Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 4

 I shot the Captain.


Author's Note: This is a tale of a crime with a touch on same-sex involvement.


Contests rules:



It was a tense moment outside the operation theatre. I was there with the rest of the non-duty squad members. It's not that we do this every time one of us is in there, but this time it's different. She is the Captain and we ain't going to let her do this alone. We are one family and we take care of each other. She has been in there for over two hours and there is no update on her condition. This is unbearable and I need to do something. I got up from my seat and walked to the Senior Detective Thames.


"I am leaving now. Let me know when she is out." I turned to walk but he grabbed me by the arm. It's a tight hold and I stopped to listen to him.


"Sal, she is in there. She would not want you to leave. She would not if you were in there." I shrug off his hold on my arm.


"Thames, let me go. She is a bitch and the only reason I am here is that you called me too. So I came, I saw and now I am leaving." I pulled off his hand and walked to the lift. I can hear the others telling the Thames to cool it. One even said I am a cold bitch. I do not care as I am walking out. I can't see myself doing much here. I have to out there to find her shooter. The son of a bitch shot her four times in the chest, and she is lucky to be still alive now.


I drove the car to the place where they said she was shot. It's in front of her favorite bakery. She stops here to buy the rolls before she goes back. I met Matteo, the owner and he claimed he saw nothing as she was shot leaving his shop. He was the one who called the ambulance. I offered my thanks to him and he gave me some rolls. I took it with me to the drinking hole. There I met Benny, the bartender who is also my informant on what and who is on the street. He told me he does not know who shot the Captain. But he would let me know when he comes across anything. I thanked him and he gave me a bottle to go home with. It's nice of them to remember the brand she likes. My next stop was the pharmacist; Greene. He is an old man who prescribed those drugs to ease the pains. I told him about the Captain and he went pale. He told me, she just told him yesterday to increase the dosage as the pain is getting worse. He was crying for her and hope she makes it. I thanked him too for his concern. Next, I stopped at the convenience store and picked up two cartons of milk. It's for Milly, the cat that the Captain keeps at home.


I parked the car in the basement of the apartment block. I checked my phone for messages.


None, so she must be still in there. She is a fighter and she has to become Captain. She kicked those men who were vying for the rank and she won it hands down. I used to joke if she sleeps with anyone to get there, but she said no. They just slept next to her. We laughed about it. She has a great sense of humor. Unlike me. I am more grim and nasty. They called me the Cold One at the squad room and I am one cold bitch of a detective. All my collars end up with some bruises or worse a keel-over stance from my front kick. The Thames used to say, you bow to Sal, or she will make you do it with your balls.


I opened the door to the apartment and walked in. The place is dark but I know my way around. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge door. It lighted up the area and I placed the pints of milk in there. I left the rolls on the table alongside the bottle. Then I remembered the cat. I took out the saucer and placed it on the table. I opened the fridge and took out the milk to pour into the saucer. I poured it there and placed the remaining milk into the fridge.


"Milly, come and get your milk." The darned cat must be sleeping. I walked to the bedroom and discarded my clothes off my tired body. I took out my revolver and checked the safety. It's on and I checked the chambers. Two left of the six. I must reload it later tonight. I don't sleep without a partially loaded gun. It's like sleeping without your partner. It never feels the same. I took my shower and washed off the grime and dirt from my body. Once I completed my shower, I stood in front of the mirror. I checked myself off the mirror; all the parts are still in place and supple. She likes them supple and upright. I remembered that well. Bitch always has her ways to compliment me.


Aargh! I had to press on my navel. It's the pain. I reached up for the medicine case and opened it. There is my cure to this sharp pain that is now coursing through my body. I opened the medicine container and poured in a few of those relieving pills. It will help me to ease my pain. I had to sit down but the darned cat is in it. I pulled the dead carcass out and threw it into the shower area. I sat down on the seat while waiting for the pain to subside. It's been a long day but it will end soon. Just like Milly. She was the first I killed today. I grabbed her by the head and slammed her against the wall. I threw her body into the flush and let her drown. Once that was done, it was to wait for her owner. I shot her four times from the car window. She did not see it coming. She never did. All she ever knew was I am there to pick her up every evening. Then we would go for a drink and then back here to feed the cat. And then on to a hot shower together before we licked each other wetness off. It's the same nightly as the next day at work, we would never know if we would be able to do it again. The crime rate is high and this month alone, three of us in the squad have been shot dead. Another one lies in a coma. Today, she is in the operation theatre sent there by me.


Yes, I did. I did it because of all the things we did together; never once she asked me on my medical report. The one thing I was afraid to tell her with all the medicine I have been taking. She procured them too for me, but she never questioned my health. I am dying, Captain. I have been told I got three months or less to live. But you never asked. I never told you. I would if you have asked. But you are too preoccupied with your career and my body. You never once asked if I love you. Well, I do and when I die; you would be there when I arrived. That's why I shot you. But you could not just die. Like your career, you had to fight hard to get it. You are fighting now for your life. I hope you never make it.


The phone rang. I picked it up.


"Sal, Captain's ......dead. She did not make it. But we got the bullets for CSI. We would get the bastard who shot her. I promise you that."


"Thanks, Thames." I hung up.


Bastard is one helluva of a bitch.




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