Saturday, December 31, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 39


Lancelot looked at the cave which was well concealed then on the side of the hill. The entrance was covered by the shrubs that were planted in a series of row at the front of it. The person had to walk past the rows of thorn pointed shrubs. He saw the overhand of plants at the top there. It was then he saw the overhang with the sentry there. The entrance was small and not big enough for a horse to ride in. If there was an attack there, it had to be by a smaller group. 

“We need to take out the sentry.” Arthur looked at Gawain who had come equipped with a bow. The other notched the arrow onto his bow. He then looked at Lancelot. He disliked what he was asking but it was needed. 

“Lancelot, you take point.” Arthur told him and Sir Kay added the insult.

“So he won’t run away?” Sir Kay nudged Lamorak. The two of them have become close since the war started. Lancelot was to strike when Percival stopped him. He looked at the ex-Centurion and saw the expression towards him. He had being a legionnaire and knew when to not cross the line. Lancelot then led the way to the cave while Gawain braced himself for the essential shot. The arrow went off in straight line at the entry. It was struck the sentry in the face but he missed out the second sentry on the edge of the overhang. The sentry saw the arrow embedded into the other’s face. He was to call out when the second arrow hit him on the side of the neck. He fell forward grasping for breath.

“Thanks, Gaheris. That was a good move.” Gaheris lowered his bow and smiled. He was always backing his brother in those hunts and many of times have been the one who struck the killing shot. It was then Lancelot rushed to the cave entrance. He had taken out his sword from the wrapping and held it with his usual double hand grasp. The sword felt right in his hands He left his shield for it would be cumbersome to hold one in there. He reached the entrance without the alarm being raised. He went ahead and was greeted by the stench in the cave. It was the smell of human discharge and it may be used to scare off predators. He surveyed the cave and saw it was a small narrow one. It may have been used by the bears before. He felt the walls just when the others crowded in. There was little he could make out there with darkness. His hands roamed the wall surfaces while Sir Kay last to step in was already muttering and cursing. He then found what may another entrance. It was well hidden in the rear with dug out of the cave wall. He felt with his hands there and saw the opening was narrower. It was a squeeze walking sideways. He went through it and found himself in a bigger cavern. He was actually standing before a slow burning campfire and there were three figures sleeping there next to it. The side of the cavern was lined up with the bears head and skin alongside the spears and shields. He saw drawings on the walls and they were not recent. He had seen such drawings before and was told that they predated the years when giants roamed the land. His thoughts were then halted when he saw one of the figures stirred in the sleep. 

Lancelot rushed forth but was overtaken by Arthur who had his sword out to sever the sleeping figure of his head. Sir Kay and Lamorak went in for the other two but one of them was careless. The dying figure that survived the blow by Lamorak shouted out. It was all needed then for more to appear out of the cavern walls. They were resting behind the shields in dugout tunnels. 

“Naimhdean!” The warning was in Scotish Gaelic. 

About nine of them in the sleeping tunnels rushed out towards the knights. There were more sleeping on the dugout berth on the walls hidden by the darkness. They have fashioned wall holes to climb up but then in the battle, they jumped down. They were in wearing the basic tunic but their weapons spoke of their intentions. They wield the swords and battle axes. 

“More from the walls!” Gawain shouted the warning and released the arrow on his bow. He brought down one of the attackers while Gaheris done another. The other knights charged at the attackers with their swords. Arthur went for his target with a straight thrust of the sword at the midriff. The sword was deflected by the other and the battle axe came swinging in from the right. Arthur saw his move deflected and he moved in with his body to block the swinging axe. He crashed into the other and threw their balance off. They went down and the battle axe fell off the attacker. Arthur rolled over and still holding his sword swung down with the hilt into the face of the attacker. The face bones cracked on impact and blood burst out. 

Lamorak had a more unrefined move when his charge was more brutal. He went in with his hammers swinging hard. He slammed his hammers at the attackers knocking the other weapon off and with his body weight he went in with the hammers at the head. The metal head of the hammers broke through the flesh and then the skull to spill the inside of it out. He then back off before he swung the hammers in a double blow to the spine of another attacker. The second attacker went down with Sir Kay fuming with rage.

“Pick your own.” Sir Kay pulled his sword out from the dead attacker. He then turned to slash at another while Lamorak went on his raving attacks. Gawain had his second opponent with the arrow held in the hand to stab into the attacker’s throat while Gaheris was still using his bow to bring down another attacker. 

“Die for your emperor!” Percival forgot his new role then when he thrust the sword into the attacker. He pulled it out but not before another attacker with the battle axe hitting him on the left forearm but it was on the flat side thus saving his arm from being severed. Percival fell back with the blow and Lamorak ran to assist with the hammers landing on the attacker’s back. The raving ex-legionnaire drew on several blows to the back of the neck and then the head. He was in anger and bashed the head to pulp. His merciless attack held the attention of two other attackers who were stunned by the savage action. They retreated but were cut down by the arrows released by the brothers. 

The battle was soon over when the last attacker went down with the throat slit by Lancelot. Arthur looked around and saw the killings were done. 

“Good move, knights. I think we have killed the Early Ones.” Arthur smiled at the knights but his eyes averted Lancelot. 

At that moment across the land in the familiar chamber of Utter Pendragon. He was surrounded by his advisers and family. The healer stepped away from the bedding and then nodded to Lady Igraine. The lady approached the lover of her better years. She sat down by his side and held his hands lay across the chest. She asked that the chamber be cleared except for the daughters and her. Once the chamber was cleared, Lady Igraine then spoke what was in her mind. 

“I was saved by your father from King Gorlois. I loved the other King but he was not the lover I wanted. I could not find one then until I met your father. He may have used deceit to bed me and from it …..” Lady Igraine held back her tears then. “A son which I gave away after birth. The misgiving of mine was soon to return to me. How was I known that Arthur was my son? ”

Her last words drew out a breath of pain from Utter Pedragon and at the same time, a breath of unbelieving from Morgause. She then glared at Morgan at their last argument. Since then both sisters were not in talking terms. The elder sister Elaine had tried to patch things up but she was soon caught up in the news on Lancelot.

“Your father had been a good friend and lover and father to our children.” Lady Igraine grasped the hands of the dying Lord. “Lord Pendragon had fought the Anglo Saxon almost all his life and now he lies dying. His son, Arthur now the leading contender to his seat is fighting his battles. He is now out there to thwart what may be the Early Ones.” 

“Mother, how did you know so much?” Elaine asked 

“I am more than his seated adornment in the hall. I listened in hard and when we were alone, he listened to me.” Lady Igraine told her daughters. “Listen hard and speak when alone. They disliked being told what to do in front of their advisers. When you have your own lover, be strong with them.”

“Mother, I need to leave.” It was Morgause and the mention of Arthur’s name hurt her feelings then. She was refused by the mother and she went to the corner to sulk. Lady Igraine continued on. 

“Your father will be leaving us soon. And Arthur will be King.” Lady Igraine stole a glance at Morgause. She was interrupted by Elaine.

“Mother, you do know Morgause…” Elaine was cut off.

“I knew about it but she is family.” Lady Igraine replied. She was then interrupted by Morgause.

“So is Lancelot.” Morgause spoke from her corner. “I heard from the …" 

“The servants talked too much at times.” Lady Igraine looked at her and then with a straight face she spoke. “Lancelot was claimed by an old enemy of your father but there was nothing to prove it. For all I cared, he could be a fake to discredit your father and this successor. The death of your father and the delay in getting his successor on the seat may result in more wars. And the possibility of this land being involved in battles cringed at my heart. The killings have to end and Arthur is his only heir.”

“More to it, I have arranged for Arthur to meet a cousin of yours. From my family side. Her name is Guinevere ….”

“Guinevere? It can’t be.” Elaine spoke out. “She is too young.”

“She has grown up and so were you. More to it she is older than you. The difference is that she is here and not related to your father.” 

Back in the cavern, Arthur looked at the dead attackers that were laid in a row before him. He had looked at their dressing and weapons. He had them stripped and looked at their bodies for marks that could tell more of them. Arthur then looked at the knights. 

“I think we have found the bears but not the Early Ones. These are their warriors and this cave is one of the few they have. I think when we killed them we may have lost the surprise that we thought we had.”

“What made you say that?” Lamorak asked. 

“There are no marks that showed them to be the Early Ones. They are younger and there are also the bear skins but no heads. The Early Ones wore those heads on them in the raids.”

“If that was true, then we are in trouble. We have just spook the lair of the Bears. Now they may be ready to retaliate.” Arthur then turned to leave. “We have to move faster. Get me Merlin.” 

With that Arthur stormed off in anger. 

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