Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.2


Prince Csaba was amused at the confused look on his guests. He had just revealed to them that they are all in the Vault.

“The Eighth City was not of man structure but of flesh and blood.” Prince Csaba repeated himself. “It also known as the Vault. The Vault is actually a creature that had been extinct for millenniums.”

The walls of the hall moaned once more.

“It’s a Leviathan. It’s a creature of immense size and unknown of its abilities.” Prince Csaba continued on. “Father came upon this one beneath the ground, in this large cavern. It was huge and towered over his men many times. He had feared it, but his instinct told him to explore it. He had sent his scouts to measure it, but not all of them returned. The ones that did told him of the serpents who guarded the monster. He will not give up that easily and had the army of his hunt the serpents. They were removed and then the monster spoke to him.”

“The Leviathan spoke to my father not only in sound of words but in thoughts as well as the sounds you heard. The moaning is meaningless to you, but to the selected ones, it translates to words. It’s like gesture of the hands and body to tell the words. It told my father of its injuries from the war with the skies, and had stayed there to recover. The serpents had not been his ally but his enemy too. They had turned on it and fed it of its blood. It was grateful to my father and told him of many secrets, including that of the Ark. It offered itself to be an ally of my father but its use was not then, but in the generations to come. All it asked from my father was to feed it with the remains of the enemies he had slain. Soon before his death, my father told me of the Leviathan. He told me that the creature yield great powers, and will be my home if I ever need one. I took sanctuary here and also moved the artifacts here. Little was I to know that the Leviathan also kept me alive for these years.”

“The Leviathan gave me the elixir of life, but with a price; the blood of the living among my own kind will be needed to nourish it.”

“You are a vampire.” Irina spoke out. She reached for her weapon again, but Kassius held back her hand.

“In person and in reality for this world.” Prince Csaba did a courtesy bow. “It was a choice I made, and never had I regretted it.”

Then the sound of moaning came through the walls again, but that time it was louder and sounded in distress. Prince Csaba looked up to the ceiling of the hall and bellowed out his command.

“Let me see the battle.” The prince voiced sounded out and the hall evolved from that of plain red tiles to that of a large reddish screen with a view of a large cavern. In the cavern were towering figures that had broken through the cavern walls. They must have tunneled through as their bodies were caked in dust. They were seven of them, and towered at thrice the height of man, with a frame of the gnome.

“Nephilim!” Prince Csaba spoke out. The seven figures were soon added with more of their own kind with weapons that resembled the tunneling tools like picks and shovels. Their face was covered by their thick hair that covered almost all of their face except for the eyes and nose. The headwear was a steel covering in the fashion of the Helm of the knights’ era. From the ceiling of the cavern, dark figures were seen to fly towards these giants. The dark figures were unarmed but they had wings on their back and the affinity to lay their bites on these giants. The later swatted them with the shovels or impaled them with the picks when they caught hold of these.

“No!” Prince Csaba moaned out. He felt the pain of his recruits dying in the battle. “We must move, my dear friend.”
The walls of the hall reverted with moans but the prince had protested hard.

“Your sanctuary had been breached. They will kill you unless you fight back.” Prince Csaba pleaded with the creature. “We are undone if we stay here.”

The wall murmured a reply and then there was silence. The screen before them disappeared and the six figures stood there in silence. It was Kassius who offered to help but Prince Csaba denied him of that wish.

“Assassin, the war was destined to end with the death of the Leviathan. It was prophesied.” With those words, the six figures saw the opening of a portal where the screen had appeared. “The Leviathan wants us to leave.”

“What about the Ark?” Kassius asked. The prince turned to him and smiled.

“I lied about the Vault. The Vault is not here.” With the prince stepped into the portal and appeared at a clearing. In the distance, they saw the army of Richard II pounded the earth to seek out the Eighth City. There were the large mining equipments that resembled dozers and diggers but the amusing inventions were the ones that resembled the giant drill. As they were admiring the works of Man in defiling the might of the earth, the later had rebelled back with its own quake. From the quake a monstrous figure soon slitter out like a creature of the serpent frame, but it was not of one. It was pinkish in shades in the bottom with the darker shades on the top. It was more like a monstrous sea faring monster with a wide jaw on its fore with the high forehead and a body that sailed to the rear for a distance to end with a large fin. It must have measured a distance of over eight hundred feet with the body shaped like a large tadpole in design.

“The Leviathan…” Prince Csaba spoke out.

The Leviathan emerging from its sanctuary after its self exiled for millenniums. Once it emerged from the ground, it roared out in a loud moan and from the side of its body, the side fins emerged from before the jaws to extend near to the end. The new fins spread out wide at over a hundred feet and then flapped. Its initial flaps brought up the dust and earth around it. It was creating a wind storm around it with the wind creating a cushion beneath its body. It then slowly rose for a short height before it collapsed onto the ground. During the fall, it those caught beneath it burying the mining equipment too. The Leviathan tried for several times before it managed to raise itself just above the ground. Then from the horizon came the new threat.

The fleet of four frigates appeared there, and fired their cannons at the Leviathan. The distance was too far to hurt the creature, but the loud sound of the firing alarmed it. It could not move its head but the orbs on the side of its head lobbed to focus its sight on the frigates. It had not seen such creatures before, but its loud noise was scaring it. It flapped harder on its fins but the working of it was cumbersome after the long hiatus in the cavern.

The frigates were getting nearer and their cannons shots were hurting the creature. It then decided to turn it body to fly away but it was slow. The shots hurt more of its body. It then took in a huge effort to move its body again but that time it moved towards the frigate. It used the momentum of the body to crash into the nearest frigate on the stern. The crash caused the frigate to crash into the next before both of it went down. By then the Leviathan had been given more space to move and it took to flee. The remaining frigates gave chase but the Leviathan was adept to its renewed movements and distanced itself from the frigates.

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