Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapetr 116

Lancelot stroked the embers of the brunet woods but soon his ears pricked to the unusual noise from the treelines. He reached for his sword and then called out the challenge. It was his squire Bran who appeared.
“My Lord, I brought sad news. It was rumoured that Guinevere will be burned at the stake tomorrow. She had been called a witch by Mordred.” Lancelot reacted rushing for the horse but Bran stopped him.
“My Lord, you cannot rush there now. Arthur and his round knights are away. Camelot is under siege by Mordred and the Gaul.” Bran cautioned his lord. “We will find a way.”
“There is no other way than a rescue. How many knights can you find for me?” Lancelot asked. Barn shook his head.
‘The ones here are under the influence of Mordred or in fear of the knight. You have one ally if you think he is worth it.” Bran told Lancelot. “He is Merlin.”
So it was then when Lancelot looked up the druid who agreed to meet him at the abbey near the forest. He was met by the friar who smiled at the knight.
“I never thought at my life I would see so many turmoil’s in the lands that rivalled when the Roman invaded our lands.” The friar then motioned Lancelot to meet Merlin.
"I heard that you were hurt in some attack. I wished you well." Lancelot looked at the druid who was still frail and in need of assistance to move. "I got a pheasant here."
Lancelot sat down at the small fire made by Merlin before he prepared the pheasant for their next meal. .
"Did you find Guinevere?" Merlin asked him. Lancelot shook his head. Merlin then laughed out loud and took the pheasant from Lancelot. "This is one bird which would not fly anymore."
"As for Guinevere, she is imprisoned in the castle. I heard she will die tomorrow at yard. They said she is a witch." Merlin looked at Lancelot. "Did you really know her? Was she a witch?”
"Queen Guinevere was a nobleman' daughter, but she had a strong characteristic which made her a stronger woman among them. She is no real beauty compared to many, but she was seen to be awed by those who laid their eyes on her. It could be her manners or something but each man has his own preference. There was one issue with her; due to her unique characteristic she gets drawn into situation." Lancelot revealed his true feelings then. "She told me of one other abduction besides Meleagant but also by another named King Melwas. War was averted by the intervention of the Abbot who negotiated a peaceful return of Guinevere. When Arthur knew of that, he had doubts his love for her. Despite her not once but twice events, Arthur questioned Guinevere before me. “
“Was she pure? Arthur asked of me then. I questioned him back if he was. He took offend to me, and did not speak to me for some days.” Lancelot continued on. “I asked Arthur if Guinevere was forced on, would she be still pure to him? Forced on? Arthur questioned my statement. To Arthur, his love could have submitted by herself willingly. But why does he not think that way. He then told me that he learned from the courts of his Queen's father court, that Guinevere had always harboured glory of being with the best, and more so if he is a King. When she was younger she was only with the boys who are able to fight for her. There was one named Meleagant, whom she favoured then as his father is a King, and he may one day be King. He used to fight for her so called honour and she liked him."
"But when Arthur came to ask her hand, she moved towards Arthur on hearing of his fame. She had lust his power and the strength of the King she can hold onto. She needed to be the Queen of all and seen by all." Lancelot stopped in his talk. It was from there Merlin continued.
"I did advice Arthur to let her go, as she is not suited for his Queen. I warned him that she would be his downfall but he pushed me aside then. I who had searched him out for years and then served him with loyalty, and one that I even considered more than my King; he disregarded my advice then. His words still stings in me; Merlin, you are just jealous that she may take your place beside me. Remember this, Merlin; she can bore me my heirs but never you. I cursed at him that day, that he would not be with one as long as he remained as King. He chased me out of his chamber for days. I was even banished from the castle during that period. He only came to see me to bless him on his union to Guinevere. He apologized to me, and asked for my forgiveness. I gave him that and for his sake, and for my love; I went back to Camelot with him."
"I loved Arthur so much that I am willing to be part of him than to be set apart." Merlin placed his head into his hands. Lancelot reached over to touch him and he pushed the hand away. "Let me complete my tale for you."
"When you arrived, I saw an opportunity to split the two so I encourage Arthur to leave you here with her then. I told him then that only you can be entrusted with the task of guarding his Queen. He does not want to see her abducted again, and so he agreed. I saw the secret rides you had with the Queen. I used to spy on both of you, but never near. I know of your love for her, and if you satiate her then Arthur would had no fear of her straying away. She is still Queen, and you are still his knight. It was a good arrangement then but Arthur was not within my control. So was the Queen.”
“Each of them held different events that created a rift between them. No matter what, and where, Guinevere is the Queen of Camelot and her rightful place is by Arthur' side. It was my undoing to make her leave him. It’s my undoing that she thought she could be Queen with you. The recent events with Mordred were of mine doing.” Merlin smiled. He then dropped the weight of the conversation.
“Mordred is my son. With Morgan even though she and her other lover Agravain won’t revealed it in public. I knew Mordred is my son when I saw the marks on him. He is not any man but a special one.”
“Was that why you stayed behind to watch Mordred here?” Lancelot asked.
“No, it was my intention for him to force his hand into the war with Arthur. He wants to battle Arthur for a long time but his mother stopped him for she wanted to slowly torment Arthur by breaking up his brotherhood of knights. She is working with her half sisters, and that included your lover, Elaine.”
“Elaine?” Lancelot felt the betrayal in his heart once more.
“Do not hate her, Lancelot. She was un-requisition into the scheme. She still loved you.” Merling assured the knight. “It’s her sister Morgan and Guinevere who planned all of this. The Queen blamed the Arthur for the death of her son and only child she could bear.  Morgan was a sign of betrayal when she felt her family was split by Arthur then when he should had wedded Morgause. And the last won’t end up wedded to a King who was thrice her age.”
“The ladies are the descendants of the worshippers of the dragons and they are on conflict with the lions which favoured Arthur at Camelot.” Merlin then sighed. “If only I had seen the signs then I would had averted the conflict. I thought Arthur was the right choice with the Lions but I did not foresee the dragons. I thought their influence was over but I was wrong. I am no longer the Merlin the King Maker no more but just the druid that is past the age.”
“Druid, I have no knowledge of the dragons and lions but the sword I hold in my hand will slay any that stand in my way.” Lancelot then upset had stood up and then he confronted the druid. “Tell me why you are telling me all of this?”
“Lancelot, the purpose of my telling you these tales for you hold the key to end the conflict. You must save Guinevere for she is your true love. You must save Arthur for he is your true King. You must kill Mordred for he is your true enemy here. Once you done all the above, the conflict will end. Morgan will be weakened for me to battle her. “ Merlin finally reveal his intentions.
“What if you are wrong?” Lancelot questioned back. “You said so yourself, that you are no the druid once before. If I rescue Guinevere, she may not be mine for she is the Queen whom I will be obliged to save the King may seek her return. If I kill Mordred, would Guinevere ever forgive me?”
“I am not wrong. Arthur will no longer be King but you will be. You are also the bloodline of Pendragon although it was not disclosed. I hold the scrolls to prove your heritage. You can wed Guinevere and fulfilled her love for you. Mordred must die if you are to be King. Now ride to save your Queen.”
With that Merlin left the knight to ponder over his action and the druid met the friar outside. They took a walk together to the forest.
“You are betraying Arthur.” Friar Tuck voiced out at Merlin.
“I am for later he was blemished in that role. He was set there by me at the start but I was wrong on his ending. I guess I am no more the King Maker of the ancient sayings.” Merlin sighed. “He won’t be the last and not the first too.”
The friar laughed out then before he replied.
“We are both King Makers with their ascendancy but we cannot dictate their length of their reign. I have failed in mine too but they remained legends of their time.” Friar Tuck laughed out louder. “Maybe we are truly the Fallen.”
“Morbid but it could be true.” Merlin joined in laughter.

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