Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Devils Own ( Steampunk and Mystic ) 6.1

Part 6

The Vault


Kassius found himself inside a large hall that measured over a half a mile with a width of over two hundred feet and a height of over three hundred feet. It was all shaded in red tiles, from bottom to top and sides. The hall was devoid of any furnishings but for its red tiles on the walls. It was a feeling of eerie when I focused on the walls. The tiles seem to be alive. He reached out to touch the flooring and felt it warm yet hard on the touch. He was soon distracted by the arrival of other person who then stood there in a white suit. He looked taller in his slim frame, with the wide shoulder and the same hair style as Renfield. He held a fedora in his left hand while in his right hand was the walking cane.

“Welcome to my home.” The taller man approached them. “You may have heard of me as Count Dracula. But in this world; my very own, I prefer to be referred to as Prince Csaba, the son of Attila the Hun.”

Prince Csaba laugh sounded out loud, and then he paused to look at Renfield.

“Our guests need their refreshments.” The prince told his aide. From the side of the wall, the panels slide opened to allow the servants to carry in the long table with the high chairs. They placed the table with the chairs for the guests.

“Please be seated.” Prince Csaba invited his guests. “Let me tell you a tale about myself. When my father, the one you knew as Attila the Hun died, there were fears of who would be his successor. My father had many sons, and among the popular ones was myself, and one named Aladar. The later was favored by the German nobles, as he was the offspring of one of their own lineage. I was with a Greek blood. We ruled the lands in our own names, and soon the battle to decide the rightful heir to rule. I won the initial battles, but Aladar had sent over reinforcement that defeated my army. The river Danube flowed with our blood and that of the challenger’s army. I managed to escape with a handful of my followers, and soon we gather the survivals to move to eastern regions.”

“We were few, and yet hunted for our namesake. I told the followers to call their own as Szekely. And with that a new nation was born. We were never at peace with the neighboring lords harassing us. It was then we build the seven fortresses to defend ourselves, and unknown to all, the eighth fortress beneath which allowed us to reinforce the battered ones. I may have been a displaced King, but I held the might of power within my control. I had the Sword of Mars and other artifacts that the others have craved. My advisers told me that I must retire or the battles will never end. They bear me the words that my people were killed due to my inheritance of the artifacts. For that, I decided to be laid down in peace for the sake of the people. With my demise, the battles ended but not for long. They resumed their wrath on my people, and at times I was forced to defend them.”

“Among the many artifacts, there was the Sword of Mars. With it I could called on the might of the heavenly warriors which served Mars. We descended like angels on the enemies and routed them back to their borders. I kept my words to the people and ensured their existence. When peace reigned on the lands, I had retired myself to the sanctuary of the eighth fortress. I had given away the Sword to Merlin for use of those who in need. I told Merlin that I had aged with the years but Merlin was to correct me. He said I have not aged since I move to the Eighth Fortress. I laughed at him but he told me that the artifacts kept me alive. He will not disclose which but I searched the archives with the experts. There were many but I think he meant only one; the Ark. It was the only thing that could have given me the strength to go on.”

Prince Csaba then stood up from the high back chair. He looked to his surprised guests.

“Tell me then why must I give up the one thing that I hold most dear now?” Prince Csaba looked to the four of them.
“I had given you the Sword. Must I now sacrifice my life too?”

Kassius and Irina stood while drawing their weapons. At that moment, the whole hall seemed to vibrate and there were signs of movements yet it was like waves on the surfaces. Then the sound of a moan came from within the hall. It was as if it was alive. Prince Csaba broke out into a laugh before he crouched down with his right hand to the flooring.
“It’s okay my old friend. I am well and save. It was just my friends’ over-reaction to my question.” Prince Csaba spoke out as if he was talking to the flooring. He then stood up again and smiled.
“Assassin, you are vigilant in your tasks. Merlin spoke well of your skills before.” Prince Csaba continued on. “Irina my dear, you would have made a good assassin too, but your mind was into inventions. Alas, all I did was ask a hypothetical question. The Ark is not the artifact keeping me alive. It’s my blood that is holding my life force together. Unlike my father, he was not with it but had he known of it, he would have induced into it. It’s intoxicating, and above all powerful. With it, I could command the army of the undead.”

“The army of the undead?” Derreen muttered out. She heard of it this army and they are difficult to kill. Merlin had told her fables of it.

“Yes, the army of undead. They are mine to command as they were mine when alive. I had recruited every one of them to my cause; a journey of eternity and blood lust. We have won all the battles but the war had reduced their numbers. It’s not easy to recruit one unless that person chose to be one. It’s unlike what you may have heard or believed.” Prince Csaba looked towards Derreen. “They are not my servants on the bite, unless they are willing.”

“The blood lust army? Vampires?” Kassius spoke up. He had heard of them but never had he encountered any in his tasks. “Is it true?”

“Is it true? Is life true? Assassin, you are not well informed beyond your own skills.” Prince Csaba replied. “I don’t know about your world, but in mine we reign here. Or did until Richard II invaded us recently. He forced us to fight and have retreated to beneath the cities. Richard II held the dreaded weapon of fire which we could not defend against. He had burned many of my recruits that we are forced to fight with stealth now but we shall not give up until the last one standing.”

Kassius relaxed his hold on his weapons, and then asked the Prince on the Ark.

“The Ark? Yes, it’s here in the Vault.” Prince Csaba replied. “You are in the Vault.”

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