Desdemona left the two
standing there without any glance. By then, Cassio had joined the two and asked
of what was the issue. Othello told him. Cassio looked Iago and asked.
"Where were you
tonight?" Cassio had the suspicion that Iago had planned all this.
"I was with some
friends, at the bathhouse. I took one..." Iago replied but he was stopped
by Cassio.
"One too many drinks
which loosen your tongue." Cassio rebuked back. Iago stood up and reached
for his hidden dagger, but Othello stood in between them.
"Let no men of mine
fight among themselves." Othello looked to both men. "I have to seek
the man who needed my explanation. Let us get changed and be on the streets
lest a mob seek us out."
They chanced on the mob led
by Brabatio, they met on the junction not far from the villa. Brabatio was with
his servants and personal guards, numbering more than ten confronted the trio
of legionaries. Brabatio struggling in his toga held up the gladius towards the
"Hold the villans."
Brabatio shouted to his group which had formed a cordon around the trio.
Othello drew his parazonium and leveled it at the hostile group. His companion
sided next to him had also drew their gladius.
"Come no closer or feel
my wrath and my gladius. We are Legionnaires and feared no one except the
Emperor." Iago threatened the mob. Then Iago spied the sight of Roderigo
at the rear of the group and gave him an eye signal.
"I am Servius, and
feared no dressed up baboons." Servius, the servant in his eagerness to
impress the master rushed forth at Othello, but the experienced Legatus side
stepped and hit the assailant with the hilt of his parazonium.
"Ha! You are mortal and
you bleed." Another guard came at Iago who was not as merciful as Othello;
Iago thrust the guard on the back when he deflect the thrust and pushed the
guard forward to land in the thrust.
"On that, I can agreed.
Yours would be the first." Iago called back.
"Hold your anger,
Senator. I am not here to fight you nor would I be that easily defeated by your
men." Othello gave them the caution on the situation
"Othello, I had known
you. I had invited you to my house for meals. I had you spoken to m
daughter." Brabatio spoke of the past liaison of their past. "Yet you
took advantage of my hospitality. You took my daughter for your personal lust
without my ...."
Brabatio could not find the
words to describe the intervention on his daughter. He munched on his last word
to describe the act that Othello had done.
"Lust? I did not lust
your daughter like that of a whore. I loved her...." Othello replied in a
pleading voice.
"Whore? You dare to
insult my daughter of one." Brabatio interjected in. He was more annoyed
that his daughter was associated to the lowly profession of loose women. They
are like slaves but an affinity to sell themselves to be degraded for coins.
"No!" Othello
shouted out. "I did not said she was a whore. She is my love."
"Your love? You do not
love her. You had her enticed by ....your charms. The charms of the type that
your kind practiced." Brabatio shouted back. On hearing of charms, Othello
chose to defend himself. He had heard of rumors since young that he was a son
of the wandering tribes of barbarians who played on magic and spells. These
tribes roamed the plains and hills of the upper continent and frequent the
camps of the other barbarians. He had asked his adopted father who had denied those
rumors; stating that he was the product of a legionnaire who had fathered him
with a local Gaul woman. But with his adoption, Othello was every flesh and
soul a Roman citizen.
"I had no needs of
charms to love your daughter. She loved me for who I am." Othello defended
"Silence, you bastard of
Thaddeus. I had known him to father more of yours during his campaign. I am
just surprised that he brought you back here as his own. You should had been
left on the battlefield to die like the others." Brabatio spoke out in
spite. He was to continue but they were met by the Praetorian Guards of Emperor
"Legatus Othello, you
are needed in the Senate." The Prefect accompanying the Praetorian Guards
told the Legatus.
"I would come
along." Brabatio told the Prefect. "I am Senator Brabatio."
"I know who you are,
Senator. If you want to come, you may but you are needed to wait outside until
you are called on." Prefect of the Praetorian told the Senator.
"I would see the Emperor
on your behavior." Senator Brabatio threaten the Prefect.
"You would see him at
the Senate. He is the one seeking the Legatus."
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