Thursday, May 18, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 119

The Legionnaires with their training kept their camps in formation in a square layout. The outer perimeter will be the dugout ditch and on the side to the camp, the palisades will be erected with the sawn trees and branches. The tents were erected in two columns inside the camp area with the centre space reserved for the legion eagle; their pride and banner on the totem. The Centurions staked their tents near the centre alongside with the Optimus Prime. As there were two Legions there they staked out two camps with the river as the divider. The river was narrow and shallow but the river banks were of mud and difficult to traversed on horses.
As a gesture of good faith Arthur send three knights to visit the Legions. They held the parley flag which allowed them to the Prime’s tent. They were welcomed by the Prime himself.
“I do not wished to parley on any terms but only surrender.” It was not the Optimus Prime who spoke but the Procurator himself.
“I am Procurator Lucius from Rome. I am in command of the army here.” The Roman officer took to task. “I have no wish to bargain. Rome taught us well. Are you ex-Legionnaires?”
It was Gawain who replied.
“I am not Legionnaire. I was a hunter and before that a farmer.” Gawain looked to the two others who were with him. “Belvedere was not one either but Lamorak…”
“I am an Anglo Saxon.” Lamorak called out. “I fought with Arthur with my loyalty.”
“So all of you are barbarians.” Procurator Lucius called out. That insult did not go well with Lamorak who swung his double hammers at the Centurion near him hitting the Roman in the chest. It was then Gawain who also reacted with his sword slaying the Optimus. Immediately the legionnaires levelled their pilus and gladius to surround the knights. A centurion stepped out with the gladius but he was cut down by Gawain and the fight erupted.
The Legionnaires attacked the three knights but the later were skilled and fought their attackers. Gawain retrieved a Roman’s shield to deflect the pilus attack. Despite the overwhelming numbers in the Legionnaires, the knights held their own to a corner. Gawain was wounded in the chest but he stood upright.
“Stop the fight.” The Procurator stopped them. “We will battle them like Legionnaires. Let them go.” “We are not barbarians.”   
That was to start the battle with nine dead legionnaires including two Centurions and one wounded knight. The battle was to be delayed for some days when both sides awaited reinforcements. Procurator Lucius army was bigger but he wanted to wait out the reinforcements on Arthur’s side to ensure a total victory.
Once the three knights returned to Arthur’s camp, they were brought to the attention of the King. He visited them.
“They outnumbered us.” Lamorak reported. “The Procurator is there too.”
“It does not matter. I have news that the Saracen riders are a few nights way. I will intercept them with my knights to stop them.” Arthur told the knights. “I also have news that Lancelot rides with us.”
It was true then that Lancelot was on route to join Arthur. He felt despite all the misgivings, he was still the knight of the round table. He rode hard and then crossed the sea to join the King.
“I have Tristam to ride with a thousand knights to meet Lancelot. He will form a second flank for me in case we lose.” Arthur looked to the knights. “They will not match the enemy but they will buy us time to regroup.”
Flankers are to be sacrificed to buy time was a wise move. So was Guinevere.
“You want me to be Queen?” Guinevere stared at the figure seated on the seat reserved for Arthur. “How could….”
“Have a Queen that is twice my age? More like how did you be with the man who was twice your age.” Mordred replied to her. “I am the King of Camelot…”
“Speak not of treason, Mordred. Arthur is still King.” Guinevere hissed back in anger. “You could be …”
“Arthur is facing an army that is bigger than his. He may not return. Defeat is inevitable.” Mordred sniggered. “Perhaps the druid could tell you more.”
Guinevere turned and saw Merlin had joined them in the hall. The druid looked frail and downcast in his eyes but they soon lit up when he saw the lady. He heard the words spoken and gave great thought to it. It may be his gifted opportunity to destroy Guinevere whom he had never sanctioned to be Queen. With her gone, maybe Arthur’s fate may change.
“My King.” Merlin bowed to Mordred. “Have you summoned me?”
Mordred was taken aback by the gesture but he played to the part.
“Yes, you may ….tell the lady what fate awaits Arthur.” Mordred told the druid. The later looked to the lady and then he spoke.
“Arthur is dire conditions, his army is fragmented and his enemy outnumbered him. He is …without some of his knights. Lancelot…” The name was mentioned with sarcasm then. “The knight is missing and he is someone whom Arthur may need.”
Guinevere looked downcast when Lancelot was mentioned.
“Arthur have not Percival and Galaha….” His words were cut off by Mordred who was agitated that the druid spoke out of line.
“Enough of this, druid!. We will move on from here.” Mordred dismissed the druid. He then looked at Guinevere. “You had your show.  We will celebrate your ascension to be my Queen in a week.”
The lady excused herself and was met by Morgan Le Fay at her chamber. The other went into her accusations then.
“Who are you to wed my son?” Morgan confronted the other. “You were…”
“We were to destroy Arthur. Am I not doing that? With me as the Queen, I will hold the influence on the knights who…”
“Influence, bitch? You hold no influence over them. They disliked you. Only Arthur was protecting you.” Morgan was infuriated at the other to lay false claims on her influence but Guinevere was giving up then.
“I am the Queen and they will respect me.” Guinevere glared at Morgan. “Just as you will now.”
Morgan did not reply but walked away. It was just the same at the Roman’s camp.
“Procurator, on what grounds that we do not have those three knights beheaded then?” Optimus Prime Julius questioned the other. They killed Optimus Tripate with his chest collapsed.”
“I know my role and what my actions will curtailed, Prime.” Lucius replied at the Centurion. “I can wipe out Arthur’s army as it is now but I will wait my chance when he is reinforced to do it one final approach.”
“Then madness prevailed in you not to take victory when it’s before you.” The Prime spoke but then he added in words to ease the tensions. “I was just speaking out of line there and seek your forgiveness. I am still the loyal legionnaire of Rome.”
Procurator Lucius bit on his lips to stem his reply. He then nodded and stepped away from the discussion. He may have the command but he held not the influence on the ranks yet.

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