Saturday, December 27, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.5


The Prince approached the lizard-serpent but it did not stand there. It raised its head and moaned. Its body then began to shake and then the creature evolved to its former self; the body of the dwarf warrior dressed in chain mail covering most of his chest while holding the double edged battle-axe with a half body length rectangle shield. On the shield was the family crest of Hreidmar the Great. Over his head was the metal head wear with the horns on the side. His limbs were covered with the metal greaves and high leather boots. With his boots, he appeared much taller than most men with a body frame that showed strength.

“So the true Fafnir had appeared for his last hour of life.” Prince Csaba smiled. He looked down at his white suit and shook his head. “I am overdressed for the occasion.”

With that Prince Csaba moved his right foot out and leveled the sword down to his left side. He flexed his wrist to hold the hilt at an angle where he could do the reversed swing on the first strike. Fafnir stepped to the side while moving the shield to cover his right side. The prince saw the change of stance and flexed his wrist to re-position his swing. He did not hesitate then and swung the sword in at the shield, but he changed his move at the last moment. His last flexing of the wrist moved his sword to slap it against the shield, but he was following up with a downward slash. He was aiming at the right foot that was exposed.

Fafnir saw the sudden move and fell back to avoid losing his toes. That move caused Fafnir to lose his balance and the Prince moved in with a thrust at the other but Fafnir had rolled aside. He then jumped up and took his shield up.

“You are obviously out of practice, Fafnir.” Prince Csaba told the other.

“No, I was not out of practice but I am picking up fast.” Fafnir moved in with his shield towards the prince and the later swung his sword out to stop the attack. He was surprised that the sword did not cut into the shield.

“Don’t be, my dear Prince. You are not the only one blessed with the gift from the God of Mars.” Fafnir gloated at the other. “Behold my shield. This is the gift of the Roman God.; the Ancile.”

According to the legend, the shield fell from the skies during the reign of Numa Pompiplius. It was believed that the shield came from Mars like his sword. He was afraid that it would be stolen and had eleven more of it fashioned to keep in the vault. Since then the shields were protected by the assigned priests until the fall of the Empire.

“You bastard.” Prince Csaba hollered out. “That was mine to begin with. I handed it to you for safekeeping.”

The prince was enraged and attacked the other with powerful swing of the sword. Fafnir deflected the blows and retreated in steps, as if he was just defending himself. It was then Prince Csaba slipped on a move, and the other swung his battle axe. The price was open to the oncoming blow but it was Irina who saved his life. The lady had intervened with her flame sprouting at the dwarf. Fafnir fell backward from the sudden attack while Prince Csaba stepped forth. He laid his sword on the shield and pushed against it. The push caused Fafnir to fall onto his back and dropped his axe. He had both hands to hold up the shield against the sword.

“Say aye to defeat, Fafnir and I may yet let you live.” Prince Csaba told the fallen warrior, but the later shook his head. He pushed down hard, but the huge dwarf was holding its strength.

“Nay I say.” Fafnir lunged himself up while pushing the prince off his body. He rolled to his side and pushed to get up but the prince had anticipated the move. The later had twisted his body to level on to the dwarf, and saw his opening to thrust in the sword at the ribs. The sword cut through the chain mail and embedded itself into the soft flesh beneath.

Prince Csaba twisted his wrist and then moved the blade up. The blade cut the soft flesh beneath the tough chain mail. Fafnir screamed out in pain when Prince Csaba moved his body forward to thrust the sword into the upper chest cavity. Fafnir dropped his hold on the shield and reached for the blade, but the wound had become fatal when the heart was cut. He tried to evolved back to his lizard form, but the pain was distorting his moves. He screamed one more last time before he succumbed to the throes of death. From the fatal wound, the blood of Fafnir bleeds out in the yellowish shade and emitted the foul smell.

Prince Fafnir crouched up and then reached with his right hand into the wound. He plunged his hand in and groped at the inside. He then pulled out a section of the ribs bone and waved it Kassius. It was shaped like a rib bone, but there were carvings on it. It was over a foot long and concave in design with the thickness of the larger thumb.

“Behold the key to the Vault.” Prince Csaba held up the bone.

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