Thursday, December 15, 2016

Arthur; Teh Legand and Myth Chapter 28


Merlin rode alone to Carlion. He was met by the sentries by the river before the castle. They have posted an outer boundary with posted sentries. He told the sentry there that he was Merlin.

“King Lot will see me.” Merlin looked at the sentry. “Give him this amulet.” 

Merlin had been to Carlion some years ago. He was once the learning tutor to the princely Lot of Carlion. The young lad was taught by the older tutor in Latin as then stipulated. 

“My old Latin tutor is back.” King Lot seated on the high chair smiled when he saw his old tutor. “You looked no older than then.”

“Age had moved on but the skin had remained taut like before.” Merlin smiled. “I see you recognized the amulet.” 

“How could I not?” King Lot held up the amulet in his palm of his right hand. “And….” 

“Promise to repay me the debt it held.” Merlin smiled. He did the unexpected then for the young lad. He saved the later from a wild mushroom poisoning. He was told not to tell the older King then. 

“I live to my promise, Myrddin.” King Lot referred to the name once held by Merlin. “Now I recalled. I saw you with the wimp.” 

“That wimp, King Lot is my Lord. His name is Arthur.

” Merlin declared to the King then. “I am here to secure his release in return for your promise.” 

King Lot smiled and then sent the druid to the tower where he kept Arthur for the last two weeks. The King then called on the other Kings to attend at the castle. Of the eleven Kings and Lords, only three assembled then and they met the imprisoned Arthur with Merlin later at the hall. 

“Arthur, how do you fare with your stay at my tower? It’s not the same as your unfinished castle.” That line drew laughter from the others. “It’s from out of respect for Pendragon that we have not divided his farms.” 

King Carados who was present roared into a loud laughter. His joy was heightened with the slaps of his hands on the seat. The other who was next to the King was the King of Scotland. Both seemed to be taking light of the matter. King Lot then moved his question to a more serious tone.

“Tell me, druid. Why are you with him?” King Lot picked up the goblet. “You were a great tutor to me and was destined for better positions.” 

Merlin bowed to the King and then replied. 

“There is nothing grander than having to serve the future King.” Merlin smiled. “I have finally found my true calling.”

“Arthur the next King? What had happened to Pendragon? He had staked the claimed as King of all Kings.” The King of Scotland roared out. “I find it logical that Pendragon needed the heir. He is after all without one.” 

It was Merlin who intervened. 

“Arthur is the true son of Pendragon and Lady Igraine.” Merlin revealed to all but all he got in return was more laughter. Arthur was not amused and reached for Merlin by the robe.

“Make no false tales of my birth, druid. I am not the son of Pendragon and nor of Lady Igraine.” Arthur was upset then but the druid explained his statement. He pushed Arthur away and then spoke of the shameful event that Pendragon had committed. 

“Pendragon was a bad one.” King of Scotland shook his finger in a sign of no. King Carados then followed suit and they both laughed. 

“I may have sired many bastards but none of them may lay a finger on my throne. That was my rule with those wantons who desired my seeds. Only my true heirs were allowed, and I have only half a dozen.” King Carados boasted of his lineage. “And among them only one will be King.” 

“So druid are you also a wizard to implant the seed into the Lady in question? I have bedded many in my nights but not all have come forth to claim my heritance.” The King of Scotland made a remark of it. “Surely you did not assist in the insertion. Then he may be your bastard.” 

That statement made everyone laughed out louder except for the few who were offended. 

“It’s…” Merlin defended his words but King Lot was the one who was keen not to know more on the amorous adventures of one he had hailed as their Lord. 
“Assuming the one ….I meant the bastard there is truly who he is then we have a …” 
“Hostage!’ King of Scotland roared out. “We will hold Pendragon now by his limbs. His huge army will be useless against…”
“I forbid it. Arthur was ours to battle and not Pendragon.” King Lot displayed his loyalty to the Lord. “I stand to …”
Merlin then felt that his argument was losing ground and intervened on the King with his words. 
“Pendragon was a great King himself but Arthur will be the one that will unify the lands from Wales to Ireland and also of Scotland.” Merlin hailed the one he had claimed to be the heir of Pendragon. “He whom I hail now as my Lord.”
“Of which you had hailed few if not many in your lifetime.” King Carados reminded the druid. It was then a messenger of the King burst into the hall. He had ridden across the land and brought in news of Pendragon.
“Lord Pendragon, the King is dead.” The messenger collapsed to his knees. The servants rushed to aid the fallen messenger and while lying down, he told the rest of the messenger. “He collapsed on the journey way home. He fell off the horse and was claimed by the demons.” 

“Demons?” King Lot asked. 

“Yes. The King screamed of demons. They came to claim his life then.” The messenger moaned out and then collapsed into a deep sleep. The message brought silence to the hall until Arthur spoke out.

“Release me now!” Arthur looked at King Lot. “All of you had your fun and now can I go.” 

“You cannot leave. You will be our hostage.” King of Scotland stood up to prevent Arthur leave. 

“I will leave as I have decided then.” Arthur held out his hands to be removed the shackles. “I took your hospitality without reservation and your accommodation was definitely below par. The food was pathetic but I can assure you if its war you still insist on, I will fulfill that but only with proper chivalry code.” 

“Of which?” King Carados lent out a snide line of remark. Every person who was named as a knight or the royal lineage had learned the code of chivalry. It was a moral obligation of the person to honor the code in battle. It was supposed to be a doctrine adhered by many then. 

“I can name you every line of it but one that flashed before me was ‘never to refuse a challenge from a peer’. I am your peer by rank albeit I may hold a smaller land and much smaller army. Nevertheless, I am still your peer.” Arthur’s words were taken with the silence once again in the hall. The King of Scotland was to refute the claim but King Lot cut in first. 

“Release him.” King Lot then turned to Arthur. “We shall give you till the next moon rise for the war between us. That will give you some time to gather what left of your army.”

The King of Scotland was to argue but King Lot held back the objection. Arthur was released as authorized by King Lot. Arthur rode back with Merlin but when they rested after a long ride, the druid was impatient to question Arthur. 

“Was it wise?” Merlin asked. Arthur nodded. He then explained his move. 

“We are outnumbered to their army. I needed to buy us time. I offered myself to be interned here so that Lancelot and Percival with the other knights could get more men for our army.” 

“You are a bastard…” Merlin cursed at the other but Arthur smiled.

“I might as well be the bastard that you claimed on me.” Arthur then climbed onto his horse. “I must ride to the castle to tend my King. You may ride with me as my adviser.” 

“The King? Are you telling me that Pendragon is not dead?” Merlin was baffled then but Arthur had ridden off.

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