Saturday, May 24, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 5.2

"Centurion, the ground there is soft. We may lose our footing." Selville told him, but it was late. One of the men slipped and he dragged one other down. Soon there was a gap among the men in the formation, and the barbarians rushed for it. Othello saw the gap and stepped over the fallen men to protect the gap. He soon find himself out of the formation with Selville by his side.

"Stand your back to mine." Othello shouted as he deflect a thrusting sword. "Thy need time to regroup."

Selville at his back held the barbarians back but Othello was distracted for his men. It was then the attacking foe had thrust the burning branch at his face. He moved away but was late to avoid it. The fire burned at his side of the head, but his right hand had the gladius thrust into the barbarian. His face burned with pain, but he had to fight on to protect his men. It was then the men on seeing their Centurion hurt, rushed up the courage to drop all formation and attacked the barbarians. It was the turning point of the battle and soon they repel off the barbarians who fled to the woods. The men protected their centurion and led him back to the camp.

Othello took three weeks to recover but he had lost his charming looks to the battle scarred look. He was given a mask by Selville to placed over his healing scars.

"You looked like Lucifer in that mask. Perhaps you would be that Dark One to plagued them." Othello did become the Dark One; known by the tribes that he had conquered. He was invincible after that with the victory that lined his promotion to Legatus.

"Ah, a splendid tale. More exciting than the one I read in the report." Commodus praised him. "I must commend that your dark look scared even me at times. I hoped not have you as my enemy."

Commodus last statement was spoken while he glanced over to Brabatio.

"Won't you agreed to have such a finest man for your family, Senator?" Commodus looked to the other.

"I....." Brabatio looked to the man in the dark mask. He feared if he reject the Emperor's words, he would not be in favor with the Emperor.

"I am a worthy man of her, my Emperor." Othello looked to his Emperor. "My dear Brabatio, I am not your enemy. Please sanction my ceremony to your daughter."

Brabatio looked to his Emperor who had the amused look in his expression. He then turned to looked at the man who had taken his daughter heart. And mind too.

"Come here, my daughter." Brabatio held out his arms. "Come here, one more time. I am still your father."

Desdemona pulled away from the love of her new life to that of her old one. She approached her father, fearing his wrath for defying him. But he did not hurt her, but held her in his arms. He then motioned to Othello, who also approached the older man.

"Aye, with my consent you would have my daughter for your love, although you had already captured her's before I could hand it over." Brabatio spoke out in a regretful tone. He could not hide his disappointment but he knew that inevitable was there.

"I hereby consent to your ceremony, Othello. And Desdemona. May you live it long that union." Brabatio turned to his Emperor.

"I apologize for intruding on you on such a trivial manner.I would seek your permission to leave now." Brabatio bowed to his Emperor. Commodus was to reply when another of his Centurion walked in. The later approached the Emperor and whispered the update.

"So the tribes are in Iberia. So be it, if they are near our doorstep, we shall have them removed." Emperor Commodus stood up to addressed the assembled.

"Its been a long day and longer made by the incident of one of my Legatus announcing his ceremony of union." Commodus laughed to himself. "But I am tired, and so are all of you. We would meet tomorrow and decide on the retaliation. Be here Othello, you are my retaliation in this intrusion."

"As you command, my Emperor." Othello bowed to his Emperor. "I shall return to the Castra and await your orders."

Desdemona stepped out to seek an audience with the yet to be departed Emperor.

"My Emperor, I seek your permission to be with my love for his journey to Iberia or where he may be sent forth. I am his love and am destined to be at his side. I won't be one that would await the news of his return be it alive or death, by my chamber. Please consent to my servitude by his side."

"A brave gesture, my dear lady. Not many ladies of your statute would ...or should I placed as could stand the life of on the journey of their love as a legionnaire." Commodus spoke out to the lady. "I feared you would find asking for his permission to come back here. Or distract his attention as a Legatus."

"No, I would not do that. I may be his love for his heart, but his mind would not swayed by me from his battles. He would win his battle more determined knowing that I am near him. In defeat, I would be harmed which would strengthen his resolve not to be defeated." Desdemona looked to her love.

"Never would one who loved you could bear his love suffered at the hands of another." Desdemona spoke out in the low tone. Brabatio heard her well and turned away to looked at the Legatus. In his mind was the words that would be heard one day soon; am I the tormentor or she the one who is tormenting us all.

"Your wish would be the wishes of your love and not mine." Commodus looked to the Legatus.

"My Emperor, my loyalty is to Rome. I would defend it as if my wife is here or at my side in the battlefield. None would harm either while my arm wield the gladius." Othello told his Emperor. Then he added in the next line.

"If she is by my side, then I would be more than ever be more vigilant as I served not one but two loves; Rome and her's."

"Ha, words of love I heard many times tonight and this one would stay in my mind longer. I am unsure of the request by her, but since you are her love, and decided for her, then I would had no objection to it." Commodus then continued on his exit from the Senate. He stopped before Brabatio.

"Your new family member, is a good man. If is dark that you see in him, then its a beautiful dark shade. One that I find ....less darker than you may had think. Perhaps he is fairer in my eyes." Commodus then left the Senator to ponder on his words. In the mind of Brabatio, he thought hard.

"What action would Othello do that may be fair? He had taken my daughter and shamed me before my Emperor. Truly his actions had not been fair to me."

"Father, we are leaving." Desdemona called to her father while she left the Senate. Brabatio stop the Legatus before he waw to leave.

"She may not be who she is. She had me deceived for one who had raised her up, and she may had you deceived too. I caution you on that, Othello." Brabatio told him.

"My life in her faith." Othello replied. He was truly in love with her and see no reason not entrust his own life upon it. She was to do battle with him and like his own legion, they relied on one and all for one.

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