Thursday, May 11, 2017

Arthur The Legend and Myth Chapter 123

Guinevere sat by herself soon after the half-sisters have left. She felt like a total let down then. She was led by a lady who had ideas of her own on being Queen. She recalled when young. Lady Igraine took an interest to her. She was comforting her then with smiles and the constantly telling her that she was to be a Queen. Was it pre planned then?
“You may play nice with Mealegant.” Lady Igraine told her then. “One day he may be a King and you the Queen.”
Guinevere played her role as Queen well. She had the command of many at her side. Beauty had a role and so was Lady Igraine instruction. Every one treated like the Queen. Mealegant was indeed a possible King for his father was close to Lady Igraine but later in her life, Mealegant was shielded from her. She never knew why and it was later when Arthur came to their attention. Guinevere was swept off her safe haven to meet the knight who was to be King. All she needed to do then was play nice. Guinevere did just that, and found that being a real Queen was not much different from playing it. Her lover then was all attentive to her despite their age difference. It worked for a while until Arthur began to focus on his battles.
A battle to Arthur was like a affair that he cannot deny. He had to do it and when he did, he forgot all about her. It hurt ever more when he was not around with her during her hardship of pregnancy. She got more upset when her only son died because Arthur won’t believe her. She blamed him for all of it.
Guinevere had Lancelot but he was not a King. He was a stand in lover then. She knew that she could not love him but she needed a man. He was there. He was Elaine’s lover but she was the Queen, and no one says no to her. Soon she have her King back but it was different. Lancelot kept away and she was alone once more. A Queen with no servants to call on until Mordred came. Mordred who claimed to be King who is also the nephew of her half-sisters then had come to her side.
“You will be Queen while I am King but it will only for the show to the people.” Mordred words to her and it was hurting then but she resigned to the facts that no matter what she was still Queen.
It was then she decided to be the Queen she wanted to be.
“Call me the druid. I want to see him now.” Guinevere commanded the servant who was summoned to the chamber.
Elaine was also back in Castle Joyous summoning her own courage to the words said by her sister. She was shocked although she knew at some stages that Lancelot might be the son of Pendragon. It was rumoured then but she ignored it. If he was, then their relationship was taboo. If her mother knew, why didn’t she stop them moving forward? Was it true that her mother had kept Lancelot as the next King if Arthur failed? Was it the truth as mentioned by Morgan?
“Mother, how could you?” Elaine cried out in pain. In her pain she went into Lancelot’s case and tossed his personal items out. She was hoping with fear she could find something that will assured her of Lancelot was somebody’s son. She found then the one item which Lancelot had not displayed to her for a long time. She had known he was using it form the scars on his back.. She had indulged into it. She also thought he had discarded it but there it was in her hand.
“It’s a cat o nine, my Lady.” Bran was the one who spoke to her from the doorway. “I had seen my Lord used it on himself. It’s a tool for redemption of the faith. A penance for …”
“I know what it was used for. I was just….” Elaine was surprised then. He held the whip in her right hand and swung it softly. The leather whooshed through the air in its own motion and sound. She turned to look at the servant.
 “Strip your tunic and lay on the bedding.”
Bran was frightened to challenge the lady and did as he was told. She stepped before him and released her anger onto him with the whip. She lashed at him till his back was red with the welts and then the blood appeared. Bran did not scream then for he had bitten into the sheets there to quell his voice. His tears flowed but it would have no mattered.
Bran was enjoying it. Soon the lashing came to an end, and then he felt a warm body onto his back. The body rubbed into his pain and blood with the arms reached out to pin him down. He tried to voice out but there was no sound from him. He felt the body above him caressing him and then the kisses. He loved it but he was not ready. Bran turned his body and rolled away. He stood up and faced the lady. She was in her gown covered with his blood.
“I am sorry, my Lady. I can take the lashing but I am not to be with you. I will rather die than be …”
Elaine pushed herself up and approached the servant.
“You will tell no one of this. You will come here when I command. You will …” Bran heard the lady and nodded. He grabbed his tunic and left. Elaine once alone again straightened her body and then picked up the whip from the flooring. He picked up the items she had tossed out form the case, and replaced them all except the whip. She then proceeded to the wash basin and stripped off the dress. She washed the blood off her body before she paraded to the wall mirror.
“You will tell no one of this. It’s our secret.” Elaine spoke to the mirror before she climbed onto the bedding to indulge in her own private pleasures with the whip. It was her’ once more to use like before.
“Why did you hide it, my love? It’s you for me when you are not around.” Elaine moaned her urges.
If it’s to replace someone was simple then Arthur would had not felt the pain then in his heart when he looked at the assembled.  He looked at the knights then and counted half the familiar faces were not there. He felt defeated then for he was facing an adversary that outnumbered his own.
“We can fight them in an open battle. They will slaughter us.” Lancelot was the first to voice out. “I will suggest we withdraw.”
“No, there will be withdrawal. We fight them here or surrender.” Arthur voiced back. “I am not for … sacrifice.”
“And you need not be.” The voice came from the entrance to the tent. It was a warrior dressed in the highlands kilt and tunic. “I came here representing the Scottish clans. We are here to fight with you.”
“If you are concerned that we have not the numbers we are trailed by another column of warriors. They are Anglo Saxons to be exact with some Picts. They are allies.”
“Why help me when I chased all of you to the hills so why now the alliance?” Arthur questioned the newly arrived Chieftain.
“Because they hated the Romans more after the long battles during the invasion and the wall that the Roman built.” Tristam cut in. “I have lived with them to know whom they hated more.”
The Chieftain nodded and then looked at Arthur.
“Do we fight or withdraw?”
It was the same dilemma of the druid. He was summoned to see the Queen and he disliked it. He had wanted to avoid seeing her and figured out how to counter the spirits. When the Queen commands he has to go.
“Druid”, Guinevere avoided calling him by name. “I want to ask you why you selected Arthur to be King.”
Merlin did not reply then but he was pressed on.
“I saw it in him. I saw him that he was to be the King. The first sword prophesied it then. Then Excalibur voted for him.” Merlin defended his choice for Arthur. “He was to be but tainted by your mother…so named guardian. She was the unknown factor…”
“What are you, druid? The King Maker or a miserable bastard who wants to play as King Maker? You are pathetic, druid.” Guinevere hit back hard. “How many have you placed on the throne to be overthrown?”
“That is not a concern of yours….” Merlin got defensive. “You were not my choice for him. He would had ….”
“Done better with Morgause? Druid, you are mistaken I am the Queen so learned to live with it. Now get out.”
Merlin was not leaving and then he asked the Queen.
“Why did you summon me here?” Guinevere glared at him.
“I need to tell to feel how the Queen should do in her task. I have been a bad Queen, and now I will be one nasty one. So get out!”
“I will but let me tell you this…… Queen. I will destroy you.” Merlin then took her call to leave.
The war had resumed then.

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