Saturday, December 17, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 30


Arthur sat himself at the round table facing the five knights. They were all presenting their reports to him on the new recruitment to their cause. 

“We hold five hundred of villagers who came forth to support us. Half of them needed training and more than that they needed weapon for their own use. I have only thirty knights that rode with me.” Percival reported. “Not of them are capable of fighting for they are too old to fight.” 

“Why did they come?” Arthur asked.

“I don’t really know. Some said they came when they heard of Arthur’s lineage.” Percival replied. “Some came for they believed Arthur can unite them against the Picts. They fear the Picts will take over the isle after the Romans leave.” 

“Old tales.” Sir Kay intervened. “I hold a hundred fighters. They are seasoned but they will fight for gold. Real coins that they cane used in the taverns.” 

“Ignore his men. I have less than that but they are truly knights. They are sworn by the codes which bound all of us. My number is twelve but they are worth fifty of those.” Gawain declared to Arthur. “A few of them had stood by me in battles before.” 

Arthur looked to Lamorak and Lancelot who were quiet. He was to ask Lancelot when the later spoke.

“I hold no knights for you.” Lancelot shook his head. “I have ridden far but no one will join us. I am surprised that the others fared better than me.” 

“Mine was with Percival number. I have no strong personal friends unless they are crazy like me.” Lamorak smiled. “I am more familiar with brash fists than friends.” 

It was then Gaheris who was at sentry duties rode in hard and then crashed the gathering. All those gathered looked at him and it was Gawain who asked. 

“Who had arrived?” Gawain stood up from the table. 

“A black knight with a hundred knights. They rode in and then circled the boundary.” Gaheris replied in between breath of air. “Then he approached me. He told me to tell Arthur that he will not join when the need comes. Never before and never after.” 

“Insolent man!” Sir Kay blasted out. “He is either here with us or not. I say we cannot rely on him for our fight.” 

“Stay calm, Sir Kay.” Arthur comforted the other. “Tell me of the knights send by Pendragon. Can they be trusted?”

“I don’t know. Galahad is with them. He had spent them with them and yet to report to me.” Gawain told Arthur. 

“And he may not know them all but the few I came across are known by name and fame to me.” Merlin stepped into the hall and then stood by the edge of the table. Merlin had refused to seat at the table when the knights or Arthur was present. It was as if he respected their seating there. Arthur once told him to sit but he declined. His reason was that he will not seat with the knights. 

“Tell me who are up against? The last count was eleven Kings and Lords.” Arthur asked. “Have any left the group?”

“None from what the scouts tell us.” Percival reported in. “I think among them all, maybe only the few are the ones with the loudest voice.” 

“King Carados and the King of Scotland.” Percival continued on. “King Lot and one other Lord name I could not remember.” 

“Well then we are outnumbered by the five to one.” Arthur murmured out. “Where can we find more of our own?’

“Perhaps we can be of help.” All eyes looked to the rear of the hall. There was a group of armored knights there but they were different in the crests on their tunic. It was not of the dragons favored by the knights from the isle. Theirs was more of the Roman designs.

“King Ban of Benoic” “King Bors of Gaul.” “King Griflet le Fise” “Sir Moris de la Roche” “Sir Briant of Forest” The names spilled out in line with the standing and they numbered ten of them.

“We came with a hundred knights each from across the channel.” The one named King Bors spoke on behalf the others. “We are from the Tours, Normandy and also the Rhine. We came on the pledge made to Pendragon.”

“You are now the commander of a huge army.” 

Across the divide of the land, King Lot heard from the messenger that King Lot was looking to meet him. He shuddered at the request for just days before then he was to know that the Pendragon was dead. Then when they least expected it, the dead Lord appeared alive at the castle. He was unhurt and the messenger disappeared. It shook the Kings and Lords that they all convened to see their leader but Pendragon had then isolated himself inside the castle. King Lot recalled then the King of Scotland asked him then.

“What of Arthur?” King Lot had not replied but soon he was to tell them they need to proceed.

“If we back down, then we will be the laughing lot of the others.” King Lot told them. “It was Pendragon plan that we battle Arthur. By denying that order will amount to treason against him.”

“I cared not for Pendragon but I will have Arthur’s land.” The King of Scotland added in. “He must be taught as a lesson to others.” 

Since then, all they have received was messages by the messengers but none met Pendragon again. It was as if he was not the leader then but King Lot.

Until then.

“King Lot, I am aware that you are to march against Arthur.” Pendragon stared at the other. “I need you to know that Arthur was reinforced with my knights. They are eating out his wheat and meat.”

“That’s good.” King Lot smiled. “Let me rouse the others.”

“No, you will not.” Pendragon roared out. “You will fight for Arthur.”

That request flipped King Lot. He stared at Pendragon.

“You asked me to betray the ones which have been my allies.” King Lot pleaded with the other. “King Carados have with me for many battles.” 

“And yet he had betrayed me.” Pendragon replied “I pardoned him and he did it again.”
“Betrayed? When?” King Lot asked for an explanation. 

“When he allied with the King of Scotland. I detest that man.” Pendragon commanded the other. “Or face my wrath. I hold twice the numbers you have. Do as I said.” 

King Lot was uneasy then and looked at the other. He feared the army that Pendragon may massed against him. He was good when the others was willing to rally with him but it was then under the impression they were sanctioned by Pendragon.

“Ride with them but keep your army separate from them. When it matters, turn the battle to our favor.” Pendragon told him. “I have two hundred knights with Arthur. Send Carados first to fight Arthur.” 

The battle started off but not as planned. 

King Carados was fuming with rage when he paced the hall. He was rudely woken at dawn by the news that Arthur had laid siege on his castle. Half of his army was with King of Scotland awaiting his command and yet Arthur had come where he was not prepared for.

“How’s our defenses?” King Carados asked his aide. 

“We are half in the number of knights but we have sent out the messengers to bring them back. Our walls are solid and the towers with archers. The supplies will last us through winter.” The aide to the King reported to him.

“Where is the King of Scotland? King Lot and the other Urien?” King Carados snapped out. 

“King of Scotland is back in his castle massing new numbers but of King Lot and Urien, we have no news.” The aide bowed his head for giving that weak report. He was rewarded with the tossed goblet at the head by King Carados. 

“Fools! Am I surrounded by fools? Get me more news.” King Carados continued his shouts. “How did he mass such numbers?” 

“They are his army and it counted no more than our earlier assessment.” The aide reported with a gash on his forehead. 

“It matter not. They are outside my castle now and I am without a full army.” King Carados was upset then. He prance the hall calling for his aides to tell him more of the siege. Outside at the tree lines, Percival sent out the signal to his knights. They have done their task that dawn. The two hundred knights turned their horses and then it was followed by the hundred archers before the five hundred swordsmen followed in the rear. It was an orchestra move that only Percival the former Legionnaires centurion could marshal with his experience. The column marched on but they were headed to Camelot but to another path. Once the besieging army had withdrawn, King Carados sent out his scouts to trail the column but they were met with resistance on the task. They returned with weak observations but the confirmation was that the column was headed to the Scotland. 

“So it’s. We will then meet them before they reached it.” King Carados called on the aides. “Send out words. I will meet Arthur at Bedgraine. Tell the other Kings there we will smash Arthur.”

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