Saturday, December 31, 2016

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 40


Merlin faced the cherry tree on the plain in the forest. He studied the cherry tree with his knowledge of the forest. The mature trees may grow to more than a hundred over feet high and develop a huge domed crown of leaves. The bark is smooth, thin and grey, with horizontal etchings on the trunk. The leaves are lime green with silky hairs with the flowers that grew in pairs and surrounded by a cup. The fruits of the beech tree enclosed one or two beech nuts. The tree was there alone but spaced out among the other trees where the winds may have spread the seeds. The woodland held a lot of shades and the ground around it was covered by a dense carpet of fallen leaves and husks. It marked its own territory with that as most other plants could not grow beneath that.

Merlin heard the rustling of the leaves and shuddered at the coming confrontation. 

“You knew more about the bears.” Arthur approached the druid. “I saw the signs there. You …”

“I was one of them. Yes, I was.” Merlin admitted to that. “It was a long time ago.” 

“When was that? When you were not wearing beeches?” Arthur was impatient to know more. “I saw those skins. They were in your chamber. You are one of the Early Ones.” 

“I was one of them before and not anymore.” Merlin replied. “And I was in my breeches then but younger.” 

Without hesitation, Merlin reveal a part of his past. 

“I took leave from Pendragon to continue my travelling on the land. I had returned from the ice covered continent and then chanced on the Anglo Saxon party. They were wounded in a battle and I assisted them as a healer. It was from there I stayed with them as a healer, but I also learned of their ways. The belief in the bears and then saw their war. I wanted to leave but then again, I was upset at Pendragon for what he did to the lady. I stayed on and learned on the allies of mine. I earned their trust and soon became what was then a warrior status. I did not hold any weapon to kill but my dagger cut into many flesh. I became close to the Early Ones, including their leader then Horsa and Hengist. They were the earlier raiders and soon resided in the land with Pendragon blessing. They became a part of the land, and when they needed some action, they played back their role until recently they have a new leader.” 

“Who was it?” Arthur was pushing up the confrontation. 

“Besides Horsa and Hengist, there was one other. His name was Ingel. He leads the Early Ones.”

“Where is Ingel?” Arthur raised his voice.

“In the village where you found the elderly hunter.” Merlin told him. “Please don’t hurt him. He is my ……brother.”

“I will tell him where they are hiding.” Arthur sighed at Merlin words. Was there anyone he could trust anymore, Arthur asked on himself. 

At dusk, Arthur had his knights lined up in the forest overlooking the village. He held an army of five hundred knights including the ones he had placed his trust. Among the knights were King Ban and Bors, and Tristam. The Black Knight was not informed of the attack and left out. 

“Gawain, tale a hundred knights and your brothers to come from the west side, while Lamorak and ….Percival, you take another hundred to come in from the east.” Arthur looked at Percival. “I trust you to be on time.”

“Sir Kay, you will take the north but you hold that line for the ones who are escaping.” Arthur continued on. “I will ride with Lancelot from the here.” 

Lancelot wanted to reply but he held back and heard out the plan. 

“We go in after supper and flush out the bears.” 

Meanwhile back at the castle where Pendragon lay dying, his lover stood by the window opening when the servant stepped in. The servant approached Lady Igraine and whispered to her. 

“Find Sir Lancelot. Ask him to see me on an urgent task.” Lady Igraine then heard the moan from the bed and she rushed over. She saw the man there struggling on it and the calls went out for the healers. The two assigned healers rushed in and attended to the ailing Lord. The healers did their usual ranting and then stood back as if calling for a miracle. Lady Igraine saw the dismay looks on the healers and called for her daughters. She then told the servant standing there to find Arthur. 

“Tell him he is to be the next King of the Land.”

At the village the lone sentry at the southern lookout point on the roofing of the stables. He has been stranding guard for weeks then with his left leg limping. He had taken part in the battles donning the bear skin but his fighting days were over. He saw the attacking group led by the one they knew as Arthur. They weren’t coming in for the late meal but the servers behind it. He was warned by the Early Ones to look out for strangers who roamed in like when they identified Arthur and his knights then. He was to be baited but the drunken hunter took the cue ahead to lead the group there into the forest. The drunken hunter sobered on when he tried to lead the group into an ambush which was what he told the Early Ones but they did not know what happened then but they lost a group of their warriors. Since then the sentries have been told to more vigilant and the others called in for their planning attack. Fifty leaders of the ten battle groups have congregated there and were holding a meet then. 

“Naimhdean!” The warning was in Scotish Gaelic. 

Arthur rode in hard with the sword drawn. The knight in the forefront had the bow readied for the posted sentries. The sentry who raised the alarm was brought down with a series of arrows by a few knights who do not intend to miss. Arthur rode past the other sentries alerted to the attack for he was heading for the tavern. It was surrounded by warriors then. His knights slew the sentries with their spears and swords without any consideration of life. Some dismounted and went for the wounded one on the ground. The others followed Arthur towards the tavern. Arthur counted fifty warriors there and it was his target. 

On the eastern side, Percival rallied his group of knights at the sentries there. He saw the sentries were reinforced by the settlers there with their weapons. He counted about a hundred of them but they were no match for the trained knights. He kicked at his horse and rushed on. He was not prepared for the surprise that greeted them. The warriors there suddenly produced nets on their hands. 

“Nets!’ Percival called out. The nets were flung at the knights and soon many were caught into it. The horses buckled on the restraint of the nets and threw the riders off. It was then the warriors rushed in with their spears and hammers. Percival dismounted in a hurry and then met the oncoming warrior with the thrust of his sword. He pulled the sword out of the warrior and then did a downward swing on the falling warrior. He then stepped aside and went for the warrior hammering at the fallen knight. He thrust the sword into the warrior’s side of the neck and then cut it sideways to kill the warrior. He looked to the knights he have led and saw they were mobilizing back into form. The knights were trained to fight and that was what they did then. He then rallied them together and then they fought back with formation.

Gawain and his brothers rode in hard from the other direction but they were faced with obstacles of wagons that were dragged to block their approach. Gawain had his bow notched with the arrow and he released it with accuracy at the warrior beside the wagon. He knew that the approach was blocked and the only way was around it. He rallied the knights to halt the attack and then they rode south. He was to come in from there. Most of the knights took his direction and then Gawain called Gaheris. 

“Get the ropes on the mounts. Use that to pull the wagons.” Gaheris told his brother. “The warriors there are withdrawing to protect the tavern.” 

Gaheris nodded to his brother and pulled back a dozen knights to do the task. They strayed back and then went for the wagons once. It was not guarded then for the warriors had assumed the knights have left. They went to cover the tavern as predicted by Gawain. Gaheris then recalled that when they were hunting, the preys always return to the nest to protect it if they knew it was threatened. 

“Haul those wagons.” Gaheris then reached for the rope to tie at the wagon. He then took his horse on a pull and the wagon was dragged to the side leaving an opening. A few warriors saw the wagon was moved and they rushed over. The knights moved into the gap and attacked the warriors before they could react, another wagon was dragged aside but more warriors appeared. It was then Gawain had returned with the full complement of knights. Meantime then Arthur arrived at the tavern with his knights fighting the warriors then. He cut his way through and then hit on the tavern door. He rushed in and found himself facing an empty tavern hall. 

“Search the place!” Arthur called out and then he turned to look for Lancelot. The later was not around to be seen during the attack. It was then Sir Kay stepped in. He was covered in blood, and tossed the bloodied heads of the Early Ones. 

“I caught them on the retreat to the north. There are seven of them with their warriors.” Sir Kay then tossed over the bear heads with the skins. “One got away though. Tough warrior and I almost lost my right arm.” 

Sir Kay was proud to display his battle wounds then. 

“The one that got away was dressed in black.”

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 39


Lancelot looked at the cave which was well concealed then on the side of the hill. The entrance was covered by the shrubs that were planted in a series of row at the front of it. The person had to walk past the rows of thorn pointed shrubs. He saw the overhand of plants at the top there. It was then he saw the overhang with the sentry there. The entrance was small and not big enough for a horse to ride in. If there was an attack there, it had to be by a smaller group. 

“We need to take out the sentry.” Arthur looked at Gawain who had come equipped with a bow. The other notched the arrow onto his bow. He then looked at Lancelot. He disliked what he was asking but it was needed. 

“Lancelot, you take point.” Arthur told him and Sir Kay added the insult.

“So he won’t run away?” Sir Kay nudged Lamorak. The two of them have become close since the war started. Lancelot was to strike when Percival stopped him. He looked at the ex-Centurion and saw the expression towards him. He had being a legionnaire and knew when to not cross the line. Lancelot then led the way to the cave while Gawain braced himself for the essential shot. The arrow went off in straight line at the entry. It was struck the sentry in the face but he missed out the second sentry on the edge of the overhang. The sentry saw the arrow embedded into the other’s face. He was to call out when the second arrow hit him on the side of the neck. He fell forward grasping for breath.

“Thanks, Gaheris. That was a good move.” Gaheris lowered his bow and smiled. He was always backing his brother in those hunts and many of times have been the one who struck the killing shot. It was then Lancelot rushed to the cave entrance. He had taken out his sword from the wrapping and held it with his usual double hand grasp. The sword felt right in his hands He left his shield for it would be cumbersome to hold one in there. He reached the entrance without the alarm being raised. He went ahead and was greeted by the stench in the cave. It was the smell of human discharge and it may be used to scare off predators. He surveyed the cave and saw it was a small narrow one. It may have been used by the bears before. He felt the walls just when the others crowded in. There was little he could make out there with darkness. His hands roamed the wall surfaces while Sir Kay last to step in was already muttering and cursing. He then found what may another entrance. It was well hidden in the rear with dug out of the cave wall. He felt with his hands there and saw the opening was narrower. It was a squeeze walking sideways. He went through it and found himself in a bigger cavern. He was actually standing before a slow burning campfire and there were three figures sleeping there next to it. The side of the cavern was lined up with the bears head and skin alongside the spears and shields. He saw drawings on the walls and they were not recent. He had seen such drawings before and was told that they predated the years when giants roamed the land. His thoughts were then halted when he saw one of the figures stirred in the sleep. 

Lancelot rushed forth but was overtaken by Arthur who had his sword out to sever the sleeping figure of his head. Sir Kay and Lamorak went in for the other two but one of them was careless. The dying figure that survived the blow by Lamorak shouted out. It was all needed then for more to appear out of the cavern walls. They were resting behind the shields in dugout tunnels. 

“Naimhdean!” The warning was in Scotish Gaelic. 

About nine of them in the sleeping tunnels rushed out towards the knights. There were more sleeping on the dugout berth on the walls hidden by the darkness. They have fashioned wall holes to climb up but then in the battle, they jumped down. They were in wearing the basic tunic but their weapons spoke of their intentions. They wield the swords and battle axes. 

“More from the walls!” Gawain shouted the warning and released the arrow on his bow. He brought down one of the attackers while Gaheris done another. The other knights charged at the attackers with their swords. Arthur went for his target with a straight thrust of the sword at the midriff. The sword was deflected by the other and the battle axe came swinging in from the right. Arthur saw his move deflected and he moved in with his body to block the swinging axe. He crashed into the other and threw their balance off. They went down and the battle axe fell off the attacker. Arthur rolled over and still holding his sword swung down with the hilt into the face of the attacker. The face bones cracked on impact and blood burst out. 

Lamorak had a more unrefined move when his charge was more brutal. He went in with his hammers swinging hard. He slammed his hammers at the attackers knocking the other weapon off and with his body weight he went in with the hammers at the head. The metal head of the hammers broke through the flesh and then the skull to spill the inside of it out. He then back off before he swung the hammers in a double blow to the spine of another attacker. The second attacker went down with Sir Kay fuming with rage.

“Pick your own.” Sir Kay pulled his sword out from the dead attacker. He then turned to slash at another while Lamorak went on his raving attacks. Gawain had his second opponent with the arrow held in the hand to stab into the attacker’s throat while Gaheris was still using his bow to bring down another attacker. 

“Die for your emperor!” Percival forgot his new role then when he thrust the sword into the attacker. He pulled it out but not before another attacker with the battle axe hitting him on the left forearm but it was on the flat side thus saving his arm from being severed. Percival fell back with the blow and Lamorak ran to assist with the hammers landing on the attacker’s back. The raving ex-legionnaire drew on several blows to the back of the neck and then the head. He was in anger and bashed the head to pulp. His merciless attack held the attention of two other attackers who were stunned by the savage action. They retreated but were cut down by the arrows released by the brothers. 

The battle was soon over when the last attacker went down with the throat slit by Lancelot. Arthur looked around and saw the killings were done. 

“Good move, knights. I think we have killed the Early Ones.” Arthur smiled at the knights but his eyes averted Lancelot. 

At that moment across the land in the familiar chamber of Utter Pendragon. He was surrounded by his advisers and family. The healer stepped away from the bedding and then nodded to Lady Igraine. The lady approached the lover of her better years. She sat down by his side and held his hands lay across the chest. She asked that the chamber be cleared except for the daughters and her. Once the chamber was cleared, Lady Igraine then spoke what was in her mind. 

“I was saved by your father from King Gorlois. I loved the other King but he was not the lover I wanted. I could not find one then until I met your father. He may have used deceit to bed me and from it …..” Lady Igraine held back her tears then. “A son which I gave away after birth. The misgiving of mine was soon to return to me. How was I known that Arthur was my son? ”

Her last words drew out a breath of pain from Utter Pedragon and at the same time, a breath of unbelieving from Morgause. She then glared at Morgan at their last argument. Since then both sisters were not in talking terms. The elder sister Elaine had tried to patch things up but she was soon caught up in the news on Lancelot.

“Your father had been a good friend and lover and father to our children.” Lady Igraine grasped the hands of the dying Lord. “Lord Pendragon had fought the Anglo Saxon almost all his life and now he lies dying. His son, Arthur now the leading contender to his seat is fighting his battles. He is now out there to thwart what may be the Early Ones.” 

“Mother, how did you know so much?” Elaine asked 

“I am more than his seated adornment in the hall. I listened in hard and when we were alone, he listened to me.” Lady Igraine told her daughters. “Listen hard and speak when alone. They disliked being told what to do in front of their advisers. When you have your own lover, be strong with them.”

“Mother, I need to leave.” It was Morgause and the mention of Arthur’s name hurt her feelings then. She was refused by the mother and she went to the corner to sulk. Lady Igraine continued on. 

“Your father will be leaving us soon. And Arthur will be King.” Lady Igraine stole a glance at Morgause. She was interrupted by Elaine.

“Mother, you do know Morgause…” Elaine was cut off.

“I knew about it but she is family.” Lady Igraine replied. She was then interrupted by Morgause.

“So is Lancelot.” Morgause spoke from her corner. “I heard from the …" 

“The servants talked too much at times.” Lady Igraine looked at her and then with a straight face she spoke. “Lancelot was claimed by an old enemy of your father but there was nothing to prove it. For all I cared, he could be a fake to discredit your father and this successor. The death of your father and the delay in getting his successor on the seat may result in more wars. And the possibility of this land being involved in battles cringed at my heart. The killings have to end and Arthur is his only heir.”

“More to it, I have arranged for Arthur to meet a cousin of yours. From my family side. Her name is Guinevere ….”

“Guinevere? It can’t be.” Elaine spoke out. “She is too young.”

“She has grown up and so were you. More to it she is older than you. The difference is that she is here and not related to your father.” 

Back in the cavern, Arthur looked at the dead attackers that were laid in a row before him. He had looked at their dressing and weapons. He had them stripped and looked at their bodies for marks that could tell more of them. Arthur then looked at the knights. 

“I think we have found the bears but not the Early Ones. These are their warriors and this cave is one of the few they have. I think when we killed them we may have lost the surprise that we thought we had.”

“What made you say that?” Lamorak asked. 

“There are no marks that showed them to be the Early Ones. They are younger and there are also the bear skins but no heads. The Early Ones wore those heads on them in the raids.”

“If that was true, then we are in trouble. We have just spook the lair of the Bears. Now they may be ready to retaliate.” Arthur then turned to leave. “We have to move faster. Get me Merlin.” 

With that Arthur stormed off in anger. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Arthur; The legend and Myth Chapter 38


Arthur paced his walk around the round table with Gawain and his remaining knights looking at him. He turned to look at the two other knights who had remained seated on the side. The duo had returned to the round table but they felt the need to have a distance away. Arthur had found himself unsure whether to forgive those two but his mind was more on the war. 

“Arthur, we have the reports that the Anglo Saxon had not been seen for the last few days. Their relentless raids since then had died down.” Lamorak reported in. “Our scouts sent in deep into their land however could report much. They were ambushed or chased out.” 

“Perhaps the knights from Pendragon may have more to tell us.” Sir Kay spoke out in smite. Lancelot and Percival were received with coldness since they return to Camelot. They had returned with the messages from Lord Percival to serve with Arthur. Initially, Arthur had wanted to reject the two knights but the presence of a hundred knight bearing Pendragon crest changed his mind. Those extra knights will boost up his army then of two thousands. Arthur looked towards Percival and ignoring Lancelot. He had questioned Percival and forgiven the later but he had not spoken to Lancelot. 

“Arthur, I will not stand for such…” Lancelot voiced back in anger but Sir Kay had taken the statement drawing his sword then. 

“Then fight me like a Man.” Sir Kay challenged the other. Percival intervened and haled Lancelot from drawing his sword while Lamorak stopped the challenger. Arthur himself had then step in between the two fighting knight and voiced his command.

“We shall not fight among ourselves no more when the enemy is at our gates.” Arthur looked to Lancelot and then Sir Kay. “Take your seats and hear me out.” 

It was then Merlin stepped in with urgency written across his expression. He approached the round table and told his findings.

“I found the Early One and his knights.” Merlin still in his usual drab robe began his tale. “In the last few days, I have picked myself to walk among the ones associated with the Anglo Saxon. They do live among us the people for they have been at wars with us for years and there are some who had stayed on. They do not fight us but they aided the Anglo Saxon knights. I for one disguised as a healer found my ways into their homes easily. I tended to the wounded.” 

“You aided the enemy!” Lamorak roared out. “I will …”

“Does nothing of that or you will be squeaking for your voice.” Merlin challenged back. “I am after all the druid and being a healer to them was just another task. Anyway in my task, I learned of their numbers and the location of the Early Ones. Incidentally, it’s not one Early Ones but a few of them.” 

All the knights turned to him when he walked by. He went past Lancelot and Percival without a glance to them.

“We have been tracking the Early Ones on the assumption he was one but he was actually five of them. They are older now and being taking turns to conduct the raids from their respective hideouts.” Merlin looked to Arthur and then unfolded the drawing he had done. “They are here and here and also there.”

“That was how his raids was so close and yet far in distance. He had convinced the settlers that he was a ghost or some demon to ride so fast.” Gawain spoke up. “But how did we miss those hideouts?”

“They were concealed and more to it, they were protected by the settlers. They were also the descendants of the Anglo Saxon. They hid their ways from the others.” 

“How did they hide?” Percival asked from his seat but he was not replied by Merlin until Lamorak asked the same question.

“Oh! Their hideouts are well concealed. It’s in the valley, inside the hills, burrowed deep with the entrance obscure with bushes.” Merlin replied. “They are like the creatures hibernating during the colder days. Not like rabbits but like bears.” 

“Bears?” Lancelot muttered to him. He recalled in the Legion, he had seen the bears brought in as participants in the games where the creature was set on by the dogs. The locals had feared the bear for it was the most ferocious predator in the forest. He recalled having seen the Picts and also the Anglo Saxon had worn the bear head as their totem for battles. 

“Can you lead us to their hideout?” Arthur asked. Merlin nodded and then he told them,

“I was told the Early Ones are in a meet soon. There were words that the army was ready to invade.” Merlin looked at the knights. “If they are ready as I suspected then it will be the war we have been expecting. They want to win the war they started with Pendragon before the later dies. It’s a matter of honor.” 
Finally Merlin convinced Arthur to go and hunt the Early Ones with his knights but with conditions to it.
“You can’t ride in with a thousand knights. Your presence will be reported and there will be no meeting. I would suggest that you ride in with a smaller group. The bear can be killed if you removed the head.” 
Lancelot and Percival pulled their horses into the village in the valley. They were dressed like hunters with their weapons wrapped in the catch’s leather skin. The hunted animals pelt was stacked on their horses which was a burden then. They had on the leather head gear that resembled a cap with the flaps over the ears. They went for the tavern as most hunters will do so when they returned to the world of living. They took their seat at a table by the window with a view to the street. They took their drinks and waited. It was not long when they were tested by the settlers there. It was words of the Anglo Saxon spoken to them but Lancelot had his vocals to reply. 

“We are here to look for buyers.” Lancelot replied in the local dialect. It was Gaelic then and was acceptable to the settlers. He ignored the one who questioned him and then saw Arthur with Merlin. They were in the disguise as healers. It was most obvious but Arthur walk unlike any healer and he could not leave his sword behind. He had it wrapped and slung over his left shoulder. A short distance behind Arthur was Gawain and his brothers. They were in their best for disguise was not needed. They just donned their old clothes and strolled in acting as traders. Lancelot could not make out where Lamorak and Sir Kay but they were nearby.

Lancelot then turned to the settlers. He started talking about the common things and it was then he saw the person who may know of the Early Ones. That person was seated alone and nursing a drink there but it was the bear tooth he was holding. Lancelot strolled over and spoke to the lone drinker. They shared a common interest; hunting.

“There are no more bears now. They have all perished from the hunters. Before my father, there were many but the raiders came and killed them all.” The elderly hunter then bent forward to nurse his drink once more. “Like the bears, even the brew here had been diluted or the mead undernourished.”

“I am looking for the bears. Could you tell me of some places where they may still exist?” Lancelot pushed the coins over. “I want to add to my wall the bear.”

“You mean the adornment of a dead bear perched over the fireplace. I much preferred the hunter’s head. They should be damned to kill the great beast to nothing.” The elderly hunter muttered out in an upset manner. He then looked at Lancelot. “I know where some of these hunters hide. They think that they are bears themselves.” 
The forest was typical of any on the land with the abundance of trees that was covered by the thick shrubs at it base. The shrubs were flowers, fungi and lichens. The later was alga that grew with the fungi and formed a different breed of plants. There were the patches of rocks in between the tree lines and most of it formed paths for the forest travellers. The forest was also inhabited by the presence of the starlings and geese which were roosting on the trees with their watchful eyes on the skies for the red kites. The grounded creatures were out too to prepare for the cold weather then; the squirrels were busy with their hoarding of nuts and the predators were out in force too. The polecats and foxes were busy then with their hunting and with the bears gone, they were the prime predators. 

Lancelot kept pace with the elderly hunter on the horses and then on foot through the dense forest area. Percival was close behind but his role was to leave telltale marks for the others who were a distance away. He had taught the legionnaires that during training. Lancelot kept his pace with ever vigilant that he was not followed. They stopped at an oak tree that formed a juncture to different paths. The hunter paused there and then he spoke.

“You can tell your friend to stop leaving the marks.” The elderly hunter turned to look at Lancelot. 
“How…” Lancelot tried to reply but the elderly hunter was quicker to continue on. 

“I am a hunter. I know my tracking skills.” The elderly hunter glared at Lancelot. “I believed you then at the tavern. Maybe I was taken over by the drink. Now tell me the truth or we stop here.” 

Lancelot straightened his body and then looked at the elderly hunter. He was without then any replies but his right hand hovered over the hilt of his dagger. It was a crude one made from the whale bone with the wooden hilt covered with the weasel skin. 

“Please do not lie to me.” The elderly hunter spoke up and it was then Percival caught up. The later stopped and looked at the two. He knew something was amiss and figured it out quick. He had his dagger out to open cut the trail on the tree trunks, and without hesitation, he threw the dagger at the elderly hunter. The dagger struck the later in the right shoulder. The hunter reacted in pain and Lancelot moved in with his to stab the hunter in the throat. 

Percival reached for his dagger and then faced Lancelot. They had killed in cold blood before and that was only another killing. He cleaned the dagger on is clothes and then looked at the tree. He stepped forth to examine the tree trunk. He reckoned there must be some marks alike other hunter’s tracking signs. 

“I found it. I saw the signs.” Percival went to the right of the tree with Lancelot following close behind. He was to mark the tree when Percival sparked him off.

“Lamorak knew the signs too. I have not marked the signs for some trees for some distance.” Percival told him. “Now let us hunt the bears.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 37


Lancelot reached for the pond water with his hand. The clear water was used to clean his hands and then he scoped out some to splash on his face. The cold water there with the gentle flow was akin to the ladies touch that eased the dirt out of his skin pores. He reached for his tunic and raised it before he laid wiped his hands there. He had ridden for days before Tristam found him. He can’t find himself leaving the land. He then straighten up and turned to look at his hostess. 

“Lancelot.” Lady Igraine was standing under the oak tree by the pond. It was a picturesque scene with a view of the castle in the background. The lady had the place done up with the picnic spread but it was tamper by the siege of guards standing at discreet distances. They were not the only ones guarding the lady but at the tree line nearby, another group on horses stood guard. However Lancelot was there alone with her while Tristam took Percival to the far side by the pond. 

“Please indulge with me. We are going through some trying times now.” Lady Igraine composed herself after the display of torso by the knight. Nevertheless she continued her look at Lancelot. “I never would have thought that you were one of us.”

Lady Igraine thoughts then were the revelation by the Black Knight. She felt sad for Elaine. “Young lovers.”Lady Igraine muttered to herself. Lancelot was to speak when the lady halted him and she continued on.

“I never knew then but since it was disclosed now. I guess I can’t change the past. Not when I held my own dark secrets.” Lady Igraine saw the confused look on Lancelot. “Oh, you did not know. Pardon me for the mutterings. You can however tell me why you left Arthur to battle alone.” Lady Igraine then looked at Percival by the pond. “Both of you then.” 

Lancelot held back his words then and looked away. He stared at the friend of his who had bear with him then. 

“Sir Lancelot, if I may address you as such. You would tell me the truth of your cowardice.” Lancelot looked at the lady who had just interrupted his thoughts. He nodded and then told her of the truth of his so named cowardice.

“I was not any coward. I just …” Lancelot held his back his words. “I was bested in battle in front of my men. It was humiliating. I was …never beaten by anyone except….” 

“Your master could have done it.” The voice came from the rear of Lancelot. It was the Black Knight who had walked by the pond to arrive unannounced. 

“Still on the your own, huh?” The Black Knight approached Lancelot who had then looked over.

“Gareth… Master Gareth. I am sorry if was…” Lancelot was cut off by the other who had removed his head gear. Hengist shook his head to clear the sweat build up on his hair. 

“Young Lancelot, you have not changed much when we used to practice with wooden swords.” Hengist smiled. “I lost contact with you and your father soon after I left for my own home. I missed you since then.” 

Lancelot stepped back and then he turned away. 

“Lancelot, you cannot fault your father for me leaving. I had to leave then. I had my time with you.” Hengist explained himself. He was the one who taught Lancelot when he first wielded the wooden sword. His adopted father was too busy to teach the boy and the task was given to the slave then. Lancelot grew close to slave until the day he disappeared after a stay of ten years. “I heard then you joined the Legions.” 

“Master Gareth, you left me without a word and then you come back to best me at the skills you taught me.” 

“No, Lancelot. I did not leave a word. I merely kept my distance from you. And your skills have improved but your defeat was your mind when you knew it was me behind the mask.” Hengist smiled. “I am proud of your learning but you are in need of more. The ones that I can continue on to improve your mind.”

“No more tinkering with me, Master Gareth. I am now my own person.” Lancelot took to his horse but Hengist stopped him. 

“Lancelot, I am in need of your help. There is one other who have tarnished my reputation although he held the name differently from me but he was mistaken for me. I need you to find the Early One.” Hengist told Lancelot. “I cannot do so with my ailing bones. Our last fight gave me more pains than I have ever thought of.” 

“Why should I clear for you when you are Anglo Saxon? I am no friend of the Anglo Saxon.”

“I am no more the Anglo Saxon than you are a Legionnaire.” Hengist was upset at being singled out on his loyalty. 

“I was one with them but my stay with Pendragon had changed my alliance. I owed him my allegiance with his lands and protection when my own people have rebelled against me. I deceive Pendragon and killed his kin. I ransomed from him the land which I know occupied and yet he protected me when the other clans wanted to take over my land.” Hengist sighed. “One cannot tell which from foe to friends at times.” 

“You are a liar, Master Gareth. Just as you had done on my trust.” Lancelot was upset. 

“I was your friend, and still is one.”Hengist replied. “I was one with your father even before you arrive. He had spared my life after he defeated me. I was to be his trainer in fighting. It was then I told him of a secret that I learned from Pendragon. I knew of the Lumbria tribe and the daughter of the chief who was once a friend of Pendragon. The chief told me of the union. The Legion received orders to attack the village and your father did as he was told. He told me to fetch and protect you. I did my task as ordered.” 

“No more lies, Master Gareth. I will not listen to you anymore.” Lancelot pulled at his reins on his horse but Hengist stopped him once more. 

“Do it not for me but for your people. The Early One was the one who led the Legion there. He was of the Anglo Saxon clans. His name is unknown for he held not name but the designation the Early One. He claimed to know the land for he was here first.” 

“He was the also one who killed your mother.” That line sunk in deep into Lancelot. “She was on my kin. She was my …… friend before she met Pendragon.”

“Why do you keep on making those lies?” Lancelot glared at Hengist. 

“Why do you keep on insisting that I am telling you lies?” Hengist hit back. “Find the Early One. Asked him of your people. Your mother’s own. Ask him of me.” 

“Stop! I am no more your ….:” 

“Friend? I was never your friend. A master who taught you the skills of sword perhaps but above all, I was your protector. That was why I taught you then. You are not yet the master with the skills.” Hengist told Lancelot. “You have one more lesson to fight. He is the Early One. Bested him in combat and you will be that master.” 

“I will hear no more.” With that Lancelot looked away but the voice of Lady Igraine carried to him. 
“If the both of you were to look over, I am still awaiting an answer.” Lady Igraine called out. “I do hold the power to have both your head beheaded. Lord Pendragon may not be dead but his breathing labored with every pull. Till he is recovered, I am the …one you refer to as the Lady.” 

The Black Knight approached the lady and did his bow to her. She nodded on his bow and then looked at Lancelot.

“Sir Lancelot, I await your answer. And please don’t keep the lady waiting.”

“My apologies, my Lady. I hold no answer for you.” Lancelot remained tight lipped to his action but the Black Knight stepped forth to answer.

“Sir Lancelot was bested by myself then. He felt himself humiliated for he was seen by the men he led.” The Black Knight gave out a snigger then. “He was once my apprentice and pride was one of his weakness in …” 

“I was not.” Lancelot snapped back. He was upset then and found the meet there un-amusing too. He was to continue on when Lady Igraine halted him again.

“Sir Lancelot, I am not keen on your …pride. I am here to place on you a task. Would you come back to battle with Arthur on my command?” The last word was uttered with contempt by the lady. She had wished that she was not there but it was Pendragon whispered to her that it was his command that she looked up Lancelot. She dreaded the thought then for two reasons; one was that Lancelot may be the other son of the Lord, and two; she disliked to be commanded. During their union, Lady Igraine was the one who always on the top.

“It’s the way to redeem yourself.” The Black Knight spoke with smite at Lancelot. “Or perhaps to win back your pride.” 

Lancelot glared at the Black Knight but his thoughts was shattered again by Lady Igraine. 

“I will caution you, Sir Lancelot. I am short of patience now. So tell me, Sir Knight.” Lady Igraine saw her guards approaching her. “We are at war now once again against the Anglo Saxon. Well, at least do it for my Elaine.” 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 36


Arthur sat upright on his saddle and marveled at the works done on his castle at Camelot. Since his appointment to replace Lord Pendragon he was busy handling the Anglo Saxon invasion. He had arranged the army at strategic locations at the border. During his stay at the castle, he did not get to see Lady Igraine or Pendragon who was in his personal chamber. He was only given the order to stop the invasion. He recalled his argument on the appointment. 

“I will not be King.” Arthur snapped back. He then muttered to himself. “Not like this.”

Arthur had thought of his own lands but it was to be through his own battles. He was not keen to given by the other on the whimsy idea that he was the son of Pendragon.

“You may not have to be his successor as Pendragon is not dead. He is dying nevertheless. His lands and lords needed a leader. I see fit that you lead them through this times when we are once more threatened by the Anglo Saxons.” Lady Igraine looked at him. “You may be his stand-in King. Be the knight that you want to be. Help the helpless now.”

Lady Igraine drove in the point of Pendragon dying then well. Arthur was moved by her request and agreed.

“Once he has recovered or a new heir is announced.” Arthur replied to the Lady. The lady smiled and then the matter was resolved. 

The invasion of the Anglo Saxon did not come and the lands were once safe with the leadership of Pendragon but the later was still in his beddings. Arthur took leave then to see his own Camelot and was impressed. 

“You had done a good task, Merlin.” Camelot the Castle stood tall on the hill with the towers and walls. 

“Thank you, my Lord.” Merlin smiled. He looked at the splendid castle that he had designed and built. The castle with the twin towers loomed over the cliff and its walls that lined the cliffs to the bottom of the hill towards the flat farmland. In the outer walls were the five smaller towers and its two gates; the main one was sturdy with the double layer of wood and reinforced with the metal rung for durability while the side gate on the slope for the escape to the bay. Merlin then led Arthur into his castle and came upon the main doorway to the inner castle. The doorway was guarded by two lion figurine as if it was in Rome with the many magnificent sculptures. The lions were unique in the shades where one was gleaming white and the other fierce red.

“The lions represent your wisdom which is pure and fair and the red is your strength with the ferocity that your foe will fear.” Merlin looked at the two gran statue with pride for it was done with his supervision but Arthur had ignored it and walked on. The tall and huge doors on the entrance towered over his height and span wide for five persons to step through in comfort. He saw the metal grille gate that was hung over the doorway and with its thick width it will present itself as a defensive tool in case of an attack there. 

Once inside the castle, Arthur was greeted by the huge chamber adorned by the muslin fabric of two shades; the red and white. It was a grand display of shades that lent weight to the dull stone walls. He noticed the effort to make the place friendly with the shields of the friendly allies alongside with the armored chest pieces bearing the crests of the clans or Lords. Soon they appeared at the grand hall where the round table was its main piece of the settings. 

“The table shall sit twelve of the finest knights with you as their leader.” The table was surrounded by the thirteen high back seats and above the table was the multi layered nine candle lights chandelier. On the ceiling was the painting of stars in the night sky. If one was to know their constellation, they would have recognized the layout of the stars resembled the sign of Leo.

To the side of the table were twenty five more seats on each side which was the sitting for the prime knights that will await their command from Arthur. On the walls were the drawn murals of the Kings and Lords in their epic battles. Each mural was adorned with the fine silk drapes that lent it pleasing shades. To the flooring at the wall were the line of tables with the servings of foods and drinks served by a retinue of servants. 

“Fifty prime knights and twelve of your trusted ones with yourself, making the numbers to sixty three or if you add the two numeric here it become a niner.” Merlin explained the significance of the numbers as taught to him by the Egyptians. “Your number is nine as in the main stars of the lion sign on the skies.”

The constellation of Leo held nine stars. 

“You left the Legion at the age of thirty nine which is three decades ago that comes to a full nine in the numbers.” Merlin looked to Arthur. “You are destined to be King.” 

“Enough!” Arthur snapped out in anger. “I have heard enough of your tales.”

“My tales drove you here, and with that your destiny awaits you.” Merlin replied. He then asked Arthur to follow him. The later found himself compiling with the request without any hesitation. Arthur was led down the steps passing the damp walls and the smell of the sea to an underground cavern.

“Behold the lair of the dragon.” Merlin told him. The cavern was cleared of the dirt and unwanted debris while in there then was a lighted chamber with the line of shelves along the walls. On the shelves were the remains of bones that were then placed there with spacing in between. Merlin then took him to the tunnel that led out to the cliff walls. 

“Here was the opening for the eagles to bring food to the young dragons then in their nesting. The dragons were bad parents that they leave their young’s to be fed by the eagles. They themselves when were young adults they took off for the skies and the faraway lands. It was a test of survivals for the young ones.” Merlin told his tale there. “The dragon were few and rare even then but it was not the breeding methods that dwindled their numbers but Man. The creatures once roamed freely on the lands, and they have few foes until Man learned to hunt with spears and arrows. It was then the dragons made their breeding grounds unreachable by Man. They have a pact with the eagles to feed their young one while they roamed the lands.”

“The dragons are real?” Artthur asked. He then picked up what may resemble a skull of a creature. “It’s not as I expected.” 

“Yes, the dragon skull you held differed from the ones you may have been told of. The dragons are more of the lions in shape although they hold the wings on their back.” Merlin smiled. “The ancient tales spoke of them with the flames from their jaw. Its partially true for the lions then did hold a loud roar and it scared off its foes as if they were bathed in the flames of the fire when it’s the flames of the lion roar.”

“The wings were theirs for flight but it was a short one for they tend to leap more than they could fly.” 

Arthur was fixated on the skull he held. Hi eyes focused on it and then he felt as if he was seeing through their eyes. He was no longer the figure that he held but he was that of the lion with the red mane and the shade of it all his body. He saw the great lands below him as the creature once roamed it. He saw the creatures of the forests then hiding when they are in his path. He then saw the most fearsome sight that a Man may see. It was a dark creature; black in shade and it was four legged with the fierce green eyes but it was a hound in the shape. “Gwyllgi…” Arthur muttered out but his vision went on. He saw himself approaching the other creature. Both of them stared and then the later turned to leave. Arthur found himself staring at the dark creature leaving but just then without a warning, the dark creature turned and charged at Arthur. He saw himself lifted by the wings on his back and then his front paws clawed at the dark creature. The dark creature backed off in pain and then snarled at Arthur. It feigned a few charges at Arthur before it slowly slunk away. Arthur then felt the pain on his back and his vision faded away. He reached for his back and touched the gash there. Merlin rushed forth to hold him then. 

“Arthur, you fell and cut your back on the stone.” Merlin told him. “What happened? And you called out a name.”

“Black…” Merlin told him. “Are you well?”

Arthur shook his head and then told the other of the vision he had. He told Merlin of the dark creature that he was told of when young. 

“Gwyiigi?” Merlin repeated the name. “It can’t be. The creature is a myth. Like the Cerberus who guards the Underworld. But the shade of dark like black may speak of other things. Anything that is dark signifies bad tidings and if the gash on your back is to be reckoned with I believed someone in dark shades may strike at you from the rear. Like a traitor among your knights. Or maybe the Black Knight.” 

“The Black Knight?” Arthur had then sat up and asked the druid. “Who is the Black Knight?”

“He is Hengist as you had met in the chamber with Pendragon.” Merlin reminded him. “He is not an ally of ours. He is Anglo Saxon but you have one to contend with. I was told by the scouts that Lancelot was seen with him.” 

Lancelot had been missing since the last battle. It was then a scout rode up.

“King Arthur”, Arthur shuddered at the calling of his name. “We have a situation up north. There is one knight there named the Early One plaguing our forces. The knight had struck in a few places and each time our knights appeared, they varnished when in pursuit.”

Across the land further north, Hengist removed his chest armor with his teeth clenched. It was not that he was hurt there but the limbs on his body were crying out for comfort due to his age. He was past the age of fighting but the reputation of the Black Knight was his to preserve. He held no successor to that. More to that the people then needed a figurehead to feel secured in their homes. He was Anglo Saxon by birth but his loyalty then lay by his lands given to him by Pendragon. It was a hard earned victory of sorts and one that he regretted ever allowing to happen. 

“We need to get a foothold here.” Horsa sat there while his brother Hengist ranted on how they much they needed land to build their castle. “We cannot grab it for Pendragon will have us routed from it with his army.”

Horsa sighed then as he knew that Hengist meant well. They have been raiding the lands for years then since they learned to ride with their father but the raids yielded results that needed more raids later on. Pendragon have been winning the battles even though they had sided with the Pict, 

“It’s barbaric how the Pict fought their battles. Their battle cries are eerie but their roars are no longer feared by the settlers. Pendragon have taught them to build fences and armed them with spears.” Hengist grumbled on. “I say we call for a truce and then fight back when we are ready.” 

The brothers have lost a part of their army in the last battle with Pendragon with them then hiding in the forest. Hengist impatient with his brother’s reply then had voiced out more discontent. 

“We can’t fight Pendragon when our own clans are not with us. I will suggest then we withdraw back to our lands.” 

“No, we cannot.” Horsa played to the tune of his brother voiced out his refusal. “We came so far and lost so many of our friends to retreat without a true victory.” 

“Then if a battle cannot be fought on the plains, should we fight them on other grounds?” Hengit suggested. “I am for a deceit. Perhaps a lure to entrap them.” 

It was how Pendragon soon lost most of his kins’ in a banquet of blood and flesh.

Back then to Hengist when he took the seat to ease the pain on his body. His aide stepped up and reported to him on Lancelot.

“Lancelot was seen. He was intercepted by Tristam.”

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Arthur The Legend and Myth Chapter 35


King Lot shifted on his seat while looking at the assembled in the hall of Pendragon’s castle. All the knights that were loyal or affiliated were all there. King Carados was alone in the far corner, and seething with anger. He refused to join the others who were in deep conversation including the Black Knight with King Bors and Ban. He turned to look for Arthur. The later was missing and so was the druid. 

“Merlin….Or was it Myrddin? I admired you, druid.” King Lot muttered to himself. Unknown to King Lot, Arthur was in the personal chamber of Pendragon. 

“I guessed my days are coming to an end.” Pendragon gasped in between deep breaths. He was lying on his bedding with the pain in his chest. He had ridden to the borders to check on the Anglo Saxon. Most of his reign was taken up with campaigning against Saxon and Irish invaders in the northern borders. His first campaign was unsuccessful against the Angles of Bernicia. Osla, allied with the Jutish Octa. Pendragon was defeated Uther's armies at York (Caer-Ebrauc). However, he soon turned the tables at the ensuing Battle of Mount Damen. He even aided the Kings of Strathclyde pacify the Scots.

It was then he met his love. On his return, Pendragon met Lady Igraine then the wife of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall. Due to his desire, the quarreled with the later and war was declared. Pendragon invaded the Duke's lands, but still impatient to be with his new love, he persuaded the druid in service then to assist him.

“I don’t care. Just give me a spell to win this lady over.” The druid had then under duress and the threat of death, agreed to it. Merlin made the spell to disguise Pendragon into Gorlois and gotten him to bed the lady. A son was born out of that affair; a son that was to be given away. 

A son named Arthur. 

“I am not your son, Pendragon. I am Arthur of Bedyr.” Arthur denied his heritage. “I am the son of a blacksmith.”

“So you were.” Merlin interrupted. He then looked at Lady Igraine. The lady had the others removed from the chamber except for the immediate family and Arthur with Merlin. 

“Arthur of Bedyr, you were the adopted son of Adama Bedyr the Blacksmith. Your adopted father was the aide of Vortigen and then Pendragon. He was a valued friend too with the skills of sword making.” Merlin spoke then of the past. “Adama was told to raise you his own. It was then with guilt I left Pendragon and when with Adama. The later soon named himself Adam and he wanted to raise Arthur at the Cradle of the Dragons as Bedyr was once known when the dragons were bred there.” 

“The dragons were the crest of Pendragon as was this stone we stand on. He build this castle when I appeased the so named fighting dragons here and its only rightful his son will be bred alongside the dragons. There were dragons once before but in the times to past, the dragons have left but they left their marked descendants then with the lands. It was the red lions that roamed the land soon after the dragons. Like the dragons, the lions were formidable creatures and they ruled the creatures here. They were taken care of by the people of Bedyr for generations until the last ones perished. They bred the lions in the caves for fear of them being hunted and killed for prize.”

“When Adam arrived at the village, it was not more like any other but he settled in with Arthur. I was my usual self and took leave to travel to the main continent. Soon I came back when the calling came for me.” 

“I was never in touch with Adam nor of Arthur, but I knew his progress. I have my friends to watch him grow and eventually joined the Roman Legions. It was his path to be King.” Merlin smiled at the thought. “He grew up fine and today he is united with his family.” 

Morgause cried out loudly and ran from the chamber followed by her sister Morgan,. Elaine excused herself to comfort the two sisters. Merlin looked at the elderly lady seated beside the dying Pendragon. She was the upset and later saddened. She then spoke up.

“It was needed for this moment to haunt us once more. I was ….foolish to give my son away but it was the wish of the father. He had feared then the vengeance of the other Lords and had us killed. If he had done that, the child may be spared. And innocent life from a …pretentious and selfish act of his.” 

“Utter Pendragon, you are a bastard.” The words of Lady Igraine were harsh but it was justice to her pain. She then looked at Arthur. “My son had a pendant given to him. It was the image of a lion.”

“I have no such pendant.” Arthur replied flatly. It was Merlin who stepped forth with one.

“It was not given to Arthur but kept by me till today.” Merlin displayed the pendant with the image of the lion. “I kept it because the boy was too young then.”

“Why are all of you doing this to me? I am not his son.” Arthur burst out in anger. “I am Arthur of Bedyr …”

“You are whom we claimed.” Lady Igraine cut in with her raised voice. “You are …our son and by the rights of the throne, you shall inherit his seat as the new Lord.” 

With that, Lady Igraine stood up and then bowed to Arthur. She was followed by Merlin himself. 

“The lands under Pendragon need their new Lord and you will do so as one.” Lady Igraine continued on. “I hold no wisdom in there but the Lord has a duty to protect its lands. The war with the Anglo Saxons have been long and the last one although Pendragon has the victory over it but he was poisoned by the enemies when he drank the water from the well.” 

“Call in King Lot now.” Lady Igraine called out to the servants. The King was brought in and told to speak of the battles with the King then.

“I was to battle with the others against Arthur when the messenger told me to ride for St Albans. I was to intercept the fleeing Prince of the Anglican. I did but the numbers on the other side eluded our pursuit until I was reinforced by Pendragon. Finally we won but through the deceit of the Prince, most of us had our drink from the well at St. Albans. It was undoing and the casualties mounted up. The water in the well was poisoned and among the few that are still dying here was our Lord.”

King Lot turned to Lady Igraine to seek her forgiveness. She nodded her forgive to him and then looked at Arthur. 

“You have no say on the matter.” Lady Igraine found herself challenged by another. She turned to look and saw it was one who was uninvited.

“Arthur may not be the only one who have the right. I hold the same right.” The figure was dressed in the black armor. He was the Black Knight. He approached the bedding and looked at the dying figure there. 

“Hello Pendragon, it has been a long time since we met in person.” The Black Knight then removed his head gear. “It’s me Hengist. I was once with another named Horsa. We used to serve Vortigen whom you removed to be the Lord of the Lords and Kings.”

Hengist and Horsa were Anglo Saxons and arrived in the isle. They offered their services as mercenaries for Vortigen against the Pict and Gauls. The mercenaries soon turned their acts on their master. An act of reconciliation was called on by Hengist and Vortigen. A banquet was agreed on and the numbers were agreed. It was as planned but the intentions differ from each other. It was to be a murderous gathering. The murder act was soon to be recorded as the Night of the Long Knives. Hengistus had arranged for his household that they should hide their daggers under their foot in the shoe. The signal was “eu nimet saxas.” (Hey draw your swords). They killed all the elders of Vortigen but left the King alive to be ransomed. In return for the King, the land around Kent was given to Hengistus.

“You looked older.” Pendragon dragged on his voice when he saw the treacherous knight. 

“I am sure the treachery remains.” Lady Igraine recalled the event then. She glared at the knight and then looked at Arthur. 

“Arthur, you may wait outside. We have things to discuss.” Lady Igraine told Arthur who took the request as his command. He stepped out to the corridor. Hengist watched Arthur leave and then looked at the lady. 

“I am but the treachery had been placed aside.” Hengist ala the Black Knight bowed to the Lady. “I am not here to challenge Arthur but the true lineage of Vortigen can do so.” 

“Vortimer? Where is he …” Pendragon asked in his weak voice. “He …”

“Vortimer was the son of Vortigen. He was upset at his father ceding land to the Anglo Saxon. He rose up to fight them and pushed them back to Thanet. He fought four battles with them and killed some of the kins of the Anglo Saxon.” Merlin gave the brief version to the attended.
“Not Vortimer. There is one other of Vortigen.” Hengist spoke up. “Vortimer was not his only son. He has another.”
“The unspoken daughter of Vortimer was exiled to Lumbria. She was with a son. She took refuge with the Pecht there. I led the Romans there to take the village. One of the survivors was taken under the care of the Centurion. His given name was Lancelot.”
“Lancelot? You are making it all up.” Merlin snapped in. “You will not stop Arthur from being King.” 
“I am not. I am here to tell you that there is one more to the seat and Lancelot need to …” 

“Know? Lancelot as of now does not belong to Camelot anymore.” Arthur hit back. “He can be the next King for I am not keen to be one.”

With that Arthur turned to walk. Lady Igraine stopped him. 

“I am still the Lady here. With my Lord unwell, I have the right to appoint his successor. Arthur will be that person.” Lady Igraine stared at those present. “Anyone got any objection can leave here.” 

Black Knight stormed out then. He passed Arthur at the corridor but not before he said his departing words to the other.

“You will fight Lancelot one day for he is to obey me.” 

The appointment of Arthur to replace Pendragon was met with scorn from many in the assembled. Some did not voice their views vocally but their facial expression betrayed their emotions. Arthur and Merlin had taken their place at the corner. The other knights were all present but not Lancelot. The Black Knight was also missing among the gathered. 

“I stand against it.” The one who spoke was named Lord Beardsley. He was a young Lord who replaced his father last summer. “I will not support the new Lord.” 

His uproar have more joined in and then hidden daggers from their cloaks and clothing. The guards there in hall moved to pull their swords but the loud voice of Lady Igraine stopped their action. 

“For those of you who does not know me, or don’t have the need to know. My Lord is ill and may perish soon. In his incapacitated state, I am to do his bidding.” Lady Igraine looked at them. “Arthur is the successor.”

“Anyone have an issue with me can join the Anglo Saxon invasion.” Lady Igraine looked to them. It was then she saw King Bors and Ban have joined her at the side. He was soon followed by King Carados. 

“My Lady, I am here to offer my service to Lord Pendragon.” King Carados looked at the gathered Lords and Kings. “We have all owed Pendragon for his protection. In return now, we shall protect his throne. And his successor.” 

“I stand with thee.” The voice belonged to one named Meleagant. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Arthur" The Legend and Myth Chapter 34


Arthur paced the tent in frantic steps while his scouts reported to him. It has been some time then when his scouts told him that Percival was missing. He was seen riding out but none saw him coming back. He can’t risk more of his scouts searching the hills when the enemy is just beyond. 

“Arthur, I counted the army of King Carados with the King of Scotland. They numbered about seven thousand then, with King Urien bringing up the left side with another two thousand.” Gawain reported in. He looked around and asked of the whereabouts of Percival.

“It can’t be. Percival won’t run from a battle.” Gawain shook his head at the remarks made by the others. More so from the foreign knights who were itching to fight the enemy then. The foreign knights have a score to settle with the isle knights from past battles.

“Another two thousand from the other Kings and Lords.” The scout reported in. “We thought Lancelot had scared them but they are back in strength.” 

Arthur thought of the tenfold odd again his army. He hoped his plan works. He then rode off with the forward group to draw the enemy to the valley, if they take his bait. It worked but he was not prepared for the fight there. 

“Ride hard!” Arthur called out to his knights. His plan worked but it was not as he planned. He had rode in with his two hundred knights to cross the path. It worked when a fraction of the enemy took to chase the small group. It numbered about five hundred of knights. 

The issue then was five hundred knights have fresher horses caught up with Arthur and his knights. The battle started there with the knights in the flank being overrun by the charging knights. Arthur saw the rout at the back and he turned his horse to gallop there. He charged through the knights and knocked on some horses. He made it there and drew his sword. He swung at the knight who had hacked at one of Arthur’s knight in the back. Arthur’s sword cut at the knight in the left forearm but Arthur did not stop there. He pulled back and took another swipe at the head. The knight fell with his head hanging at the side and left his spear embedded upright in the ground. 

“Drop back!” Arthur called out before he attacked the next knight. He was challenged by two knights who rode towards him. Arthur was still on his horse then turned his horse at the two. He rode hard and grabbed the spear that was in the ground. He held in midpoint at the handle and then leveled it at the approaching riders. He held it hard and then at the last moment when he saw the riders near him he thrust out the spear at the rider on his right. The spear stabbed in the rider in the chest and Arthur was riding through. He barely missed the other rider when the later swung the spear at him. Arthur rode past and then turned his horse. He was without a spear but he still held his sword. He rode towards the other rider and when they were almost parallel, he ducked backwards. He had seen the Gaul done that on their horseback. When he did that, his right hand swung with the sword. The impact almost threw him off the horse but he regained his balance. He however lost his sword which was in the other horse’s neck. The horse dying then keeled over and dropped the rider. Arthur turned his horse and rode to the other horse. He leaned over to pick at the sword of his and was hit on the back by the fallen rider. 

“Olicrosse!” The rider shouted out with this battle axe poised to strike at Arthur. The blow came down but missed the fallen knight when he rolled aside. Arthur then had raised his right leg to kick at the groin of the attacker. 

“Hornungsunu!” (these words meant bastard) The rider was then clutching his groin in pain. Arthur kicked out with his legs to drop the warrior and then he crouched up and smashed his fists in the throat to kill the other. It was a primitive method of close combat. He then stood up and held the battle axe that was to kill him. He felt the weight and then rushed to his horse. It was still waiting for him but another warrior had caught with it. The other took to the reins and rode off. Arthur was without a horse and he looked for another. 

Arthur was besieged by the others. 

“Aye, it’s Arthur.” Arthur was seen by the knights. He turned to run and saw his way blocked. He raised his battle axe to face the riders. It was then the line of riders was crashed in from the rear by another group. That group was led by the Black Knight. His knights fought through the cordon and then the Black Knight approached Arthur.

“Arthur of Camelot, you may ride to your camp.’ The Black Knight handed over the horse to him. “We shall meet later and in victory I will drink from your cup.” 

Arthur mounted and was to ride off when the Black Knight handed over the sword that belonged to him. 

“A wonderful sword but its master is not you. You are in need of a better one than this.” The Black Knight then had his knights open a passage way for Arthur. When Arthur had ridden off, King Urien rode up.

“We had Arthur and yet you released him. Why?” King Urien asked of the Black Knight. 

“We will win but only in true and fair combat.” The Black Knight looked to King Urien. “Your army had outnumbered Arthur’s and yet you chose to kill him when he is unarmed. Fight him in close combat yourself. Show your worth to the knights that followed you. Do not disappoint them with your …. for lacks of courage.”

With that the Black Knight rode off with his army leaving King Urien embarrassed and upset. He then turned to his knights and told them to chase after Arthur. 

Arthur rode hard ahead and caught up with his knights. They climbed the hill and into the valley where Sir Kay was waiting. He saw the other was playing to his role despite the ongoing battle. It was a good display for the camp looked alive. He then turned his horse to climb up the nearby hill and into the tree lines there. He was met by Gawain and questioned the battle outcome. 

“We were outnumbered but I drew them in.” Arthur pointed to the approaching knights of King Urien. “They will be in the valley soon.” 

Meantime then the valley, Lamorak dropped the jug of wine he was holding. He saw Arthur and his remaining knights have ridden onto the hills. It was the signal for him to get his own knights moving.
“Mount up, you knaves. We got to ride now.” Lamorak called out and reached for his horse. He thought it was crazy to be celebrating there but he reckoned Arthur may have a plan that could work. His knights then were not really celebrating but dousing the tents with wine. They were also lining the perimeters to form a series of lines that zig zag across the valley. King Urien knights in their pursuit saw Arthur’s camp with the riders moving out. 

“Catch those knights. I want the camp searched for their servants and their supplies.” King Urien called out. Their huge numbers pushed them to attack the camp then. 

“Gawain, it up to your archers now.” The command went out and the archers doused their arrows in oil and then have it lighted. The arrows soared high into the camp and some landed on the spilled wines or oils there. It lighted up the spilled contents and soon the flames engulfed the tents. The flames spread across the trails of oil and wines and soon the place was lighted up. King Urien’ knights then have reached the camp and were caught by the raging fire. The riders were seen trying to escape the fires but then the second wave of arrows were aimed at them. 

“Ride out!” The knights trapped there but their horses were frightened by the flames. Some knights dismounted to lead the horses but in the chaos, they ended up circling between the fires. 

“It’s a trap!” The knights called out but more riders were already descending then. Their rides hasten by the slope of the hill soon made some of the horses tumbled. The other riders tried to escape the fallen horses ended up clashing into other riders. 

“Now is our vengeance.” Arthur then drew his sword high and charged form the tree lines into the enemy knights. The gathered knights there followed their leader into the battle at the edge of the camp. 

Meantime Sir Kay who was on the other end then turned his army to join the fight. He grabbed his sword and then roared to his knights. 

“Down with those louse of knights!” Sir Kay screamed out while his sword cut at the knights. He was like a deranged warrior then the foreign knights with him shared his demented action. They were happy to be killing their rivals in battle. 

“Hakkaa paalle….” The foreign knights called out. 

It wasn’t the numbers that mattered then but the ones which were composed took the edge in the battle. And there were the few who were wiser not to rush in. 

“I think the battle is not to our favor now.” King Bors looked to King Ban. “Arthur held the upper edge over our allies.” 

“It can be seen then but if we are to join in we will win with our numbers.” King Ban replied. “Its unfortunate for King Carados and Urien that they have to battle alone.” 
“Most unappealing.” The Black Knight joined in with the duo. “The King of Scotland had withdrawn on the last moment lent strength to Arthur. And so was the absence of King Lot.” 
“I heard that he was returning. I wonder why.” King Bors asked. “Perhaps the messenger we saw could attest to his sudden change of mind.” 
“That messenger? I met him on the way back to Pendragon. He told me that Anglo Saxons are here. The King of Scotland had returned to guard his borders.” The Black Knight smiled. “It’s very unfortunate.”
King Bors and Ban looked at each other. If the Anglo Saxons are on the march then they will need to return to their land. They were to ride when the Black Knight halted them.

“Before you leave, kindly looked to the right.” King Bors and Ban did as they were told. They saw them the rider bearing the banner of Pendragon. There was also two other riders that looked familiar.
“I think we just lost the battle.” King Bors replied. Soon after a period of time, Arthur was seen standing there at the valley. He looked exhausted with the sword held with both hands pointed to the ground. He was in the valley and his body was bloodied from the cuts and wounds. He was not spared with multiple cuts on his limbs and there was a bad gash on his back. He looked around him and saw the carnage. The camp was a set of dead bodies and burning tents with horses without riders. The surviving knights kept their distance at two ends; the ones with Arthur with King Carados who survived the battle with his knights. The foreign knights have ridden off soon after the battle. They were disappointed at the battle being halted in midway when the group from Pendragon rode in with horns blowing. 

“I am sorry we cannot join you then.” Percival stood next to Arthur. He looked away and saw Lancelot looking at the tent that was supposed to his. He was flicking the ashes with the feet to look for anything worth salvaging. 

“I want him out.” Arthur told Percival with his body signals indicating Lancelot. “He is no more a knight of Camelot.” 

“If I may say some…” Percival words were ignored when Arthur turned away. He watched the distraught leader walked towards the area where the wounded were tended by physician including Merlin. The later had arrived in time with the group of healers and physicians.

“How many knights have lost their …” Arthur was cut off by Merlin. 

“You may know that we have lost twenty knights from both sides.” Merlin expressed his view. “Your ego won’t be affected.” 

Arthur looked to his adviser. Merlin had seen these killings but the later was upset. He then displayed his blood. 

“These are the bloods of our knights. When I said ours, it meant yours and theirs. There are no distinguish qualities between them but all of them fed on our cows.” 

Arthur expression split into a snide look.

“What does their feeding matter now? We have killed them from the Pict and the barbarians from the sea.”

“But they are not from these lands.” Merlin picked up the soil and tossed it at Arthur.” Merlin sighed then. “I left this land soon after Pendragon then. I was sick of the war and killings until the Romans arrived. They created some balance but we were still killing each other. Even the foreign knights are here to indulge in the killings.” 

“Why are we arguing on the killings?” Arthur then grew agitated and looked hard at Merlin. “We don’t have time to dwell on the past or the issues with the killings. We have to contend with the Anglo Saxon at our land. Are you with me or you would like to be with Lancelot?”
Merlin did not reply when he walked away. Arthur was to call the druid when another voice called him. It was King Bors. 

“Arthur, Pendragon requested our presence at his castle.” 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...