Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.9

Kassius crouched down at the fence that was twelve feet high and electrified with a voltage enough to terminate a living creature. He was dressed in his dark uniform, with the usual array of weapons and the sword. He reached to his backpack and removed the contraption. He clasped in the crocodile plug at the beam which connect the fence. On the other beam six feet away, another plug was attached to the beam there, and it trailed a wire to a breaker box where the other wire extend to the last beam attached by Kassius. Once he had the plugs attached, he activated the breaker box. The box redirected the current through the breaker box rendering that section of the fence free of current. He took out his sword and cut at the fencing. The fencing came apart in between the beams that were connected to the breaker box.

Kassius proceeded across with the assault team of seven members following close behind. He moved across the open field, while the team members spread out to form an inverted pincer formation, with the fourth member holding flank position. They are the flankers in the case of a retreat.

A second team of twenty members followed behind on the tracks of Kassius. Their targets were the armory of Richard II army which was housed in eight underground hangers that measured over a quarter mile wide and length with a high cliff on the other end. On the top ground were the guards’ bunkers with its four hexagon triple levels building measuring a radius of twenty feet and height of twenty feet per level. Each structure had machine guns on each wall side, and at every level. The guard bunkers were spaced out evenly to cover any approach to the cliff. There are regular guard patrols with dogs on the ground.

The one Kassius was heading for was Building Three. .

It was past midnight and the sky was dark with the moon hidden behind the clouds.

The distance from the fence to the building was eight hundred feet, and the intruders had stopped at four hundred feet. Kassius held up his right hand to halt the team behind him. They were separated at a distance of fifty feet. The next four hundred feet was covered by a spanning search light with the regular patrols. He watched the two man patrol with the dog which made their rounds every ten minutes. The lights spanned across every two minutes. His target was the air vent in the ground, at a distance of fifty feet. He had to get there, opened it and get in before the lights come back. It may seem to be an easy task, but the schematic did not tell him how the air vent was secured.

Kassius took his chance.

He did the run after the light went pass. He ran the distance and then stopped at the air vent. It was a raised opening with a cover of two feet in area. He swept his hands on the cover looking for any locks.

There was one and it was in the inside. He was running out of time. The lights will be back soon. Kassius laid down flat on the ground and hoped the guard will missed him. The light came and swept by him without stopping. He moved his body close to the opening and picked at the lock. It was an old lock; rusted and needed some persuasion to unlock. He used his pick lock tools and with some brute strength, he got it opened. Then the lights came back again. He laid there still like before. The light was fifty feet away when it stopped. It did not move and then it resumed again. It went past Kassius without stopping.

Kassius had to act fast as the patrols would be back soon. He pried open the cover but paused at the slight opening. There was a wire attached to it. He trailed the wire and it was attached to a breaker switch. Had he pulled it open, and the wire disconnect from the switch, it would had triggered the alarm. He deftly cut the wire and then pushed open the cover. He slid in head first and then descended down the tight air vent. The vent was part of twelve tunnels in a radius of twelve feet and depth of twelve feet was connected to the bigger vent tunnel. The larger vent was connected to the bunker below. The descent measured fifty feet before it reached the ventilation ceiling that lined the ceiling of the underground bunkers. He reached an open grate cover, and above it was the lever. He pulled at it and raised the cover by one foot. It was enough for him to slip through and then there was the drop of a hundred feet. He lowered himself down to the ceiling metal beams below it at five feet. He landed on his feet with his knees bent. He had not much time as there were patrols and maintenance team there. He half crouched and walked along the maintenance beams. Soon he came upon a raised platform which was the observation deck on the ground below.  He jumped off the beam onto the roof of the observation deck. He had misjudged his jump and landed with a loud noise.

Kassius crouched there and watched for any activities drawn to the noise. He saw none and then walked along the roof before he swung over to reach the deck below. He landed on his feet and saw the Maintenance crew standing there with a long handle wrench. The crew rushed at Kassius, but the later swung his out his right leg in a forward kick to knock the maintenance crew. The guy was a huge man and with the kick, he only staggered in his rush. Kassius pivot his body around and did a right elbow blow onto the other’ throat. The maintenance crew keeled over and it was then Kassius struck with his right knee into the wounded throat. The maintenance crew went down clutching his throat before he died.

There was not much time left as Kassius rushed to the ladder that will reached him to the bunker flooring. He slid down holding the sides, and then ran to the entrance at a distance of hundred feet that will take to him to Bunker Three. He reached it and made the quick climb up the stairs leading to the upper level. There he paused by doorway, and waited. Each Bunker would be manned by at least ten guards, and that made his task more difficult. The eight gunners are all in their own chamber with a locked door. The other two remaining guards would be in the common area of each level. His task was to remove the two guards in the common area. They are seated on the two rows of consoles watching if there were any new orders coming in. They have been on the alert since the war had resumed.

Kassius have three seconds to terminate them before they could raise the alarm.

Kassius pulled out the air pistol from his belt with the right hand. He weighed it in his palm and then opened the door into bunker.

Seconds’ One; the double tap fired off two shots within split seconds with his right hand.

Seconds’ Two; He swivel his left hand to aim.

Seconds’ Three; The spring loaded dagger shot out from the left vambrace.

The last guard fell with the dagger in the throat.

Kassius got up and moved towards the first chamber on his right. He was to open the door when the guard stepped out. The guard was not alone but with another companion. It was the search light guard from above which he had not counted for. They saw the assassin and moved to react but Kassius had moved. Kassius jumped up and lashed out with his legs. He did a right kick at the first guard, and then swung his left leg to hit at the second guard. Both the guards went down but he was not stopping at then. He landed in between them and lashed out with his hands to smash their vocal cords. He then stood up and reloaded his air gun. He went to the next chamber and shot the guard there in the back. He did that for the next six more guards.

It took him nineteen seconds to take over the bunker.

Kassius then leaned out the bunker opening to signal the others. The twenty members crawled forth and entered the bunker via the bunker opening. They proceeded down the stairs to the other bunkers and removed the remaining guards. After all the killing, they took command of the underground bunker. It was to be used for storing the weapons of the army. It also held a surprise for them.

The bunker beneath the ground had a hidden taxiway out to an opening below the cliff. In addition to that, there were two frigates that were newly built named Brutus and Anthony. The third group of fifty members arrived and took command of the ships. They loaded the ships and then guided the frigates towards the open cliff entrance.

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