Thursday, December 8, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 24


Gawain toasted the return of Sir Kay with his brothers. He had heard of the return and grabbed Sir Kay when the other arrived. They had celebrated into the night but the other knights had stayed away. The second group had set at the round table without Arthur. 

“I do not trust the man.” Lancelot was the first to speak. He was seated there with Percival and Lamorak. They held the goblets in their hands but the mind was on loyalty. “He was not from the Legion.” 

“Yes and you were.” Lamorak took a swig of the fermented drink. “To the Legion. We are all ex-legionnaries,” 

“Hail Mars!” Percival called out the old battle cry of the Legion. He then sneered at Lamorak. “Should it be now Hail King Arthur?”

Lancelot laughed out when he heard the name. He never really liked Arthur but he had enjoyed his life there at Camelot. There were the ladies and then the make shift monastery that he prayed at. Merlin the druid did not like the idea on the place of worship. He was of the ancient ways and the forest was a sanctuary for him.

“Arthur is not a King. He is like us.” Lamorak laughed ever louder before he emptied the goblet. “We are all men and none of us are Kings. Or knights.” 

“No, we cannot be Kings for we are not destined to be one. We can be however become knights to serve the King. Arthur is not a bad choice for the King. Or Emperor. There can be only be one Caesar as there will be only one Arthur. They are the qualities of Kings.” Percival remarked back. “I have served one before and now I am prepared to do so.” 

“Then why are we drinking here? We should be with the arrogant bastard there.” Lancelot was getting agitated. He was upset that Arthur did not consult them before he accepted Sir Kay back. 

“That one is not a man. I know him before.” Lamorak voiced out. “I have seen his kind in the Legion. They are back humpers.”

With that statement, Lancelot laughed out louder. Only Percival kept his face straight. He disliked those men who preferred the company of one of their own. The three men drank and then slept on separate corners. In the other drinking establishment, Sir Kay had his own cot alone for the brothers were all sleeping as one family. Sir Kay stood out to the open skies and looked at the stars. He eyed the lady standing there by the side of the tavern. He had seen her watching them. He stepped over to her and offered her some coins. It was a trade of sorts and she led him to the stacked up hay. When there, he stopped her in her tracks and pushed her to the stack.

“I have other needs.” Sir Kay lowered his raised his tunic while the lady slipped off her long tunic. She stood there naked in the cold night. She reached for him but he was hard. He grabbed her hand and then twisted her arm. She was to cry out when he turned her around. He pushed her to the stack of hay and then mounted himself from the rear. She cried out in pain for he was at the wrong hole but he did not care. He had his humps and then he was freed of his agony. He left her sobbing at the stack and staggered back to his cot. He will sleep well then. 

There were two other persons who were uneasy that night and it was not at Camelot. 

Lord Pendragon stood by the high windows in his personal chamber. He had not put on his robe then but clad only in the towel around his waist. He was use to the cold and the chamber was heated from the fireplace. He felt the presence behind him and was to reach for his sword at the waist but he then realized he was not out in the battle fields. 

“Are you unwell, my Lord?” Pendragon heard the murmurs of his lover. He had loved the lady for years since he chanced on her under disguise. He regretted his move then but it was a sin of his that will be redeemed upon death. He tuned to look at her. She was named Ygema then but since the death of her last lover, Gorlois; she had it changed to Igraine. 

“I am fine, Igraine.” Pendragon held out his arms to his robed lover. She was with him and never lost the figure he once lain with. He felt the stir in his groin but his performance was slight. He does not want to engage in what he termed as a losing battle. His lover handed him a goblet of the finest wine that only a Lord could afford to hold in the cellars. He took his drink and felt the warmth in his body. 
“Is it about the errant Lord near the sea?” Lady Igraine asked. She knew of his exploits and he confide with her. It was their pledge as lovers when she found out about the killing of Gorlois. She had forgiven him and even bear for him three child; Elaine, Morgause and Morgan Le Fay. The last was her redemption for the child she gave away. It was a son and borne from her womb. The issue was she was unsure which father birthed him.

“It’s decided. The druid will take the child to be raised in the monastery.” Pendragon had the child spirited away that day. Never a day had Igraine not prayed for the child she had given away. She named her last daughter Morgan even though it was a girl. She could not bear any more children for Pendragon and with no son, she had her last daughter named after one. 

“Yes, Arthur had started building a castle. He may be a bane to our life.” Pendragon told his lover. “I should have killed him when I first met him.” 

“Cursed to the Romans for leaving their free men here. They think they still own the isle and gives away tracts of our land.” Pendragon was fuming. He had done with some errant owners who were previously Legionnaires. “If I have a …”

Pendragon regretted his words when his lover placed her finger over his lips. He had always wanted a heir but he held only consorts for others. Igraine sensed his pain and then told him to invite Arthur over. 

“Elaine is of age now. She needs a Lord over her.” Igraine suggested to her lover. “With Arthur in your family, he may be an ally than an enemy. Marry her to gain alliance and perhaps an heir to your expanding empire.”

“We should invite Arthur over for a visit.” Pendragon smiled at his lover and more so when she reached for his hardness. She knew many other ways to please her man and he was ever grateful. 

The words of the lady did not reached the younger ones which were gathered at the smaller hall in the far end of the castle but their mood there was just as restless. 

Lady Elaine being the oldest had seated herself by the window sill overlooking the moat and into the nearby roads that accessed to the castle. The night was cold and her sleep was disrupted by the dreams. She got up and moved to the window sill. The scene outside was grim and dark but she could make out the shape of the moat and the rod that led to the main gate. 

Elaine was feeling lonely and depressed for she was without a suitor at her age. She was tall and slim like her mother but she held her father’s moods for anger. She tossed the knitting rod held in her hand and then looked at her two sisters sleeping ever soundly in their cots. 
Morgause was younger by five years to her and yet she was not contented with the ladies works there. Morgan le Fay was an exception with her inquisitive mind to understand the beyond of both man and woman. She was always testing the tutors of their mind with her perplexed questions. She once questioned if Man was to be a woman would he bear the children. Her questions have gone her to be sent to the tower but it did not stop her. 

“Come to me, handsome Lord. I am here.” Elaine whispered out to the dark night.

Back in Camelot, Arthur was also restless. He felt as if he had erred in asking Sir Kay to return. The other was not a follower and lacked the discipline required in the Legion. He shifted himself from the cot and stepped out. He saw movements at the stack of hay and ignored it. He had seen many a time the young and horny ones had used the dark corners there. He looked away and saw the druid walking towards him. It was unusual for the druid to see him so late but he waited. 

“My Lord, I heard you recalled back Sir Kay. Was it wise?” The druid surprised Arthur for it was unlike of the druid to speak so bluntly. Arthur nodded and the waited for the next line of question.

“I am amazed by your generosity. Truly you are the King I was to serve.” Merlin complimented the other. 

“King? Lord? Make up your mind, druid I am getting tired of this tirade of ranks.” Arthur displayed his bad mood from the long riding and the lack of rest. Merlin merely smiled and then asked Arthur why he brought back the arrogant knight. 

“Sir Kay had his other qualities. He can fight and above all, I need fighters. The guards we employed are weak and lack battle experiences. Percival cannot be training them for too long a time as we are to be prepared for any battles.” 

“Talking of battles, my Lord. May I suggest that you pay a visit to Utter Pendragon?” Merlin came out of it with his blunt statement. “I have been reading the stars and you ought to go.” 

Arthur was taken aback when Merlin suggested that. He was in mind to visit Pendragon after that last meeting. He wanted to see the strength of the other and be prepared for any battle if they were He held half the numbers of Pendragon but he was recruiting more every season. His castle was half completed and needed more coins. He needed more of the later if he was be Lord. For that, he needed more landowners to submit to him. 

“Pendragon have indicated that he wants a part of our farm proceeds.” Arthur mumbled out. “I have enough to feed and trade but if he takes a part, I am forced to gather more.”

“True words but if you are seen his ally he may taxed you less.” Merlin sounded out. “Or none.” 

Arthur kept his silence on the matter and Merlin walked away back to his own hut. During the walk, Merlin dropped the enchanted woods that he had in his hands when he spoke to Arthur. It was a good spell for the other was submissive to his thoughts. Merlin smiled at the thought. 

“Pendragon my former Lord, meet your makers soon. Arthur will be your nemesis and heir to the throne. Hail the King.” 

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