Friday, May 12, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 124

Sir Kay led the knights under him at the Legionnaires. They were outnumbered but their mounts made them faster. They thrust their long spears at the Legionnaires which have formed the favoured tetsudo formation. The walled formation proved to be invulnerable but the knights persisted. It was one of the strategies for the knights while a foot soldier sneaked up to toss the oil laden jugs before it was ignited by the flaming torch. The fire spread out on the spilled oil and it disrupted the Legionnaires to hold the formation.
“Break in!” Sir Kay called out before he charged his mount in. The horse was covered with a mail chain coat over it main body but the creature suffered cut on the exposed sides. It took then a well-placed pilus to send the horse pivoting forward and throwing its rider.
Sir Kay fell facedown but the years of fighting with the armour allowed him to roll to the side to avoid the thrusting pilus. He had lost his own spear and shield but he drew on his sword. It was not a Roman’s gladius but a full length broadsword. He swung that at the legs of the Romans before he crouched up to face them. The armour was not easy to get up with but he saw his chance when a Legionnaire came at him with the pilus. Sir Kay grabbed the spear below the metal blade and when the other reacted by pulling it back. Sir Kay used the leverage to pull up. He stood up from the assisted move and then rushed at the legionnaire with his sword arching at the left shoulder. The blade of the heavier sword cut in deep and killed the legionnaire.
“Yea!” Sir Kay screamed out as if he was back in the arena entertaining the crowd then. He then searched for the next victim but he was caught out then by the other legionnaire. The pilus stabbed into his back but the chest armour deflected the blade. It caused the knight to topple forth once more but that time, he was unfortunate to be hit by a fleeing horse whose rider had dismounted. The horse knocked Sir Kay off his feet and went body down. He was dazed by the impact but his woes were to end when a legionnaire thrust the pilus into the exposed neck below the head piece. He tried to turn his body but others have joined in and soon he was a lifeless body on the battle field; unrecognized from the multiple stabbings.
Arthur saw from afar the knight’s plight but his own entourage of knights were pressed on by the Legionnaires. He fought his way passed the legionnaires trailed by the protective cordon of knights. He could not reach the knight before a mass of legionnaires came at him.
“Protect the King!” Belvedere directed the knights. The brave knight then rushed towards Sir Kay. He had not known the other for long but the call of brotherhood told he was to rescue the other. He rushed in with his mount hoofs trampling on the fallen. He came upon what may be Sir Kay’s body but it was hard to confirm for the body was partially covered with the torn armour pieces and there was blood all around. He could not make the face but then he was pushed back by the renewed line up of legionnaire. He backed up with his sword deflecting the pilus thrust at him but soon he was behind a line-up of foot soldiers and other knights. They formed a line for him to retreat and soon he was on his horse. He rode out once again to fight the enemies with his sword bloodied to the hilt. He fought hard to reach the spot where he saw Sir Kay but the body was not there anymore.
“Where is he?” Belvedere hollered out in pain. “I want to …”
“Sir, there is no body to be buried and yours will be next.” Belvedere turned to look at the one who spoke. It was the enemy’s leader, Optimus Prime of the Legion. The other was mounted on the horse and held a sceptre. When he saw Belvedere looking at him, he tucked in the sceptre and then drew out his gladius. The centurion was without any chest armour or gaunlets.
“I am Optimus Prime Julius of ….” The Prime was interrupted in the words by Belvedere.
“I am Sir Belvedere of …” The knight stopped then. “I shall only tell you this. I do not addressed myself to barbarians who invade my land. Fight me and be done.”
“You are a savage of the land. If it’s then, I shall fight you with none of the mercy deserved by a Man.” The Roman leader charged at the knight. They clashed with their swords and deflected with their shields. The metal blades clanged with the ferocity of its master and finally one had to yield.
“Ahhhh…” The knight felt the sharpness on his waist where it cut in deep on the exposed chest plate. He retreated with his left hand holding the wound while his eyes did not leave sight of the Roman.
“A barbaric skill is on the strength but we fought with tactical moves.” The Prime stood there heaving in deep breaths. “Yield, barbarian and yet your life may be spared.”
“Nay!” An overzealous legionnaire sprang forth with the pilus aimed at the knight’s face but Belvedere deflected the thrust. The sneak attack by the legionnaire earned the wrath of the Prime when he stabbed the other.
“You were not to intervene.” Prime Optimus Julius told the others off. He then looked at Belvedere. “Even in anger, our enemy deserved fairness.”
The knight pulled off his head piece and then his chest armor.
“If its fairness then I will fight you without my armor.” Belvedere gripped the broadsword in the double handed method before he swung into action. He was without his heavy armor and moved with speed on his attacks. He pressed on his attack and then he had his opening to lay the blade into the Prime chest. The wound was deep and fatal but the Prime had retreated and dropped his gladius. He was immediately surrounded by the legionnaires then to stop further attack.
“Kill the…” The leading Centurion called out to the legionnaires but the command was stopped by the Prime.
“Stop! Let him go” Prime Optimus Julius told the others. “You may leave now.”
“No! He dies today.” It was a mercenary recruited by the Romans. “Too many of my men died at his sword.”
“My command is he lives or fight me.” Optimus Prime challenged the mercenary. “I am your master here.”
The mercenary looked to the others around him and saw the odds were against him. He retreated to fight elsewhere but the horns had announced for a retreat. Optimus Prime Julius was furious at the retreat and called for a meeting with the Procurator.
“What madness prevailed in you?” The seasoned Centurion confronted the other. “We were winning.”
“On which side of the battle were you? We were outflanked at the left by the Scots and the reserve cohorts were reinforcing me at the centre.”
“I was making headway in the right and we could had surrounded them.” The Centurion defended his action. “We could have won.”
“Was that your assessment or the fallacy from the Gods? I am calling for a regroup before we continued on.” The Procurator made known his command once more. “Obey me or leave for Rome, Julius.”
It was the same with Arthur who had to contend with dismal reports of his army. He was seated at the seat reserved for him while his faithful gathered before him then at the tent.
“Arthur, we have the Scots winning but their numbers are badly reduced. Our own knights are down to half and even more of the wounded may not ride again.” Sir Tristam reported in. “And Sir Kay is assumed dead but Sir Belvedere may not fight today.”
Arthur slumped on his shoulders while taking in the reports. He was not spared of the cuts and bruises but they will heal. He looked at Lancelot who was limping on the right leg. He searched for more familiar faces and found Gaheris.
“What is holding your brother, Gawain and Galahad?” It was a hopeless gesture but the brother replied.
“Galahad send his men but they are …not enough.” Gaheris then stood up to drag himself out of the tent.
“Let me challenge the Centurion on single battle.” Lancelot voiced out. It was not a Roman’s officer mode to do personal battles. “I will shame him if he refuses.”
The knights there let off laughters on the words by Lancelot but Arthur stopped them.
“None will do that. We are…” Arthur glared at Lancelot. “You should know for you were one of them before.”
“If anyone were to challenge the Centurion, it will be me.” Arthur volunteered himself. “I am the ..,, King, I called for this battle and I will win this war.”
Some knights protested and even Tristam who offered to go in place but not Lancelot; that one glared at Arthur.
“Arthur, you are going to get killed. It was my challenge and …” Lancelot questioned the other. Arthur mocked a laughter and then he replied.
“Have you fought with me long? How long? Since we found Camelot? Have you ever seen me behind the cordon of knights? Have…”
“Arthur, you are ….”
“I will challenge the Roman leader myself. Anyone stopping me can fight me first.” Arthur challenged the knights with his left hand on the hilt of his sword. The knights there stood with some of them transfixed on the sword. Arthur caught their focus.
“I will fight you without Excalibur.”
It was then Lancelot called for the knights to leave the tent until he was alone with Arthur.
“You are a bastard. Stop your antics with the knights. You want to fight? Go ahead. You are the bastard here.” Lancelot then stormed out. Just before he exit Lancelot turned back to Arthur.

“The only reason we did those things for you was because you are the King. The love you like I …used to do but after today, I am not sure anymore.”

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