Friday, March 31, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 92

“The King returns!” The shouts were all over the land, when the column of army under King Arthur rode by their homes and cities. Everyone came out to greet their King who was away for almost nine years then. Arthur rode in the front with his knights, seated upright and looking every bit like the King he was.
“It’s good to be back, Arthur.” Percival who rode up next to Arthur spoke. “It has been a long war.”
“Aye, it has been. Our stay at Gaul was to ensure that King Lot was given time to rebuild his army. I won’t be surprised that the Romans will invade him once more. Then we will return to fight them.”
“I am surprised at you, Arthur. You fought for them and almost died many times as a Legionnaire. Why do you detest them so much now?” Percival asked.
“I was a Legionnaire but inside of me, I am the son of Wales. More to it, I am from Bedyr.” Arthur replied in pride. “I cannot see my land being invaded no more.”
Percival looked away at the column of the army. Many of them were not from the original numbers; they were added in from the defeated enemies and even there were some legionnaires there. The later were the defectors then, when they realized that Rome was no longer the Empire that they once knew. They left for a greater King, and with him more rewards of gold. The reward of a free citizenship was no more appealing when there was no land to be given. The ones who had resided at Gaul were made to swear their loyalty to the new King of Gaul or be banished. Most of them did just that for they had their fill of fighting by then. Or be part of Arthur, where the gold was rolling in.
“I send words to Camelot that you will be arriving soon.” Percival added on. “And I am in need to leave for my own home soon. It has been ….”
“You deserve so. Take your cart of gold and go home. I will see you soon after a season when we will rejoice together.” Arthur looked to his knight. “Tell the others too. I will marched onto Camelot with my personal column. I am sure Lancelot have a lot to tell me.”
Meanwhile at Camelot, Lancelot stood by the wall opening and looked at the far horizon. He was told that Arthur had returned and was expected back anytime. It was a moment not too soon and then not too needed. He turned his head to look at the lady who was seated by the dresser straightening her hair.
“He is returning, Guinevere.” Lancelot raised his right hand to rub the beard that he had grown and nurtured for over five years then. It was his cover of the old skin there that he felt foretold his age. He had seen the older men all grew beards then and took on the same tradition.
Guinevere had liked it. She said it added character to his look.
“I know.” Guinevere replied. She was not old but age had caught up with her. She was a fuller woman then still with one child. Maybe she was barren after the last birth Guinevere had wondered then for she was not without a lover.
A lover tryst that took a long time to happen.
“Are you in fear, Lancelot?” Guinevere asked of him. It was the same question she did five years ago when she found herself with the knight at the secluded spot by the pond. She had feared coming out alone ever since Meleagant capture her then but the confines of the castle was overwhelming. She found most of her time with her son or at worse coming to terms with her solitary life. She found herself waking up to the empty bedding or next to a warm small sized body that from her womb. She wanted to feel loved then but all she did was love her child. She cuddled him as she would on Arthur.
Arthur that was the name she detested then. If only he had died in the war.
“I am not. I am fully …committed in my love to you.” Lancelot replied. “I will tell Arthur of our feelings and asked for his forgiveness and then his release of you to me.”
Those were brave words by the man she had taken for her lover. She wanted to for a long time but she was wary of doing it. There were the servants and then the other knights, and worse there was Merlin. She knew he was in pain then too with Elaine having returned to take care of the ailing mother, and he was also alone.
It all ended and began then at the pond.
“Are you in fear, Lancelot?” Guinevere asked of him then. “Are you?”
“No, Guinevere. I am not. I …am fine.” Lancelot looked to the pond. It was a lovely spot with the willow tree and the reeds by the banks with the row of trees forming a wall from the outside. There was then a pair of birds that were flying around and in joy from their sweet sounds.
“Why do you asked? Are you in fear?” Lancelot asked back.
“I….Would you please hold me? I feel …” Lancelot heard the lady and rushed forth. Was it the fear that she fell or he would miss her falling; that was never disclosed but soon Guinevere was in his arms once again. His lips rested at her left shoulder and there he kissed her. It brought him back memories of the love they shared then at the castle when his ankle was injured. He could smell her scent from the morning wash, and the warmth feel in his hug. She snuggled up closer and her arms went around him.
“Don’t let me go…..please.” Guinevere pleaded. “I can’t stand it anymore. Love me as we once did.”
Lancelot could not reply then for he was immersed in her beauty then. He lay his kisses from her shoulder to her lips and then she spoke.
"Remove your tunic. I want you now." She told him as she pulled at her gown at the shoulder. He stopped her then with his hands.
"Guinevere," he called her by her name. "It may not be appropriate for us......"
She had hushed him up while she lowered her gown and offered her bosom that was in need of his love. Lancelot was still unsure then but he made no restraint when she removed his tunic. She took his tunic and slipped into it before she stepped out of the gown. She then pulled away and ran to her horse. She then mounted it like how she was taught by him. She rode off and in haste, Lancelot then without his tunic jumped on his horse to give chase. Lancelot can feel the sunlight on his back as he rode with the wind blowing into his body. She was not stopping for him when he called her to stop.. She just kept on riding around the pond and ignoring that someone may have seen her. She soon stopped her riding and got off the horse and walked to the pond. She lowered herself into the running water to feel the soothing effect of it on her buttocks and thighs. Lancelot dismounted with his sweaty body from the ride and approached the pond before he washed his face.
"Is it sweet, Lancelot? I just peed in it." Guinevere asked of him and then she giggled like a little girl. Lancelot stopped his washing and looked at her. He then scoop up the water and splashed her with it. She could not avoid it but she retaliated in kind. Soon there were like a couple of children playing at the pond. She soon got out of the pomd all wet and she lied down on the grass. Lancelot slept next to her and reached out to hold her hand.
"Guinevere, I love you." Lancelot whispered to her ears, and she smiled. She then turned on her side, and reached into his leggings.
"Prove to me that you are." His desire revealed his love for her. She sat up and pulled down his leggings. "I can see a speck there. I wondered what it would taste like."
Lancelot wanted to protest, but he declined. He reached down to hold her head as she tasted his body for the nectar that he can offer. He wanted to push her up, but it was she who did the turn. She climbed over him and sat down. She leaned over and whispered to his ears.
"Be my horse. Let me ride you." She did and he was as obedient as a trained stud not letting up on the energy and holding to the end. That was the start of a series of rendezvous arranged or at time when opportunities arises with the years slipping by.
“Guinevere, he will be back soon. And I must …” Lancelot was cut off by Guinevere.
“You…” Guinevere was cut off then when she heard the knock on the door. She stood up then and checked her clothing before she called for person to come in. It was her son. He had grown then to the height at her bosom but he was built like the father. He smiled at Lancelot. He was used to his mother with the other at her chamber.
“Are you going riding?” Gwydre looked at Lancelot.
“No…” Lancelot then changed his mind. “Yes, soon. We will be riding. Would you join us?”
“You know I can’t. Mother forbids it.” Gwydre replied while looking at his mother. “I will ask the King when he returns.”
With that, Gwydre took leave of the chamber leaving Lancelot red faced with his un-thoughtful question. Guinevere glared at him. They both knew why he can’t ride.

But Arthur may not know of it. To him, every boy must know how to ride. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 91

“The King is hurt.” The calls went out among the servants while Arthur was carted in from the boar hunt. He had joined the boar hunt and was thrown from the horse when a boar surprised the horse. Morgause heard the call and rushed to attend to Arthur. He was taken to his chamber and was tended to by the healer.
“How is he?” Morgause asked the healer who was there.
“He is fine, my Queen but he need to rest. I have given him some potion to sleep and he must not be disturbed.” The healer told her. “He have a knock on the head and may not be himself for some days.”
With that the healer left the chamber leaving the Queen with the servant that was in attendance. Arthur himself was laid on the bedding dressed in his tunic and covered by the cover. His forehead was bandaged as if he was wearing a crown. The Queen sat by the bedding on the seat and watched the man rest. Her own King was away on a task with the Romans and it was her responsibility to care for the guest there. She recalled the intense discussion that had transpired between Arthur and King Lot.
“Tributes? I will have them paid nothing but with the end of my sword.” Arthur had argued. It seems that the victory of his army and the annexed of the lands have got his ego blown too huge. “Rome is no more the one I served. Its empire now cracked with rebellions and it seems that it may even have two Emperors for the throne.”
“I heed your words, Arthur but do we prepare to wage war on them when we are still building our own.” King Lot reminded the other. “The battle with the Governor was a stroke of luck and strategy but he …”
“Luck? I believe in none of that. I am King Arthur and luck did not place me there. I battled my journey to be King and will remain so for my reign.” Arthur snarled back as if he was a cornered predator. “The Governor was a weakling in the strategy and he deserved to be defeated.”
“It’s true that he is a weakling but are you strong enough to take on Rome?” King Lot looked to the other. “They will march over my land and kill my people. I don’t have an island to shelter on. Let me negotiate the truce and the tributes.”
Arthur finally relented then and King Lot took off on the journey to Rome.
“My Queen, let me attend to him. You may then retire to rest in your chamber.” The servant told Morgause but she refused. Instead she had the servant dismissed. She sat there looking at the man she was to wed then. It did lead then to a wedding but Morgause felt it would had if Lady Igraine had not intervened. What would had it been if there was a wedding.
Morgause would had been Queen to the King named Arthur and not the King Lot.
“It should had been mine…” Morgause cried out and her reply came from Arthur who was then unconscious but in his voice he called.
“Forgive me… I am wrong to ….” Arthur mumbled in his sleep Morgause then heard him and approached the bedding. She held out her hand to hold his and he clutched it tight. She saw him then still unconscious but his lips were moving.
“Guinevere…” Arthur called the name that she detested. She stormed out from the chamber. It was a stormy moment then.
So it was at Camelot.
“King Lot of …Northern Gaul.” The Legionnaire at the doorway announced the arrival of King Lot. The King took his pace without rushing himself. He was dressed in the traditional dressing of his people; the loose pants to the ankles with the waist level tunic but he also wore his crown instilled on him as the King. He stepped into the chamber where the Senators had agreed to meet him then.
“King Lot, please be seated.” Senator Gaius motioned to the bench in front of them. “I am Senator Gaius and this is Senator Lucius Ambros. We will be the ones negotiating your …”
“My retake of the land that belonged to my people. They were taken by….” King Lot was cut off by Senator Gaius
“It’s all fair when the victor will seize ….” The Senator was then cut off by the other.
“We are not here to discuss the past but the present…” Senator Lucius was then seated decided to take over the negotiation. “King Arthur had done …”
“Enough of the talks on who is the right and wrong, and I care not for Rome. I am here to take up your offer of the tributes. We will deliver it on the dates agreed. If that is all agreed on then I will be on my way back.”
“Yes, we accept your tributes but there is one thing we need to know from you.” Senator Lucius asked. “When will Arthur leave your land?”
King Lot stared at the Senator. He was to speak and then stopped. His head dropped forward and then he spoke.
“I wished sooner. I am tired of being his host. He is disrupting my life.” King Lot then turned to leave. “And my Queen.”
“I think it’s wise we leave Gaul to the barbarians. They are …truly barbaric.” Senator Gaius summed up the feeling he had.
Not all the moments have to be stormy but it was an unbelievable storm then at Camelot. In that place to be exact deep down in the cavern below the castle another soul laid on her bedding in wonderment. She was thinking of her actions then and whether there is a way she can change it. Her hands rubbed down the covers over her body and she felt the creases on it before she smoothen it. She wished it was that simple but it was not.
“I think I will get up now.” The voice belonged to the druid. He sat up and she saw the marks on his back. He was never seen unclothed and maybe it was better that way. He looked scrawny but it was not the weakling then with her. She looked at him stepped away from the bedding and then took up the coarse tunic that he wore with pride. His tunic was worn out with stiches on most parts.
“I will be …” Morgan Le Fay interrupted him on his words.
“No, please don’t leave. I am fine and will join you.” Morgan pulled the cover off and saw the stains. It was not dirt but of love.
It was a love which no many who will understand or even appreciated. Not when the man was Merlin.
And your name is Morgan Le Fay.
She loved him for some time then. She did not intend it to happen but the time they spent together there in the cavern eventually build up. It was astounding for she became his apprentice then to learn the potions. She never told him why she became his apprentice but it was the way she could use as her weapon on Arthur. She underwent the loneliness and the reading helped her. She approached him and initially he was not helpful but over the years he mellowed. He taught her more and the more she wanted to know he told her.
And then the feelings cropped up.
That led to the moment on the bedding.
It just happened.
“Merlin!” Morgan called out when she was buried by the volumes that she was placing on the shelf. Merlin heard her call and rushed over to see her on the ground with the volumes over her. He picked up the scattered volumes and pulled her up. She got up and ended up leaning onto him. He was unsure then but his instinct told him to hold her.
“I …” Merlin pulled away but Morgan hugged tighter. She then pulled and kissed him on the lips. It was all needed then for them to move on. He was her first but he was gentle.
Merlin slipped on his tunic and then walked to the working table in the far corner. He did dare to look at her while she dressed. He picked up some herbs and then began mixing them. She joined him there with her hands straightening her hair.
“You will be fine.” Merlin told her. Morgan did not reply and walked away to get a change of clothing. He turned and looked at her. He sighed to himself. It was wrong for him to let it happened. It brought him back then to the time when he first arrived. He was curious and above all, there was the freedom of choice. He saw then the local people as they were called. They all looked at him as if he was a God. Funny how they worshipped him and the others for they seen the things they could do. He smiled at the things he done then and there was no restrictions. Their action gave birth to a new nation and from it, a new beginning but all of it soon ended. The great flood wiped it all but he was the few survivors. Maybe it was destined that he survived as he did for eons. He had done many so named deeds to make things great once more.
“Arthur, you must not fail me for I will not fail you.”
If only Merlin could see the future for he created a monster then in his lover. A monster then termed for it would be his nemesis to his other creation.
Modred was the name of that unborn monster.
Merlin was the father.
The Nephilim will walk the land once more.

And it was always stormy then. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 90

It was some days later when Guinevere met Lancelot in the garden at Camelot after the hour of dusk. He was getting ready to retire to his chamber when he met the Queen sitting on a long bench at the garden. He walked up to her and bid his nightly greetings.
"Do sit down, Lancelot. I have words to ask of you." Guinevere spoke to Lancelot. He took his place on the bench at the other end, but she stopped him. "It’s wet there, Here, sit closer. I won't bite at you."
So he did and he kept his hands to his lap. It was not intentionally, but it was precautionary. He could smell in her the scent of wine and she may had one too many. The Queen spoke of a few general issues and then she spoke out on the rumours. She heard them too and she thinks its malicious of the mongers to say such things. Immediately, Lancelot stood up and apologies if the rumours had alarmed the Queen.
"No, Lancelot. It did not. I am used to it. When I was younger, there was one that I am admiring my cousin, Maert when I actually dislike that slobbering fool. When I was to be betrothed to Arthur, there was one rumour that I was with his child." She paused at that. Then she continued. "It was all unreal and meant to excite the others. We never did make love until..... That night after we were wedded. I was a virgin till then."
She looked down at her hands, and then she continued on.
"He was not, for that I am sure....."
Lancelot cut in to avoid further discomfort.
"My Queen, it’s getting late. Perhaps you may want to retire to the castle."
"No, Lancelot. I want you to hear me out." She glared at him. "No one listens to me. Not even Arthur himself. He only cares for himself and only himself...... Even at night."
"My Queen, it may not be appropriate for me to ...." Lancelot begged of her, and Guinevere stood up.
"Sir Lancelot, do you swear to serve me and only me?" The Queen Guinevere asked of him. Immediately Lancelot went on his knees and swore to her.
"I swear to serve only you, my Queen. And ....only you." Lancelot spoke out. He did not why he did it but he already given his words.
"Sir Lancelot, I shall hold on your words for that." Queen Guinevere walked back to the castle without looking back. She did not hear him whispered to himself.
"My Queen, I swear and I duly do for I may have loved you in my heart." Lancelot took his leave then with his heart burdened by the pain inside. Across the land there were two others in pain then.
Elaine stood at the wall opening upon her recovery some weeks back. Her eyes were rolling tears down her cheeks and did not heed the voice that called to her.
“Elaine, you need to stay strong.” Lady Igraine then unwell sat by the bedding on the seat provided to her. She had welcomed her daughter return to her side some months back since it was lonely then with the other girls away. Even her lover, the Black Knight had left for war with Arthur. It was a rejoicing then when Elaine told her that she was expecting their child. Elaine told her that Lancelot gave her leave to be back there.
“My child, you need to be strong. Another will come for you soon but for now you must rest. I have send words to Lancelot.”
“Words? Why did you do so? Lancelot had not been with me for over a year. He was not here for his child cries of love and mercy.” Elaine snapped back. “Does he not know that I was with a child? That I almost died.”
“Calm yourself, Elaine. The man is duty bound to his King. I had delivered you when your father was battling the invaders.” Lady Igraine explained. “They suffer the same pain as we do for they cannot be with us. It’s the pain of being separated that is more painful than birth.”
“And it was your wish that we do not disturb Lancelot then” Lady Igraine added in. “It was from the servants that your Lord have given his castle away, and acquired another. It was named by him as Joyous Castle.”
“One which he held his joyous moment without me and with ….whom he shared the bedding.” Elaine replied withholding her tongue on the name lest she annoyed her mother further.  “I am no more his lady or his lover. I am leaving him.”
“Of which you must not.” Lady Igraine voiced out in anger. “I forbid it. You will get back to him and restore the child in you.”
With that Lady Igraine stepped out of the chamber with her movements slow and painful. She was met by the servants who assisted her and soon was back in her own chamber where a dutiful servant awaits her.
“The pain of losing the child and the lover ails her.” Lady Igraine told the one there. “Tell me, Merlin. It has been three years now and shall we send her back? She is after all his wife.”
“I am afraid not. Lancelot is busy with his tasks and he needed not the distraction of her now.” Lady Igraine was ready to accept the reply.
“Merlin, where is the child?” Lady Igraine asked. “I think for three years we were deceived by you. I was then.”
Merlin stared at the lady and then he replied.
“I took your son then on your husband request. I did not take your grandson.” Merlin was upset then. He had helped Elaine delivered the child but the child was dead upon birth. He knew why but he kept his silence. He looked at the old Queen. He knew that she knew he knew more than that.
“You must speak, Merlin. Was it my sin or something else?” Lady Igraine asked. “Don’t make me carry this pain to my death.”
“Yes, there was something I know. If you recalled the banshee incident at Camelot with Guinevere. It was forthcoming that one close to her will die. Her child was saved by me but I can’t be for ….Elaine. There was a mark on the child.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lady Igraine was upset then.
“Of what? I killed the child. He would had ruin Arthur’s reign. I saw it in the child. I had to do it to protect my King.” Merlin replied. “I was doing it for Arthur.”
Both Merlin and Lady Igraine was then lost for words but the pain in them was there. It was not only their pain then felt but there was one more.
"The sins of lovers are that it never can be explained why and how it happened when it did. That is because the sins of lovers are also known as lust; one of the deadly seven sins of Man." Lancelot heard the words from Guinevere while she sat next to him in the chambers. He was invited to her chamber that evening for the usual discussion. She felt flirty then and was dressed in a seductive low cut red silky sleeveless gown with a matching red ruby that holds the seams together at her bosom.
“Like this dress, it’s sinful. If I wore it, I would be ravaged by the others even before they had their drink of wine.” Guinevere laughed. She then protested on the unfair treatment of herself by Merlin in the absence of Arthur. Then she spoke on love affairs that were going on like she was into a gossip here.
It was then Lancelot stood up and walked to the doorway.
“Why, Lancelot? We did it then at King Urien’s castle….”
“Please, Guinevere. Do not remind me of that. I was wrong….I had sinned on my ….”
“Your King? My Arthur? He is not here and was not for three years now. Or was it four? I lost count. I need love. And he is not here.” Guinevere tears fell down her cheeks. “Can’t you just be my ….lover for …”
“I cannot betray my King. It will be sinful.” Lancelot struggled hard in his heart and mind to walk away but his feet remained there. “Guinevere, I cannot love you….like I did with Elaine. You are my Queen.”
“Elaine? You have not seen her for years now. You have been at my side since then. You have been my …friend and hero. You rescued me from brigands and even Meleagant. You did all that because you ….loved me.”
Lancelot looked at her.
He wanted to approach her.
He wanted to hold her.
He wanted to be with her.
“Mother, can I sleep with you?’ The voice of the child came from the adjacent door. The child was three then. He was the child of Guinevere and Arthur. Lancelot knew his decision was deferred for another day.
On the larger continent, Governor Frollo defeat and surrender of the lands to King Arthur did not go well with the Senators at Rome. They argued for retribution and even the taking back of the island that once were theirs under Emperor Julius Caesar. The men seated in their toga and their feet sheltered by the straw sandals.
“Senator Gaius, I resent the Empire will bow to an errant King.” The one who spoke was of peer in the rank uncrossed his legs and then stood up. He was not tall but his rank made him seen taller.
“That King was one of our trained legionnaires. He rose in our ranks and was even the adopted son of a Legatus. I begged you that are seated here to admonish this King before we nurtured more of them.”  The one who spoke then looked to the assembled. “I am advocating that we send the Roman Legion to remove this King. Provincia Britannia must be taken once more and tamed as we did with Gaul and Spain….”
“And you will lead it, Senator Tiber. What is your age now, Senator?” Senator Gaius looked to the one who advocate war.  He was with the other when the one named Aron of Wales was released from the Legion with the free citizenship and land. “The King we spoke of was named Aron of Wales.”
“Yes, I remembered him. He was a Legionnaire as I told them. He was given a new life and he took to bite us back. A undeserving cur never to be fed.”
“A cur that is no longer needed to be fed by us.” Senator Gaius was reminded. “Our curs south are staging rebellions and you have your legions there. How many are there?”
“Tell me not of the numbers. I cannot read beyond IX for I know the Legions are so strong that we needed no more than nine cohorts to quell a revolt but if the Empire is on the brink of breaking into two, then we may need more than nine cohorts.” The Senator continued on. “How many could be of used on Provincia Britannia? More than the ones that we held here at Rome. If so who will protect Rome if they are sent to Provincia Britannia.”
“That errant King is making us look bad.” Senator Gaius replied in anger.
“Emperor Augustus had abandoned Provincia Britannia for the greater Gaul here.” The Senator let his words sank in before he continued. “What if I tell you there may be more ways to win the King over? I am in the view that if King Lot will pay us tributes, we will allow him to keep the land. He may even guard it for us from the northern barbarians.”
“King Lot? We are talking on King Arthur.” Senator Gaius hit back. “He occupies Provincia Britain.”
“Hear me once more. Emperor Augustus abandoned that land. He could not control the barbarians from the north. He left them to fight their own battles. If we can avoid one more war and concentrate on winning the one that is raging in our empire, I will be contented with the tributes.”

The Senator argument won them over and King Arthur was spared another war. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Arthur" The legend and myth Chapter 89

"How come, when man rides, they don't have sores like mine?" Guinevere was sitting on a wet grass by the stream to ease the sore pain on her buttocks. She has been riding the horse like a man would and then regretted her action. Lancelot was standing nearby with his eyes on the horizon for he feared for her safety. It was her insistence that he was her escort and no knights were to trail them. After much discussion, Lancelot had agreed and he got his knights to ride a perimeter around them. It was a good move, he still felt unsafe. His left hand was holding at the hilt of his sword and his mind is working out the horizon. He saw then riders approaching them.
"My Queen, we may have to leave soon." Lancelot called on her. He saw them coming from two directions. Lancelot pulled up the Queen, and pushed her to her horse.
"Bounce on it. Don't sit tight." Lancelot told her when she mounted the horse. Lancelot hit at the rump of the horse as it ran back to the castle. He himself took out his sword and mount up his own. He looked at the riders which had split up. He reckoned that they are doing it to surround him and one group will go for the Queen. So he rode to intercept the group that was heading for the Queen. There were three of them. He cut into their path swinging his sword. The first rider tried to parry the swing but Lancelot drove his horse on to the rider's horse. The impact threw the rider off his horse and Lancelot had taken the second rider with a low thrust at the right thigh. He then used his leg to kick at the horse ribs with his shoe. That spurred the horse to panic and rode with the rider trying to manage it. The third rider who had ridden ahead turned back to confront Lancelot. He was charging holding a spear in his hands which Lancelot moved his body on his saddle to avoid the thrust. He swung downwards with his sword to slash at the rider's right wrist holding the spear. He cut off the hand and the spear dropped. Lancelot followed through with a kick on the horse rump to send it galloping away.
Then there was the second group. The second group had then decided to confront Lancelot. Instead of running off, Lancelot gallop his horse straight on at the second group of four riders and slashed his way through them. Lancelot rode hard to catch up with the queen and took the lead to guide her into the woods where they hid while seeing the pursuer off.
"Thank you, Lancelot." The Queen said to him. "I am glad that it was you who with me."
She dropped off from the saddle onto the ground, and Lancelot immediately attended to her. She started crying and reached out to hold him by the neck.
"Hold me please. I am afraid...." Lancelot reached for her back and held her close to him as she let go of her fear. She buried her face into his right shoulder and held on tight while Lancelot looked around for fear that the brigands may come back. Soon she was quiet and breathing deeply, and that was when Lancelot pulled her away ever gently to let her lie down on the soft grass to rest. She laid back and raised her right arm over her eyes to block from the sunlight, and her left arm was on her thigh.
It was that moment when Lancelot find himself staring at his Queen; admiring her beauty from near with no fear of anyone noticing. He stared at her from her nose to her toes and admired every part of her. She is a beautiful lady, and truly one deserving to be a Queen.
“Arthur, please don't....please don't...I am not a whore...." Guinevere muttered in her sleep as she tossed her head from one side to another. Lancelot on seeing her went to place his hands on her shoulder. She woke up and stared at Lancelot. It was in her eyes when she spoke.
"Hold me..... Or please....." She moaned out in her sleep as she reached up to pull him onto her body. Lancelot ended up falling on top of her as her hands went around his neck to push his head towards the nape of her neck.
"Love me, Lancelot .....I am yours to love.....don't discard me..." She moaned out as she rubbed his face into her neck. For some reason, Lancelot find his hands initially trying to raised himself up but now reaching out to cradle her head  when she tossed from side to side. Then without warning, he pulled himself up. That also woke up the Queen.
"My Queen, you were in state of delusion. I think it’s time I take you back to your castle to rest." Lancelot reached out to pull his Queen to her feet. She avoided his stare as she mount her horse and trot off without waiting for him.
Lancelot stared at her. That night at King Urien’s castle, it was all a mistake. It was the one mistake that he regretted since but he could not find himself not forgetting her.
Nevertheless it drove him to his confession and from it the salvation that he craved inside.
Friar Tuck was kind then to explain.
“Flagellations had been a common method of punishment in the Pagan world. There were instances that it was usual punishment inflicted on slaves since even the Roman days. The first recorded writings of it were on the Scythians who on returning from their long expedition in Asia, finds their home and lovers are taken over by the slaves. The Scythians find that their new war was at their own homes, and the lashes were deemed to be more fearful than the iron blades. Those they could not conquer with the terror of lashes were subdued with the blade as a final count of action.”
The friar held the whip in his hands then. He lashed it out on the palm of his hands ever so lightly before he continued on.
“This practice had not being only on one nation but across to even the Persians who uses it on their own people. In times, it was used by conquerors or generals to gratify themselves for their victory over the defeated, and it’s also a moral boost for their troops to see the defeated subject to such degrading punishment. As this practice widens in use by many civilisations, then the ingenuity of designing more exerting tools came to fruit; the lashes were given prominence in the degree of punishment it should bring out. From the flat strap of soft leathers to the hard oxen straps as like those use on the former to over their bulky weight. The choice of the straps was the prerogative of the inflictor and the more harsh the need it  may call on the more painful ones.”
Lancelot asked on further if that would actually lessen his load in his soul when he carries over to the other world.
“Does the pain here lessens? My son, no burden is ever reduced unless you do it by yourself. If pain would be your method, then do the best of it to clear your penance." Those words rang in the mind of Lancelot. “Which is more painful, my son? Your pain or the pain you carried for others.”
Lancelot heard the friar and he was unsure to whom his pain was for.
He was soon to know.
Since that riding incident, Guinevere asked of him to teach her more on how to ride like a man. She said she finds it the riding was more intense than her own style. Lancelot was not one to declined his Queen' wishes so he taught her well and hard at it. Initially, it was hard to see her fall from her mount due to clumsy moves or just exhausted from the rides, but soon Lancelot find himself pleased with her riding skills. She galloped her horse like a man would and her horse respond well to her. It was during one of the training sessions when he noticed another rider coming towards him.
It was Lady Morgan Le Fay and she was astride her horse too like a man.
"I see that your apprentice is doing well." Lady Morgana points to the Queen doing her galloping out there. "It pained me to see her lonely.”
“She rides well.” Lady Morgan felt her words were ignored by Lancelot. “It would be good for her when she is in bed with my half brother when he returns. She would know how to hump to his movements and he would be surprised.”
"Pardon me, my Lady. I must be going." Lancelot excused himself on hearing such lewd remarks from her but she stopped him in his move.
"Surely, Lancelot; you are not offended by my words. I may be a lady but I am still a woman." Morgana taunt at him. "Although I am not a Queen to command who to get in between my legs."
That was clearly an insult to Lancelot as he had heard some rumours himself that the others think he is in an affair with Guinevere. He had defended his honour twice with some guards, but the words were still ringing in his ears.
"Lady Morgana, I can assure you that my relationship with my Queen…..." Lancelot was interrupted by the lady.
"A matter between yourself and her. I am surprised that you would be offended to the idle words of mongers who just want to create a gossip among themselves. I have my faith in you, Lancelot. You would do all you can to protect the King and Queen. And her pain.”
Lady Morgana then rode off to meet the Queen. They raced that day and Morgana lost by a long stride. She praised the knight that taught her well.
That evening, Lancelot felt himself the uneasy pain that needed to be released. He took up whip in his hands and did it himself.

“Forgive me, father.” Lancelot called out. “Forgive me, Arthur. I am in pain.”

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 88

"Sir Lancelot, I demand my right to restore the honour of my Queen." Meleagant shouted at the top of his voice. All the castle occupants were roused, and gathered at the Hall.  “I demand a duel with for your invasion of the Queen's honour."
“Are you of unsound mind once more, Meleagant? Do you not know your boundary? King Urien rushed in form his chamber reprimanded his son. “Lancelot is not your peer. He is a master way above you.”
It was then Lancelot hobbled into the Hall. The King saw his injury and pleaded with the son.
“He is unwell and yet you there is honour in the fight?” King Urien tried to stop the fight but Lancelot was annoyed. He challenged back the young Lord.
"You are a coward if you can't even face me with my bandages."
Soon later, Lancelot was seen previewing the armour shown to him by King Urien. Lancelot was surprised that the old King actually offered him the armours that was part of his own. He asked the old King and his reply was equally surprising.

"I did advise Meleagant to release the Queen. But he insisted on keeping her. He had made a mockery of our family honor. If you can defeat him, our honour would be restored. If he wins you then I would have him killed later. So do me a favour, do not lose. It’s not easy to kill your own son.” 
The two knights took their joust serious when they met a second time. Their shields were clashing while the lances broke upon the other's shield. The damaged lances were discarded and new ones to taken into the fight. They wasted three lances before they decided to fight on their feet using their swords. Soon Lancelot felt each blow which he blocked or deflected for his injury on the ankle was adding to his pains. Meleagant felt then that Lancelot was weakening and he went for it.
Lancelot's blows became weaker and he fell to the side holding his sword when he parried the downward swing. He then saw the face which spurred him to fight his duel from the wall opening. She was crying then and with that he found new strength. He pushed himself with the sword and defended the blows. He forced Meleagant back with his new strength.
 "Stop the duel. I can see that this duel is not equal; Lancelot is injured and I would suggest that the duel be put on hold." King Urien intervened but Meleagant refused to let go.
"You would, my son. Sir Lancelot, we would reconvene this fight to a later term when you are fully recovered."
Meleagant reluctantly agreed when his father forced him to accept the decision. The Queen returned to Camelot with the knights, but Lancelot rode back to his own castle instead of going back to Camelot. He was glad that the event was over and the Queen's honour restored. Their love acts were still fresh in his mind and he knows it won't be the last of their union.
He will fight Meleagant to end the feud on his Queen. Their next meet for battle with each other was the following week, at the same place. This time Lancelot came in his armour and carried his own lance. He rode up to Meleagant who was also armed like him.
"Sir Lancelot, I can assure you that if you want to called off the duel, I am willing to accept." Meleagant knew he was not a match for recovered Lancelot and offered a truce but the other had flatly refused the truce.
"I am unwell, Lancelot. Surely, this duel can be delayed for me to recover." Meleagant tried to offer another excuse.
"If you are unwell, I would fight you with more favourable odds to you, but the duel must be settled." Lancelot threw down his lance and dismounted.
"I would fight you without my shield and my left arm binded to my chest." Lancelot told Meleagant. "Do you accept it?"
Meleagant find himself cornered finally agreed. They stepped back so that Lancelot prepared for the fight. Lancelot told his squire to bind him tight. Then he took up the sword and faced Meleagant. The other did not wait for Lancelot to prepare his stance when he attacked. Lancelot stepped aside to avoid the swinging blade before he jumped back. Lancelot thrust his sword and almost lost his balance and he forgot his handicap.
Meleagant charged at Lancelot which made the other continue to step back parrying the oncoming thrusts, until he hit the trunk of a tree. He stood against it and held his defence until he saw the opening. He parried the swing and then he thrust downwards to cut at the right knee of Meleagant. That caused Meleagant to step back and that time Lancelot pushed himself towards Meleagant. The move then was on the right elbow of Meleagant at the exposed area on the armour. It made Meleagant reacted in frightened manner for he knew he was not matched for Lancelot.

"Lancelot...." But Lancelot ignored the other's call and continued his attack. Lancelot found another opening and went for it'; thrusting at the right shoulder knowing that the knee is hurting, forcing him to step on his right knee, and then the blade cut in deep in between the armour plates. He pushed in deep and he pulled downwards hard.

"For Guinevere...." Lancelot thrust hard and turned the blade to cut across but the armour plate stopped him, so he pulled downwards. Meleagant could not scream as there was no voice for him to scream from.
Meleagant fell to his knees after dropping the sword. He clutched his wound but he knows he is going to die. He looked up to Lancelot.
"It was Arthur who violated her. She should have been mine. I never touched her before, I swear. But he did....." Meleagant coughed out blood from his lungs.
"No, it was not Arthur. It was me. I was the one. You blamed the wrong person. I am just here to shut you up." Lancelot pulled out his sword. Lancelot was relieved that he had killed the man who would have told the King of his betrayal. He stepped away from the dead knight and then walked to the older King.
“I done your wishes and you will do mine. Let no one speaks of that night and I may just spared your family and servants.” Lancelot told the older man. King Urien nodded and the proceeded to collect his son for the funeral he had prepared.
It was not for another full moon before Lancelot took courage to visit the Queen. He approached her chamber and then he heard her calling for help. He ran inside for fear she could be in trouble but he found her seated on the bedding with her gown undone at the back.
"Lancelot, I need your help with the lace on the back. My lady in waiting is sick today." She motioned to the back of her gown. Lancelot hesitated at that as he feel that work should be done by a lady.
"Hurry up. We are wasting time." She is struggling at her gown and Lancelot rushed in to pull at the lace. It came undone and he stepped back.
"Please allow me." She turned around and slipped out the gown to the embarrassment of Lancelot, but she is not naked as expected. She had on a tunic inside her gown.
"Surely, you are not my inner friends, so I would preserve my modesty in front of you." She stepped out of the gown, and Lancelot can find she was all dressed also in leggings.
"Excuse me, but this time you have to leave."
Lancelot met her later outside the chamber, with her hair bundled inside the back of her tunic and wearing a head cover that tied the hair firm to her scalp.

"Shall we?" The queen motioned to Lancelot. "We are going riding. Teach me how to ride.”

Friday, March 24, 2017

Arthur: The legend and Myth Chapter 87

"Knight, I been waiting for you.” Meleagant rode out with full armour and lance with the shield. He saw the other was without one and then he felt that his challenger was not an experienced one
“You are without a lance and shield, Sir Knight. It will be unfair for me to duel with you as such.” Meleagant called out. “Let me provide you one and then none shall say I am being unkind.”
Meleagant taunted at the knight while a lance and shield was brought out. He then looked at the knight.
“It’s the time of chivalry and the joust is the mode of battle.” Meleagant had learned how to joust ever since the returning knights have displayed it then. The art of jousting was then well spread with anyone donning the armour was training to fight in one. Lancelot was not at exception but he hardly battles at it for his task to protect Camelot and the Queen overshadowed his fun of jousting at the tournaments.
Lancelot took the lance and shield before he rode out to meet Meleagant. He raced down the open field and he saw Meleagant had also done the same. Lancelot knows that Meleagant likes to hit at the left side of the shield in most of his jousts seen by Lancelot. The other did exactly that, but Lancelot had moved his body then off to avoid the thrust and used his lance to thrust into Meleagant' right arm holding the lance. Lancelot lance hit Meleagant just below his right shoulder and caused the other to drop the lance. The impact also caused Meleagant to lose his balance and fell from the back of his horse. Meleagant then got up and stared at the knight which had ridden past him.
"That can't be any knight. He must had ….one of the round table knights.” Meleagant then still denied the possibility of Lancelot and and walked back his horse where a new lance was given to him The second round was an equal match with contact made but both knights retain their saddle.
"Knight, may I have your name?" Meleagant asked but Lancelot refused to divulge his name. He rode forth once more and thrust out his lance while dropping his body back. Meleagant missed him with the lance but Lancelot lance took him on at the below the right armpit. The contact caused Meleagant to fell off his horse again, and that time he sat there on the grass.
Meleagant was not satisfied and he got up to remove his head piece.
"Knight, meet me inside the castle there. We fight there." Meleagant ran inside his castle. He had the drawbridge drawn up once he was in. It was a wooden drawbridge, but under it were the real dangers. Pointed sharp blades and spears protrude from the moat. The pointed weapons were embedded into the moat bottom before it was filled up. Anyone who fell in was bound for instant death. The only way to cross it was the two lengths of wooden planks which formed a walkway for the person to cross. It was narrow yet wide for one to balance on it.
"Surely you do not fear death, knight." Meleagant taunted from inside the castle.  
Lancelot took off his head piece and then his armor; and then deftly stepped on the two wooden balancing himself with his sword, and at times using the soles of his feet to grabbed hold on the wooden planks. His ankle already painful from the previous injury now screams out in his body yet Lancelot hold his pain back with the thoughts of Guinevere.
Soon he was over and he rested his feet for a while. Its bleeding but he can still walk. Meleagant saw the identity of the knight and had to figure out an answer. He came rushing out without his armour raving of madness and betrayal.  He stopped before Lancelot and holler for the healer.
"I apologies for the action of the intruder who donned my armour. He fought you out there." Meleagant told Lancelot. "I have killed the intruder and his body now is being carried to be thrown into the moat."
Just as Meleagant spoke out, a body was seen thrown into the moat from the castle wall.
"There he goes, the villian who used my armour. The healer will be here soon and I would let him attend to you now." Meleagant stepped aside to let the healer through. He then hollered for his guest be admitted in to the castle.
"Meleagant, I came for the Queen. Give her up and I may yet spare your life." Lancelot asked the host as he stood up on his bandages soles.
"Lancelot, I afraid you are mistaken. I rescued the Queen from some brigands some days back. She was too ill to travel so I nursed her back." Meleagant defend himself. "I was sleeping when the intruder took my identity to fight with you. It’s most unfortunate, but I woke up in time to kill him myself. Please forgive me for not being there earlier."
Lancelot felt that he may be mistaken and offered a toast to the other knight as a sign of apology. When he reached for the goblet of wine, he cut the back of his hand against the meat knife on the table.
"Lancelot, even the Holy Ones does not forgive you of your wild accusations. That cut is their grim reminder to you on you rash accusations." Meleagant mocked at him before he turned to his servants. “Go and inform the Queen, that Sir Lancelot is here. He had arrived on a cart."
It was more mockery on the knight but Lancelot was too ill to reply. The servant met the Queen and advised her as he was told.
"My Queen, Lancelot arrived late as his horse was killed by the archers. He took a ride on the cart...... To give chase but he was sent to the village. He then ......"
"Lancelot of a cart? That is below his dignity...his standing as a knight. How could he? The carts are for the ....wrong doers, or the invalid....." Guinevere spoke on the shame to be seen on a cart.
“My Queen, he was hurt on his ankle. He could not walk."
Guinevere felt bad but a part of her refused to see him. She feared she could not control her emotions. She might betray her true feelings.
Must she do that? Or does she fear for Lancelot as he dares not defy the King.
She felt so confused then.
Meleagant offered Lancelot a chamber to rest before he was to ride with the Queen back. Lancelot was given the chamber next to the Queen.
Unknown to the wounded knight which had slept then on the other chamber, the Queen wept for him. Guinevere cried out softly at her woes as she wished again she could see just see him then. She regretted her action then not to see him.
"Lancelot....I am so sorry." She whimpered out into the night.
It was then Lancelot was startled by the sound of his Queen calling to him. He looked out and could see no one but dark nights and he heard her whimpers from across. She was just a short distance from his wall, and yet seemed so far. Lancelot ever eager to see her climbed himself up and balance on the outer wall edges. He slowly inched his way around the narrow edges of the wall to reach the Queens' window opening.
"Lancelot!" Guinevere called out.
"Guinevere, may I come in?" Lancelot asked of his Queen as he felt his hold on the edge were slipping. "Please..."
Lancelot reached out in desperation before Guinevere caught him with her hand on his. She pulled him in into the chamber and he fell on her while climbing in. Instead of pushing him off, she held him in her hands. When her hands touched his injured hand from the climbs, he pulled back immediately.
"Are you in pain? Let me see." Guinevere took his hands. She saw the bleeding that came from his hands, and she held it gently. She leaned over to kiss his hands, but he pulled away.
"It bleeding......" But she hushed him up.
"So is the blood in my heart. It bleeds for you too. Why didn't you tell me? What did happen then." Guinevere pulled his hands to her and looked at it in the dim light. He told her of the bridge and how he crossed it. She held him tight and rubbed his forearm. She was trying to transfer the pain to her. Guinevere then raised herself up and slowly pulled him up.
"I need to change the bandages. Please let me." Guinevere slowly unwrap the bandages on his ankle and he squirmed when she peel it. She looked at him and told him.
"Lie down on the bedding. It would be better for you." He did as he was instructed, and she slowly removed the remaining bandages. She soon attended to his wound and washed it up clean with the jug of water in the house. She found his leggings were also smeared with blood and reached to pull them off. He reacted immediately but she assured him that she needed to wash his shins. He let go of it and leaned back.
She washed the upper shins and then she found her hands moving up to his thighs. He wanted to stop her but she hushed him up. His feeling was betrayed as his tunic hem rose up to her touches. She could not resist herself, as she recalled that night in Camelot but now she is not in Camelot. She touched him and he reacted like before, but this time he sat up and looked at Guinevere.
"I am sorry, Lancelot..." Guinevere muttered to him, but he pulled her to him and kissed her. He pulled her close but she squirmed to let go.
"Your hands....injuries..." She felt the blood that seeps onto her flesh. It revolted her initially and then she find it become more arousing. She enjoyed seeing the blood and took a dab of it with her lips. It tasted sweet and amorous. She reached for his right hand and placed it on her lips. His other hand was at her back and he was rubbing himself raw on her gown.
"Let me do it." Guinevere got up and pulled at her gown. She does not care anymore; she wanted to be loved.
She wanted to feel him. No more guilty feelings on her mind about Arthur. It was all about Lancelot then. She leaned over and took his hands to rub over her breasts. He felt the pain in his hands but he also felt her heart beats.
"Lancelot...." It was his turn to hushe her up, as he pushed her over and laid his kiss on her lips. It was not the last and it would take forever for them to pry themselves apart. Guinevere woke up at dawn to find her alone in bed. She looked at her body which is smeared with blood and the scent of her union with Lancelot. It was a long night and she felt ever it so fulfilling then. She washed her body off the blood with the same water that she washed Lancelot yesterday. She was still standing there nude when Meleagant walked in.
"I am sorry. I would leave now." Meleagant offered to leave her to her morning ritual and then he saw the blood in the water. "What is that? Blood? Are you hurt?"
Then he paused in his words. He then looked at her.
"No, it can't be. He had come to see you. He had spent the night here. He of all the people and ....and you rejected me when I love you the most."

Meleagant rushed out and went down to the Hall. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...