Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lancelot Part 11

In whom we may serve.

"Welcome to the Royal Joust." King Arthur remembered he said those words to the assembled knights who had come here to test their wits and skills to win a place at his round table. That was this morning and now at this late hour, he finds one contender standing before him. The knight is dressed in black and has just won his joust against one of the last surviving knights in the contest. The he faced the King himself in the last joust.

Both the knights took to their places and they rode hard at each other. Their lances clashed against their shields but none was broken or toppled over. They rode to the end line and turn their mounts. They took the second ride and this time only Lancelot lance hit the King's shield, but he managed to hold onto his saddle.

It was the final third round, and the crowd watching was silent. Each knight adjust their sitting and then they rode down the line to fight. At the last moment, Lancelot heard a voice in his head that say to look left to the stands. He did as he was told and he saw a glimpse of a lady. It was also then the King took his lance on Lancelot's chest and toppled him over. The crowd cheered hard on the victory of their King while the Lancelot in his black armor slowly got to his feet helped by Bran to re-mount his horse.

"Come forth, Black Knight." Arthur called on the knight to step forth. "You have fought well and I am honored to offer you a place at my round table."

"My name is King Arthur of Camelot." Arthur spoke of his name loud for all to hear. "Please tell me yours so that we can properly addressed you in our talks."

The Black Knight removed his head cover and then he announced his real name.

"My name is Lancelot Du Lac, and this is my disguise to find me more foes to improve on my skills." Lancelot told everyone who was present. Immediately the whispers went out among the knights that they have lost to the knight by many to be the greatest and if not the best even compared to Arthur himself.

"Lancelot? Is that you behind the mask?" Arthur exclaimed in joy knowing that now he has now ensnared the best of the best into his side. "The moment I have been waiting for has finally arrived."

Arthur stepped off the podium to greet the knight he has been hearing of but never met till today. He could feel the resentment of some of the knights to have this Lancelot accorded so much honor and this may unbecoming of his King' position but he cares not for their thoughts. Lancelot is a proven ally to have at his side and he is glad the knight has made that choice. He was always looking to his back if Lancelot would join his enemies which would make his work more tedious.

Lancelot on seeing the King coming to greet him, immediately dismount and went on his knees. He bowed his head to the King of this land.

"My King." Lancelot greet Arthur who stepped in front of him.

"My good knight, Lancelot. I welcome you to Camelot." Arthur reached for the shoulders of Lancelot and pulled him up. "None of my knights need to bowed before me. We are all equal on the round table and your seat awaits you, Sir Lancelot."

On the mentioned of the name Sir Lancelot, the crowd around the galley all roared to life. In approval of the appointment of the new Knight. Arthur was beaming with pride that he called on his Queen to come forth to see the new knight.

"Come, Queen Guinevere. Meet Sir Lancelot."

The lady who stepped out from behind the King was ever deserving to be a Queen with her beauty and manners. She is about the height of the King and wore a flowing green gown that has emeralds sewn into it with design of a sprouting garden with red and yellow emeralds to denote the blooms in the garden. The Queen is tousled up in a soft curls that reached to her waist yet the tiara that sits on it enhanced the blonde shades with its golden gleam. The tiara comes with matching of seven colors stones that were nicely crafted in at the front. Lancelot was sure she looked like the lady he glimpsed just now.

"Guinevere, Sir Lancelot." Lancelot went down on his knees again and reached for the Queen's extended hand to lay his lips on her index finger. He then looked up at her and was caught up by her beauty in his eyes. She has beautiful green eyes which the gown have enhanced the beauty of it, to a set of full lips that Lancelot wished he could actually touched with his.

"Sir Lancelot, I bid you welcome to Camelot." The Queen has spoken and her voice is low and yet sweet to be heard by the person.

"Thank you, my Queen. Its my pleasure to be here, and to serve you." Lancelot did not why he said the last words but it came out naturally.

"So it shall be, Sir Lancelot." The Queen replied to him.

"Come my Queen. The day is getting dark and we must be back in our Hall for the grand feast." Arthur interrupt the Queen and Lancelot on their conversation. "All are welcome to join us tonight. Sir Lancelot shall be my honored guest tonight."

The feast lavish and the spread an unending flow of food and drinks for the hundred over knights who chose to serve their King. More so the main table was the round table where thirteen knights sat and rejoice as equal; King and knights. Lancelot sat next to the King who never cease to cheered him on almost every round of drinks.

"My King, there is none more to cheered on me. But I must do one for my brothers who sits here with me. To all of us here in his Main Hall. I hailed to you; the glorious days would come more and the victories all the more sweeter,"

The Hall roared to a new resounding level that even the servants at the cooking area were also cheering at the new merriment.

It was then Lancelot turned his body to faced the Queen sitting at the back of the Hall. He raised his goblet to hers' and smiled. She smiled back and he was enthralled by her.

"Sir Lancelot, if I may." Lancelot looked across to the one who called on him. "I am named Merlin and I would to toast to you. Never a finer knight and may he served the King loyally."

"He shall!" The Hall roared to the toast while Merlin took his drink to his own seat a table distance from the Queen on the right of her's. Merlin could not resist glancing at his Queen too whom he noticed is staring at the new knight. Merlin sat down with a heavy thought that is on his mind. He hopes that what he had seen would not materialize into an event, or this kingdom would collapse.

Merlin then recalled his own personal tragedy; his love unrequited from a lady he met at this Hall. She sits across the Hall in a silvery blue gown with a matching head dress that shines with the sapphire blue stones. She is not exactly what you termed as a beauty but she is enticing to one if you had spend time with her. She is Utter Pendragon child next to Arthur although they shared a different mother. She is like her father; articulate and cunning in the ways of the man and the land. She knows how to carry herself in any situation thus winning the heart of the cold merciless sorcerer. Merlin was one who swore off vixens and whores as he may termed some, that have laid before his eyes, but not Morgana. Yes, that is her name and she had vexed even the sorcerer with her charm. He would had not been so cautious of her if she had not shown her aims to overthrow her half brother from the throne for herself. That is the King that Merlin have sworn to protect at all cost including his own love for Morgana.

"Hello, Merlin." He looked up to see the very subject of his thoughts standing before him now. "Surely, the protection of the King does not need to cover even his Queen interest."

"Pardon me, Lady Morgana." Merlin pretend to feign ignorance of her veiled meaning. "I am sure the Queen's interest in the King are their personal affairs and even myself cannot be involved."

"True and most clear in the words, that when its comes to love, one must never intervene in its development or even downfall." Lady Morgan stressed on that last word and then she leaned down to whispered into Merlin's ear. "I missed you on my bedding."

Merlin blushed in his face on hearing of her direct statement. Surely this woman must have some dignity in her. How can she whispered such words here when we are within eavesdrop of many although we may be whispering.

"Your colors suits you, Merlin." Morgana winked at him, as recalled she wore a pinkish night dress on their first rendezvous. He also said to her these words; 'like the pink petals on the flowers, I shall peel you off in layers."

Merlin excused himself saying that the King needs his counseling now. Its true that Arthur did signaled him but it was not for counseling, but to assisted to the personal chamber. Once they were in the private chamber of the King, Arthur sank down on the high back seat and remarked to his adviser.

"Tell me, Merlin." Arthur asked as he struggled with his drunken mind on the things he wants to ask. "Can I best Lancelot in battle?"

"You are the best among the very best. Of course, you....." But Merlin was shut off midway by the calling of Arthur.

"Merlin, you are my counsel and answer me as the truth shall come from you on this mere stranger." Arthur command him.

"I don't really know, my King. There is no denial that Lancelot is the best of the best, but he has never fought you before. If he does, it may be an even fight." Merlin told the King.

"Don't patronize me. I am your King." Arthur shouts out again. It was his shout that brought in the Queen from her own chamber.

"My Lord, why are you shouting? Are you drunk?" Queen Guinevere spoke out of concern as she walked to her Lord.  They are newly wed but they still occupied separate chambers.

Merlin on seeing the timely arrival of the Queen excused himself to leave the chamber. Arthur on seeing the sorcerer leaving tried to stop him but the Queen had stood to block his view. He reached up to push her away but in his drunken condition, he ended only swaying his body instead.

"My Lord, you are unwell. Let me put you to your bedding." Queen Guinevere reached to hold up her Lord but he was too heavy for her. He threw up on his earlier meal onto the front of her gown. She reacted by stepping back and seeing her new gown all covered with the vomit of Arthur. She was upset and yet she felt disgusted with his behaviour.

"I am sorry, Morgana.....No, I meant Guinevere." Arthur corrected himself as he sank back in the seat. Guinevere on seeing at his sorry state got up to leave but Arthur stopped her with his command.

"You are not to leave this chamber until I have expressly said you could." Arthur stammered out his words. "My tunic! Its reeks of vomit."

Arthur took the hem of his tunic and tore it off his body. He has a fine body; taut with muscles and broad at the shoulder. He saw that his leggings are also soiled so he tore at them too. He stood there in his naked glory and marveled at himself in the polished metal piece that reflect his image. He pride himself of keeping fit and he has the tool to prove he is not of any man, but a Man. He then saw Guinevere standing there looking at him.

She seen his look before and she knows she is trapped here in this chamber. She wished she had not come and let the evil one takes his life away then, but she acted out of care and concern. After all, he is her Lord, and she is to obey and cherished. Arthur walked towards her and reached with his hand for the front of her gown. He pulled hard at it and tore off the green gown off her body. He then grabbed her by her breasts with both his hands and pulled her to him. He laid his lips on her; forcing his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her hard as he forces his left leg in between her legs. He rubbed himself raw against her flesh while his hands are kneading at her breasts.

He then pulled away and pulled her towards the bedding but not onto it but over it with her back towards him. He stood behind her and pushed her back forward so he can raise her for his thrust. He laid it in her and he grunt like a hog at the pens. He mauled at her back with his nails and then grabbed hold of her hips to released his seedling into her. He then pulled out and fell on the bedding next to her. He did not noticed her teary eyes, nor did he care of her unsatiated lust.

"I am still the best.. And maybe my son would be too." He muttered to himself as he falls to sleep.

Guinevere stood up her body and walked over to her torn gown. She picked it up and then threw it in into the fireplace. She then walked to the door and out of the chamber back to her's. She cares not who may had seen her as she cares not for her modesty anymore. Or anything that would matter at all.

Or so she thought, but she did not see two shadows who saw her walked by in her naked body. One was Lancelot who was drunk and making his way to his chamber when he got lost in the corridors. He stood in the corner which he had just came by, and saw the Queen walking to her chamber. He may be drunk, but his sights are still good and clear. He could see the beauty of the Queen that many had a chance to see, but he also noticed that she looked upset. He looked to the door which she had come from and he went over to peek in. Its the King chamber and that frighten him to sober up fast and fled himself down the stairs to the Hall.

There was another who saw both him and the Queen; she was Morgana and she is smiling. She walked to her half brother's chamber and walked in. There he is lying there with all the glory of his body showing. She looked at him and then she turned back to walked out. She close the King's chamber door., and walked to her own chamber. She opened the door and walked in.

She saw him on her bedding and she smiled.

"It looks like you also missed my bedding." Morgana spoke to him as she pulled the shoulder strap off her gown. "Is that your wand or am I imagining things? Surely with that length, you could spank me with it."

Merlin did not have to call on any of his spells as there would be none to prevent him from committing to this tragedy.

Bran was shown his sleeping quarters and its among the others in rows of straw beddings. He was shown a place in the middle and he laid his personal belongings at the foot of the bedding. He noticed the others are coming and some of them drunk from the wines. They all went to their assigned bedding and removed their tunic leaving on their leggings on before they climbed on the bedding. Bran on noticing that also did the same, and he soon lay down on his side. He looked across him and saw the other person that grinning at him. He remembered he was Sir Percival' squire but he could not remembered the name.

He tried to search his hazy memory for a name when he felt a body was sitting astride him on his shoulder. Another one also came and sat on his knees. He tried to shout but a cloth was stuffed into his mouth and he left his body moved to the front side down. He felt the one sitting on his shoulder move to firmly pinned him down while the one on the knees have gotten up but now pulling at his left leg. His right leg was pulled too by someone but he knows not who.

Then he heard the tearing of his leggings to his knees and extra cloth was placed on his groin to raised him up. He fought hard when he felt fingers at his buttocks dabbing in some oily stuff. But nothing was compared to what was thrusted into him. He screamed out loud but no sound came of his mouth. His eyes were crying as the humping on top of his body began. He lost count of who and what but he knew he felt very ashamed at himself. It was not that act was degrading but he actually enjoyed the punishment.

Just before he slept, someone whispered into his ears.

"That is for your Sire who thinks he is the best. Every time he wins over ours, you would be made to suffer."

Bran slept that night although he was sore, he was glad he had found a way to serve his own needs.

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