Friday, December 23, 2016

Arthur" The Legend and Myth Chapter 34


Arthur paced the tent in frantic steps while his scouts reported to him. It has been some time then when his scouts told him that Percival was missing. He was seen riding out but none saw him coming back. He can’t risk more of his scouts searching the hills when the enemy is just beyond. 

“Arthur, I counted the army of King Carados with the King of Scotland. They numbered about seven thousand then, with King Urien bringing up the left side with another two thousand.” Gawain reported in. He looked around and asked of the whereabouts of Percival.

“It can’t be. Percival won’t run from a battle.” Gawain shook his head at the remarks made by the others. More so from the foreign knights who were itching to fight the enemy then. The foreign knights have a score to settle with the isle knights from past battles.

“Another two thousand from the other Kings and Lords.” The scout reported in. “We thought Lancelot had scared them but they are back in strength.” 

Arthur thought of the tenfold odd again his army. He hoped his plan works. He then rode off with the forward group to draw the enemy to the valley, if they take his bait. It worked but he was not prepared for the fight there. 

“Ride hard!” Arthur called out to his knights. His plan worked but it was not as he planned. He had rode in with his two hundred knights to cross the path. It worked when a fraction of the enemy took to chase the small group. It numbered about five hundred of knights. 

The issue then was five hundred knights have fresher horses caught up with Arthur and his knights. The battle started there with the knights in the flank being overrun by the charging knights. Arthur saw the rout at the back and he turned his horse to gallop there. He charged through the knights and knocked on some horses. He made it there and drew his sword. He swung at the knight who had hacked at one of Arthur’s knight in the back. Arthur’s sword cut at the knight in the left forearm but Arthur did not stop there. He pulled back and took another swipe at the head. The knight fell with his head hanging at the side and left his spear embedded upright in the ground. 

“Drop back!” Arthur called out before he attacked the next knight. He was challenged by two knights who rode towards him. Arthur was still on his horse then turned his horse at the two. He rode hard and grabbed the spear that was in the ground. He held in midpoint at the handle and then leveled it at the approaching riders. He held it hard and then at the last moment when he saw the riders near him he thrust out the spear at the rider on his right. The spear stabbed in the rider in the chest and Arthur was riding through. He barely missed the other rider when the later swung the spear at him. Arthur rode past and then turned his horse. He was without a spear but he still held his sword. He rode towards the other rider and when they were almost parallel, he ducked backwards. He had seen the Gaul done that on their horseback. When he did that, his right hand swung with the sword. The impact almost threw him off the horse but he regained his balance. He however lost his sword which was in the other horse’s neck. The horse dying then keeled over and dropped the rider. Arthur turned his horse and rode to the other horse. He leaned over to pick at the sword of his and was hit on the back by the fallen rider. 

“Olicrosse!” The rider shouted out with this battle axe poised to strike at Arthur. The blow came down but missed the fallen knight when he rolled aside. Arthur then had raised his right leg to kick at the groin of the attacker. 

“Hornungsunu!” (these words meant bastard) The rider was then clutching his groin in pain. Arthur kicked out with his legs to drop the warrior and then he crouched up and smashed his fists in the throat to kill the other. It was a primitive method of close combat. He then stood up and held the battle axe that was to kill him. He felt the weight and then rushed to his horse. It was still waiting for him but another warrior had caught with it. The other took to the reins and rode off. Arthur was without a horse and he looked for another. 

Arthur was besieged by the others. 

“Aye, it’s Arthur.” Arthur was seen by the knights. He turned to run and saw his way blocked. He raised his battle axe to face the riders. It was then the line of riders was crashed in from the rear by another group. That group was led by the Black Knight. His knights fought through the cordon and then the Black Knight approached Arthur.

“Arthur of Camelot, you may ride to your camp.’ The Black Knight handed over the horse to him. “We shall meet later and in victory I will drink from your cup.” 

Arthur mounted and was to ride off when the Black Knight handed over the sword that belonged to him. 

“A wonderful sword but its master is not you. You are in need of a better one than this.” The Black Knight then had his knights open a passage way for Arthur. When Arthur had ridden off, King Urien rode up.

“We had Arthur and yet you released him. Why?” King Urien asked of the Black Knight. 

“We will win but only in true and fair combat.” The Black Knight looked to King Urien. “Your army had outnumbered Arthur’s and yet you chose to kill him when he is unarmed. Fight him in close combat yourself. Show your worth to the knights that followed you. Do not disappoint them with your …. for lacks of courage.”

With that the Black Knight rode off with his army leaving King Urien embarrassed and upset. He then turned to his knights and told them to chase after Arthur. 

Arthur rode hard ahead and caught up with his knights. They climbed the hill and into the valley where Sir Kay was waiting. He saw the other was playing to his role despite the ongoing battle. It was a good display for the camp looked alive. He then turned his horse to climb up the nearby hill and into the tree lines there. He was met by Gawain and questioned the battle outcome. 

“We were outnumbered but I drew them in.” Arthur pointed to the approaching knights of King Urien. “They will be in the valley soon.” 

Meantime then the valley, Lamorak dropped the jug of wine he was holding. He saw Arthur and his remaining knights have ridden onto the hills. It was the signal for him to get his own knights moving.
“Mount up, you knaves. We got to ride now.” Lamorak called out and reached for his horse. He thought it was crazy to be celebrating there but he reckoned Arthur may have a plan that could work. His knights then were not really celebrating but dousing the tents with wine. They were also lining the perimeters to form a series of lines that zig zag across the valley. King Urien knights in their pursuit saw Arthur’s camp with the riders moving out. 

“Catch those knights. I want the camp searched for their servants and their supplies.” King Urien called out. Their huge numbers pushed them to attack the camp then. 

“Gawain, it up to your archers now.” The command went out and the archers doused their arrows in oil and then have it lighted. The arrows soared high into the camp and some landed on the spilled wines or oils there. It lighted up the spilled contents and soon the flames engulfed the tents. The flames spread across the trails of oil and wines and soon the place was lighted up. King Urien’ knights then have reached the camp and were caught by the raging fire. The riders were seen trying to escape the fires but then the second wave of arrows were aimed at them. 

“Ride out!” The knights trapped there but their horses were frightened by the flames. Some knights dismounted to lead the horses but in the chaos, they ended up circling between the fires. 

“It’s a trap!” The knights called out but more riders were already descending then. Their rides hasten by the slope of the hill soon made some of the horses tumbled. The other riders tried to escape the fallen horses ended up clashing into other riders. 

“Now is our vengeance.” Arthur then drew his sword high and charged form the tree lines into the enemy knights. The gathered knights there followed their leader into the battle at the edge of the camp. 

Meantime Sir Kay who was on the other end then turned his army to join the fight. He grabbed his sword and then roared to his knights. 

“Down with those louse of knights!” Sir Kay screamed out while his sword cut at the knights. He was like a deranged warrior then the foreign knights with him shared his demented action. They were happy to be killing their rivals in battle. 

“Hakkaa paalle….” The foreign knights called out. 

It wasn’t the numbers that mattered then but the ones which were composed took the edge in the battle. And there were the few who were wiser not to rush in. 

“I think the battle is not to our favor now.” King Bors looked to King Ban. “Arthur held the upper edge over our allies.” 

“It can be seen then but if we are to join in we will win with our numbers.” King Ban replied. “Its unfortunate for King Carados and Urien that they have to battle alone.” 
“Most unappealing.” The Black Knight joined in with the duo. “The King of Scotland had withdrawn on the last moment lent strength to Arthur. And so was the absence of King Lot.” 
“I heard that he was returning. I wonder why.” King Bors asked. “Perhaps the messenger we saw could attest to his sudden change of mind.” 
“That messenger? I met him on the way back to Pendragon. He told me that Anglo Saxons are here. The King of Scotland had returned to guard his borders.” The Black Knight smiled. “It’s very unfortunate.”
King Bors and Ban looked at each other. If the Anglo Saxons are on the march then they will need to return to their land. They were to ride when the Black Knight halted them.

“Before you leave, kindly looked to the right.” King Bors and Ban did as they were told. They saw them the rider bearing the banner of Pendragon. There was also two other riders that looked familiar.
“I think we just lost the battle.” King Bors replied. Soon after a period of time, Arthur was seen standing there at the valley. He looked exhausted with the sword held with both hands pointed to the ground. He was in the valley and his body was bloodied from the cuts and wounds. He was not spared with multiple cuts on his limbs and there was a bad gash on his back. He looked around him and saw the carnage. The camp was a set of dead bodies and burning tents with horses without riders. The surviving knights kept their distance at two ends; the ones with Arthur with King Carados who survived the battle with his knights. The foreign knights have ridden off soon after the battle. They were disappointed at the battle being halted in midway when the group from Pendragon rode in with horns blowing. 

“I am sorry we cannot join you then.” Percival stood next to Arthur. He looked away and saw Lancelot looking at the tent that was supposed to his. He was flicking the ashes with the feet to look for anything worth salvaging. 

“I want him out.” Arthur told Percival with his body signals indicating Lancelot. “He is no more a knight of Camelot.” 

“If I may say some…” Percival words were ignored when Arthur turned away. He watched the distraught leader walked towards the area where the wounded were tended by physician including Merlin. The later had arrived in time with the group of healers and physicians.

“How many knights have lost their …” Arthur was cut off by Merlin. 

“You may know that we have lost twenty knights from both sides.” Merlin expressed his view. “Your ego won’t be affected.” 

Arthur looked to his adviser. Merlin had seen these killings but the later was upset. He then displayed his blood. 

“These are the bloods of our knights. When I said ours, it meant yours and theirs. There are no distinguish qualities between them but all of them fed on our cows.” 

Arthur expression split into a snide look.

“What does their feeding matter now? We have killed them from the Pict and the barbarians from the sea.”

“But they are not from these lands.” Merlin picked up the soil and tossed it at Arthur.” Merlin sighed then. “I left this land soon after Pendragon then. I was sick of the war and killings until the Romans arrived. They created some balance but we were still killing each other. Even the foreign knights are here to indulge in the killings.” 

“Why are we arguing on the killings?” Arthur then grew agitated and looked hard at Merlin. “We don’t have time to dwell on the past or the issues with the killings. We have to contend with the Anglo Saxon at our land. Are you with me or you would like to be with Lancelot?”
Merlin did not reply when he walked away. Arthur was to call the druid when another voice called him. It was King Bors. 

“Arthur, Pendragon requested our presence at his castle.” 

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