Sunday, December 11, 2016

Arthur; the Legend and Myth Chapter 27


Sir Maur kicked at the crawling drunks that made their escape through the doorway. He also used his sword on the broad side to slap at them on their hinds. He then looked to the last of the guards standing there.

“So Grant of Lowers, are you daft in the ears? I said that to return to the barracks.” The knight roared at the guard that he detested for lack of discipline. The guard then sobered up threw the half drank goblet at the far wall. 

“I have enough of the duties. I have fought the King’s battles when you were still a babe in your mother’s arms.” The one named Grant bellowed out. “I am calling it quit. I am returning to my farm.” 

“You shall not shrink from your services. That I pledge as the knight to King Lot.” Sir Maur glared at the defiant guard. “You and all of you here are marching tomorrow in the army of King Lot. None may shrink from that obligation. Your King needs you.” 

The villagers there were stunned and some shuffled to their feet to leave but the doorway was blocked by the knight. The defiant guard then grabbed the table by the side and toppled it over before he charged at the knight but Sir Maur had seen it coming. He stepped aside and used his sword to cut at the guard. The later was cut on the left arm but in his anger, he swung his right fist at the knight. He was true with his swing and knight staggered on the punch at the face. With his battle skills, when the punch was contacted the knight had his sword thrust out. The thrust embedded the sword into the guard’s chest. 

Lancelot saw the killing and reacted with his own action. He drew the sword of his own and rushed at the knight. The other was not prepared for Lancelot but he reacted with a side step to have the sword cut at his arm. He pulled back and swung his sword at Lancelot. It missed Lancelot when he ducked on the swing. Lancelot pulled back on the move and then took up the battle stance. 

“Who are you? I am Sir Maur.” The knight defended himself. “I have seen you before.” 

Lancelot ignored the question and went in with a set of thrusts but the other was deflecting the moves with defensive moves. The fight took them outside the tavern and that was a mistake. Lancelot saw then standing before him were a company of guards including the three drunken ones chased out of the tavern. Sir Maur corrected his balance then and called on the guards to catch Lancelot. He was outnumbered twelve to one, and those excluded the drunken ones. Lancelot looked to his options. His horse was hitched a distance away and there were hardly any covers there. He turned back to the tavern and bolted the door. He then turned to see the villagers still there. 

“Tell me where is the back door?” Lancelot called out but his option was cut off when the owner told him there was none. “There is an attic with a window to the roof.”

Lancelot took the offer and was soon on the roof. The tavern was only one level and his presence was seen by the guards. Lancelot ran along the roof to the adjacent buildings but he could not find any escape point. Finally he came to the end of the building to jump over. He did then the jump off and landed on the soft ground just then three guards caught up with him. Lancelot drew his sword in a wide swing and caught one of the three in the leg before he fled on foot to the nearby street. When he reached there, he found little options of escape. With his instinct he crouched down and thrust his sword in a back move. The sword stopped the guard in the lower chest when he tried to creep up on Lancelot. 

Lancelot pulled up on the sword and then turned to face the last of the guards. The last guard there stood there and then turned back. Lancelot took off then on his legs to the end of the street but he soon found himself blocked by three more guards. He was cut off and then turned back. He was hoping for a miracle then. 

It came in the form he least expected. 

Lancelot saw the riders at the back of the guards. He squint his eyes and saw they were not guards but friends of his. 

His friends who were not supposed to be there. 

It was Arthur and Percival riding on two horses. They charged at the guards and then galloped through. They rode towards Lancelot and grabbed him. He was not hauled up the horse but grabbed by each shoulder and then dragged. They had him dragged for a distance before they stopped. Lancelot was dropped onto the ground and he got up with an angry tone.

“What the…” Lancelot cursed out but Arthur gave out a laugh before looking at Percival. 

“We dragged you to safety and you are not unappreciative.” Arthur smiled. “I have no time to stop and then invite you to mount. We were chased by more guards.” 

“Of which they are still in the chase.” Percival warned the others. It was then Lancelot saw the four riders approaching them. He did not hesitate then and rushed to mount Percival’s horse. All three of them rode off to escape their pursuers. They rode hard headed for the hills and there they lost the pursuers. Lancelot was at the stream when they stopped to let the horses rest. He was still then angry at the way he was handed on the horse. He approached Arthur.

“Tell me how did you …” Lancelot then was fuming mad. “I could have dropped my sword then.”
Arthur looked at the other in his anger. He stopped smiling and looked at Lancelot. The later was still checking the sword taken from his back. Arthur held out his hands as a sign of apology but the other ignored it and stayed focus on the sword. 

“Lancelot, tell me of King Lot.” Arthur cut the chase to the core issue. “How many are there?”

“You were not to be here. You send me here and when unexpectedly you appear to help me. Why…..” Lancelot replaced the sword and glared at Arthur. “Tell me now.” 

Arthur looked at Lancelot. He did send Lancelot to look for news on Pendragon but the later was seen here. Arthur pointed to village that they escaped from. 

“You were not to be here.” Arthur told off the other. “We came here to check King Lot.”

“And it was from Pendragon. I learned of King Lot’s involvement. I rode here and check the place but I found you.”

“I came here because I was told that King Lot was with the others. They are over ten of them I was told.” Arthur replied with a sigh. “Pendragon is not here. He is at the borders.” 

“So my dear knights, we will have a war on our hands.” Arthur replied. He then took to his horse and rode leaving Percival with Lancelot. The two left behind were not amused at their leader leaving them. Percival mounted his own horse and then picked up Lancelot. 

Back in Camelot, Merlin was himself busy building the outer walls. He had extra workers to complete the task soonest. He then consulted the spell books for ways of reading the future. It was one task that had failed him many times for what he was to predict may not all be true. He then moved to read the ancient tales of greater wisdom. He spent the hours away reading it and then was told that Arthur was back.

“Merlin, we have a war. And I hold how to handle the first battle.” Arthur stormed into the Hall that was built by the masons. It was a grand hall design although it lacked the grand tapestries and seating furniture. The only imposing unit was the rounded table. 

“We hold a feast here.” Arthur swept the drawings and whatever that was within his reach. “We will battle them with our wits.” 

The banquet was called for the next moon offerings and a huge feast was laid out. The castle was laid out with the covers of flowers while the masons placed temporary structures to cover the unfinished tasks. The village was lined up with the same welcome and the bay was filled with boats garlanded with flowers. Arthur had his knights dressed up in the best of dressing while he had on a nice long tunic with the crimson flock over it. He had his waist belt on with the sword. 

The guests soon arrived. 

King Lot was first with a hundred knights. They were all dressed as if they were to battle with their armors and swords with the long spear held with their right hand. They declined the castle and took their camp at the plains with the two thousand strong foot soldiers, Sentries were posted and the knights rested in the open. 

King Uriens of Gore soon arrived with another hundred knights and five hundred foot soldiers. The King also declined the accommodation. He joined his compatriot King Lot. King Nentres of Garlot was next and he came with fifty knights and seven hundred foot soldiers. The three Kings sat in silence at the shared campsite but they took different fireplaces. It was not a friendly congregation but they shared one common interest, the annihilation of the one named Arthur. 

“Whoever had poisoned their mind on you must be influential.” Merlin stood on the walls with Arthur and looked at the campsite. “I wonder who.” 

With that Merlin left the young Lord. It was later another King rode. He was none other than the King of Scotland with six hundred knights. He was accompanied by the King of Carados with two hundred knights and a thousand foot soldiers.

“An unholy alliance I presume.” Lancelot had then joined Arthur. “Scotland was at ends with King Lot and Pendragon and here we have them united against us.” 

“That’s new King of Scotland. I heard that he had taken the crown soon after his father’s death. He sought alliance for he needed them to fight the Irish soon.” Percival replied. “He also knew that Pendragon is getting old and a worthy King will soon be there. Maybe King of Carados.”

A few more Lords rode in with more knights and foot soldiers but their numbers were smaller. They joined the other Kings at the campsite showing their loyalty to the older Kings. There was one King that came with fifty knights but he did not camped there. He rode around the campsite and viewed the resting parties. He drew some jeers but ignored them all. 

“Who is that?” Arthur asked his knights. “I could not make out his face from here.”

“I heard not of his name but his reputation precedes him. He is called the Black Knight.” Lancelot introduced the new knight but the later did not stop and then rode off from the camp. “He is rather …proud of himself.” 

“Nevertheless, we have guests with us. Let us rejoice with them.” Arthur then called on the servants to bring the feast to the campsite. The carts and wagons were laden with the food and drinks. 

“Welcome the Kings of the Land.” Arthur smiled at his guests while the servants took to laden the offerings to the knights but none came forth to touch it. “Perhaps the food is not fine. I will have it changed.” 

“We will have none. We will also return your gifts.” King Lot told Arthur. “We came to see your strength.”

“And there is none.” King Lot continued on. “We have no regards for young lad to be King.” 

“King? Me? I doubt I will be one.” Arthur replied. “Who told you such lies?’

“Someone and we are ashamed to serve under you.” With that reply King Lot then took to leave with his knights. He was followed by the others before Arthur could stop them. He ran forward to the front of the leaving entourage. 

“I will be your prisoner if you stop this …..silliness.” Arthur pleaded with the Kings. “Take me as your ….care.” 

King Lot then had the younger Lord taken to one of his smaller castle at Carlion and kept there under guard.

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