Monday, May 5, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.24

The Pawn’ Clashes  

Dark Pawn
Sylvia Graden

White Pawn
Micheal Darren

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Queen - Leader
Mary Ketch

White King - Leader
Marlene Phillips.

Dark Pawn

I tried to find Mary Levine Ketch. That name did not exist on records; it was totally wiped out. The best was not in the Department records, but how the record was maintained. I still had friends who knew more friends, and they are very influential to work the records back to the untarnished situation.

Mary Levine Ketch re-surfaced on the records.

It did not take long.

I found the Queen.

Mary Ketch had changed to Mary Stewart.

She’s the Special Liaisons Officer of the City Mayor.

The doorbell rang, and I looked up from the laptop. I was in a hotel room in downtown dressed in my terry robe after a morning shower. I booked in since the apartment was sealed off for investigation by the cops on Alice’ death.

“Room service.” I recalled calling for a meal to be deliver up. I walked to open the door for the hotel staff.

“Hello, Ms. Chambers.” The hotel staff pushed the cart in. He had called me by my registered name. “This is the morning papers as requested.”

The hotel staff passed me a duffle bag which he had taken from beneath the food tray. I took it and checked the contents. It was what I ordered from Peter’s. The hotel staff then passed me a message.

“Peter message for you.” The hotel staff spoke up. “Alice was killed by the organization known as the chessmen. They are looking for you.”

The Hotel Staff passed me a list.

“The brokers who financed Chessmen.” I took the list. It contained three names. On it was one familiar name; Peter.

It was my instinct which made me jumped aside when the staff had the ice pick aimed at my neck. I rolled with the jump towards the settee. I got up into a crouch looking at the staff with his first attempt missed. He rushed towards me, but then I was ready. The low swinging kick of mine caught the rushing man and brought him down. When he fell next to me, I brought my right elbow hard on his spine. I turned my body to lay the left knuckle jab into the back of his neck.

Just when I thought it was over, another staff appeared at the doorway.
I should have known.

Peter team worked in pair.

The second assailant was alerted to the fighting and came rushing in. He was armed with a gun in his right hand. I got up to run towards the duffel bag, but he had kicked the food cart towards me, and then ran for the cover of the armchair. It knocked into me, but I made it to the duffel bag. I grabbed and rolled with it.

I reached in and pulled out the dagger. Peter had a shipment of my preference; the commando dagger named as Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife. It’s a double edged fighting knife resembling a dagger. I threw it like a throwing dagger at the assailant. I aimed it at the assailant’ throat but I got instead was his chest. 

I was out of practice for some times. The last time I did the throwing act was months ago, for a client who likes to be on the board. The assailant did not hesitate to lay me one shot before he ran out of the room.

Damn! There must be a contract out on my name. I knew Peter will work for anyone when money is involved.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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