Saturday, May 31, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.34

White King

I was reading the Forensics Report; the name of my donor, Mitch Brennan. The part that intrigues me was his record was immaculate for the last five years. They didn’t bury his past but his present. I had seen such records before when I was posted to the Central Intelligence for half a year. They are covers for recruited field operatives. Mitch Brennan had a past which was colorful; he was a menace to the public, was a suspect for some murders, but never convicted.

He had a link to a Billy Dane.

“Mary, thank you for meeting on such a short notice.” I took the coffee offered to me by the Special Officer.

“It my job to cover for the Mayor when he’ called off for an urgent meeting.” Mary Ketch, the Special Officer sat across me in her three piece suit;, branded and expensive. She was a blonde but ain’t dumb the way she go pass my queries. I found myself looking at her, and trying to place her to someone I knew.

Then she dropped me the bomb.

“I heard you are in the city to investigate the murders.” She came on direct. “Any progress on it? The City folks are getting worried.”

“We are making some, but these murders are complicated~” I replied casually.

“We heard rumors that the Chessmen are involved.” Mary spoke out plainly.

“Chessmen? That’s unfounded rumor.” I replied. “The Chessmen were all caught or died in some operation sometime back.”

“What did the rumor says?” I asked back.

“That they harvest the organs to sell.”  

Dark Queen

I watched her leave. I gave a clue to the Chessmen operations. She would help me to get herself killed. Then I will do the last piece to eliminate her. Soon after she left, I made some calls to the associates. I need their help to trap her.

The portable rang. It was Mrs.Treacher.

“Hello, Mrs.Treacher.” I took the call. “Where have you been? I been trying to get you for over a day.”

“I am sorry, My Queen. I was away to remove Billie Diane. He was the traitor after all. I found him with a Mitch Brennan.”

“Mitch Brennan?” I asked back.

“He is a paid assassin. He was responsible for the death of the Chessmen.” Mrs.Treacher replied.

“When did you know this?” I asked.

“A long time. Mitch Brennan was my hired killer. I got the contract to remove the Chessmen including you.”

“I don’t understand.” I was baffled then.

“Don’t be, Mary Levine Ketch.” Mrs.Treacher replied. “You need to know two things. One, you killed one too many and that one of them was my daughter. Two, I knew you betrayed me. Now it’s payback time.”

“Fuck you!” I shouted into the portable.

“Run, Mary. Run.” Mrs.Treacher replied. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Tweet tweet 31/05 the Quest continues....

Devil's Own'; The Quest for the Ark ( project ongoing ) Its will be a blend of mystic and steam punk blending in dimensional time.

For sharing, I have hit 66K words.... and its only 2/3 of the way, and then I did an about turn. I decided to split the tale into a two parter. I will complete the First Part soon. And then worked on the Part Two which was partially written.

The hard part of doing this tale, is not to lose the content with mystic and forgot about steam punk. The later is more in-depth as we explored the wonders of its potential inventions besides dirigibles and turbine engines. The hardest part is the time to research, write and work ( as in earning real money... ); that is a tough combination....hahahaa.....

But the fun of it is seeing the end result....the wonders of creative mind. And thank you for sharing it.

Crusaders II will end soon, but Crusaders III is next to churn out ( it was done and packed for shipment. )


The Crusaders II The players threw out their cards 13.04

1.          A safe house near the Vatican

Miles dropped his bow and slumped himself onto the seat there in the living area of the safe house while the rest took their own seating except for Thor and Balder. The duo choose to stand by the window looking at the star light skies, wondering how far their homes are.

"Please have a drink as I update you all." Father Ricken laid the drinks for the weary Crusaders and their ally, The Asgardian. "Lucifer have suffered a number of setbacks. His American charter at the prison have been 'exorcised', while you dispersed his European charter with your timely attack.. You also closed the Hell new gateway. We heard that the Middle East and Pacific charter are going back into hiding leaving two more charter; Asia and then Siberia which would be the last one to be taken care of."

"We were also advised that you have taken care of the Norse Dimension issue and Odin have assigned you two formidable heroes to retrieve the trickster." Father Ricken continue on as he topped up the glasses. "But the main leaders still evade us including the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer."

"Father Ricken, there are some unanswered questions in my mind." Geraldine stood up and faced the priest. "We encountered gateways between dimensions in our quest. I was sent to their dimension, Clawler sent back to his forest, Miles and Kruger to another version of Hell. I am beginning to wonder if there are more to his than just a recruitment drive."

Father Ricken looked at the lady among the group of men. He nodded and placed down the bottle he was holding onto.

"Sometime back, we had uncovered a hidden scroll which was kept in the vault for nineteenth centuries; it was the sacred oath to hold it until a certain time and date. It was the final chapter of the Book of Revelation but this chapter was never revealed till now." Father Ricken took up an untouched glass and gulped down the wine. "The scroll speaks of the collapse of the dimensions when the gateways between it would open. It would be the free migration of good and evil between the gates, but there was a warning. If the gates are not closed, then the worlds in all the dimensions may be changed."

"But what it means by the changes, the author of the scroll did not reveal. Could it bad or good? We did not know." Father head slumped down in despair. "The committee of the House governing this scroll then had a new shock; an apparition of a scene from another dimension appeared. It was the House of Judgment in Asgard."

"Yes, I heard of such scroll." Balder spoke up. "I was summoned to the Hall by Odin who showed me his Scepter. The Scepter emits a picture of writings of the olden days, when our fore fathers rides the plains or sailed the high waves on the sea.. There was no Asgard then, but settlements. Among one of the settlement was the structure we knew as the Hall of Judgment. The words spoke of similar writings to yours, and Odin consulted Yggdrasil but the tree of life would not tell. That was when he told me to be vigilant of the realm and above all, Yggdrasil."

"Why didn't you tell me, Balder? I am your brother." Thor asked of the other. "Do you know of late, I dreamed of defending Yggdrasil from evils. They want to take Yggdrasil but I fought them all."

"Brave words, mighty warrior of Asgard." Father Ricken praised the warrior. Then he looked at the Crusaders. "All of you had dreams too. You called them nightmares but they are actually training you for your real war. The war to preserve the dimensions from converging. Lucifer may not know it but he is just the pawn in the war here."

"Don't make me wring out the information from you, Father? Who is the one behind this war?" Miles was getting agitated with the information withheld.

"God himself."

2.          Makati City

Lord Seth was fuming on the leather bindings in his inter dimension travel in an uncompromising position. He found himself in a strange chamber with many crates of blinking lights and funny looking tools. There are servants sitting at these crates and looking at some mirror on the wall, but the images it portrayed was not themselves but something else.

"Please unbind pur guest." The command was given and the order done by Loki, as he recalled the spell on the leather bindings. Lord Seth looked from the trickster to the man who gave the command.

"Who dares to hold me captive? I am Lord ..." The Egyptian roared out his defiance.

"Lord Seth of the Egyptian Lords." Baal replied. "I am fully aware of your status and current predicament of your rank among the other Lords. If you choose to compose your emotions to a more tolerable level, we would talk. If not, I would have you expel back to the desert with your innards spilled out for the vultures."

"How dare you challenge me? I would not tolerate..." Lord Seth was ever defiant in his stance until he find himself restrained by a group of ghoulies which appeared out of the walls.

"My servants would hold you there while I speak." Baal smiled at the Egyptian. "I am Baal and you are my guest in my dimension. Here you may be strong but you are not the all powerful Lord Seth anymore. I called upon you to seek your alliance with me in fighting the dreaded war that is against us. Do you heed or yield, Lord Seth?"

Lord Seth looked around him and then lowered his head.

"I would heed your words, but not yield to you in defeat. My heeding of the words would be a temporary truce until I am stronger and able to challenge you." Lord Seth glared at Baal, who in turn laugh.

"I expected you to do just that but till them, hear me out. You may changed your mind." Baal offered his hand as a token of alliance. Lord Seth took it and bowed to him.

"Now let me explain to you the bigger picture." Baal continued. "You see, my dear ally; we are not the bad ones here."

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.33

Queens’ moves to check

Dark Pawn
Sylvia Graden

White Pawn
Micheal Darren

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Queen - Leader
Mary Ketch

White King - Leader
Marlene Phillips.

Dark Queen

I woke up to the dimly lit room. I was frazzled by the late party and the pills popping frenzies. It was not my usual scene, but after killing Tom and Audrey, I needed a distraction. I had not killed any of my Chessmen since the last ops, and it irked me of losing the resources. I could not get Mrs. Treacher which was also my concern. She was given a task, but there were hardly any time I could not get her on the comm. I recalled my first time when I saw her.

“Ms. Ketch, I am Mrs.Treacher.” The lady stood there with her back to the sun, and giving her identity then a dark silhouette. I squinted my eyes up towards here, and roving it down to her chest. A large but flat lady dressed in the three piece suit that resembled the uniform of the army. I invited her to sit across me at the sidewalk cafĂ©, and ordered a drink for her.

“For our formal discussion.” Mrs.Treacher passed me the folder detailing her life and expectations. “I am discreet and resourceful.”

Mrs.Treacher was and had been coordinating all my operations since then. She also acted on some difficult tasks for me too, as the Special Liaison Officer. Once a journalist was trying to find a common link of me to some face he recalled. Mrs.Treacher dispensed him off in a sealed 20ft container for Asia without food and water, alongside with some car spare parts. She was that good that I soon find myself trusting her and inviting her to be my personal aide. She would not get involved in my sexual antics, but cordoned it.

“Hello, lady.” The guy sleeping at the foot of the bed looked at me with the glazed looks. He was the active one; he had vitality that one, but he lack finesse. All he wanted was his selfish lust to be satiated. I pushed myself up and rose up my right feet. I gave him a kick in the throat to knock him off. I then sat up before getting up. I walked to the fallen guy who was trying to keep his breathing going. I rise up my right heel and slammed it down on his throat again; that time hard and deep. He won’t asking for any deep throat moves.

“No!” That voice came from the bed. It was the other lady; the brunette who was with him before I came on board. She tried to run for it, but I caught her right heel before it got off the bed. I reeled her in and held her face down on the bed. She struggled but it was only to lengthen her pain.

With all that done, I walked to the bathroom and showered. I got an appointment downtown with the Mayor. He wanted to meet, and it sounded urgent.


The Mayor was a clown; he was elected with the help of some of the investors with interest in the city. They bank rolled him and soon he was up against the incumbent. We focused on the homeless and the scums on the last draw of the aces. Within the campaign month, the streets were seen to be clearing of that menace, but little did the public knew, we had them harvested for organs.
And Jonathan ‘King’ Blake became Mayor Blake.

But he was on nervy Mayor who needed the Special Officer to pacify him. That was why he called.

“Mary, I got Marlene Phillips coming over shortly. She’s to interview me on some reports. She mentioned Chessmen.” Jonathan was pacing the room. He was not a person who could take up pressure, but docile to the needs of the investors.

“I am sure Ms Phillips may be just seeking some confirmation. I won’t be worried if I am you.” I assured him.

“No, Mary. You handle her. I have changed my schedule with yours’.” Jonathan laid it out for me. I protested but he was adamant on avoiding her.

“I had spoken to the Investors. They agreed to you handing her.” He replied, while I was fuming with rage. I had never met Marlene in person, but she could recognize my facial expression from the records. More to it, I was to remove her myself.

I reluctantly agreed.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Crusaders II The players threw out their cards 13.03

1.          Lake Maggiore, Swiss Alps

Geraldine jumped up high and swung the staff down on the approaching wolf, but the wolf had evade her blow. She stood there and back to the nearby wall. In front of her are three wolves forming the first pack to attack her. One of the wolf limps on the rear leg from a previous blow by Geraldine. Clawler standing a distance away was circling Fenrir. They are in a duel of their own, and none of the wolves would intervened. Lucifer had sneaked away during the start of the battle.

Geraldine looked above her head on the three rows of stand; concerning that the other wolves would joined in. She wanted to call out for Clawler but he is fixate on his focus towards Fenrir.

Suddenly the ceiling started to vibrate and then something flew in circles around the arena knocking the wolves on the stand.

"My Lady need not fear. I am here now." Thor descend from the ceiling holding his hammer which was levitating him down from the ceiling. Once his feet touched the flooring, he sent the hammer on a swing to swipe at the wolves on the stand.

"I doubt so", Geraldine jumped onto the nearest wolf using her staff to propel her there. She landed on the wolf back and clam her legs tight on its midriff. Her strength enhanced by the greave given to her by Odin crushed the ribs beneath and squashed the heart. Geraldine jumped off and swing the staff in wide swing from the left to hit another wolf in the head, causing its skull to rupture. The remaining wolf on seeing the turn of events choose to slink away and ran for its life.

Fenrir on seeing its wolves killed rushed at Geraldine but Clawler intervene with a leap to stop Fenrir. Both creatures collided and end up in a heap on the ground. Fenrir was first to recover and lashed out with its fangs moving to bite on Clawler' neck, but the later had pushed Fenrir before it could sink the fangs in. Clawler pushed on with a leap onto the fallen Fenrir with its claw ripping into the thick fur of the wolf. Fenrir shrieked out in pain when the claws tear into the flesh. Clawler pushed on with the claws reaching into more tender spots, and caused Fenrir to fall further back.

Fenrir find new strength and rushed Clawler with a high leap to land on Clawler forcing him to fall back on the flooring. Fenrir move to sink his fangs onto Clawler' neck but Clawler had moved so the fangs would bite onto his right shoulder. 
At the same time, Clawler thrust his claws into the undefended belly and ripped the innards out.

"Fenrir!" Baal who had just appeared when he failed to warn Lucifer by the normal channels, so he came here on his own. His arrival was just in time to see Fenrir die at Clawler' claws. Baal then saw the others and he choose to run too.

It was then Miles and Kruger arrived to advise that others are fleeing and most of the chambers are empty. It was also when Balder arrived but he is without Loki.

"Thor, the trickster eluded me. He surprise me when my back was turn. He flees again from me." Balder report to Thor. "I would bring him back. By Vahalla, I would do it."

2.          The plains outside the Pyramids

Lord Osiris looked at the defeated Seth and his love Nephthys while he sits on the throne that gives him command of all Egypt.

"I am Lord Osiris, Master of the dead, and yet you", Osiris points at Seth. "Choose to wage a war across the dimensions when your last one failed in a major defeat. Who influence you in this foul deed?"

"It was me, Lord Osiris." Nephthys declared herself. "I sided with Baal when he approached me. He spoke of the disunity sow among the Asgardian, he told me of the spell to revive my Lord, and the joint alliance with Loki."

"My love? Why? I am Lord Seth. I need no assistance from others." Lord Seth looked to his love in disbelief. He then prostrate before his Lord. "I shall take whatever punishment you would give to me."

"I would not had known if not for Apep, your nemesis. The Serpent Dragon told me of your revival and plan, but I was slower in reviving to stop you. Now I am in whole and would passed judgment to you but Apep wants a favor of me." Osiris spoke to Seth and motioned to Apep the Serpent Dragon; a body of the serpent with wings and flames from its jaws, to come forth. Apep slithered over and asked for permission to approach Osiris. Osiris was wary of the creature approaching him as Apep was known to pursue Lord Ra to devour the later, but failed on many occasions. But he did said to the creature that it would be granted a wish should he need to call on, Osiris would comply. So he nodded to the creature to come forth.

"Release him to me." Apep hissed to Osiris just before it coiled itself around Osiris. "Do as I wished or you would die once more."

"So be it, as you wished. But remember this Apep, that was your wish and we hold no more favors to each other. The next time, we meet you would die by my hands." Osiris warned Apep. The Serpent Dragon uncoiled and went forth to the other Lord.

"Lord Set, follow me if you want to live." The Egyptian Lord was confused but he was transfixed by the hypnotic gaze of Apep. He followed suit to follow Apep into a newly created portal leaving behind his love, Nephthys.

"My love, leave not me...." Nephthys cried out but there was not one to heed her call. It was also then when Apep slithered in the hall. It was met by Lord Osiris' guards with their sickle sword drawn.

"Lord Osiris, what manner of conduct is this? Am i you enemy too? Who locked the doors to my chamber? Where is Seth?"

So many questions yet there was no one to give an answer except Nephthys was seen laughing at the questions.

"Fools!" Nephthys uttered out.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 5.3

Prologue 5

"Othello, how odd that I am to see you here?" Desdemona spoke to the man who was dressed in his toga had just walked into the Flavian Amphitheater. The place could accommodate above fifty thousand people. The seaters were placed in a tiered arrangement that reflected the status of their places in the society. Special boxes were provided at the north and south ends respectively for the Emperor and the privileged providing the best views of the arena.

The Senators were accorded the flanking broad platform where they have their own seaters. The higher tiers are the non-nobles or person of some importance. The next higher level was reserved for ordinary Roman citizens and again divided by the wealth status; the lower part was for wealthy citizens, while the upper part was for poorer citizens. There are specific sectors for other social groups: for instance, boys with their tutors, soldiers on leave, foreign dignitaries, scribes, heralds, priests and so on.

"Am I odd to be here?" Othello sounded surprised.

"No offence to you, Othello, but this is the platform for the Senatorial. And you are not of one." Desdemona mock him. She was with her friends then, and they were there to view a new play by the artisans.

"None taken." Othello replied. He was actually insulted by her remarks, but he choose to be diplomatic by it.

"I am here by the invitation of Senator Milvus. He was kind to offer me his seat." Othello told the lady he had met just
last week, when he arrived back from his campaign. Othello proceeded to his assigned seat which was a short distance away from the ladies. He sat there by himself, while waiting for the play to begin. He did overhear the conversation by the ladies which was in reference to him, and his dark mask. One of the ladies found it very 'exciting' to have a lover wearing one.

"Its so .....Lucifer like." That line of words got the others to giggle and then it was Desdemona who came to his rescue.

"I doubt so. I think we cannot make judgment on how a person looked." Desdemona said. "We are all here dressed no different from the others, yet we are given a better place to view. Do you think we are different in anyway?"

"Yes, we are." One of the girls spoke out in protest. "We are the daughters of the Senators."

"Is the Senator a Roman citizen? Are they all not Roman citizen too?" Desdemona asked but none replied. The play had begun and their attraction was towards the play. That last question of Desdemona stayed on Othello' mind during the play and even after that day. He was to meet her again a few days later on the invitation by her father to the house.

"A lovely meal, my dear Senator." Othello praised his host who had invited him. During his campaign, Othello had his meal whatever they could hunt at the countryside, and rarely he had such a meal. And beautiful company seated opposite him.

"Father, may I be excused?" Desdemona asked.

"Be gracious, my dear. Othello is our guest." Brabatio placed her daughter in her seat. "He may be ...intrusive. He just came back from a long campaign."

"Six months.." Othello added on. "A hot one too."

"Was it the desert that dry?" Brabatio took on the cue to speak to Othello. They then continued on regarding the terrain and then about the pursuit of the tribal heads across the sands. All this while Desdemona looked at the two men and wondered how long would their egos kept them talking. She could not take it anymore.

"Father, may I be excused?" Desdemona smiled at her father. "I really have to go."

"Oh, yes. You are excused." Brabatio told her. "But joined us later at the Library."

Desdemona did not know what was importance of the Legatus, but soon she confronted her father when the time was convenient.

"My dear, Legatus Othello have cleared a rebellion there. With that done, I am able to expand my trade there. With him to protect my trade. I need him on my good side...." Brabatio told her.

"Or you on his good side. So you displayed your daughter to his dark ....mask, so that he had more than one reason to come back. Am I your ware like those you trade? To be shown and examined by the other?" Desdemona did not wait for his reply. She was the daughter he wanted her then. But she made one mistake.

Othello was genuine to meet her. He had grown on her and with her listening to his words, he soon find himself talking more to her. It was then to became more than friendship. She was meeting him at the odd places; the Amphitheater, the market and also the flower shops. He left her soon after for his new campaign but he gave her a gift; a sash of his with his Legion's crest.

During the campaign, Othello told Iago of his infatuation. It was how Iago got to know of Desdemona.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.32

Dark Knight

I heard the shots and reckoned Mitch was doing his part. I rolled off the bed and approached the rear door. I was expecting it to be kicked in anytime, but instead they threw in flash grenades followed by the smoke grenades. The place was all dark and I was disoriented.

Then the door came crashing down, and they were in.

I sprayed the doorway with the MP5 before reloading the empty rifle. I then rolled over and waited.

No shots yet.

I did a roll and leveled up.

I got two of them; dead on arrival. I was to get up when the third one came in. He fired at me but missed me. I gave him a chest full of medal holes. I tried to move but the bleeding started again. It also began to hurt again. I reloaded the rifle with my last ammo clip. I then saw the discarded walkie talk. It must had been from one of them, and I took it. It was buzzing.

“Chester, are you okay?” The walkie buzzed. I buzzed back.


“We got the other one pinned.” That worried me.

“Where are you?’ I asked back.

“By the cedar tree. Why did you asked?”

I was not replying but pull myself to the window. I could not make out much of the tree types but I reckoned Mitch might. He was the outdoors man. I pulled out my portable, and called Mitch’ number. It rang.

Dark Bishop

Cedar tree? Damn if I knew all the trees here. Then I recalled there was a large cedar tree on the left side of the house, up on the slope. It was a hundred yards from me and had me lined up well. I leveled my sight on it, and saw no one. If I was the shooter, I may had moved, but to where. I moved the scope around and soon found the sniper. He was leaning back against the tree trunk ten yards away to the left. He was trying to get at me.

Too bad. I shot him in the left side of head.

Then the other shot came. It shaved my left shoulder and caused me to drop the rifle. I rolled over for cover and held up my right hand to cover the wound. It was a flesh wound, but it hurt if I tried to move the left shoulder. I reached for the Browning in my shoulder holster. I heard the crack of the twig and by instinct I got up. I leveled up immediately and shoot the gun at that direction.

Three successive shot, and I got my killer.

“Billie, I got him.” I spoke into my portable. The shot then came.

The Crusaders II The players threw out their cards 13.02

1.          The plains outside the Pyramids

Lord Seth stood there where he viewed the large army that surrounds him. He could make the out the other Lords standing there with Osiris. Then he saw the most unusual ally; Apep the Serpent considered his trusted friend and ally.

"Seth, you have infringe the laws on the delineation of dimensions. All of us from the seven dimensions agreed never to cross the dimension, You done it not once but twice to the same dimension. Your desire for vengeance drive your crime; a crime that even angered us not fro your enemy but for you." Osiris walked a few step forward. "Do you yield?"

The army of Lord Seth all bowed including the surviving Amur brother but not Seth or his love, Nephthys.

"I stand to call on a duel with you, Osiris. Fight me like a warrior." The army of all Egyptians all hushed up when they heard the challenge. Its unheard of in their realm but Seth was not like any Egyptian. Osiris could not decide; to bow to the level which Seth had set or to appease his peers that he would not condone the action required by Seth. He looked to the ones who followed him as a leader into war. They matter a lot to him.

"I accept." Osiris removed his head gear and all his paraphilia that was on his body leaving him only his loin cloth. The Lord of Egypt approach the other misled Lord. Seth did the same as Osiris and met the leader of all Egypt at the desert plain. Both lord faced each other and then grapple like wrestlers on the sand.

Osiris managed his elbow firm on the neck and pulled back hard but the other was fast slipped his fingers into the lock and pushed at it. The elbow lock was disengaged and Seth rolled away but Osiris was not giving up as he leap on the rolling figure. Osiris land on Seth by grabbing hold of the later by the right knee and he pulled the leg back but Seth had seen it coming, and kicked with his left feet. He rolled once more and then jumped to his feet watching Osiris rubbing his sore jaw contacted by Seth left feet. Both men looked at each other before they rushed at each other.

Osiris lowered his head and used his body weight to slammed the other. When both had collapsed at the rear, Osiris lashed out his fists like hammer; punching with aimless points but with the anger inside his mind. He was upset that this Lord would dare to challenge him and forcing him to fight like boys. His flaring of the fists took its toll on Seth as the punches hit his face endlessly. The final blow came to hit the side of his forehead and knocked him unconscious. It was Nephthys who saw her lover state and rushed in to stop the fight.

Nephthys prostrate before Osiris and requested for his forgiveness. For her and her love.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 5.2

"Centurion, the ground there is soft. We may lose our footing." Selville told him, but it was late. One of the men slipped and he dragged one other down. Soon there was a gap among the men in the formation, and the barbarians rushed for it. Othello saw the gap and stepped over the fallen men to protect the gap. He soon find himself out of the formation with Selville by his side.

"Stand your back to mine." Othello shouted as he deflect a thrusting sword. "Thy need time to regroup."

Selville at his back held the barbarians back but Othello was distracted for his men. It was then the attacking foe had thrust the burning branch at his face. He moved away but was late to avoid it. The fire burned at his side of the head, but his right hand had the gladius thrust into the barbarian. His face burned with pain, but he had to fight on to protect his men. It was then the men on seeing their Centurion hurt, rushed up the courage to drop all formation and attacked the barbarians. It was the turning point of the battle and soon they repel off the barbarians who fled to the woods. The men protected their centurion and led him back to the camp.

Othello took three weeks to recover but he had lost his charming looks to the battle scarred look. He was given a mask by Selville to placed over his healing scars.

"You looked like Lucifer in that mask. Perhaps you would be that Dark One to plagued them." Othello did become the Dark One; known by the tribes that he had conquered. He was invincible after that with the victory that lined his promotion to Legatus.

"Ah, a splendid tale. More exciting than the one I read in the report." Commodus praised him. "I must commend that your dark look scared even me at times. I hoped not have you as my enemy."

Commodus last statement was spoken while he glanced over to Brabatio.

"Won't you agreed to have such a finest man for your family, Senator?" Commodus looked to the other.

"I....." Brabatio looked to the man in the dark mask. He feared if he reject the Emperor's words, he would not be in favor with the Emperor.

"I am a worthy man of her, my Emperor." Othello looked to his Emperor. "My dear Brabatio, I am not your enemy. Please sanction my ceremony to your daughter."

Brabatio looked to his Emperor who had the amused look in his expression. He then turned to looked at the man who had taken his daughter heart. And mind too.

"Come here, my daughter." Brabatio held out his arms. "Come here, one more time. I am still your father."

Desdemona pulled away from the love of her new life to that of her old one. She approached her father, fearing his wrath for defying him. But he did not hurt her, but held her in his arms. He then motioned to Othello, who also approached the older man.

"Aye, with my consent you would have my daughter for your love, although you had already captured her's before I could hand it over." Brabatio spoke out in a regretful tone. He could not hide his disappointment but he knew that inevitable was there.

"I hereby consent to your ceremony, Othello. And Desdemona. May you live it long that union." Brabatio turned to his Emperor.

"I apologize for intruding on you on such a trivial manner.I would seek your permission to leave now." Brabatio bowed to his Emperor. Commodus was to reply when another of his Centurion walked in. The later approached the Emperor and whispered the update.

"So the tribes are in Iberia. So be it, if they are near our doorstep, we shall have them removed." Emperor Commodus stood up to addressed the assembled.

"Its been a long day and longer made by the incident of one of my Legatus announcing his ceremony of union." Commodus laughed to himself. "But I am tired, and so are all of you. We would meet tomorrow and decide on the retaliation. Be here Othello, you are my retaliation in this intrusion."

"As you command, my Emperor." Othello bowed to his Emperor. "I shall return to the Castra and await your orders."

Desdemona stepped out to seek an audience with the yet to be departed Emperor.

"My Emperor, I seek your permission to be with my love for his journey to Iberia or where he may be sent forth. I am his love and am destined to be at his side. I won't be one that would await the news of his return be it alive or death, by my chamber. Please consent to my servitude by his side."

"A brave gesture, my dear lady. Not many ladies of your statute would ...or should I placed as could stand the life of on the journey of their love as a legionnaire." Commodus spoke out to the lady. "I feared you would find asking for his permission to come back here. Or distract his attention as a Legatus."

"No, I would not do that. I may be his love for his heart, but his mind would not swayed by me from his battles. He would win his battle more determined knowing that I am near him. In defeat, I would be harmed which would strengthen his resolve not to be defeated." Desdemona looked to her love.

"Never would one who loved you could bear his love suffered at the hands of another." Desdemona spoke out in the low tone. Brabatio heard her well and turned away to looked at the Legatus. In his mind was the words that would be heard one day soon; am I the tormentor or she the one who is tormenting us all.

"Your wish would be the wishes of your love and not mine." Commodus looked to the Legatus.

"My Emperor, my loyalty is to Rome. I would defend it as if my wife is here or at my side in the battlefield. None would harm either while my arm wield the gladius." Othello told his Emperor. Then he added in the next line.

"If she is by my side, then I would be more than ever be more vigilant as I served not one but two loves; Rome and her's."

"Ha, words of love I heard many times tonight and this one would stay in my mind longer. I am unsure of the request by her, but since you are her love, and decided for her, then I would had no objection to it." Commodus then continued on his exit from the Senate. He stopped before Brabatio.

"Your new family member, is a good man. If is dark that you see in him, then its a beautiful dark shade. One that I find ....less darker than you may had think. Perhaps he is fairer in my eyes." Commodus then left the Senator to ponder on his words. In the mind of Brabatio, he thought hard.

"What action would Othello do that may be fair? He had taken my daughter and shamed me before my Emperor. Truly his actions had not been fair to me."

"Father, we are leaving." Desdemona called to her father while she left the Senate. Brabatio stop the Legatus before he waw to leave.

"She may not be who she is. She had me deceived for one who had raised her up, and she may had you deceived too. I caution you on that, Othello." Brabatio told him.

"My life in her faith." Othello replied. He was truly in love with her and see no reason not entrust his own life upon it. She was to do battle with him and like his own legion, they relied on one and all for one.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.31

Dark Knight

All I needed to know was we were to die unless we can get ourselves armed. I heard the short brief from Mitch and then sprung into action. Despite my weakened frame, I was not keen to be laid without foreplay. Mitch told me he had a stash of weapons in the cupboard. We got armed with the arsenal there; I added in MP5 with a few ammo clips, while Mitch took the Remington 700, with the bandolier of bullets. He also had a Remington 700 for sniper use. The house was a hunting lodge hidden in the hills, and the nearest neighbor was miles away. It had one doorway and three windows; two of which was in the front of the house, while the other window was at the rear of the house.

We counted reinforcements; eight of them armed with more guns with menacing looks. They split up; with half of them going for a rear cover on the house. I was alone in the house with my weakened state form. I was better lain still while Mitch took to higher cover.

I spotted the pack of attackers approaching the doorway. Two of them were seen walking for the door while the two took firing cover for their friends. I had the wooden table toppled over and faced the doorway. They came in and saw the table.

They fired their guns at it.

I returned fire from the bed where I had laid.

The MP5 with its full blast left little for me to use to the Glock. 

Dark Bishop

I heard the shots after the two men, and then took my aim. At two hundred yards, I could not miss. I shot the first one at the tree trunk in the head and then the other one by the track also in the head. I then moved to the left and ran for a short distance.

It was a mistake.

These are former soldiers and they knew how to track snipers too. My movement was detected and the firing came close. I jumped and rolled into cover behind a tree to find my cover. I peek over and saw two of them were onto me. They are armed with machine guns and could reach me with it. The only other two were missing, and presumed going for the house. I positioned my rifle for the two coming at me, but I was almost hit by a hidden sniper. The bullet missed me by a fraction from my left eye. I rolled back for more cover and looked around.

There were more of them out there, and not seen.

King must have called on all the Cleaners to kill us.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...