Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Crusaders II The players threw out their cards 13.01

Players threw out their cards

1.          Lake Maggiore, Swiss Alps

Geraldine push open her thick clothing and pulled at the belt which transform to become the staff while Clawler took off his jacket as he transformed into the other personality.

"Crusaders, if I may take your attention to the rear of you." Miles turned to look and saw the approaching warriors of Hell.

"Harpies! Werewolves! Mapinguari!" Kruger needs no invitation as he draws his sword and charged at the approaching Hell warriors, while Miles took his aim on the flying Harpies. Lucifer meanwhile had slipped through a side corridor trying to escape. Geraldine gave chase with Clawler running alongside.

Miles took aim with his cross bow and hit the first approaching Harpy. The winged flight figure that looked like half bird and lady fell on the flooring holding the silver coated bolt on its chest. While Miles was aiming for the next one, Kruger had clashed with his foe; the Mapinguari armed with a cleaver. Kruger deflect the downward swing of the cleaver and in turn twist his wrist cut the Mapinguari in the open mouth torso from the left side. As he was pulling out the sword, the sword, a werewolf leap at him. Miles took his shot at the exposed werewolf throat and pierced the bolt to the heart of the creature. Kruger did not stopped there as he went forth for the next creature, another Mapinguari with another side deflection and forward thrust on the sword. Miles took down another Harpy while the rest of the warriors retreated back down the corridor.

Geraldine gave chase running past a few chambers and finally caught up with Lucifer in a large chamber. The Prince of Darkness stood alone at the center of the chamber, while looking up at the ceiling. Geraldine and her companion stepped in cautiously.

"I wondered if anyone would paint my ceiling. Perhaps retelling the arrival of the Gods." Lucifer looked down from his stare and then looked down at the flooring. "Or perhaps they could draw on my flooring."

Clawler in its Windingo form, began to growl louder. It sniff into the air and bared its fangs. Geraldine looked around the empty chamber but could see nothing except the Prince of Darkness. It was an empty chamber with nothing there, but the Windingo still growl.

"Oh! He is such a brute." Lucifer mimics Loki mocking Clawler as he lift up his hands. "Allow me to lift the illusion." Lucifer did just that, the chamber was revealed to be a circular arena with three rows on the stands. Instead of humans, there are a number of wolves moving up there with their fangs baring. Another wolf; bigger than a normal wolf walked up to stand next to Lucifer.

"Please meet Fenrir. He's Baal favorite now."

Meanwhile on the banks of Lake Maggiore, Loki wades to the dry surface holding onto his precious pouch. He was annoyed that the sapling send him just below the water surface. He stood there in the snow swept ground and conjured up another spell where a ring of fire surround him thus giving him some relief.

"I hope you like the flame as that's what the High Lord would do to you when we send you back." Thor sounded out to the trickster as both Balder and himself stood watching there watching the trickster. They had scout the lake for the trickster until Balder saw him emerging from the lake.

"My Lords, I am ever pleased to see you here." Loki bowed to the two lords. "But I must be going. I would be late for my next schedule."

Balder rushed the trickster before he could disappear and wrestle the guy onto the ground. Both of them rolled in the soft ground until Balder had the trickster held down. Balder had also drawn his dagger from his belt to placed it sharp end at the trickster throat.

"Move and you would die." Loki smiled at Balder and blink his eyes. 'Thor, see to Geraldine. I would have the trickster sent back to Asgard."

Thor nodded and swing his hammer to call on the portal to seek Geraldine. 

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