Friday, May 5, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 118

Arthur looked at the horizon with the many rolling hills hiding the valleys in between them. It was between them that rivers flowed and there was where the Romans have set up camp. Arthur knew then that the war was won by the best scouts and that included removing the enemies scouts encountered.
“Arthur, we are outnumbered. The scouts told me of two legions and almost the same numbers in their auxiliaries with some riders.” Belvedere stood in for Lancelot to brief Arthur. “The scouts report of a column of Saracen knights joining the Romans.”
“Then we should attack them now.” Sir Kay was inching to fight then after his display of cowardice at the island. “I said we take them before they we are here.”
“They know we are here too.” Arthur replied to Sir Kay. “It’s that they are like us waiting for the chance to attack.”
“How many spares horses and bulls do we hold now?” Arthur asked his servants. They told him of the numbers and then he enquired more of the items held by the quartermaster. Soon he was satisfied with the replies. It was then Lamorak stepped up to Arthur. He had returned from hidden adodes offered his services to fight the Romans. Not only was Lamorak but Gawain and Gaheris who had trailed Lamorak there.
“I will redeem myself in battle.” Lamorak looked to Arthur ignoring the two brothers. “You need me now. As for them, they can battle me when I am finished with this war.”
“Lamorak had done a misdeed as a knight. He deserve death as his punishment.” Gawain spoke up in defiance. “He is a …”
“Disgrace? I am not that, Sir Gawain. My sin was to love another person’s love. You took her life and banished me to a life of solitude.”
Gawain drew his sword but Arthur stopped him.
“I am in need of knights. Your sins will be determined by your survival at his war.” Arthur accepted the three knights back to his command. “There will be no personal feud.”
Lamorak was sent to back up Sir Kay in the absence of Percival. Arthur then dismissed the others to rest. During his rest, he dreamed of the battle. He was the lion battling the bear. The lion won the fight. Arthur woke up with confident. He will win the battle.
“I am going to rescue her” Arthur smiled. So was Lancelot when he rode to the platform where Guinevere was tied to the stake above the stacked cut woods. She was guarded by two knights whom Lancelot had met before.
“Sir Knights, leave us be. I have no fight with you.” Lancelot called out to the knights. The two knights drew their swords and held up their shields.
“We are sworn to be loyal to Camelot, and whoever guards it. I plea with you that to let us guard her till Arthur returned.”
“You speak yourself as loyal knights but you lie like an outlaw.” Lancelot replied in anger. “Arthur will not be back till he defeated the Romans. You are all cowardly knights who will not defend a damsel in distress.”
“She is not a damsel. She is a witch.” The knight replied. “She killed a knight.”
That last statement enraged Lancelot who then dismounted. He saw then the trap set for him by the knights. Five more foot soldiers with spears appeared. They formed a line facing Lancelot.
“A un-chivalrous move by mercenaries pretending to be knights.” Lancelot spat at them. “You are a disgrace to the code of chivalry.”
With that Lancelot charged at the knights. His first swing was deflected by the knight but Lancelot used his body weight in the charge to force the other backwards. In the move, he swung out his body to slam at the second knight. All three of them collapsed and Lancelot rolled aside to avoid the thrusts of the spears. He then crouched up on his knees before he swung out with the sword. He got two of the soldiers at the knees and then he sprang at the recovering knights. His sword cut into the left knight in the neck and then he was over the dying knight. He grabbed the shield from the knight to deflect the other knight who was attacking him. He parried the thrusts and then with an opening then, Lancelot ended the fight with the sword into the knight left armpit and into the heart. He stood there with the sword still in the dead knight and faced the five soldiers.
“Don’t be a fool to lose your life for a pretender. Arthur is your true King.” Lancelot cautioned them. “I will spare no one who will not adhere to my command.”
A soldier walked up and bowed to Lancelot. He then lowered his spear and walked away. Of the other four, only one remained.
“I am one with Arthur but he had placed his nominated there as King. I have pledged to serve the King and for now Mordred is King. As it’s, I am still his servant.” The soldier levelled his spear at Lancelot. “You have been a renegade from Camelot.”
Lancelot glared at the soldier and then he approached the other. Without a word, Lancelot deflected the spear and killed the soldier. He then lowered his sword and prostrated before the soldier.
“You are a fool if you served with blind loyalty. We must weigh the outcome with our mind and not our eyes which can be blinded at times.” With that Lancelot took to release the lady he loved.
“I …cannot go, Lancelot. I am to stay and wait for Arthur.” Guinevere told him. “You can’t stay here either. Arthur needs you at his side.”
Lancelot stared at her with disbelief. He searched his mind to speak to her.
“Do you love me?” Lancelot asked. “Did you ever …”
Guinevere nodded and then her words were spoken.
“I did and ever will but I …. also loved Arthur. I hated him for leaving me alone and then for the death of our child, but inside me I still do. Even though I wished him dead many times, I do still love him. He as my lover and …King.”
Lancelot shook his head and then he looked at the lady he had come to save.
“Was it being the Queen matter to you?” Lancelot looked into Guinevere’ eyes. She did not reply and he turned his horse to ride away. It was then Mordred stepped out of the shadow and applauded the lady.
“A grand show, my lady. I am impressed.” Mordred bowed to the lady there standing by the wooden stake. “My Queen. You will be of both when I defeat Arthur.”
Morgan Le Fay stood by the wall opening looking down at the drama that unfolded below. She was infuriated that Guinevere would betray them in the scheme. She whisked off in a spate of smoke from Camelot.
It was also the wishes of Percival that he would be whisked off but the chores of the King was his to burden. He had received news that Arthur was to engage  the Romans but he was stopped from leaving for the battle.
“My King, Sarras is in is tethers now with the previous King dead, and the one prior to him dead too.” Percival heard the elderly men arguing for his abandonment of leaving for battle. “We also lost the Grail when we got it back ever so short of time.”
“Maybe Sarras is not to …” Percival held back his words when he saw their expressions of pain. “Maybe Sarras is in need to have a good leader.”
Percival change of words brought cheers to the assembled and then a feast was called. Percival sat there as perfunctory in his role but his mind was on Arthur. They started the journey together and then now almost at the end, he was not to be there. He was to be King here and with his own concerns. Rome will not invade Sarras for it was a small kingdom. His uneasiness with hi loyalty to Arthur tugged at his heart and in the end he called forth his knight leader named Lecroix.
“Take a hundred knights and three hundred soldiers. Take a case of gold coins. Buy yourself an army of mercenaries and reinforced Arthur.” The knight nodded and took off to do the task.
“God go with you.” Percival turned to the ones seated on the table. He raised a toast to victory. The seated looked baffled and then joined in.
“Victory it’s.”

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