Friday, May 19, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 129

Across the land, Guinevere woke up in a fright from her bedding. Lancelot was sitting across the chamber holding onto his sword laid across his lap. He saw Guinevere woke up and ran over to hold her.
"I had a dream. It was you in my dream. You were turning mad, and …. and there was a knight killing all those around you." Guinevere told him. "I think I need to get back to Camelot."
"Why Camelot?" Lancelot asked her.
"Because I think the knight is Arthur. And he needs me." Guinevere ran out of the chamber. “I must return to Camelot.”
It was then Guinevere saw the person standing there. It was not Lancelot but Meleagant there without his armour but the usual tunic he wore back when they met at the castle with the sword on the belt. He was talking to someone else.
"Father, she is back to her rightful place, and you are going to yours. I may not be King but she would serve me as my Queen for eternity. For honor and love."
"Keep to your senses, son. You are committing a sin which may never be forgiven." She heard the voice yet unseen by her then from the far corner. Meleagant ignored the voice and approached her.
“Hello, Guinevere. Please follow me.” The man did not wait for her to move but he pushed her into what may appeared to be a chamber. He stepped in and then closed the door. He latched it despite banging on the door. He walked forth to see her.
"Come any closer, and I would club myself with this." Guinevere threatened him with a stool held in her hands.  Meleagent stood back for a while and then he laughed.
"Guinevere, I meant you no harm. Why do you resist me?" He looked at me. "Perhaps my sword scared you."
He reached for his waist belt and removed it along with the sword.
"I am unarmed and like when we were young, I used to play with you in these clothes." He got onto his knees and then he sat down facing me. "It’s not like old times, when we used to talk and laugh in this chamber. You would tell me of your silly dreams and me of my adventures. I admit most of them were made up to impressed you."
"Meleagant, please let me go." Guinevere pleaded with him. "I am now with Arthur and I am faithful to him."
"Arthur! Faithful!" He shouted out in anger. "Your Lord faithful? I had seen him sneaking into other chambers. His sword pierced more virgins than you have ever offered. But mine is faithful to you. It’s for you only. I have not impaled it onto others. I am a virgin waiting only for you." Meleagant pushed against her. She fought back and then screamed. He flaunt his manhood at me, but I kept my eyes closed. He tried to push it at my nose and then my lips but I shook my head. It was then he leaned over and grabbed the stool away. He then grabbed at my shoulder to push me up to looked at his face.
"It does not matter if you are not anymore, but I am still a virgin. We can pretend we are both virgins. I promised you I be gentle." Meleagant said ever softly to me.
"No!" I shouted out. "I am never to be.....unfaithful. Please leave me now."
It was then Guinevere woke up. She saw before her was Morgan.
“Guinevere, it’s me. You need to wake up.” Morgan shook the other’s shoulders. Guinevere rolled over on her bedding and then asked of Morgan who told her the surprising news.
“Guinevere, the table is missing…. The round table is missing.” Morgan blurted out. “I can’t find it in the Hall.”
Guinevere pushed herself up and rushed to the hall. The round table was missing and there were some servants there rushing to leave the hall. She stopped them and asked of the round table. They all replied ignorance of how it was not there.
“Why are you rushing?” Guinevere asked.
“Didn’t you hear? Arthur is dead.” The servant replied “Camelot may not be …its King.”
Guinevere was shocked by the news and it was then Elaine stormed in. She asked the same question.
“Is Arthur dead?” The ladies were all puzzled at it.
So was Lancelot who stood there looking at the man who was his friend and leader. He won’t name Arthur as his King. He was wounded in the chest and leg but his wounds were not fatal. He remembered then the fight with Mordred.
“Fight me, you son of bastard.” Lancelot leveled his sword. “This is Arondight. It rivaled Excalibur.”
Lancelot charged at the Gaul knight with his sword swinging to be deflected on every thrust and then he stepped back. Mordred laughed at him.
“Another old knight at the fight.” With that Mordred moved in with his attack. The knight was huge and with age, he was more energetic and although he lacked battle skills, he attacked with strength. Lancelot found himself retreating from the attack. He stepped back to evaluate his options.
“Yield, Lancelot?” Mordred called out to him. He then motioned to the battle that was still going on around them. “Your army is on the retreat.”
Lancelot was not giving up then and came back with more attack. He used his experiences to battle the other and his break came when his sword cut at the knight in the waist. It was the first wound on Mordred and he backed out to look at it. Lancelot did not hesitate then and went in for renewed attack. Mordred was retreating and he made mistakes then. More cuts were inflicted but so was Lancelot when the other’s cut him in the waist. Lancelot staggered back and saw the sword aimed at him then. It was deflected in the last moment by Arthur who had recovered.
“Mordred, you will not leave this place alive.” Arthur went into the attack with his sword and soon he was also making cuts but his body was weakening then. It was an opportune move when Mordred stumbled and Arthur’s sword went in a swinging move from the left to hit Mordred at the side of the head. The blow caused the knight to lose his footing and fell. It was then Arthur moved in with the downward slash on the back of the head. The cut was deep and Mordred was defeated.
“Mordred is dead.” The call reverted in the battlefield. The once retreating army was then turning around and taking back the battle field.
The battle was over.
The Gaul was in the retreat.
It was not for the ladies at Camelot.
“Merlin, why is the table here?” Morgan confronted the druid who had stood the table upright inside the cavern below. He was also seen then painting the runes designs on the table surface. The druid ignored the ladies and continued with his painting strokes.
“Druid, faced me.” Morgan was getting upset then. “Your King is dead.”
Merlin stopped his painting and then turned to look at the ladies.
“I have lived long to see many deaths and birth. It does not surprise me when for its determined when one is a mortal.” Merlin laughed. “I have raised Arthur and he is only one of the many I have done. His death does not surprise me but what he did in his lifetime matters to me. He had united a land when there was none who could do it. He took on more than what was here, and built a kingdom. He will be remembered for a great King.”
“Yes, he is a great King but he is dead now. With that, we need to find another one to replace him. Mordred is of the blood. He is the only living heir.” Morgan replied. “My son shall be the new King.”
“What if he is ….dead?” Merlin asked. “Have you considered that? I am his father and if my son were to die I would know. Unfortunately he did not inherit my blood or he won’t need to die.”
“Druid, you may be immortal and can’t be killed but the other dimensions spirit may destroy you.” Morgan approached Merlin. “Give us back the dragons. We will then not …destroy you.”

“Dragon’s worshippers… are aware of the consequences.” Merlin stepped back from the round table. ”Be my guest for it.” 

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