Monday, May 19, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 4.4

Prologue 4

"Othello, I am calling for you." The voice belonged to a cousin of the adopted family. He wanted to be alone, for his loved adopted father had died in the battle campaign. The news had come back to them, and await the return of the body. Othello sneaked away as he does not want to with them. He would grief on his own, in the woods near the villa. But his cousins had gone to seek him. They knew where he was, with the slaves telling them for small favors.

"Othello, we know you are here." The voice belonged to his other cousin. Both of them are older than him and had bullied him on every time they came over. He avoided them and hid from them.

"Young masters, your mothers have called for you." It was the servant, Gaius, who had called the two young to return to the villa. They left the woods, but the servant stayed on. He waited for the two boys to leave before he called on his young master.

"Young Othello, you may come out now." Gaius called on him. The young Othello crawled out from the hidden spot in the tree trunk. He was glad that Gaius came as that was his adopted father loyal servant and also his guardian. Gaius had been at his side, and nursed his wounds inflicted by the others.

"I brought you food." Gaius walked towards the bush to retrieved the basket of food for his young master. They sat down and ate their food. Othello always asked Gaius on the news of his adopted father.

"Your adopted father was a brave warrior." Gaius told the young boy the tale many times. "He was there at the Pyrenees when I fought him. We met; him with his thousands and mine with my ...."

"Thousands more...." Othello interjected in. He had heard that tale many times. He knew that his adopted father had defeated the other and made him a slave. Gaius was offer to be his servant; not a slave as Thaddeus respected his foe. Gaius took the offer but he wanted some autonomy on the duties. He offered to carry the young babe that was on the battlefield. That was the part he did not tell fully to Othello until much later during his sick bed, nearing death.

Othello was then a young man.

"You were not any babe of the warriors battle cries, but the heir of the tribe. You were my brother's son, Marius. He was the true leader but he was killed by the legionnaires." Gaius told him. "But your tribe have been dispersed in the battle. We never regroup and you are an heir without a tribe."

When Othello found out the truth and his only inheritance was a amulet given to him by Gaius, and one last advise; 'Get yourself into the legion. That would be your platform to travel the wild lands.' Upon his guardian's death, Othello joined the Legions.

That last part was one tale he never told to anyone. Even to one he was to shared all, but there are something that must be kept in the dark.


Or be forgotten.

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