Saturday, July 17, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 23


Jaseth will not be a part of the gathering to be with Mordred. He was not keen to serve any King including Arthur but recognized the latter for he was liked by the people and his conquest of the land. Camelot had to be peaceful even when the King was away and then the young knight made the call to take over.

“Arthur is dead. I am the new King.” That was Mordred claimed on the throne.

“Is it true?” Jaseth heard the clarification asked by the others. He was in the corner drinking at the tavern

“I doubt Arthur is dead. This young knight won’t remain long when Arthur returns.” It was Molly the tavern owner who supported Arthur. It stirred up some arguments among the patrons and Jaseth took his leave. He rode off back to the hut where he had taken abode and saw Mordred waiting for him at the door.

“It’s late, Mordred.” Jaseth dismounted then and approached the pretender to the throne.

“Master…” Mordred was cut off by Jaseth when he called the other master.

“I am not your master. I was never one to the one who betrayed his King. It will be no different to that of a demon.” Jaseth did not mince his words then. “I am sad that the one I had entrusted my identity and faith had to be you.” 

“Well said, Jaseth.” Mordred had changed and the figure of Morgan had surfaced. “I wanted to hear from you that you have disowned your only son.”

“He is not my son. He is, maybe yours but he will never be mine.”

“Then why don’t you remove him as King? He held my bloodline and it should be evil in him.” Morgan asked.

“I …”

“You are his father and you know that. You won’t kill your bloodline.” Morgan snapped in. “However, I am his mother and I need him to be King. As you did not stop him, I will spare you. But if you do, I will not hesitate to kill you.”

Morgan then dissipated off with the winds. Jaseth stood there fuming with anger and then remorse in his action. He should have stopped Mordred but how could kill his son. He sighed and stepped into the hut he had taken refuge.

“Who are you?” There was another person in the hut. “How did you know of this place?”

“My name is Friar Tate. I have my friends to reveal to me who and where you may be. You called on them for news of demons.”

“Yes, the house of faith is the place others seek the help of such,” Jaseth said. “And what of yours that I can do to help.” 

The request was simple.

“Battle Sir Lancelot. He is a recluse now and needed to rekindle his skills. None will challenge him for he is still feared.” Friar Tate looked to the Green Knight. “He needs a challenger like you to be his opponent. He needs to refine his skills.”

“Our last meet was unsettled and more to it, he may not take to me kindly anymore. We MAY end up in a death duel.” Jaseth looked at the friar.

“No more than what he is today. He was with the Queen and yet she is not with him. My Sire is dead in life except in misery.” The friar looked at Jaseth. “You are the same. Your son…”

“Hold your tongue, Friar. Or I may remove it.” Jaseth glared at the other. “How did you know?”

“Well, I can’t speak if I held my tongue.” Friar Tate mocked the other. “But I shall speak. The order of mine moves in many ways and many followers. We hear many things from confessions to gossips or even what was uttered during the throes of lust.”

 “You may not kill your son but he may do you. He had sent knights after you. You can wait here or seek Lancelot to battle, and if the outcome can be delayed, join forces to join Arthur for his comeback. He may be going to Camelot as we speak.”

“You are a strange one, Friar but your words may make sense. I will seek Lancelot and then let the outcome be determined then.”

“One more thing Sir Knight, may I take refuge here?” Friar Tate asked.

The refuge was ever in Arthur’s mind when he sailed back to his land from Normandy. He was told that Mordred ruled on his throne and he was offered to stay at Normandy as an exile.

“Exile? Am I to be here? I came here to fight the King and since I have won, I will not take refuge here.” Those were Arthur’s words. He sailed back with less than half his army; a hundred-odd knight, fifty-foot soldiers, and a dozen mercenaries. Some of the later have returned by themselves with their loots while the dozen has only joined Arthur.

“We are home, Arthur but I feared you cannot take on Mordred with your small army,” Merlin told him when they disembarked from the ships that sailed them there. “We are to recruit more knights and allies.”

“Where do we do such action?” Arthur asked. He felt helpless then.

“Antoinne Wall,” Merlin told him.

At the wall, Centurion Marius Giles pondered on the situation up North. He had news that Arthur or rather the Prime Pilus Artorius had perished in battle and a new King had taken his throne.

“King Mordred…” Marius sighed. He had his rank battled by the Legatus when told that the death of the Marcellus and Augustus was placed on his negligence to protect the Roman interest. He wanted to lash back that it happened after the wall and he was not to be blamed but bickering with the Legatus and the Senate members will only place him in more peril.

“Centurion, the news I got is the Prime Pilus is back. His campaign at Normandy was a success. He is coming to Wall.” The bursar reported to the Centurion. “Perhaps he brought coins for us.”

Coins were the issue at heart for the Centurion. His Ninth Cohort of Legionnaires is at unrest that the mercenaries are paid better than them. If not for the fear of discipline and the Legion, they would have bolted to the North. He holds adequate coins to pay them from the Chiefs and even the nobles but with the new King, some had shifted allegiance to the North.

“To assemble the legionnaires today. Tell them the Prime Pilus will be coming for an inspection. I want to see the Cohort standards and colors unfurled then.” Marius told his aide. “The Ninth Cohort will be at its best.”

So was Mordred then when more knights came to his call. He soon had Camelot filled with many visitors and some came with a request to sought lands.

“Yes, the Sarmatians settlement will resume back. Sir Lamorak will be paid a levy for his loss.” That command hurt Lamorak for he felt that he was cheated of his land and given an aid that was said to favor a cripple. He sought Belvedere but the latter was away with Arthur. He was alone then. He then rode on a cart to visit the Centurion at the wall. At least he will be with the Legion.

Or whatever there is left.

As for Lancelot, his lonely stay was long and boring, and he felt that Guinevere may have made her mind on the refuge there. He had not donned his armor since he took shelter there, and Arondight had hung on the wall there. He felt not the urge to battle or even keep at his skills. Daily, he looked at the Nunnery but Guinevere remained unseen. He was however sent food from there but the nuns will not speak to him.

Lancelot thought of Elaine and felt regrets. He should have told her but then he will not ride to see her.

“Take care of Joyous Gard, Lady Elaine,” Lancelot uttered out.

At Joyous Gard, three ladies sat to discuss their future there.

“I can’t do much for you, Lady Enide. Your lover, Sir Erec is powerful now. I am without my Lord, Sir Lancelot.” Elaine looked to the other lady and then the third one spoke.

“We appreciate you allowing us to refuge here.” Lady Angharad said to Elaine. “We are at a loss here. I do not know what possessed Sir Erec that he will want me to.”

“Man…” Elaine sighed. She felt the pain in the two ladies. She was not far from their pain when her lover favors the Queen. Or rather ex-Queen.

“You will be safe here. Joyous Gard is still the stronghold of Lancelot although he is not here. His knights, not many but those who are here, they stayed loyal to him and will defend Joyous Gard and also us.” Elaine took on a smile. She then uttered a prayer for the return of Lancelot.

“I can still be your refuge, my Lord.” Fear have a way of invoking the desire of love.


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