Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tweet...tweet... Pardon my exclusion to Chapter 119 and 125

Yup I was rushing in the last week and forgotten to check the chapters I was publishing. Here are the missing two chapters.

And with this coming weekend marking the end of Arthur, I was actually thinking ot watching the movie now playing "King Arthur" but I may skip that. Why? I won't give you the spoiler.

To better news.

Next week, I am releasing The Heroes of Seven with some notable characters. It will span about forty chapters and the sequel is in the writing rookmat 30K words before I stopped to embark on another tale which is at 25K now.


At about 35K words on the sequel, I felt it was stiffening at the collar then, and deleted off 10K words to re-write the passages and direction. I stopped at the 30K marker to get a breath of fresh air, and saw a new inspiration which I started penning and now at 20K words and growing.

The Heroes of Seven may be expanded into a series and so will the other one I am writing. Both are interesting in their plots and directions.

So end Arthur, and Mordred was at 5K words but I stopped. I wanted Mordred to be special..... extra ordinary and its on the back burner for me to get the correct direction. It won't be  the typical Mordred but a special one. So as the saying goes don;t lose your head over it.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...