Monday, December 1, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.48

8.4.          The Event Half – Crawler

Crawler was reluctant to follow the mistress’ instructions. Micheal had left for the tunnel while Crawler stayed hidden behind in the building while the two Crusaders were battling. He saw the attack after the Harpies were defeated. He was to rush out but found himself surrounded by the mercenaries. They had their phaser aimed at him.

“It’s an abomination.” One of the mercenaries shouted out and then fired on Crawler. The Crusader had jumped aside on the shots, but the other mercenaries were already shooting. To them, they saw was just another creature of Hell. Crawler rushed on and then into the doorway which would lead to the tunnels. He jumped in past the doorway, and picked up the scent of Micheal.

It was the basement level, with the maintenance office and the rows of vehicle-park. There were twenty bays but there were no vehicles. Crawler ran to the Maintenance Office and that was when the shots came close to hitting him. He ducked into the half opened doorway and then slammed it shut. He carried up the crate next to the door and used it to block the door. The place was lined up with working tables and cabinets holding their equipments. There was a walkway between the tables to the rear. At the rear of the place was another doorway which was also half open.

Crawler reached the doorway and looked in. There was the manhole which led to the tunnels below. It was his way out, and to find Micheal.

8.5.          The Event Half – Micheal

Micheal heard the shots when he was descending to the tunnels. He had known that the man-creature had not followed him despite the command given by his mistress. He set down the tunnel but paused after a distance. He felt urge to assist the man-creature. He ran back and waited at the corner. He stand guard there with his eyes on the man-hole entrance.

Crawler came leaping down and ran along the tunnel. He caught the scent of the other and stopped. He then caught the scent of his pursuers. They have breached the barricade and were descending. He heard the clink of the pin removal on that exploding device, which caused the man-creature to run further to the turning. The grenade exploded harmlessly in the area beneath the man-hole.

Then two of the pursuers came down next, and took position. While one of them stood there, the other crouched down with phaser drawn. They have waited for the others to come down. Four more joined the two and they made their way in a single file.

Crawler moved with his animal instinct; he sprang into action by going for the pursuers in the narrow tunnel. The point pursuer had his phaser drawn but he was too slow. Crawler’ claws turned on the point pursuer in the face and left shoulder. The attack pushed the pursuer backwards into the others. Crawler jumped over the first pursuer and landed on the ones behind. He was past the level of self control while he struck at random on the pursuers. Blood and flesh were splattered while phaser shots were shot.

Crawler stood up with his claws dripping blood.

“Good show.” Micheal spoke up.

Prologue 8

Nordstrom stepped up to the four microphones on the podium. The crowd at the gathering numbered over twenty thousand; small in number compared to the seating capacity but they had taken their place on the middle field. The Prophet had tried to speak but the crowd was cheering on regardless. He grew on agitated as what he wanted to speak was important.

“Silence!” The Prophet raised his voice which sounded throughout the stadium. The crowd went quiet while they waited for their leader to speak.

“I had come to tell you that we would have the presence of the Crusaders soon.” The crowd began murmuring among themselves, and the Prophet continued on. It was then one of the Vampire rushed to the podium. He was holding a gift for the Prophet.

It was the sword that was once held by Helmut. The Prophet held onto the sword and smiled.

“It would be the start of the new Age of Reckoning. Our new Age.”

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