Thursday, May 29, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.33

Queens’ moves to check

Dark Pawn
Sylvia Graden

White Pawn
Micheal Darren

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Queen - Leader
Mary Ketch

White King - Leader
Marlene Phillips.

Dark Queen

I woke up to the dimly lit room. I was frazzled by the late party and the pills popping frenzies. It was not my usual scene, but after killing Tom and Audrey, I needed a distraction. I had not killed any of my Chessmen since the last ops, and it irked me of losing the resources. I could not get Mrs. Treacher which was also my concern. She was given a task, but there were hardly any time I could not get her on the comm. I recalled my first time when I saw her.

“Ms. Ketch, I am Mrs.Treacher.” The lady stood there with her back to the sun, and giving her identity then a dark silhouette. I squinted my eyes up towards here, and roving it down to her chest. A large but flat lady dressed in the three piece suit that resembled the uniform of the army. I invited her to sit across me at the sidewalk cafĂ©, and ordered a drink for her.

“For our formal discussion.” Mrs.Treacher passed me the folder detailing her life and expectations. “I am discreet and resourceful.”

Mrs.Treacher was and had been coordinating all my operations since then. She also acted on some difficult tasks for me too, as the Special Liaison Officer. Once a journalist was trying to find a common link of me to some face he recalled. Mrs.Treacher dispensed him off in a sealed 20ft container for Asia without food and water, alongside with some car spare parts. She was that good that I soon find myself trusting her and inviting her to be my personal aide. She would not get involved in my sexual antics, but cordoned it.

“Hello, lady.” The guy sleeping at the foot of the bed looked at me with the glazed looks. He was the active one; he had vitality that one, but he lack finesse. All he wanted was his selfish lust to be satiated. I pushed myself up and rose up my right feet. I gave him a kick in the throat to knock him off. I then sat up before getting up. I walked to the fallen guy who was trying to keep his breathing going. I rise up my right heel and slammed it down on his throat again; that time hard and deep. He won’t asking for any deep throat moves.

“No!” That voice came from the bed. It was the other lady; the brunette who was with him before I came on board. She tried to run for it, but I caught her right heel before it got off the bed. I reeled her in and held her face down on the bed. She struggled but it was only to lengthen her pain.

With all that done, I walked to the bathroom and showered. I got an appointment downtown with the Mayor. He wanted to meet, and it sounded urgent.


The Mayor was a clown; he was elected with the help of some of the investors with interest in the city. They bank rolled him and soon he was up against the incumbent. We focused on the homeless and the scums on the last draw of the aces. Within the campaign month, the streets were seen to be clearing of that menace, but little did the public knew, we had them harvested for organs.
And Jonathan ‘King’ Blake became Mayor Blake.

But he was on nervy Mayor who needed the Special Officer to pacify him. That was why he called.

“Mary, I got Marlene Phillips coming over shortly. She’s to interview me on some reports. She mentioned Chessmen.” Jonathan was pacing the room. He was not a person who could take up pressure, but docile to the needs of the investors.

“I am sure Ms Phillips may be just seeking some confirmation. I won’t be worried if I am you.” I assured him.

“No, Mary. You handle her. I have changed my schedule with yours’.” Jonathan laid it out for me. I protested but he was adamant on avoiding her.

“I had spoken to the Investors. They agreed to you handing her.” He replied, while I was fuming with rage. I had never met Marlene in person, but she could recognize my facial expression from the records. More to it, I was to remove her myself.

I reluctantly agreed.

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