Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.07

1.          Swiss Alps

Loki had arrived in the Swiss Alps while his magical self was been questioned by Odin. He sneak into the European Charter with a simple guise that no one would question; a floating spirit through the corridors. He soon find himself at the dark corridor where the hands reached out to him. He's a trickster and so he gave them tricks to confuse them. Soon he was at the end of the corridor and opened the door.

"Hello, Micheal." Loki addressed the angel hanging on the chain. "I trust they did not offer you superior accommodation."

"Loki, you trickster. You done me the foul deed of leading me to the trap and then replacing me with your evil incarnations. I would see you paid in full for this." Micheal was clearly upset at be ing cheated by the trickster who had assumed the looks of Gabriel and induced him to take the wine laced with some potion that rendered him powerless.

"Aha! We are of the different dimension. It was once decided that each would have their own boundary and jurisdiction. Your Father cannot persecute me nor can Odin do to you. As for myself, Odin would but he is talking to my incarnation too. I fled here to take you with me. You are a very fragile hostage in the coming conflict." Loki smiled at the angel. "I can assure you my accommodation are more appealing and comfortable."

Loki called on a spell which made the angel into a clay figure and pocket size. He picked up the figurine before it fell on the flooring. He had it wrapped in the velvet cloth and placed the figurine into a pouch he carries on his waist belt. He then looked at the reaching hands that was on the walls.

"Such poor things; you souls captured by this hideous creature and made to struggle within his flesh. I shall free you. I am returning the item given by Asmodeus to me." Loki unsling the back pack he had with him. He opened the flap and set the timer to 020seconds.

"A shorter time of discomfort for eternity bliss, my dears." Loki left the bag of explosives in the room. He then walked out and met Lucifer standing in the corridor.

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