Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Take care during the storm

Hi all
I just read the online news about the storm. They named her Sandy, I think. Well, Sandy is a bad girl. My prayers to all you who are affected. Be brave and take care. We all believe that the storm would come and go; and all of you would pull it through.
On our side of the world, we are getting the downpours too; on a daily basis it would come. I swore if I had finished off my last shampoo splashed on the car. Yup, that's the only way to wash a car; let God do the scrubbing.
Dinna worry, I got my subsmersible in place. It won't dive but it would float with the amount of fats I got on my waist.
I would had danced in the rain, but my good Doctor advised against it. He said they do not treat lunatics who run in the storm. I guess I would stay on the sanity side. It was getting crowded on that end anyway. Sure did not want to create another Titanic in the 21st Century. 
Darned! My good doctor is man of his profession; health above wealth. I would buy him the slice of cheese cake when the water level subsided. Don't worry, his clinic would surfaced soon after the water receded. Don't calibrate your GPS; its working.  
One last word; you can't understand me? Try to clear the water logged tracks in the brain. Its probably corroded by now. Mine's okay; did the lobotomy last month; it went right through ....pardon me, somethings are best kept within the doctor's records. Thank God, they write as bad as they did then in Medical School.
'Yup, God. Time limit'.I hear you loud and clear. Gotta go now. They sure don't give you much chance in the asylum to stay insane. 
But serously, I thought in moments like these, we need to have some laughter and looked for the silver lining. My heart and prayer to all of you in New Jersey. Take care and loved you.

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