Friday, May 23, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.31

Dark Knight

All I needed to know was we were to die unless we can get ourselves armed. I heard the short brief from Mitch and then sprung into action. Despite my weakened frame, I was not keen to be laid without foreplay. Mitch told me he had a stash of weapons in the cupboard. We got armed with the arsenal there; I added in MP5 with a few ammo clips, while Mitch took the Remington 700, with the bandolier of bullets. He also had a Remington 700 for sniper use. The house was a hunting lodge hidden in the hills, and the nearest neighbor was miles away. It had one doorway and three windows; two of which was in the front of the house, while the other window was at the rear of the house.

We counted reinforcements; eight of them armed with more guns with menacing looks. They split up; with half of them going for a rear cover on the house. I was alone in the house with my weakened state form. I was better lain still while Mitch took to higher cover.

I spotted the pack of attackers approaching the doorway. Two of them were seen walking for the door while the two took firing cover for their friends. I had the wooden table toppled over and faced the doorway. They came in and saw the table.

They fired their guns at it.

I returned fire from the bed where I had laid.

The MP5 with its full blast left little for me to use to the Glock. 

Dark Bishop

I heard the shots after the two men, and then took my aim. At two hundred yards, I could not miss. I shot the first one at the tree trunk in the head and then the other one by the track also in the head. I then moved to the left and ran for a short distance.

It was a mistake.

These are former soldiers and they knew how to track snipers too. My movement was detected and the firing came close. I jumped and rolled into cover behind a tree to find my cover. I peek over and saw two of them were onto me. They are armed with machine guns and could reach me with it. The only other two were missing, and presumed going for the house. I positioned my rifle for the two coming at me, but I was almost hit by a hidden sniper. The bullet missed me by a fraction from my left eye. I rolled back for more cover and looked around.

There were more of them out there, and not seen.

King must have called on all the Cleaners to kill us.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...