Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Souls onto me - Halloween Special Edition

"Souls come onto me...." I moaned out with my eye lids hovering at the level where they named it alluring to look at.

"Oh for goodness sake, can we drop the Halloween eccentricity for a while. I am trying to frag you not ravished your soul like some twerps with dentures for fangs." Jon pulled himself off me and laid back on the other side of the bed. I lowered my wide spread legs and glanced at him.

"Eccentricity? I thought you were the one into it, with your Dracula suit and the zip opened. Trick or Treat, you said. I tell ya, if I am turning a trick in the alleyway, I probably get paid with some hard earned cash to buy a new outfit at V-Secretes than to be wearing this old Friday the13th T-Shirt." I turned onto my side refusing to looked at him. More to it, yooga ain’t my favorite pasttime. He can bloody well released his 'souls' into the air-less sewage pipes than into mine. At least mine has not been stretched like an elongated party balloon.

"Aw, I am sorry." He always does that when I am upset. "I did not mean to spoil your mood. Its the darned words you used. Anyway I love the T-shirt. Its only one that showed your midriff."

Heck, normally his nudging and pecking at the back of my shoulders would made me more compliant, but tonight I am just not in the sizzling mood. More to it, his idea of interlude of passion in a old abandoned manor on Halloween may had been appealing earlier but now without the fragging hormones in tune, I am more fixated on what did we get ourselves into here.

Try to picture this; forget the centerfold skin look of mine but picture the room we are in. Its must had been a young ladies room as there’s the dotting daffodils on the wall paper; most torn off to reveal the bad plastering behind. There are not many furnitures left; broken or displaced pieces would be best to describe them but we added in the camper bag here for our romp de pleasure.

Frag that for the moment; spoken literally, there is one item which was untouched. Its a dresser with a mirror minus its seat and drawers. But I swore on my dead mother's soul, I think I saw a lady looking at me from the mirror.

I am into many perversion, but being placed for a performance ain't my cup of tea, though I won't miond previewing someone else. That's another tale for a colder night.

So that's it, there was the lady staring at me from the mirror when there was no one sitting; I correct myself there was no seat there, so there can’t be anyone sitting in the front of the mirror. Now you can appreciate why tempo of lust have gone down to F-flat.

I pushed Jon off and paraded to the dresser.

Rule No.1; Body warmth does not extend to a distance of more than a feet. Anything more than that is considered as an abnormality.

Brr... I felt cold and its ain't the weather. I used to run in the nude during winter and this time of the seaon is not yet that cold. But I felt the coldness to my last strand of my follicles. Just to remind you, that's my hair on the scalp and try not to get too imaginative.

I ran back to the camper bag and grabbed what remains of my strewn civilization need besides shelter and food. The need to climb into a tight jeans given the circumstances prevailing, I swore even Bolt can’t outrun me there. I placed my valued orbs into my Friday the 13th shirt and grabbed the bikers jacket. Its got a heavy chain on the side which might add weight to its used as a billy jack. C''mon, its may be the 21st Century but there are somethings from the Victorian Era that can still be applied. Dinna believed me; ask Victoria Secrets.

I creep up to the dresser and looked at it. The mirror is still there and its showing my reflection.

"Damned!" My mascara ran out on the lining. I have to dabble that later.

"Hmm..." I liked my new lipstick; blood red. Sure looks ravishing on my pouting lips.

But those are no my concern. I could had sworn ( pardon me, mum. You are the only one I could swore on. Paddy would had me struck by the lightning if I invoke him ). As I was about to swore again, I am sure I saw a lady in the mirror. I leaned over to look behind the mirror; just in case I am on you know on some TV spoofs but there are no camera there.

Suddenly I felt the jolt on my rear, and I turned back on the surprise intrusion. I am a trained Muay Thai exponent; that's traditional Thai Kick Boxing. I laid the elbow and followed by the knee jerk with a hard palm jabbed into the face.

"Shucks, darling. You don't have to corn balled me in that manner. All I wanted to do was get you into the mood again." Jon was sent sprawling to the floor among the broken furnitures. Incidentally, he still thinks the dance was still on and on other days, I would had smoothed him down with kisses. But not today.

"I could be corned by one of this." Job held up the broken chair leg. I walked over to him and pulled him to his feet.
One good thing the triple move did to him was lower his mast on me. I must keep that in my mind.

"Jon, I think I saw a ghost just now." I whispered to him. To be honest, I mights as well televised it right on National TV. His reply was stunning.

"Ghost? By golly, darling." Jon replied to me in an astonishing loud voice. "There ain’t no ghosts in this world."

I could had believed him; I always do, but not his time. I am looking behind him, and there is that lady standing at a distance behind him. She is dressed in white with yellow daffodils and have bob cut hairstyle with round rimmed glasses. All, I need to faced now is another nerdy besides the ones at the class salivating every time I stooped over to pick a pencil. I once told one nerd off; get a magazine or see to your mama. The reply I got was disbelieving; the mag costs money and mama said not to peek.

That's it. I am not running off on some nerd; even though this one may be dead.

"Here me, sister. I am trying to frag my boy friend here and you just tripped my power switch. So frag off or I would have you...... burned by the bones." I remember the Supernatural guys do it weekly on TV.

"Pardon me, you bitch. Don’t get your panty in a twist." The so called ghost replied to me. "I may be a nerd in my living days, but now I am a ghost. More to it, you are in my room. And second to that, Jimmy Dead is coming over in a while. I am not going to be cheated of my first 'all the way' venture tonight with him. So if you wanna frag, do it in the kitchen or on the staircase. Or even on the rooftop, but this room is off limit."

I be done when I am told that over yonder, we still could frag. Hey, Supernatural; betcha you did not see that coming splat on your screen. But my surprise was not over.

"Hey babe. Been waiting long?" I heard the voice behind me and turned to see the ....... could I be honest, its another spirit...I mean ghost standing there. More to it, its him.


The one we used to imitate as the man without a cause, or was it a rebel. Heck, he looked better in the ghostly form. I am sure Marlon Brando in Streetcar Desire would be crawling to compare to him.

"JD? Is that you?" The ghost in the dress floated; we have to correct in the terms here, over to her lover. "I missed you."

If that is a kiss, then I am just getting lip service from Jon so far. When the couple disengaged themselves; misty to musky, JD looked at me.

"Sweet lips, you did not tell me we have guests." JD spoke to his yet to be acquired lover. "You know I am not into groups. I am a single lover man..... pardon me, spirit. Ever had been from life to death."

"No,JD. I did not invite them. They just came popping in and I am removing them now." The ghost in the dress looked at me.

"Look here, sister. You move your frag out or I would have you fragging thrown out; butt first. So which would it be?" I could had sworn no fury yet to be handled than that of a lady spirit scorned.

I walked over to Jon; he was frozen stiff by the recent events, and he had to be hauled off the room by his faucet.

"I would come back for his clothes later, or just haul them out of the window. It makes no differences to him. He has been running in the buff since one years old." I told the ghost as I closed the room door.

"Is that.....or was that a ghost....ghosts I just saw?" Job woke up from his trance. I nodded to him as I pulled him down the stairs to the outside of the manor. His clothes were all there on the driveway.

"Reckon our rocking would have to be delayed tonight. Get dressed and we can go for a strawberry milk shake. I will pay since you don’t have any slots for coins. I doubt they appreciate it from there." I point to his rear but he was not laughing. He was pointing at his clothes.

"I would, darling but can you tell the werewolf; those are my clothes."

I looked at the driveway and there was this werewolf running off with his clothes. Guess,he has to borrow my Friday the 13th T-Shirt now. He wrapped it around his lower torso with the promise he won't stain it.

Now that's one Halloween I won't forget. Not by a long hump.

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