Thursday, December 11, 2014

Devils Own ( Steampunk and Mystic ) 5.4


Commander Ian Bering hosted his guests to a private meeting in his personal chamber. They sat there by the balcony overlooking to the outer five towers. Ian was explaining on how he coped with the ongoing war.

“In the initial years of the war, we were retreating on every front, regardless of our strength. Technically, we were outnumbered and outmaneuvered by Richard II. We were on horseback against their war-machine, while our sea borne ships are outgunned by the dirigibles. We tried to build ours, but we lack the resources. Every time we launched out one, it will get destroyed within days. Merlin tried to give us some aids, but he was not able to move it across the dimension. We have limited rifles compared to them. We lost half our lands in three months. It was soon the other half of our lands before we were forced to retreat beneath the ground.  Then Richard II released the vile creatures. He had acquired the method to control the vile creatures with these metal implants into their brain. He could call on them to hunt us.”

“Like the serpents?” Kassius interjected in.

“Yes, the serpents were his favorite. He could communicate and controlled them. Eventually, we realized we were not going to make it. So we withdrew into the underground and fought with stealth on our side.” Commander Ian continued on. “But we were hunted and killed by the numbers too. Richard II had penetrated our ranks, and placed his own spies. And among us, were the traitors those who had been convinced that we will lose the war. They betrayed us in many battles.”

“You are fighting a losing war?” Kassius made the casual remark.

 “Yes, we are. The Selected Ones are the last guardians of this world. The original members of the Selected Ones were trained and prepared for this war; not to win but to end it by destroying the Ark. I was not prepared for the dwindling numbers and the power of the foes. We will fight on regardless.”

“It noble of you to do that, but do you realized the consequences?” Kassius asked.

“Yes, we had been doing our duties for a long time. We were vicious to take on the others, and took over their gateways then. We monitored the ones who came through and removed them. We wanted to keep our world pristine, but Richard II had changed it all. When he destroyed the gateways, we did not resist except to keep the last one. Those were Merlin’ instructions, he said of the day that the strangers will come and find the Ark to end the world. We have been waiting since then.”

“You are a doomsayer personality.” Kassius replied.

“Perhaps I am.” Ian commented back. “I also harbor that with the Ark destroyed, maybe we can re-build from the ashes of it. So tell me how do you intend to begin your quest?”

Kassius looked to Derreen and then Irina. They have no inkling how to start, but he raised the query to Ian.

“We were told to seek the key that will open the Vault. The key lies in the Bastion.” Kassius revealed all that he was told. “Do you know where the Bastion is located?”

Ian burst out into laughter and then stood up.

“The Bastion? There are none to begin with.” Ian replied. “There are many who claimed to be the Bastion for ages. It’s a popular reference for something of a solid structure or standing, but since the war, there are none left. This could be the Bastion you seek. The Bastion of the Selected Ones’ but let me assure you that we have not located the Ark here. We have searched all the nine towers, and found nothing.”

“Ian, please do not despair on us. Search your mind for anything that may resemble it.” Irina asked back. “If Merlin
sent us here, he must know of one that existed. After all, he had been in your world.”

“Then why won’t he find it himself?” Ian asked back. “If Merlin was the all knowing, why did he not seek it?”
Derreen was taken aback by the change on the commander. She stood up and defended her father.

“Merlin is my father. I will not stand to you insulting him.”

“Merlin is not only your father, but also mine. I am Merlin’s son in this world.” Ian spoke out. “A few years he told me of a half sister of mine from another world. It broke my mother’s heart who loved him dearly. She died soon after but he did not return since that funeral. He may have spawned me to be his army commander but never as his son.”

“Assassin” Ian addressed Kassius. “You mentioned I am a doomsayer. You are right. I intend also to end the grief inside me. I am not loved by a father but used by him to be his servant.”

“Guardsmen! Have these three sent to the dungeons.” Ian shouted out. The guardsmen came storming in and leveled their rifles at the trio. Ian looked to the weapons left by the three guests. There was one item that he was keen to hold.

The Sword of Mars.

“Father, I shall defy the signs. I will find the Ark myself. I know of the Bastion.” Ian shouted out to himself. “Your son will prove himself more than just your servant. I will be the master of this world. I will be King.”

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