Thursday, May 11, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 122

Procurator Lucius was in rage then when the scouts reported to him. He looked to the centurions there before him. They let the enemy escaped from the battle field.
“Where were the scouts?” The Procurator shouted out in anger. “How did it happen?”
“They are discovered till now. They may be dead.” A Centurion voiced out. “We think…”
“Don’t think! Rome did not pay for you to think. You follow orders.” The Procurator snapped at the Legionnaires. “Find them. I want them found. I also want to know where are the Saracen? They promised me a company of them.”
Unknown to Lucius, Arthur had some serious thoughts to his battle with the Romans. He won on deceit in his strategy. His alliance with the Visgoths was done with the emissary provided to pass over a case of gold coins and the loot of the defeated Romans. It worked and he was still with half his army. He had expected more of his army to be decimated. It was not what he planned in any battle but the Romans had to stop before they reached Camelot. Arthur then sighed on his strategy.
“I was not there when I used to be.” Arthur did not ride at the fore with his knights. He was stopped from being there by his knights. They placed him in a cordon to save him from harm. He had complained but he recalled it was Sir Kay who told him off.
“Arthur, you are older and a King for the lands.” Sir Kay presented to Arthur.
“Am I any older than you? Or you?” Arthur defended his age but Gawain snapped back.
“You are a King now.” Gawain glared at Sir Kay. He felt for once the previous kinship and then he looked away.
“So I was not King then I could fight with you?” Arthur stared back at his knights. “I fought with most of you when I was King then and we were winning then.”
“My King, you stay here.” With that Sir Kay rode off and was followed like a hound by Gawain. It led them to their death soon after.
“My fault…” Arthur screamed out. It brought in the guards but he dismissed them except one.
“Tell me where the Romans are now?” The Chief of Scouts stood to attention. His men had done their tasks well; intercepting the enemy scouts and killing them. They were so good that none had escaped the cordon.
“The Romans are still searching for us.” The Chief Scouts continued on. “And they are getting close to us by chances. We spotted them half a day away.”
With the loads of baggage and servants with the legionnaires on a cautionary march, they made good time to catch up with Arthur. On Arthur side, he had left the supplies without the wagons to load he had travelled light and lived off the farms in their path. He has a smaller army but he send out for more reinforcements. It was mostly rejection for most of them for they do want to have a war with Rome.
Lancelot walked in then.
“I heard the scream.” Arthur looked at the newly arrived knight. The later had saved in some ways his battle by defeating the Saracen.
“It was nothing. You may leave.” Arthur told the other. “I need to rest.”
Lancelot turned to leave and then he stopped. He looked at the man he had served with his life but his desire had betrayed him. He had fallen for the lady who was the Queen but that ended recently.
Or was it? He was still hurt by the words that Guinevere told him. He had moved on with anger and fought a battle with the skills he owned.
“I say leave me.” Lancelot heard the dismissal but he was adamant to speak his mind. There were many rifts recently between him and Arthur. He felt the need then to clear the troubling matter.
“I am here to help you, my King… I do, Arthur.” The mentioned of the name from Lancelot came out without him knowing. He bit his lips to quell further mis-quote or naming.
“Lancelot, I will be plain. Of all the knights I have allowed a seat at the round table, you have betrayed me more than once.” Arthur did not stop then when he raised the accusation. “Did you sleep with Guinevere?”
Lancelot was taken aback by the question.
“I have suspected that for a long time. When did it…” Lancelot cut the other off.
“It was when you left me at Camelot to take care of her. And your Camelot. I was with her and she ached for you but you were never there. You did not take concern on the child inside her. You came back to see not her then but her….no, it was your son. You came back like a concerned father but you forgot to be the loving lover.”
“Does that make you the best person to …love her? What about Elaine?” Arthur asked. “Did she love you? Or you decided when to love her or ….Guinevere?”
“You are a …” Arthur was cut off.
“A deceitful person? Perhaps I was but then I realized I was not the only one.” Lancelot once more bit his lips. He can’t tell Arthur of what he had just learned. “I am here to protect you.”
It was a wrong statement then by Lancelot.
“Lancelot, I don’t need protection. I had that in the last battle but I am no older than most of you. And you in particular are old too.” Arthur got agitated and drew his sword. “Fight me now. I command thee.”
Arthur charged at Lancelot who had to retreat avoiding the swinging sword. He drew out his own and fought back. The two clashed while they moved around the tent collapsing the fittings there. It also drew the guards but they were dismissed and told to stop anyone coming in.
“We need to stop.” Lancelot pleaded with the other but Arthur went in with a thrust. Lancelot was nicked at the left forearm and it was then Arthur lowered his sword.
“We stop now. I got my blood in return.” Arthur lowered his sword and turned to step away but Lancelot was upset. He raised his sword to thrust at the back of Arthur but held back at the last moment.
“It’s not that hard to stab a person in the back.” A voice was heard and the two fighters turned toward it. It was the friar who appeared there.
“The real knight is the person and not the armour as in me, the frock is the symbol but the real me is the friar.” Friar Tuck stepped towards the two fighters. “Arthur, you were destined to be King and unite the lands. Lancelot of the blood with the King however was destined to serve only the King that was to rule the lands.”
“Friar, how did you …what are you then?” Arthur asked.
“I am just the Friar here.” Friar Tuck replied. He then looked towards Arthur. “You are still the King that will be remembered.”
“Remembered? I am still here. I am still the King.” Arthur levelled his sword at the friar. “Who dares to usurp me from it? You or him?”
It was then the call for battle was heard.

“The Romans are here.” It was then at the valley of Sessoynes.

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