Sunday, December 7, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 4 Part 1

Act Four Scene 1 Part 1

Iago looked for the Legatus and found him in the small tavern. It was located at the end of the harbour; one of the unpopular place with no tavern wenches. Since his argument with Desdemona, he had sat here as claimed by him to Iago. He had sent the other patrons including the owner off the place to be alone.

"I had visions of them together." Othello told Iago. The other added to the imagination of pain.

"Who? The twins from Pyrenees. Oh, they were one of the type." Iago laughed.

"No, I am thinking of Cassio and love." Othello explained himself.

"I am sorry, Othello. I did not mean to add to your woes. I was thinking of us when you were the game." Iago pulled back when he saw the pain of the other. But Othello was hooked.

"She could be using the sash I gave her." Othello moaned out. "When I gave it to her, she wore it on her waist."

"Wow! All Emilia ever did was get naked and dive beneath the bedding sheets." Iago was replying to the other. "He kneads her breasts while she was riding him on the top. I normally grabbed them while thrusting. That way you can see them juggle...."

"Othello, she is young, and needed to be tame. Do you know her before? I meant way back when you were courting her." Iago moved the subject to the core period.

"Oh, yes, I knew her. It was she who enticed me with her beauty. You must know that she is twenty years younger than me. I was alone with my mask, and she came onto me. She plagued me with her beauty, and listened to my tales. I should had known, she was playing me for my rank."

"You were the youngest Legatus and maybe soon to be the youngest Senate Member." Iago added on. "Even as a lady if I was one, I would had seduced you."

"Just as she did with Cassio. He was a Centurion and rich by his father's wealth but she ..."

"He was not Legatus. You are." Iago told him. "Women desired two things in life; power and a handsome man. You are both and even with the mask, you are handsome and ..........mysterious."

"My cursed mask.....It pains me to have this." Othello pulled at it from his face. Iago may had seen him without it, but still he looked away. That part of the face was all shriveled with the skin pulled tight to reveal the facial bones, with its muscle tendons. There were parts which appeared to be hollowed in, but it was darkened in shades.

"Othello, do not despair on your look. Its a regrettable incident by one which had past." Iago told him. "There are many men with more scars but they hurt inside, as they are not visible to the eyes."

"But their scars did not make them ....mysterious like what you describe. Mine did, and the mystery of it was I feared it could be my failure in seeing love from desire." Othello moaned out his grievance.

"But you had never ignored desire before. We were part of the trio that claimed many other's wives, yet you despaired on any of them." Iago reminded him.

"Was the feeling. I had once, and it was the last. If you recalled, I did not partake much, and even if I did, I only flirt with them. Not since Desdemona had I partake in the lust of it. I thought I had found love with her."

Then Othello turned on his friend.

"All I heard was words. Show me the sash. Show me the proof that she was cheating me." Othello went into self denial. "Desdemona loved me, and I love her."

"Othello, it was you who wanted to pursue the matter. How was I to show you proof unless I have the sash, or arranged for them to have sex in front of you. Do you want to see that? The nude body of your love thrust on by one other that is not you. Could you bear that look?"

Othello wanted to hit his friend for using those words on his love, but he held back. He then asked.

"Give me more than words. Show me the proof." Othello repeated again.

"I have one other and that proof is myself. Cassio before our journey, during our last night at the Castra, he was drinking agin. I was on my bedding when he stepped in. He staggered to my bedding and grab my head. He wanted to force himself into my mouth but I fought him off. He fell on the flooring, and groaned his pain. He told me then, that his love was with you."

"Othello is fucking my Desdemona." Cassio spoke out as repeated by Iago. The later even imitated by placing his hand over himself pretending to wank then.

"No, its cannot be. She told me it was only me that she loved." Othello stood on his self denial. "I would kill Cassio for that. How could....."

"Is he the only one at fault here? Or is she innocent all this time?" Iago wanted to shift the blame.

"I would kill her too. She is a slut." Othello barked out his words. He was every upset.

"Not yet. You needed proof. Cassio said he had the seen the sash. Maybe there was another? Maybe she still had her's. Ask her to show you? Show that she loved you." Iago moved the subject. He wanted Othello to have a reason to kill her when he knows that the sash was no longer with her.

"How could I hold that sash, if she had used it on others?" Othello replied. "I would be shamed to place it on myself."

"Then the one that Cassio had was a replicate. He could had done it to ...remind himself to her as yourself." Iago moved in with more venom.

"I would kill Cassio; not once but a thousand lifetime." Othello swore to himself.

"No, you can't. Not with your rank. I would do it for you, even it hurts my heart, but I am your devoted servant. I would have him removed for bedding my Legatus love. That is a personal insult to our friendship and love."

"Thank you, Iago. You are truly my friend." Othello got up but he fell sideways. He was foaming at this mouth while he was undergoing a seizure.

"Damned!" Iago rushed to his Legatus. He and among some of the others close to Othello had swore to keep silent on the matter. He was like that after the incident with the scars on his face. He felt headaches, at times, Othello needed to sleep the day. They had seen him having his seizures but it was few in between. Cassio came in that time.

"Cassio, help me. Othello had a seizure. Get help." Iago the other. Cassio turned to look for a healer. Just when Cassio left, Othello stirred in his seizure.

"Let me get up." Othello asked to be pull up. Iago got the owner to help him. They pulled Othello to a long bench at the side, where it was dark and hidden.

"You need to sleep. Rest there. I will wait for you." Iago told Othello, and then went back to retrieve a drink, when Cassio came back with the healer.

"Where is Othello?" Cassio asked Iago.

"Oh, he ......was sent back to the tavern." Iago faked the reply. He had looked at the dark corner and decided to trap Cassio.

"Sit down with me, Cassio." Iago told the other. "He was really heavy. More than before, when we used to wrestle. Talking about wrestling, have you done any lately?"

Iago knew of Cassio sexual antics but he kept his silence to the others, but Cassio confessed to Iago before. 

"Oh, yes. My lover did come over. You know that one." Cassio point to the one that he knew, but he left the name out. They agreed never to use name for their lovers but to generalize it with the common nickname.

"Long time? You must be frustrated." Iago added to the words. "How long?"

"Long since the long journey, and the sit out from the battle. And few in between. He was always on call." Cassio smiled at his friend. It was then he heard the groan from the dark corner. He was to check it out.

"Ignore that, Cassio. Its the drunk. He was here before I came." Iago raised his tone. Then he looked towards Cassio. "Please drink. Continue on."

"My lover came but there were so little time, like all the others. We just fucked and then begin our normal life's." Cassio loosen up on the memories.

"When two in passion get together, they most probably get entwined with each other. Sharing their body fluids." Iago laughed at the fun of the other.

"Do you know my lover brought the sash...."

Iago cut in in case he slipped on that.

"The sash? The one that Legatus had? Oh my goodness, you used that." Iago slipped that one out intentionally. 

"Yeah, we did. I had it tied around my neck when I went down. I licked everywhere and deep." Cassio showed out his tongue. 

"Yeah, naked and legs entwined around your neck." Iago laughed. Then Cassio got up .

"I am going to look for Legatus. He may need to be among friends. I would be back later."

Once Cassio had left, Othello walked over in his post seizure state.

"Why did you deny me? I read your message but why? I want to kill him." Othello staggered to the table. He sat and drown his ailment with the goblet of wine.

"So Cassio had slept with his lover, but of when did he said it was Desdemona." Iago replied.

"The sash, Iago. He had it tied. He said so." Othello defended his remarks. "He said they fucked with it. Do you know what that means? They had fucked. That was done with their clothes off, and kissing on the bedding or wherever they may had done it on."

"Okay, assuming they are fucking. So she gave him the sash. I have things of mine given to Emilia which she gave away." Iago told Othello.

"Those are items of menial meaning, but the sash was mine and important. I told her its significance. She was not to used it on others."

"Women liked their items but they sometimes tire of it and passed it or stored it." Iago replied. "We knew that from the others wives we had seduced."

"Those are not our wives. They were .....others. They wanted to be ....loved. We loved them then." Othello defended his previous illicit days. "Those are items are menial ones. But the sash was more valued like their body for one. You do not shared your body unless you love the person." Othello placed out his arms to emphasize his point.

"Or maybe she love them more than you." Iago tested the limits. "I wished I had known if Emilia did that with others. At least I know whom I can kill. But I doubt my Emilia would do it with my close friends."

"To whom she may love but if she do it with our friends. Worse they would brag of the exploits." Othello added in.

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