Sunday, July 25, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 5



At 2332hrs, Simon stepped to the door and then left the rifle by the side. He then hit the exit switch to open the door. He was surprised to see the two soaked figures there.

“Hotel California? Can we come in?” The man asked.

“You know the song----” The lady sang the lyrics.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here

“The Hotel is closed… for renovations. Please find another hotel.” Simon pulled on the smile.

“It’s late. We can call cab. Can we wait inside?” The lady asked. “It’s raining here. And its 2341hrs now.”

“I …” Simon hesitated.

“I need to use bathroom. That works like clockwork at 2345hrs. I work like the German machine; precision and effective.” The lady smiled.

Simon thought hard where were the bathrooms? He had not seen one when he was there. She was still humming the song;

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends

“I …” Simon said and that was all needed for the Asian man to jab the umbrella into Simon’s chest. The short needle at the end was coated with poison to cause the muscle spasms before the heart give way. The couple rushed in with the man reaching into the sling bag to draw the shuriken. The man tossed the four shuriken with precise aims on the selected targets; two gunmen went down with the shuriken impacted on the face. They fell backwards holding their face before they writhe in pain. The Shuriken were all coated with the same poison as on the umbrella tip.

The Asian lady had reached into the duffle bag and grabbed the hilt of the M10 inside. The ten over inches length compact personal firearm with a thirty rounds clip at an effective range of fifty meters held a sound suppressor was a deadly weapon in close proximity fights. The lady fired the gun from inside the bag at the others. She had gunned down three others before Danny shot her in the side of the head. He was standing apart from the others and had a clear shot at the assassins. He in turn shoot at the Asian man but the latter had moved.

The male assassin had rushed at Danny but the latter had his aim on the assassin. The shot went into the face of the Asian man and with his second two shots at the chest. He then rushed forth to shoot the man in the back of the face.

“Damn!” Danny cursed out. He had lost eight men in the ten seconds shootout. With him was the other three guys stunned by the sudden shootout.

“Fucking mad!” Danny cursed out once more. He looked at the dead Asian man and knew that the war has not ended. He turned to the other three there.

“Call in the others. We need reinforcements. The Triads are onto us.” Danny then turned to approach the phone. He picked it up and heard it rang. It was picked up by the nurse who answered first.

“I am locking down the place. Get your two other guys in or they are left out there.” The nurse told Danny and then hung up. Danny ran to the door and called for Glenn and Randy to get in.

“You either come in or stay there. They are coming for us here.” Danny called out.

“Who? The cops? I …” Randy asked back.

“It’s the Triads. We copped them out in the shootout. They are coming for our blood.” Danny replied. “Are you in or out?”

“Fucking Triads. I am caught in between two gangs in their war.” Randy muttered and wanted to get in but Glenn stood his ground.

“Fuck, Glenn. We get in or we dissed fast from here.” Randy looked at Glenn and then to his watch. It read as 2352hrs.

“We dissed now and it’s past my bedtime.” Glenn replied. He took to the Ford Expedition and gunned up the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 engine with the ten speeds automatic transmission. He reversed the vehicle to get it off the side on the driveway and turned the wheel to leave for the road. He paused and saw the row of lights on both ends of the road.

“Damn, we are boxed in.” Glenn called out. There were rows of lights approaching from both ends. He had encountered the Triads before in one of the races. It was intimidation to let their favorite win. He had let the favorite got ahead of him but he did skid into the other’s side for it to lose the lead. He escaped in time without his car then.

“Randy, we are going in. It’s the only option left.” Glenn went into action. He grabbed the bag hidden beneath the driver seat and joined Randy at the doorway.

“You took your damn time.” Danny having stood at the doorway greeted the duo. “Four of my guys are down. I need extra gunmen. Simon dead. Now get in and armed yourself from the others. We got a battle ahead.”

The music was playing at the background.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here

“Shut the music off.” Danny was furious. Glenn and Randy had stepped in and joined the others. Danny was with three others and with him and Randy, they made six. Glenn was given the Remington shotgun and two clips for the rifle. So was Randy with the same rifle and clips. Glenn approached Danny.

“We signed up as drivers. We transport what you give us but we did not sign for any gunfight.” Glenn looked at Danny.

“You have two choices; one stay here and shoot or leave now.” Danny looked hard into Glenn. “Either way you are dead”

“You are ---” Glenn minced his words when he saw the Glock leveled at his face.

“Hey, you.” Glenn turned to look at the nurse who had arrived at the lobby pushing the refreshments for the men. The nurse tuned to look at Danny. “Its almost midnight.”

“Your father is recovering but he can’t be moved. You will have to wait or leave now.” The nurse told Danny. “I can open the back door. Decide now.”

Danny hesitated and said he will stay. He then made some calls. He needed reinforcements. They bloody well be quick or he will shoot them if they are late.



Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 4



The doctor was stitching the wound on Don when the phone rang. The nurse who was with the doctor placed down the tray with the surgical tools. He then picked up the phone.

“Hotel California.”

“VV09, I am in need of assistance. I am wounded at the left ribs. GSW.” The call was recorded at 2304hrs. The nurse looked to the doctor.

“VV09 coming in hard. Left ribs. GSW.” The Nurse then continued on. He took the tablet on the nearby table and read the update on VV09.

“VV09 is behind on the subscription.” The nurse muttered to himself. Then he chose to decide on the patient. He had known VV09 and was in several times. The nurse looked at the tablet. “I know her well. She will pay later.”

“Bitches do.” The Doctor smiled behind the face mask.

The nurse then walked to the elevator. He went down two levels and exited at the lobby pushing the wheel chair.

“Hey you. Where is my father?” Danny ever impatient asked. “It’s now 2300hrs.”

“2310hrs. and he is under recovery. You can’t move him just yet. He needs to be stabilized.” The nurse told the other. “Now let me take care of next incoming patient. “

“Bust night, huh? Make sure my old man does not die or it will be you on the gurney.”

The nurse ignored Danny and pushed past the other. He approached the doorway. He reached for the remote in his pocket to open the door. There was another switch by the side of the door which the ones at the lobby can open the door there. The nurse saw VV09 had reached and was held up by the two guys he had seen outside.

“She collapsed upon arrival.” Glenn was the one who spoke. “We carried her here. Her car stalled down the road.’

The nurse offered the wheel chair and then pushed the lady back into the hotel to the side door. He did not wasn’t the others to see her. He stopped at the doorway and then turned towards Glenn.

“You may want to come in. The night is still young and the weather could turn colder tonight.” The nurse offered the hospitality to the duo. “I will bring food and drinks down.”

“No thanks, we will stay here.” Glenn declined the offer. It read 2316hrs. “It’s still early for me to go to bed alone.”

It was Randy who was stunned. He was already stepping on his toes to keep warm.

“Why, Glenn? We are better inside.”

“No, we are better off here.” Glenn looked to his partner and co-driver at times when needed. “You don’t know of the hotel. It’s not what you know of it.”

“Glenn, I know nothing of it except that the place was a place of cure for the criminals to get medical assistance.” Randy uttered back. “Whatever, it’s better than us standing here? Why are we not in?”

“Do tell me then. Have you been there?” Randy asked.

Glenn was to speak when a city cab pulled up. Two passengers stepped out and paid the driver who sped off. The passengers were a couple of Asian descent.

“Is this the Hotel California? I got a reservation here. Oh, I am too early.” The clock read as 2327hrs.

The man asked. “Like in the song. Do you know the song?”

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here

The Asian man was dressed like the tourist in the colored shirt and dark pants with the camera slung around his neck. He had on the bag slung across the left shoulder. The lady was in a dark knee length coat over the pant suit. She held a duffle bag over her left shoulder. They were both holding the umbrella and wearing leather gloves.

Glenn nodded. The couple went past and knocked on the doorway.

“I will not expect tourist to come here. Are they lost?” Randy asked. “Maybe we should redirect them.”

That was spoken for when the doors opened.

Danny heard the knocks on the door. He looked for the nurse but the latter was in the elevator with the door closing. He looked towards Simon and nodded.

“Get the door. And shut the music. I hate it.”

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here


Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 3



“I told you to leave it be.” Donnie the Hulk or Don for short, looked at the officer who was lying on the ground bleeding from the gunshot wound and was dying. “I would not have shot you then.”

It was a simple job; walk in and rob the counter. And at 2200hrs, it was closing time and all was well, the lady behind the counter paid up as if she was doing the day’s count but an officer of the law had stepped in for his drink.

“Lacy, I need a drink.” Wrong call at the wrong time and night to do it at the wrong branch.

“What the ---” The Officer saw the gun in Don’s right hand. When the officer reached for his holstered gun, Donnie had leveled the drawn gun at the officer.

“Don’t make it my day. You ain’t Doc Holiday and I ain’t stupid either.” Don cautioned the officer. It had worked but not everyone was buying when it came from the lady.

The lady screamed.

The officer drew his gun.

The Hulk was shot in the left thigh.

That was all Don needed to do soon after.

“Kill or be killed.” Don remembered her training well. That was hours ago in the thousands.

Don the Hulk, they called her.

“Put her at point and she will shield you.” That was the butt of the joke in the mess hall but Donnie did run point. Her truck was the fore in the convoy. The Hulk was given to her as suggested, a huge lady shield with a square face who if was with a different gender could had been a star quarterback. Instead, she joined the Army until she aced her left knee during a convoy ambush. She then joined the logistics; which involved driving through the states on the long night haul nights. She was frustrated and did here round on the Manager which earned her the docks.

“It was a bad fuck. He could not last the pace. I gave him a new hole in his belly. He won’t be fucking even at Hell.” Don told the Judge.

After her release from prison time, she ventured into various off jobs. That did not pay off and she became an enforcer for the mobs where the intimidated may be women. It was fine but the money was not enough, and she joined the small gangs in the robberies. It gave her more money and the zest to live again. Don carried on the new image of the girl next door with the pony tails despite her frame.

“Damn it hurts.” Don limped to her car and then contemplated the action to take. There was a lockdown and the cops are jittery on nights like this. If she was stopped, the cops may even pull her for a felony on her past or worse if they knew of the shootout, she will be dead within the hour. That one was confirmed when they traced her gun to the officer she killed then.

No one likes a cop killer.

Don reached for the phone. The clock was 2211hrs. She has a number he can call. No one answered and it was to leave a message. She did that.

“Hotel California, I am Don 54.” That was his code name. “I am coming in. GSW to the left thigh. ETA ten minutes.”

There was a pause and then the automatic reply came through.

“Ten-Four, Don 54. We are ready for you.” The machine replied.

Don had been there before. It was a mob friend she had picked up at the street. The other had a shootout at some streets away and called Don. She was nearby and being the good Samaritan, she picked up the guy. He told her of the Hotel and took him there. It was her introduction to the place and she joined in with the annual subscription. They also told her the hotel have a morgue and mini crematorium in the basement.

“They will cremate you after you die. No ID’s needed. No sent off but a simple burn off.” Don liked it that way. It was like when you died in action, and your body not recovered, all they could do was a letter to who you have waiting but not Don. She was a single and had no one. Her money was in her safety box or with her girlfriends.

Don arrived at the hotel and saw the lineup of cars. She stopped the car and stepped off. She limped to the entrance and saw the two guys standing by the Ford Expedition with the damaged fender.

“Quiet night?” Don smiled at them. “I won’t bitch on it. What is the time?”

“2300hrs. It’s always at this hour, I was told. Are you going in?” It was Glenn who asked when he saw the limp. “The lobby may be crowded.”

Don gave him the middle right finger. She then proceeded on from there. Once she reached the entrance, the two sentries were there.

“I am going in.” Done told them,

“Not today, sister. The Hotel is fully booked.” It was then the doors opened and the nurse appeared with the wheel chair.

“Take a seat.” Don was told. She did as she was told and was carted in. The nurse looked at the two sentries.

“Don’t ever get in my way.”

Don first sight was the armed men with automatic rifles. She wanted to reach for her own gun but held back guard. She knew that if she does that, she will be dead with more than the holes she has. The nurse appeared then.

“Hey, Nurse. Who is the bitch? And where is my father?” It was Danny who approached the nurse. They met before the elevator.

“Wait for the doctor’s call.” The nurse told Danny.

“That is my father in there. Tell me or I will go up there myself.” Danny threatened. The nurse just ignored him and pushed the patient into the elevator. The elevator doors closed and Danny was left standing there.

Danny knew the rules.

No one disturb the doctor.

No one will harm the doctor.

No one tell the doctor what to do.

Those were the doctor’s rules.

So were the songs he liked to be played at the treatment room. He had a section of lyrics at the lobby. The door does not have a chime. When the chime is pressed it will play this song.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here



Arthur II Book IV Chapter 31


Ninianne swung the sword to deflect the undead soldier attacking her. She managed to sever the right hand but the undead was still moving forward.

“Aim for their neck! Sever the head and they will stop!” Nymue called out. “I read of the spell.”

The ladies heard the call and did that but the undead was many.

“Give up, ladies,” Morgan called out to the ladies.

Just when the outcome of the battle was to be expected, the reinforcements came. It was the elves led by Lord Elfin. The army of twenty-four elves pounded onto the undead from the rear with the enchanted swords, they removed the undead by the numbers.

The elves soldiers were trained to battle the demons and they did their works of battle with precision. The elves worked in pairs while one confront the undead in the front, the other in the pair sneaked in to remove the limbs with their slashes or sever the head.

The undead was defenseless against the elves and soon had dwindled the numbers.

“No!” Morgan cried out in despair. Her victory was snatched from her. She saw the elves were winning the battle over the undead. She decided to escape but found her retreat blocked by Lord Elfin.

“I hold no battle with you, Lord Elfin. Why do you aid the ladies here?”

“I bear no grudge against you but the war against them will soon affect my realm. I had to intervene to prevent that.” Lord Elfin looked at the lady. Morgan turned to leave and saw the path was blocked in the rear were Ninianne and Vivian.

“Yield, Morgan Le Fay. We will offer you sanctions to keep you alive.”  

“I will not yield. I know your sanctions of keeping aliveFight me if you dare.” Morgan screeched at the ladies. It was Ninianne who stepped forward towards Morgan.

“I will fight you alone. Choose your weapon from here.” Ninianne told Morgan while she motioned to the rear of her. The other ladies have returned their weapons to the chamber.

“I will fight you with our magic.” Morgan challenged back Ninianne. She held out her hands to her sides, and the web laced cloak spread wide and above her before it formed a web behind her.

“The dark web spell.” Ninianne shuddered at the sight of the web. “You must had…”

“I am the Black Lord’s disciple now. Fight me, Lady of the Lake.” Morgan waved her hands and spidery webs spread out. Lord Elfin swung his sword to sever the strands of web aimed at him. Two of the elves failed to react and were spiked by the strands. The two elves fell to the ground writhing in pain.

Ninianne placed down the sword and stepped forth to meet the other lady. Her knowledge of the countermagic on the dark web was limited.

So was Merlin then who felt that the battle needed to be contained or the limit of the destruction will be widespread, and bloody. The Red Dragon was wounded in the chest and had landed on one of the towers heaving in deep breaths. The wounds were not fatal for the scales on the dragon chest had deflected much of the impact.

The Blue Dragon was perched on the other tower with anger in the glare.

“Hold the battle here please.” Merlin had intervened and stood on the rampart facing the two dragons. “We are not to kill each other. Don’t be misled by the lady.”

The Blue Dragon heaved a blast of flames towards Merlin but it was not at the other but nearby like a warning move. Merlin stood there unfazed by the attack and spoke out. Vivianne stood next to Merlin but the other waved her off.

“Return to the lake. You may be needed there more. I can handle the dragons.” Merlin looked back to the Blue Dragon. “I am Merlin and was the one who returned the bones of your young ones. It was me who perform the chant of unification so that they can fly with you ….even in demise.”

“I am Merlin the Wizard. I had taken over the land here so that a great castle may be built over it. The castle housed a great King and many more to come. They will carry the signs of the dragons on their crest.” Merlin looked towards the dragons. “The lady…”

“I wield no lies to the dragons. They are not in my servitude but that of the Black Lord.” Morgause snapped out. She appeared there in the armored dark suit with the double horned helmet with no face cover. “As I am to the Lord.”

“The Black Lord? I thought he had …” Merlin was stunned by that.

“Demised? You are misinformed.” Morgause laughed. “The Black Lord was never defeated but went into seclusion to strategize the next move. I am now serving the Blck Lord.”

“You are mad, Morgause. The Black Lord is …” Merlin had to bring up the shield spell to block the flame that was aimed at him by the Blue Dragon.  He stared at the dragon who just attacked him.

“Merlin, save your breath. The dragons are to service the Black Lord. You are wasting your time.” Morgause looked at Merlin and then at the others. “All of you are to be defeated today.”

“Not while we are around.” It was Grumpy who roared out while he aimed the reloaded ballista at the Blue Dragon. He released the arrows and two of the arrows struck at the dragon’s left-wing causing it to fall to the ground.

“Cease the attack, dwarf,” Merlin called out and then he saw the Red Dragon had joined the Blue on the ground. Both dragons were wounded but they remained there defiant.

Merlin turned to look at Morgause.

“Give up, Morgause. You are to be defeated.” Merlin looked at the lady.

The defeat was still imminent for Arthur’s army was still outmanned and made worse by the redirection of the army by King Lot’s with Lord Bern. The soldiers of Lord Bern had seen the traps set by Belvedere and proceeded to assist Mordred in the fore. Arthur found himself having to withdraw his army to avoid a total defeat.

Arthur was down to a one-third part of his army even with Belvedere to strengthen them. In his retreat he found himself facing Mordred. The latter was accompanied by Lord Bern and Erec.

“Arthur, do face me and we can end this battle.” Mordred challenged the other. “I will be merciful with your death.”

“I am not defeated as yet. I will take your challenge but not today. I will not be tempted to fight with you..” Arthur stepped forth flanked then by Jaseth and Belvedere. “My army can still take on yours.” 

“I can see the reluctance of yours. You are aware that we outnumbered you here. Let it fair to all of them. They need not die needlessly.” Mordred replied.

“Defeat, I say nay.” Arthur charged at Mordred. The latter called out to the other two knights.

“Stay your arms. I will battle him alone.” Mordred stepped forth to meet Arthur. He blocked the swing by Arthur with Excalibur and then stepped back. Arthur followed on with more swings but each time Mordred either evade or blocked them. Arthur felt his strength waning from his long bouts at Normandy and then here. And age had caught up with him.

“Arthur, you are older now. Your swings are weak.” Mordred mocked the other. “I am however younger.”

Mordred had in turn the fight with his swings and attacks. Arthur was forced to retreat with each impact and finally, he fell on his back. Mordred stood over the fallen King with the sword leveled at the chest.

“You are defeated, King Arthur,” Mordred said to Arthur. “I am now truly the rightful King,”

“Nay!” Arthur called out and swung Excalibur at Mordred at the left leg. The sword slashed at Mordred at the left thigh. The younger knight fell to his left knee and Arthur rolled to the left side. Arthur pushed himself up with Excalibur assisting his body weight.

“You surprise me, old King.” Mordred laughed while staying prone on his left knee. “I will end your life now for that bad move of yours.”

“Don’t tempt me, Mordred. I have fought many of your breeds.  You are all talks.” Arthur roared out and then stood up. “Bow before me, you knave.”

It was then Sir Erec called out.



Arthur II Book IV Chapter 30


“My King, the soldiers are scattered by the fire there.” Mordred was told by his scouts when he sent forth the main army of his at Arthur’s who was seen crossing the streams. He had seen the folly of sending the knights in on the soft ground and only commanded the Sarmatians, with the leaderless soldiers of Octavia, and the Anglo Saxons in the forward attack.

Arthur had called for a retreat upon seeing the advancement of Mordred’s army. King Lot’s knights had then marched to outflank Arthur. The Green Knight had earlier attempted to attack the knights before the main battle, but King Lot’s knights were battle-hardened and had stayed vigilance with their sentries.

“Intruders!” The sentries at the boundary of King Lot’s camp sighted the others with the Green Knight. The alert roused the knights and they rode out to meet the Green Knight.

“Retreat!” The Green Knight was then with a group of five mounted knights and twenty-foot soldiers had come to a stop. The knights and the Green Knight have removed their outer armors and wore only their swords and carried their shield.

“We have lost the surprise.” Jaseth or the Green Knight was no strategy planner in battles but the lone fighter at it. He knew not how to command the group of soldiers then. He held his horse to retreat and saw the ones under him had been caught up by the riding knights.

“To me, riders. We will meet the other knights in battle.” Jaseth called on the other five knights to join him and then charged at King Lot’s knights. He then rode towards the knight who had killed two of the foot soldiers.  Jaseth intervened and exchange blows with the knight. He managed to get a thrust into the chest of the other before he rode on to take on the other knights.

Jaseth counted his blessing that only a handful of knights fought his soldiers. He counted five dead or wounded foot soldiers before he called for the second time the retreat.

“Return to our camp now!” Jaseth called out. He was to meet Lamorak seated on the wagon during the retreat.

“I can see you have fared badly in the attack.” Lamorak roared out. He then held out the long spear that he got the others to make. “Let me handle them riders.”

A group of the soldiers next to the wagon held out the spears to the retreating ones. There were not many but soon a dozen spears were held level to the enemy.

 Twelve of King Lot’s knights came charging and were met by the long spear held by the soldiers. The long reach spears thrust at the knights and caused them to fall from their horses. When the knights fell, the other soldiers rushed in to attack the knights.

The tide of the battle was turning towards Jaseth advantage and it was then Arthur had marched his soldiers to meet Mordred’s army. It was an army of foot soldiers and some mounted knights. They were marching down the hill towards Mordred who had called on his army to move forward.

The hundred and fifty knights with Erec and Owain rode hard across the streams towards Arthur soldiers. It was then Arthur signal the retreat and his army back up the hill. Meantime, the knights of Mordred had been scattered on the valley ground, with the horses hoofs tramping the soft terrain.

Then the hidden archers of Arthur in the huts released their flaming arrows into the bales of hay coated with tar. The flaming arrows ignited the hays and the area was soon shrouded with smoke and fire was everywhere. The mounted knights could not control their horses which some bolted on the sight of fire.

“Hold the line!” Owain called up before he was riddled by few arrows into his chest. He toppled over before the horse bolted off. Around him, the knights have dismounted and found their movements hampered by the soft ground.

“The ground swallowed our feet.” The dismounted knights moved clumsily on the wet ground. The trumpets went out and it was the rallying call of Arthur’s army to rejoin the battle.

“Into the battle now!” Slaine called on the Sarmatians. So were Lord Cnut and his soldiers. Only the soldiers from the Octavia banner sat out the battle.

“For our people!” Slaine called out while he charged with the sword of his. He found himself facing Jaseth.

“Who are you, knight? Roman or barbarian?” Slaine called out.

“I am Jaseth, known as the Green Knight. Who are you?”

“Slaine of the Sarmatians,” Slaine replied. “I doubt we have met. Did you battle with Arthur in the last was?”

“I did not. I was in the monastery praying for the people.” Jaseth replied.

“Well then, speak your prayers for your own now.” Slaine charged at the knight. Jaseth blocked swing by Slaine on his left and stepped back to gain some distance. He held the long broadsword but Slaine was with the curved shorter sword. He was not of any advantage in the close battle and needed the reach to swing.

Slaine came at him with more swings and thrust which Jaseth deflected with his sword and shield. He needed to find the opening and it was there. He swung the sword hard on the attacking right arm of Slaine and severed the wrist. Slaine stepped back in pain.

“Kill me, knight. I am not of use without my fighting arm.” Slaine called out in pain while his left hand held the elbow of his right.

“I will not kill you needlessly. Call off your men and we are done.” Jaseth told the other. “I will not fight an unarmed warrior.”

“Then I will die fighting you.” Slaine charged at Jaseth but the other stepped aside to avoid the charge. Slaine was giving up and picked up the dropped sword with his left hand and attacked Jaseth. He was clumsy with the move but managed to slash at Jaseth’s right thigh. The latter fell to his knees and saw Slaine coming at him for the final kill. Jaseth swung out his longer broadsword at the attacking warrior at the pelvis. It ended the battle with Slaine.




Arthur II Book IV Chapter 29


“I will wait no more. If Octavia will not arrive, his men may choose to leave or stay with me.” Mordred grew tired of the delay of the young knight.

His army was complete with the latest arrival of King Lot’s knight hundred on the west side. He assessed his strength; his soldiers with Erec, Owain, and a hundred and fifty horse knights. Slaine with two hundred Sarmatians with Octavia Meleagant fifty soldiers alongside Lord Cnut with two hundred soldiers on the west side. Lord Bern had camped on the east side with the Elders army of two hundred and fifty soldiers.  

Mordred had assessed the terrain of the area and reckoned that it will favor his victory. He knew that Arthur held half his numbers and made worse, he held not many knights.

“The land here is soft and the streams will hinder the movement of the knights on horses. We need to be careful not to get the horses stuck there.” Mordred had fought on the peatlands and knew his strategy. “We need to tread on the hard surfaces. I had my scouts out there.”

Arthur had fought on similar grounds. He knew his lack of mounted knights will hinder his impact on the other. He needed to balance his strength out. He was concerned about the riders from King Lot which was on the east side of his. The knights could do a flanking move and used the hill to charge from. He has seen the Anglo Saxons, and their number could also do the flanking. If both sides attacked in the formation, Arthur’s army could be encircled.

“Belvedere, take fifty soldiers and set the hunter’s trap there on the hills on the eastern side. The knights are familiar with the battle on the wide plains where their riders will move swiftly. We will snare their movements.” Arthur told Belvedere.

“Aye, I will have the hunters with me. We will snare them in.” Belvedere roared his approval.

It was not so with the Green Knight.

“Green Knight, you have to handle the Anglo Saxons alone. Take the riders; whichever you can garner and form a cavalry to attack them. Start the battle before us so that you can startle them in their camps.” Arthur told the knight.

“Arthur, I am not a leader of the soldiers. Can you send someone instead? Like Tristam.”

“No, Green Knight. I am short of leaders. I need Tristam to handle another task. You will do fine. Trust in your judgment.” Arthur assured the knight and then looked at Tristam.

“Tristam, you and me will take Mordred’s army forward but we won’t meet them on the streams. We will battle them when they reached our foothills. We will charge from here.”

“I got a dozen archers and scouts stationed hidden in the huts to fire flaming arrows into the flat land. There is tar spread there and will be lit from the arrows. It was used in the battles at Gaul before.”  Arthur had strewn hay and dried grass there over the tar. He had them taken from the bales of hay at the farms.

“Hopefully, my traps will work.” Arthur smiled. It was   Belvedere's ideas from his hunting days to draw out the animals from the forest. He had also seen the effect of fire on the horses and knew it will work.

Back at the lake, the traps set by the ladies of the lake were triggered but it did not stop the onslaught of the undead soldiers. 

“The stakes did not stop them.” Vivian had set up the sharpened stakes at the path towards the domain. The undead just removed sections of it and marched past it. Nymue had used the spell of the freeze on the undead but the effect was shaken off by their mistress Morgan who marched behind them.

“Retreat, ladies. I will not be stopped from taking the domain.” Morgan called out while the undead marched on towards the domain chambers. She was dressed in the dark body-hugging suit with the web laced cloak on her back and her headpiece was the spiked wide piece that sailed to the rear of her head.

The spell of a flaming fire by Ninianne impacted the undead but the fire did not stop the undead while the fire burned at their dead flesh. The fire spread but it was stopped by Morgan who used the freeze spell on it.

“You ought to learn more, Ninianne. The fire does not go well with the freeze.” Morgan mocked the other ladies.

“Retreat to the artifact chamber. We will defend it there.” Ninianne made the call when she called on the spell of the barricade to place a shield on the undead. With Morgan’s assistance, the undead had breached the shield placed there.

“Morgan is impacting on it. I need help.” Vivian had assisted to strengthen the shield but these undead soldiers were cracking the shield with their fingers. They soon pierced the shield with the aid of Morgan Le Fay.

“Call on the spears.” Ninianne call was to rally the ladies to go on the offensive. The ladies lashed out with the magical spears at the shields.

“Come forth the spears of Gungnir.” The ladies chanted the spell to invoke the fabled spear of Odin’s spell. The spears appeared in sets of three and impacted on the undead but it took more than a few strikes to bring them down the warrior. The ones not impacted moved on ahead.

“We are losing it,” Vivian called out. “The spell is exhausting. We can’t keep up. We need to retreat.”.

Ninianne regretted that they don’t have the physical weapons to battle the dark magic there. She followed the call and retreated.

“We need to get the artifacts. Morgan is well versed on how to counter our magical speel.” Nymue directed her quaking spell to create a rift in the ground. It delayed the undead who had to go around it but Morgan had stood in and created a magical bridge.

It was then Ninianne heeded the call by Vivian.

“We have to use the weapons here. It’s impossible to stop them. Our magic is ineffective. We need more magical weapons.” Ninianne looked to the shelves and picked up a sword. It was Dáinsleif; the sword made by the dwarves and was fabled to cause a man’s death every time it’s drawn. It was once the sword of King Hogni of the Norse.

Nymue picked up another fabled sword, the Angurvadai who was an ancient sword with Runic letters. It was a Viking sword. Vivian picked up the mace made from the small stone that created Mjolnir. The last lady Nimue picked up the sword named Ridill once wield by the dwarf Regin to slay the dragon Fafnir’s heart.

They stood in a row to face the oncoming undead soldiers which were still at half their numbers. Morgan stood before them to face the four ladies.

“Yield and I may yet leave you to survive here,”  Morgan spoke up.

“Nay! We won’t.” Ninianne replied.

That was what Morgause said to Merlin when he had breached the walls of Camelot and reached the Hall. It was a mounted attack by the Centaur providing cover to the dwarves which stormed the main gate.

“I was told there will be dragons but here we are storming the gate.” The dwarf fretted on the different battles while he hacked with the pick at the gate. 

“Stop your bickering, Grumpy. We did not volunteer for this task. We were nodded onto it.” The other dwarf named Happy snapped in. “Makes want to laugh at our leadership.”

“Well, Dopey was the elected one this time. And he ‘dopes’ on any call.” Another one named Bashful while his pick had broken through the wooden gate. “I am embarrassed that they accepted such flimsy material for their gate.”

“Frown no more, shorts. We are through. That was Grumpy when his blow of the pick broke open the gate.

“Make way, dwarves.” The Centaur on their four legs galloped through with the archery skills displayed. The arrows released on the bow by the Centaur were swift and precise.

The defenders of Camelot had their grievances not so much on the Centaurs but the smallish pixies which reached the rampart on their small wings and exerted injuries at the wall. Their aim was at the joints and when impacted there, it disabled the soldier.

“Retreat!” The defenders of Camelot called out, and it was then the reinforcement arrived. The creature swooped from the skies with flashes of red and blue, with the yellow streak of flames impacting on the attackers of the castle. The Centaur withdrew to the cover of the walls, while the pixies flew into the castle inside where they were safe from the dragon flames.

“The dragons are here.” It was Merlin who raised the alarm to the attackers. The attackers looked to the skies and saw the two dragons swooping at them. The dragons roared their breath of flames at the attackers.

“Seek shelter!” Merlin called out. He called to the dwarves.

“The heck we will!” Grumpy called out to the other dwarves. “We got a dragon to fry today.”

The dwarves tossed their picks and waited while Doc who was at the outside of Camelot castle pulled with the wagon that was mounted the ballista. The demurely sized dwarf heaved the wagon as if he was pulling the cartloads of gold.

Dopey jumped onto the wagon and pulled at the gear cranks to tighten the rope on the bow while Happy merrily affixed the three feet length of the arrows on it. The ballista had a set of three metal arrows notched on with a spread of two feet to be released which was then handled by Grumpy.

“Hi Ho! Here they come.” Grumpy called out when he saw Doc pulled the wagon into Camelot’s yard. “About time too.”

The ballista base had a crank and levers to adjust the front height of the weapon to aim at a higher level. That was handled by Sneezy and Bashful working on both sides of the ballista.

“Crank the gears, Bashful.” Grumpy taken on the role as the leader called out the command. The weapon leveled upwards at an angle and was soon facing the skies as it cleared the wall rampart.

“Here it comes now!” Doc hollered out from the front of the wagon. The dragons flew overhead and the dwarves released the spears. The spears barely missed the dragons on its bellies.

“Load up. We are getting another shot at it.” Grumpy called out. “And be fast with it. We ain’t got all day.”

It was then the Red Dragon turned and roared its flames at the ballista. The dwarves jumped off the wagon just in time. The ballista was aflame but Grumpy was not to give up. He jumped on the wagon and despite the flames there, he aimed the ballista. He released the notch on the burning ropes and saw the arrows shot off. Two of the arrows impacted the Red dragon’s chest and caused it to fall.

“I have done it!” Grumpy roared into a cheer.

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 28


Ninianne called on the spell of shield to block the entrance soon after it was breached by Morgan Le Fay. The lake was under attack by the undead soldiers called on by the lady. She had led the soldiers to the lake. Morgan had called on the spell to split the lake water and then marched the soldiers to the domain beneath the lake surface.

The lake domain on the lake below was the huge half dome that was created by magical energy to protect the seven chambers within it. Each chamber was the personal dwelling of the ladies while the artifacts were kept was placed below the layer of seven chambers in a huge containment chamber.

The lake was not without its defense; the lake water was guarded by the huge sea creature that was soon to be named the Loch Guardian.  The huge dark creature with the elongated neck and the double flippers to its bulk and the flat tail at the rear. It remained at the lake ground and was roused to defend the lake.

“Ness of the lake, it’s me back here.” Morgan had fed the sea creature when she was there.”I returned to see you.”

Ness the sea creature took to its previous mistress but it reacted negatively towards the undead soldiers. It dived towards the soldiers and Morgan tried to stop it.

“No, Ness. They are my … prisoners to deliver to Vivianne.”Do ..”

Ness was past listening and attacked the undead soldiers. Morgan had to defend her ally and called on a spell that invoked the magical spear that pierced the sea creature in the heart. The creature swam away in pain but not before Morgan saw the offspring of the creature that trailed the wounded creature.

“I am sorry, Ness. I need them to battle the other ladies.” Morgan uttered her apology and then when she reached the entrance to the lake domain, she struck it down with another spell of hers. With the entrance breached, the undead stormed into the domain but was held back by Ninianne. Morgan stepped to the front and confronted the other lady.

“Ninianne, I came for the artifacts in the chamber. All of you have failed to guard it as when it was by the previous ladies. In the care of the current ladies, three swords are taken from it. Excalibur, Arondight, and the last, Balin.” Morgan glared at the lady. “All of you are failures.”

“Morgan Le Fay, you shall not have any artifacts from the lake. You will be imprisoned or laid to death by me. I hold the spells to defeat you.” Ninianne stood there.

“We stand with her.” It was the other three ladies who joined her. “We all have our strength to counter you.”

“Then all of you will suffer the same fate; a painful death.” Morgan hit back

At that same time, Octavia Meleagant stood on the rampart of Manor’s wall watching the rider approaching the gate. He was to ride out to meet his soldiers in the battle against Arthur, and the one he despised most had to intervene.

“Octavia Meleagant, I dare you to a personal duel now.” The voice belonged to one named Lancelot.

Lancelot had ridden in without his armor but he held the dreaded sword Arondight in the right hand. He stood up on the saddle and holler his challenge once more at Octavia.

“Fight me, kill me and then take my sword with you.” Lancelot mocked the knight cowering behind the wall. “I will promise you an instant death should you lose.”

Octavia hesitated and then called on his Manor soldiers to meet the other in battle.

“A chest of gold coins to the one who will kill the knight.” Octavia made the offer. Two of the soldiers rode out and faced Lancelot. One came at Lancelot with the spear leveled at the latter but all it took was a turn of the body and the gallop of the horse to ride past the other before Lancelot swung the sword in a backward swing to slash the warrior on the back.

Lancelot then pulled at the rein of the horse and turned the horse towards the other warrior. He ducked on the horse mane when he saw the thrusting spear aimed at his face. He had then plunged his sword into the warrior’s left thigh and rode to the rear. The warrior wounded on the thigh had turned his horse to face Lancelot. He tossed the spear at Lancelot, wounding the latter at the left shoulder.

“I am out of practice” Lancelot charged his horse at the warrior still on the horseback and plunged the sword into the chest. He then turned his horse and rode into the Manor’s yard. He faced a line of soldiers there armed with spears.

“Kill him. Lancelot is not invincible. He bleeds like you.” Octavia screamed from the rampart to call on his soldiers but none moved and then one dropped the weapon to flee. The others soon followed and leaving only Lancelot to face Octavia.

“I beg of you, Lancelot. Spare Octavia.” It was the call of the lady that he had laid his life. He turned to look at her.

“I beg of you. Octavia only wanted to protect me.” Guinevere approached Lancelot. “He meant me no harm.”

“No! I will not be favored by the lady onto you.” Octavia rushed down from the rampart. He was in full armor and wield the long sword. Lancelot pulled his horse from the lady and faced the charging knight. Octavia lashed out with the long sword and slashed on the horse’s neck.

Lancelot’s horse went down on its front knee and the rider had jumped off. Lancelot faced the heavy breath of Octavia while the horse laid in between them heaving its last breaths. Octavia did not pause there and attacked Lancelot with the high swing of the sword, but Lancelot had stepped back. He blocked the downward slash with both his hands on the sword. He staggered on impact from the wound on his left shoulder. He stepped back and deflected the next impact with a left-side swing.

Lancelot swung his sword on an inward right swing forcing Octavia to retreat.

“I can feel your strength is waning. You are no more the knight I once fought.” Octavia then proceeded to resume his attack with a left movement of the sword at Lancelot. The latter deflected the blow and use the momentum to push his body towards Octavia and land the right elbow into the face.

Octavia stumbled on the blow, and Lancelot turned his wrist to do a backward thrust into the other’s pelvis. Arondight plunged in past the armor and then the flesh it drew blood for its master. Octavia stepped back from the wound, and Lancelot twisted his wrist to slash across the wound.

“No!” Guinevere called out in pain. She rushed to the then fallen knight and cradled his head. She looked at Lancelot who stood there with the bloodied sword stuck into the ground where the blood was seen spreading.

“Why did you kill him?” Guinevere looked at Lancelot. “You could…”

Lancelot had come to terms with his relationship with the lady and turned away. He then mounted Octavia’s horse and rode off.

If it was that simple at Camelot, the dungeon guards will not have to suffer the painful death of being hungover on the castle walls with the crows feeding off their gorged eyes. The painful death was inflicted by Morgause on the guards who were careless to let Lord Bors escape. She had them hung on the castle walls as a display to the others.

“My Lady, Camelot is under attack.”




Arthur II Book IV Chapter 27


Arthur approached Marius that morning to tell the other that he was moving from the wall.

“I have to battle Mordred but not at the wall here. I will do the battle as I did with the Anglo Saxons, on their turf so that the people can see the victory is mine and not of the Romans.” Arthur looked to the other Centurion.

“We will battle at Camlann.” Arthur told Marius as he pointed to the spot on the map...

Camlann was to the northeast of the Antonine Wall and it held no military or economic attributes, saved for a series of streams that flowed meandering on the flat valley hence its name in Gaelic; Crooked River. It was shouldered by low hills on the sides on the west and east. It did however housed several small farmhouses that were occupied by five families there. The small settlement was clustered in the middle between the second the third stream and had two corrals for the horses and oxen's.

“It’s soft the land there.” Marius reminded Arthur. “The horses will not be able to move freely there and the knights who are heavy in armor.”

“That is ideal for me, for I am short of knights. My army….rather ragtag of them are on foot and we need it.” Arthur looked at his army.  “We ride now. I wished to be there before Mordred.”

“I will leave early and have my supplies carts laden with the needed supplies.” With that Arthur rode to the western hills with his army consisting of his own, the hundred-odd survivals of the army from his previous campaign, the hundred auxiliaries handed to him by the Ninth Cohort, and another two hundreds of the local Lords’ that rode to his call.

Arthur was backed by Belvedere, Tristam, and the Green Knight. Lamorak had insisted on going to battle and was carted there.

Arthur was told of his enemy strength that was en route towards Camlann.

“Mordred had not arrived. He rides with his knights, Erec, Owain, and a hundred and fifty horse knights. Slaine with two hundred Sarmatians are here but Octavia Meleagant sent only fifty soldiers. He is still back in his Manor. “

“Lord Bern, the son of Lord Bans is en route with the Elders army of two hundred and fifty soldiers.”

“They held with the total of seven hundred and fifty soldiers.” The scouts told Arthur. “There is also news that the Lord Alfred Cnut with two hundred soldiers is due to arrive soon. He is from the Anglo Saxons clans which vow to avenge Hengist and Horsa.”

“I thought the Anglo Saxons had quelled their desire to battle us here.” Belvedere sighed.

“No enemy is ever vanquished unless they are truly defeated without a warrior alive.” Arthur looked at the assembled. “I have to serve Rome and among it was to do the genocide of the clan to allow us to sleep at night. I am not pleased with my role but as a Legionnaire, I am to commit upon order.”

“Since then, I had shown mercy but ..” Arthur paused to sigh. It was then the scout reported more of Mordred’s army.

“King Lots’ surviving knights are on route to join Mordred to battle Arthur. They numbered about a hundred.”

“A hundred and fifty knights will be their forward army to soften our soldiers. We hold no more than twenty mounted knights.” Arthur smiled. “Then we are marked to fight better or die bitterly.”

“Aye, King.” Belvedere roared but Arthur had slummed his shoulders. He then looked to the scouts.

“Send out words that we are to prepare for battle. We are facing an enemy that is double of ours.” That was more than a thousand against four hundred of Arthurs.

“Any news on Lancelot?” Arthur asked. He had wanted Lancelot to there next to him. The three knights shook their heads. He had the Queen’s name on his mind but his lips won’t mutter her name.

“Perhaps he is with his love, Lady Elaine at Castle Joyous,” Belvedere remarked without thinking. He then bit his lips for it.

“We will battle without him. Let us get prepared while Mordred has yet to arrive.” Arthur spoke out. He then focuses his mind on the coming battle trying to discard any thoughts of the knight and Guinevere. The latter was not seen for some time.

Lancelot was also on Mordred’s mind. He has instructed Octavia to hunt and kill Lancelot but they have not reported back.

“I was advised that Lancelot had left Arthur’s side but his whereabouts unknown,” Octavia told the new King.

“Do you know where the Queen whereabouts?” Mordred asked. “He shall be near her.”

“I… I doubt it.” Octavia spoke out. “Guinevere had sought refuge in my Manor.”

“Then you must guard your Manor. Lancelot will not hesitate to kill you there.” It was Slaine who snapped in. “How many times have you kidnap the lady?”

“Hold your tongue, Sarmatian. I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Octavia glared at the Sarmatian.

“Why do you deny it, Meleagant? The tales of your desire to own her are known by us at the settlement. And you lost your battle to Lancelot not once but twice.” Slaine sneered at the other. “You are pathetic.”

“Enough of the squabbles among the few of you. We have a battle ahead and I need the strength of all.” Mordred cut in. “If Lancelot is not with Arthur, then we may win with ease.”

“Lancelot…” Octavia cursed at the name. It did not matter then, for soon after Lancelot left the Green Knight, he rode back to his village and met the elders there.

“We are well, Lawnslot. We heard that you had done well at Camelot.” The leader of the elderly spoke. “Many of the young ones wanted to emulate you but there are some who had reservations on you riding with the Roman leader.”

“I did ride with Arthur or rather he was known as Artorius the Prime Pilus. We fought for the land and defeated the Anglo Saxons.” Lancelot smiled.

“You did, Lancelot but why are you back?” One of the elderly asked.

“I had come to say goodbye for I am to ride the land on my own. I am not in the service of Arthur.” Lancelot declared himself.

“Then you have not heard that Arthur is battling Mordred for Camelot.” The leader of the elderly spoke. “There are some young ones that had taken to ride there. They fight for Arthur.”

“Fools!” Lancelot snapped out. “Do they know the bloodshed and death in battles?”

“No, Lancelot. They know not but they knew that once before a man named Lawnslot fought for their land. They believed in that hero. Now they will fight Mordred for he had brought in others to battle on our land.” 

“I must stop them.” Lancelot looked at the elders. “Where are they headed”

“Camlann.” Lancelot was told and as he was to mount his horse, he was met by a servant from Lady Elaine.

“Master Sir Lancelot, I bring you dire news. Lady Elaine was told that Lady Guinevere is held against her will at the Manor of Meleagant.”

Lancelot stood there in anger. He had left the love of his in the care of the nuns, and she had escaped being capture by the one person he detests the most.




Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...