Saturday, December 24, 2016

Arthur The Legend and Myth Chapter 35


King Lot shifted on his seat while looking at the assembled in the hall of Pendragon’s castle. All the knights that were loyal or affiliated were all there. King Carados was alone in the far corner, and seething with anger. He refused to join the others who were in deep conversation including the Black Knight with King Bors and Ban. He turned to look for Arthur. The later was missing and so was the druid. 

“Merlin….Or was it Myrddin? I admired you, druid.” King Lot muttered to himself. Unknown to King Lot, Arthur was in the personal chamber of Pendragon. 

“I guessed my days are coming to an end.” Pendragon gasped in between deep breaths. He was lying on his bedding with the pain in his chest. He had ridden to the borders to check on the Anglo Saxon. Most of his reign was taken up with campaigning against Saxon and Irish invaders in the northern borders. His first campaign was unsuccessful against the Angles of Bernicia. Osla, allied with the Jutish Octa. Pendragon was defeated Uther's armies at York (Caer-Ebrauc). However, he soon turned the tables at the ensuing Battle of Mount Damen. He even aided the Kings of Strathclyde pacify the Scots.

It was then he met his love. On his return, Pendragon met Lady Igraine then the wife of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall. Due to his desire, the quarreled with the later and war was declared. Pendragon invaded the Duke's lands, but still impatient to be with his new love, he persuaded the druid in service then to assist him.

“I don’t care. Just give me a spell to win this lady over.” The druid had then under duress and the threat of death, agreed to it. Merlin made the spell to disguise Pendragon into Gorlois and gotten him to bed the lady. A son was born out of that affair; a son that was to be given away. 

A son named Arthur. 

“I am not your son, Pendragon. I am Arthur of Bedyr.” Arthur denied his heritage. “I am the son of a blacksmith.”

“So you were.” Merlin interrupted. He then looked at Lady Igraine. The lady had the others removed from the chamber except for the immediate family and Arthur with Merlin. 

“Arthur of Bedyr, you were the adopted son of Adama Bedyr the Blacksmith. Your adopted father was the aide of Vortigen and then Pendragon. He was a valued friend too with the skills of sword making.” Merlin spoke then of the past. “Adama was told to raise you his own. It was then with guilt I left Pendragon and when with Adama. The later soon named himself Adam and he wanted to raise Arthur at the Cradle of the Dragons as Bedyr was once known when the dragons were bred there.” 

“The dragons were the crest of Pendragon as was this stone we stand on. He build this castle when I appeased the so named fighting dragons here and its only rightful his son will be bred alongside the dragons. There were dragons once before but in the times to past, the dragons have left but they left their marked descendants then with the lands. It was the red lions that roamed the land soon after the dragons. Like the dragons, the lions were formidable creatures and they ruled the creatures here. They were taken care of by the people of Bedyr for generations until the last ones perished. They bred the lions in the caves for fear of them being hunted and killed for prize.”

“When Adam arrived at the village, it was not more like any other but he settled in with Arthur. I was my usual self and took leave to travel to the main continent. Soon I came back when the calling came for me.” 

“I was never in touch with Adam nor of Arthur, but I knew his progress. I have my friends to watch him grow and eventually joined the Roman Legions. It was his path to be King.” Merlin smiled at the thought. “He grew up fine and today he is united with his family.” 

Morgause cried out loudly and ran from the chamber followed by her sister Morgan,. Elaine excused herself to comfort the two sisters. Merlin looked at the elderly lady seated beside the dying Pendragon. She was the upset and later saddened. She then spoke up.

“It was needed for this moment to haunt us once more. I was ….foolish to give my son away but it was the wish of the father. He had feared then the vengeance of the other Lords and had us killed. If he had done that, the child may be spared. And innocent life from a …pretentious and selfish act of his.” 

“Utter Pendragon, you are a bastard.” The words of Lady Igraine were harsh but it was justice to her pain. She then looked at Arthur. “My son had a pendant given to him. It was the image of a lion.”

“I have no such pendant.” Arthur replied flatly. It was Merlin who stepped forth with one.

“It was not given to Arthur but kept by me till today.” Merlin displayed the pendant with the image of the lion. “I kept it because the boy was too young then.”

“Why are all of you doing this to me? I am not his son.” Arthur burst out in anger. “I am Arthur of Bedyr …”

“You are whom we claimed.” Lady Igraine cut in with her raised voice. “You are …our son and by the rights of the throne, you shall inherit his seat as the new Lord.” 

With that, Lady Igraine stood up and then bowed to Arthur. She was followed by Merlin himself. 

“The lands under Pendragon need their new Lord and you will do so as one.” Lady Igraine continued on. “I hold no wisdom in there but the Lord has a duty to protect its lands. The war with the Anglo Saxons have been long and the last one although Pendragon has the victory over it but he was poisoned by the enemies when he drank the water from the well.” 

“Call in King Lot now.” Lady Igraine called out to the servants. The King was brought in and told to speak of the battles with the King then.

“I was to battle with the others against Arthur when the messenger told me to ride for St Albans. I was to intercept the fleeing Prince of the Anglican. I did but the numbers on the other side eluded our pursuit until I was reinforced by Pendragon. Finally we won but through the deceit of the Prince, most of us had our drink from the well at St. Albans. It was undoing and the casualties mounted up. The water in the well was poisoned and among the few that are still dying here was our Lord.”

King Lot turned to Lady Igraine to seek her forgiveness. She nodded her forgive to him and then looked at Arthur. 

“You have no say on the matter.” Lady Igraine found herself challenged by another. She turned to look and saw it was one who was uninvited.

“Arthur may not be the only one who have the right. I hold the same right.” The figure was dressed in the black armor. He was the Black Knight. He approached the bedding and looked at the dying figure there. 

“Hello Pendragon, it has been a long time since we met in person.” The Black Knight then removed his head gear. “It’s me Hengist. I was once with another named Horsa. We used to serve Vortigen whom you removed to be the Lord of the Lords and Kings.”

Hengist and Horsa were Anglo Saxons and arrived in the isle. They offered their services as mercenaries for Vortigen against the Pict and Gauls. The mercenaries soon turned their acts on their master. An act of reconciliation was called on by Hengist and Vortigen. A banquet was agreed on and the numbers were agreed. It was as planned but the intentions differ from each other. It was to be a murderous gathering. The murder act was soon to be recorded as the Night of the Long Knives. Hengistus had arranged for his household that they should hide their daggers under their foot in the shoe. The signal was “eu nimet saxas.” (Hey draw your swords). They killed all the elders of Vortigen but left the King alive to be ransomed. In return for the King, the land around Kent was given to Hengistus.

“You looked older.” Pendragon dragged on his voice when he saw the treacherous knight. 

“I am sure the treachery remains.” Lady Igraine recalled the event then. She glared at the knight and then looked at Arthur. 

“Arthur, you may wait outside. We have things to discuss.” Lady Igraine told Arthur who took the request as his command. He stepped out to the corridor. Hengist watched Arthur leave and then looked at the lady. 

“I am but the treachery had been placed aside.” Hengist ala the Black Knight bowed to the Lady. “I am not here to challenge Arthur but the true lineage of Vortigen can do so.” 

“Vortimer? Where is he …” Pendragon asked in his weak voice. “He …”

“Vortimer was the son of Vortigen. He was upset at his father ceding land to the Anglo Saxon. He rose up to fight them and pushed them back to Thanet. He fought four battles with them and killed some of the kins of the Anglo Saxon.” Merlin gave the brief version to the attended.
“Not Vortimer. There is one other of Vortigen.” Hengist spoke up. “Vortimer was not his only son. He has another.”
“The unspoken daughter of Vortimer was exiled to Lumbria. She was with a son. She took refuge with the Pecht there. I led the Romans there to take the village. One of the survivors was taken under the care of the Centurion. His given name was Lancelot.”
“Lancelot? You are making it all up.” Merlin snapped in. “You will not stop Arthur from being King.” 
“I am not. I am here to tell you that there is one more to the seat and Lancelot need to …” 

“Know? Lancelot as of now does not belong to Camelot anymore.” Arthur hit back. “He can be the next King for I am not keen to be one.”

With that Arthur turned to walk. Lady Igraine stopped him. 

“I am still the Lady here. With my Lord unwell, I have the right to appoint his successor. Arthur will be that person.” Lady Igraine stared at those present. “Anyone got any objection can leave here.” 

Black Knight stormed out then. He passed Arthur at the corridor but not before he said his departing words to the other.

“You will fight Lancelot one day for he is to obey me.” 

The appointment of Arthur to replace Pendragon was met with scorn from many in the assembled. Some did not voice their views vocally but their facial expression betrayed their emotions. Arthur and Merlin had taken their place at the corner. The other knights were all present but not Lancelot. The Black Knight was also missing among the gathered. 

“I stand against it.” The one who spoke was named Lord Beardsley. He was a young Lord who replaced his father last summer. “I will not support the new Lord.” 

His uproar have more joined in and then hidden daggers from their cloaks and clothing. The guards there in hall moved to pull their swords but the loud voice of Lady Igraine stopped their action. 

“For those of you who does not know me, or don’t have the need to know. My Lord is ill and may perish soon. In his incapacitated state, I am to do his bidding.” Lady Igraine looked at them. “Arthur is the successor.”

“Anyone have an issue with me can join the Anglo Saxon invasion.” Lady Igraine looked to them. It was then she saw King Bors and Ban have joined her at the side. He was soon followed by King Carados. 

“My Lady, I am here to offer my service to Lord Pendragon.” King Carados looked at the gathered Lords and Kings. “We have all owed Pendragon for his protection. In return now, we shall protect his throne. And his successor.” 

“I stand with thee.” The voice belonged to one named Meleagant. 

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