arms. I will battle him alone.” Mordred stepped forth to meet Arthur. He
blocked the swing by Arthur with Excalibur and then stepped back. Arthur
followed on with more swings but each time Mordred either evade or blocked
them. Arthur felt his strength waning from his long bouts at Normandy and then
here. And age had caught up with him.
you are older now. Your swings are weak.” Mordred mocked the other. “I am
however younger.”
had in turn the fight with his swings and attacks. Arthur was forced to retreat
with each impact and finally, he fell on his back. Mordred stood over the
fallen King with the sword leveled at the chest.
are defeated, King Arthur,” Mordred said to Arthur. “I am now truly the
rightful King,”
Arthur called out and swung Excalibur at Mordred at the left leg. The sword
slashed at Mordred at the left thigh. The younger knight fell to his left knee
and Arthur rolled to the left side. Arthur pushed himself up with Excalibur
assisting his body weight.
surprise me, old King.” Mordred laughed while staying prone on his left knee.
“I will end your life now for that bad move of yours.”
tempt me, Mordred. I have fought many of your breeds. You are all talks.” Arthur roared out and
then stood up. “Bow before me, you knave.”
was then Sir Erec called out.
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