Sunday, July 25, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 30


“My King, the soldiers are scattered by the fire there.” Mordred was told by his scouts when he sent forth the main army of his at Arthur’s who was seen crossing the streams. He had seen the folly of sending the knights in on the soft ground and only commanded the Sarmatians, with the leaderless soldiers of Octavia, and the Anglo Saxons in the forward attack.

Arthur had called for a retreat upon seeing the advancement of Mordred’s army. King Lot’s knights had then marched to outflank Arthur. The Green Knight had earlier attempted to attack the knights before the main battle, but King Lot’s knights were battle-hardened and had stayed vigilance with their sentries.

“Intruders!” The sentries at the boundary of King Lot’s camp sighted the others with the Green Knight. The alert roused the knights and they rode out to meet the Green Knight.

“Retreat!” The Green Knight was then with a group of five mounted knights and twenty-foot soldiers had come to a stop. The knights and the Green Knight have removed their outer armors and wore only their swords and carried their shield.

“We have lost the surprise.” Jaseth or the Green Knight was no strategy planner in battles but the lone fighter at it. He knew not how to command the group of soldiers then. He held his horse to retreat and saw the ones under him had been caught up by the riding knights.

“To me, riders. We will meet the other knights in battle.” Jaseth called on the other five knights to join him and then charged at King Lot’s knights. He then rode towards the knight who had killed two of the foot soldiers.  Jaseth intervened and exchange blows with the knight. He managed to get a thrust into the chest of the other before he rode on to take on the other knights.

Jaseth counted his blessing that only a handful of knights fought his soldiers. He counted five dead or wounded foot soldiers before he called for the second time the retreat.

“Return to our camp now!” Jaseth called out. He was to meet Lamorak seated on the wagon during the retreat.

“I can see you have fared badly in the attack.” Lamorak roared out. He then held out the long spear that he got the others to make. “Let me handle them riders.”

A group of the soldiers next to the wagon held out the spears to the retreating ones. There were not many but soon a dozen spears were held level to the enemy.

 Twelve of King Lot’s knights came charging and were met by the long spear held by the soldiers. The long reach spears thrust at the knights and caused them to fall from their horses. When the knights fell, the other soldiers rushed in to attack the knights.

The tide of the battle was turning towards Jaseth advantage and it was then Arthur had marched his soldiers to meet Mordred’s army. It was an army of foot soldiers and some mounted knights. They were marching down the hill towards Mordred who had called on his army to move forward.

The hundred and fifty knights with Erec and Owain rode hard across the streams towards Arthur soldiers. It was then Arthur signal the retreat and his army back up the hill. Meantime, the knights of Mordred had been scattered on the valley ground, with the horses hoofs tramping the soft terrain.

Then the hidden archers of Arthur in the huts released their flaming arrows into the bales of hay coated with tar. The flaming arrows ignited the hays and the area was soon shrouded with smoke and fire was everywhere. The mounted knights could not control their horses which some bolted on the sight of fire.

“Hold the line!” Owain called up before he was riddled by few arrows into his chest. He toppled over before the horse bolted off. Around him, the knights have dismounted and found their movements hampered by the soft ground.

“The ground swallowed our feet.” The dismounted knights moved clumsily on the wet ground. The trumpets went out and it was the rallying call of Arthur’s army to rejoin the battle.

“Into the battle now!” Slaine called on the Sarmatians. So were Lord Cnut and his soldiers. Only the soldiers from the Octavia banner sat out the battle.

“For our people!” Slaine called out while he charged with the sword of his. He found himself facing Jaseth.

“Who are you, knight? Roman or barbarian?” Slaine called out.

“I am Jaseth, known as the Green Knight. Who are you?”

“Slaine of the Sarmatians,” Slaine replied. “I doubt we have met. Did you battle with Arthur in the last was?”

“I did not. I was in the monastery praying for the people.” Jaseth replied.

“Well then, speak your prayers for your own now.” Slaine charged at the knight. Jaseth blocked swing by Slaine on his left and stepped back to gain some distance. He held the long broadsword but Slaine was with the curved shorter sword. He was not of any advantage in the close battle and needed the reach to swing.

Slaine came at him with more swings and thrust which Jaseth deflected with his sword and shield. He needed to find the opening and it was there. He swung the sword hard on the attacking right arm of Slaine and severed the wrist. Slaine stepped back in pain.

“Kill me, knight. I am not of use without my fighting arm.” Slaine called out in pain while his left hand held the elbow of his right.

“I will not kill you needlessly. Call off your men and we are done.” Jaseth told the other. “I will not fight an unarmed warrior.”

“Then I will die fighting you.” Slaine charged at Jaseth but the other stepped aside to avoid the charge. Slaine was giving up and picked up the dropped sword with his left hand and attacked Jaseth. He was clumsy with the move but managed to slash at Jaseth’s right thigh. The latter fell to his knees and saw Slaine coming at him for the final kill. Jaseth swung out his longer broadsword at the attacking warrior at the pelvis. It ended the battle with Slaine.




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