Friday, December 9, 2016

Tweet..tweet...09/12/16 The father's work is never ending

At 2135hrs 8th December 2016, my son stormed ( they thinketh they were Stormtroopers trained ) and confronted me, 

"Dad I need help." 
 At the tender age of twenty, he could do a lot of damage that required my help and honestly post-natal was one of it in my mind. He was long 'over due post natal' anyway. With the mum's help, All other motions in life was deemed inactivated. 

This is the result I had to churned out in one hour or was it two.

"a cinematic screen write...."

Darned I should be in his class coaching them with monetary rewards and no mother's around when I waved my wand.

Here are the things father have to do nowadays.

Research Facility meeting hall.
A group of researchers in meeting. Their discussion was on their research.

^Five scientist seated there at long table discussing their notes
^ CEO steps in and called for meeting
^ CEO noticed Joahn not there
^ Called for staff to find him
^Staci who was there walked out

Reseach facility hallway
Doctor Joahn, Genetic Expert argues on the results with other scientist. Nine subjects tested so far that went through the advanced checks.

^Staci found Joahn just outside the corridor in a rush
^Joahn joined in and presented his notes that Nara was improving but needed more tests to confirm
^An argument arose then on the level of tests
^CEO got upset and stated that already nine subjects had undergone the tests but eight had died
^”is this what I paid for?”

Joahn lab
Joahn walked out and went back to his lab. In there was Subject 009 was in the small room in the lab. She was a young girl at age of nine.

^Meeting was over
^Joahn back in his lab looking at the new results
“Joahn was interrupted by the young girl seated in the glass cubicle
^’Hello, father’.
^Joahn ignored the girl and continued his reading
^Are you mad at me?’
“Joahn ignored her and walked out. He was concerned on her but he cannot revealed his feelings

Subject 09 room
Staci, Joahn’s colleague on the research walked in. She approached the Subject 009 and was friendly.

^ Staci pass Joahn who ignored her
^Staci walked into the lab shared with Joahn
^’Hello, Staci. What is wrong with Joahn?’
^Staci approached the girl and talked to her
^’He is busy and cannot talk now but I can’.
“^Staci spend time talking to the subject 009 aka Nara.

Joahn lab
Joahn argues with Staci and stormed off.

^Joahn came back and saw Staci talking to Nara
^He argued with her on getting close to Nara
^his action scared Nara who then hid in the corner
^’There are no interaction allowed’

Subject 09
Subject 009 aka Nara (Nanotech Artificial Resources Artifact) asked Staci a lot of questions of herself and also of Joahn.

^Joahn once more stormed out of the lab
^Staci called for Nara to comfort her
^’Am I real?’ Nara asked
^Staci tried to explain what he could to a young girl of nine

Joahn Apartment room
Joahn entered his personal room where he kept his personal research on Nara. He keyed in new notes. 

^Joahn arrived back at his apartment
^he went straight to his personal room where his research works are seen
^He checked the notes and concurred the findings
^ Joahn sighed then and asked himself
^’am I God? How can I create a living being?’

Joahn apartment house hall
Joahn discovered something new. Nara was growing too fast but her condition was stable.

^The machine beeped and a new result was shown
^It showed new data on Nara
^’She is growing ….well….too well….too fast…’
^ Joahn keyed in more data to seek the results.
^Joahn made up his mind
^’Nara need to be removed’

Research Facility room / hall / joahn lab
Joahn prepares a large box and snatched Nara off the facility. He drove off in the van leaving Staci staring at him from the window.

^Joahn drove a van to the research facility
^He unloaded a large box he had constructed
^He went to his lab and called Nara
^’I am taking you for more tests’
^Nara climbed into the box
^Joahn pushed the box into the van and drove off
^Unknown to him, Staci was watching from a nearby window. Tears flowed her eyes.

Ten years later, small town a little house.
Nara then a teenager walked back from school. She saw Joahn pushed into the dark van.

^Ten years forward
^On the street of a small town, a teenager named Nara was waving to her neighbour
^She then saw the dark van at her house with Joahn
^She saw him pushed into the van before it drove off
^Nara wanted to scream but she was told by Joahn not to in such situation.
^’Do not scream or chase after me. Find the emergency pack and run to hide. Stayed away for one week and then called Staci at this number.’

Nara ran to hide. She was told what to do if this happen.

^Nara collected the bag and took to a friend’s house nearby to sleep over.
^the next day, Nara took to the bus to a far city. She stayed at the motel alone, and was crying.
^seven days was a long time to someone alone.

Big City
Nara arrived at the train station. She called a number given.
A person came to find her. It was Staci.

^Nara took the train to a designated city.
^Nara called the number. It was Staci who answered
^Nara was reunited with Staci
^”Joahn was taken…’

Staci reunited with Nara. Check on her and was surprised.

^Nara was reunited with Staci
^”Joahn was taken…’
^Staci took Nara to a hotel to stay and rest

Hotel room
Hotel Room TV showed an interview of the company that funded the research. They spoke of genetics design. They claimed knowledge and then said Joahn and Staci had stolen their works.

^when Nara was sleeping, Staci saw the news on the TV
^It was about Joahn and Staci
^They were fugitives wanted by the police then.

City Streets
Staci drove Nara when she complained of illness. Staci discovered that Nara was really dying. She was unwell and only Joahn knows her cure.

^Staci got Nara into the car and drove around. She needed time and space to think
^Nara complained of pains and fever
^’I need my medication’
^Staci tried to help but she cannot find the cure
^’Only Joahn knows’

City Hospital room
Staci admitted in Nara out of desperation. Doctors tried to save her but were held back by her genetic forms.

^Staci panicked and drove to the Hospital
^Nara was admitted into the ER
^’Pulse dropping. We need the machine on standby’
^’give her five cc of that.’
^’She is going once more…Hit her with another five cc.’
^the ER scene was chaotic
^’Doctor Staci, tell me more on your patient?’
^Then the doctor in ER recognized Staci from the news
^’She is a fugitive’

City Hospital front gate/
The Research Company came to the Hospital but Nara was taken away by Staci.

^Staci managed to escape with Nara
^Just then the Research Company staff arrived
^They discover that Staci had escaped
^ Staci was driving Nara in a stolen car

Staci house room
Staci can’t stop the dying process in Nara. She had no choice but to surrender to the Research Company

^Staci bought Nara to her house
^Staci tried to access her lab computer by remote but it was blocked
^Staci tried to cure Nara but she had no medicine at her house
^Staci knew that she had to surrender
^’Police, this is Staci….’

Research Facility front gate/
Joahn and Staci were reunited in their old lab with Nara as their subject.  All the other subjects have perished and were destroyed.

^Joahn was in his old lab looking at the results from previous tests.
^Joahn tossed the notes to the floor just when Staci stepped in
^’Nara is back here’
^’Why? You were to protect her?’ Joahn had asked
^’The only protection she have is here. Our lab holds the cure.’
^’Eight dead and you tell me there is a cure?’
^’We can argue and watch Nara dies…” Staci was getting emotional then.

Joahn lab
Joahn and Staci continued their research. There was a quarrel.

^Joahn stabilized Nara condition but her damage was extensive
^Joahn and Stasci continued more tests with the equipment there

Joahn lab outside/ Research facility hallway
Staci walked out. She was upset at Joahn.  He was still the man she knew before.

^After days of working, Staci stepped out of the lab
^Staci was upset that Joahn was still the cold man she knew
^’To him, everything was a subject matter..” Staci mumbled to herself
^’He does not know love…or even friendship..’

Nara room
Staci met up with Nara. They talked some more.

^Staci visited Nara in the glass cubicle
^The ladies talked and Nara told Staci of her last ten years
^’Father was kind to me. He never was much but he loved me.’
^Staci felt remorseful of her previous emotional outburst

Joahn Apartment room
Joahn opened up his old files. He read more and then found his joy.

^Joahn walked past the guard that took him back to his apartment
^It was all there the whole setup as if he never left the place
^he collected his hidden notes from behind the wall

Joahn apartment kitchen
Joahn did not see the man who walked in. He shot Joahn and then left with the research notes.

^Joahn did not see the guard who followed in later
^Joahn was shot in the back and took the notes
^Joahn woke up with a pain on his back. He lost a lot of blood but he could move
^Joahn called the police for help

City Hospital Emergency Unit room
Joahn was wheeled into the Emergency Unit. He was treated by doctors.

^Joahn was rushed to the ER
^’Doctors, we got a life one’
^’I got a GSW in the back. Bullet in the left ribs but missed the heart.’
^’Pressure dropping. I need a clip to stem the blood flow’
^’Prep for surgery now’
^’Bullet removed and let us close those damages’
^”Sutures needed and then we can move on’
^’Lucky man his heart was not shot.’

City Hospital room
Joahn was saved. He was recovering on the hospital bed when Staci came. She told him that Nara was moved to another section.

^Staci stepped into the medical room and visited Joahn
^’Nara is stable.’ Staci reassured the recovering  Joahn
^’All charges from the company dropped if you come back’
^’They shot me’
^”We know but for Nara, let us save her first. She is ….like a daughter to you.’


Joahn got upset and tried to leave but he was unwell. Staci told him to wait till he recovered

^’I will cure Nara …by myself’ Joahn tried to moeve but he can’t without opening his wounds.
^’Recover first. We can’t do anything until you arewell. Nara needs you now and then.’
^Joahn agreed and then he rested for his wounds.
^ His shooting was considered as attempted burglary and case was closed.

Research Facility monitor room
Three months have passed. Nara is in the lab. Her body was rigged with wires.

^Nara was strapped to the metal bed and wires were over her body.
^’Vital signs are low but she is alive’
^”Maintain status until her researcher comes back’
^’I heard he is discharged. What his name again? Joahn or Jones?’
^Nara smiled weakly. Her father was coming back. She may die in peace then.

Research Facility secret lab
Joahn walked in and saw Nara. She was older in her forties. The acceleration of her dying was faster.

^Joahn tossed the results shown to him and then glared at the other scientist
^’You are killing her. She is not a lab material. She is human.’
^’She may be to you, Doctor Joahn but here with us all of them are research material. We kept her alive for your sake.’
^’By slowing her dying you are killing her in the worst form’
^’She may be dying but she is alive for you now’.

Research lab joahn lab
Joahn was restrained and return to his lab. He pretended to resume his works but he was planning on how to escape.

^Joahn wanted to hold Nara but he was withheld
^’You will do your work while Staci gets to be near her’
^Nara was moved to a more secure lab
^Joahn resumed his work but he was also planning her escape once more.

Staci lab
Joahn was reunited with Staci. He shared his plan with her.

^’Nara cannot stay here. She is dying. I can’t help her. We need to get her out.’
^Staci agreed but they need to plan the escape.
^’I need a diversion to get to escape.’

Research Facility secret lab
Joahn sneaked into the lab where Nara was located while Staci created a diversion.

^Joahn sneaked into the lab where Nara was located using Staci’ access card
^Staci meanwhile left trails of fire bombs made in her lab
^the bombs ignited and the research facility was on fire

Joahn lab
The fire spread fast

^’Refuge area on fire’
^’Animal testing lab on fire’
^’Calling for the fire brigade’
^’We have fire in the admin office too’
^’Which lunatic is doing this?’
^The water sprinklers triggered as staff evacuate the building

Research facility secret lab
Joahn grabbed Nara and escaped during the fire.

^Joahn released Nara and placed her on wheeled bed to move her out.
^He took the path to the rear and passed the burning rooms
^His car was parked there
^ Joahn drove off with Nara

City Hospital Emergency Room
Nara was admitted into the Emergency Room. The doctors tried to save her.

^’We got a live one’
^’She is old and dying, doctors. Save her for she could be your mother in law’
^’Bad humor, Doctor Loong.’
^’Who cares? Mine is at home taking coffee. Anyone wants to adopt this one?’

City Hospital Emergency room outside
Reporters came to speak to Joahn who told them everything.

^Joahn saw the reporters that came there to interview the staff that were treated there.
^Joahn made a decision then.
^He approached a major news reporter
^He told his side of the story
^Soon he was mobbed by more reportters

Research Facility outside
The company was raided by the authorities

^On the TV screens were these messages and news
^’Research lab was raided today by the authorities soon after the fire’
^’Records were seized and the Management questioned’
^’Illegal research undertaken there by companies’
^’We have no comments. Quoted from CEO who had offered to resign.’
^’We condemned the research. ‘

The cemetery
Staci stood over the tombstone of one named Nara.

^The funeral was a simple affair with only Staci in attendance
^’From ashes to ashes’.  The rites were performed on a single coffin lowered to the ground
^On the tombstone were these words; ‘she had lived like us and died like us.’
^Staci seen walking away to begin a new life.

Staci stood looking at the Departure Schedule.

^Staci checked her phone for messages but there was none. Soon she hear d his voice.
^’You were there?’ Joahn asked Staci on the funeral
^Staci nodded. “Why didn’t you come?’
^”I have my reasons. Just like mine to you. We will meet one day but I can’t tell you when.’
^With that Joahn left Staci at the airport
^Staci walked into the Departure Hall

Joahn Apartment
Joahn opened his old files. He read it and then looked at the bed. There lies Nara; the new Nara at the tender age of year one.
Joahn was starting the new Nara research.

^Joahn sat on the familiar seat looking at the new equipment. He opened his old files and read it.
^’Nara; Subject 010.’
^in the new glass cubicle was a new baby girl at the tender age of one.
^Above the cubicle were these words;  there are no ties between us except fake love to spur growth.

^’Nara 010, I made a mistake with Nara 009. I created my love for her. It detached me from my real work. I will not do it once more. You will be just Nara 010 to me.  These are my vows as a scientist once more. ‘

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A peek into my mind.... the new tale

  I duly apologize for the late postings. I was busy with many other matters and when I was not, I was typing...... not my letter of resigna...