Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lancelot Part 16

The kidnapping

The summer season was a quiet affair for Guinevere as once again, her King have decided to see the borders again, for fear of reprisals by the Saxons. He cares not for me, like the way Lancelot have cared for his lover carrying his child. She was at Castle Joyous to visit and she saw how Lancelot stood by his lover; holding her as she moves around. Its not fair as Arthur ever hold was his own sword, Excalibur or the goblet of wine to toast his knights. He does not hold her hand or even smiled at her much except at the open functions, which is for public display. She decided she had enough of these cold walls and would take a ride to enjoy the summer sun.

As Lancelot is pre-occupied, she took to ride with her lady in waiting and a detachment of ten guards to the fields. It was near the village of London when she saw some beautiful daffodils in the field. She told the guards that she would stop here to gather some flowers for her garden.

"Your command is mine to followed." The Captain of the Guards instruct his men to present themselves in a circle around the area. He fears not any Saxons but brigands that are known to roam the woods. The King have sent patrols to hunt them but they are elusive and knows their way in the woods. Unknown to the Captain, the Queen's party was under the scrutiny of one such group of brigands.

"Aye, the information was worth its coins." The brigand leader smiled at his fortune. He's been paid well to capture the Queen when she leaves the castle. Its was a hard task, but he soon got his informant from the stable boys. They drive a steep price, but his final payback would be worth more than that. He has with him a dozen men and they are all good fighters as he tested everyone of them himself.

His plan was simple; five of his men including him ride out and grabbed the Queen, and then ride off here. The rest would hide in the woods and trapped the guards when they give chase. He looked at the bow in his hand, and smiled.

"You do well for me to day, and I would have soaked in the finest oil to strengthen your bow. Failed me, and I would have you broken into two." The leader whispered to his bow and then laid a kiss on it. "We ride now!"

The five riders galloped out and they laid off their arrows to the nearest four guards. Caught by surprise, the guards were dead when hit by the arrows. They rode hard through the gap and approached the ladies.

The Captain of the Guards was there with the ladies and he drew out his sword but he could not parry off all the three arrows coming towards him. Two of it struck at his chest and brought him down. Both ladies seeing their lives endangered drew out their daggers from the waist.

"Lady Michelle, run for the horse. I would protect you." Guinevere told her lady in waiting. But Lady Michelle was reluctant to do so as its her duty to protect the Queen. She did not had to decide long as the arrow pierced her back caused her fall. Guinevere ran over to assist her friend. She pulled her friend up on the horse and told her to ride fast.

"Queen Guinevere, I presume." Guinevere could feel the blade at the back of her neck. "If you were to followed us, we have a castle waiting for you."

"I think not..." But the choice was made for her. She felt the hit on the back of her neck and then it was dark.

Lady Michelle rode hard but not towards Camelot but to Castle Joyous. It was a right choice for her as she caught Sir Lancelot out on a hunt. She told him what happened and he rode off to chase the brigands.

"Where am I?" Guinevere woke up on finding herself on wagon. She is lying on some cloth and looked well from what she saw of herself. She could feel the pain in the back of her neck. She got up to sit slowly on the rocking wagon, and find herself surrounded by a detachment of guards. She was relieved to be rescued but their colors are not of any she can recognised. Then she saw the leader of the detachment.

"Meleagant? How did you come to be here?"

The seven riders of the brigand group held their bow ready to wait the oncoming charge by the guards in pursuit of their Queen. They did not hear or see the men which crawled up to them from the rear and ended their life with a slit on the throat. Those were huntsmen and they are under the command of Sir Meleagant who had planned this kidnap.

The leader and his four men rode in hard while being pursued, saw the arrows that came flying towards the five guards on their rear. The arrows took down all the five guards and the leader was cleared into the woods. He reared in his horse and dismounted from it. His men still on their horse looked out and saw the remaining guards having withdrawn. The leader carried the queen from his saddle to lay her on the wood 's ground.

"Aye, all of you done well today. Now that we have the queen, we would be rich soon." The leader gloat to his men. He then looked at the unconscious queen and smiled.

"I agreed to deliver the queen to the nobleman, but I did not specify in what condition." He leered out in words to his men. " How many of you have ever seen the Queen naked? Or even mount one yourself?"

They all laughed, but that was the last they could remembered before they collapsed from the saddles with an arrow in their neck. The leader on seeing his men died, drew his sword to defend himself. The arrow came at him at his right knee at the joint causing him to fall down. He dropped his sword and clutched his injured knee. The second arrow hit his left shoulder and causing him to cry out in pain. Then his assailant walked out to confront him.

"You....it can't be. We are just talking, nobleman. We meant no harm to her."

"Your thoughts reflects your intentions. For that, I am bound to take your life in retribution." The nobleman replied him.

"Surely you are a knight and would not kill a man unarmed." The leader plea for his life as he crawled back.

"It may be true, but I am not any knight. I am Sir Meleagant, and when it comes to my harm on my love, nothing shall be stand in its way." Sir Meleagant drew out his sword and thrust it into the brigand leader's chest.

"Yes, my Queen. I have rescued you and now taking you back to my home to recuperate." Meleagant replied to her as he rode alongside her wagon. He feel proud to have handle the rescue and now the queen is indebted to him.

"Meleagant, may I request that you re-direct to Camelot? I am well now, and would like to there." Guinevere asked of him but he declined saying that his home is nearer. She wanted to reason with him but he rode on ahead.

It was not long later she saw a ride coming fast at them. The guards also saw the same rider and advised their leader.

"Stop him now. " Meleagant told his guards. "He may not take her."

Five of the guards drew on their bow and notched in the arrows. They let off their volley in unison, and one of the arrows managed to hit at Lancelot's horse at the neck. The horse toppled over causing Lancelot to fall onto the ground. Lancelot picked up himself to see the group taking the Queen had left. He recognised the colors of the riders.

"Meleagant? Have you gone too far?" Lancelot spoke out in anger. He tried to walk but his right ankle is swollen. It ws by chance then a woodmen came by on a cart hauling his wares. He offered to give Lancelot a ride to the nearest settlement, where he can acquire a horse.

It embarrassed Lancelot to seek the ride on the cart, but it was needed if he was rescue his Queen.

"Sir Meleagant, I begged of you. Please allowed me to return to Camelot." Guinevere pleaded with the knight when she was escorted to her new chamber in his home.

"I am distressed that you felt that way, my Queen. I meant you no harm but to invite you here for a short stay. " Meleagant offered his home to her. "Its not that you not been here before. This used to the place you rested when you were here."

The chamber looked the same despite the years that had passed by. Meleagant had not allowed anyone to come in here since the dissolving of the engagement. He however have come here to lie on that bedding and wished that she was with him. Today was the day his wish came true.

"I would arrange for food and drinks to you. Please rest, my Queen. We would meet during supper at the Hall." Meleagant took leave of his guest.

It was at supper that he next laid his eyes on the Queen. He introduced her to his aging father, King Urien who took the main seat at the long table. King Urien was surprised to see the Queen and asked of her well being.

"I am fine, my Lord. I was rescued by your son, Sir Meleagant from some brigands today. I would be leaving in the morning, for Camelot as Arthur would be worried." Guinevere told the old King of her intentions.

"No, my Queen. You are not fit to travel as yet. I have sent words to Arthur that you are fine and at my home." Sir Meleagant looked to his father. "Arthur is at the borders watching the Saxons."

"Imbecile! You do not address the King by his name." King Urien spoke out against his son. "He is still you King and you are his knight."

"No, father. He is not." Meleagant shouted back. "He is the man who took my love from me. I served him only to find ways to defeat him. I hold no loyalty to him. Not now, and not even then."

"Have you lost your mind, my son? We fought many wars before with Arthur, and he defeated us in all of them. For that, we have swore to served him. Now do you rescind that pact and wished to resume war again." King Urien shouted out in anger. "Do you know the effects of war? We lose men and treasures. We cannot afford that anymore."

The King sat back in despair that his son whom he thought would be more conscious of his own status now. Meleagant is good son, but he lacks the skills of most knights; he cannot even defeat Lancelot for one. Yet his arrogance is not due to his lack of skills but his love for a lady who had left him for the King. The father knows the pain but he also know that its not going to happened for them to reunited. King Urien biggest mistake was to had the engagement done for his son.

"My son, released her and spare us the pain of another war." The old King pleaded with his son.

"No!" Meleagant shouts out in defiance. "Guinevere was mine before Arthur came in. I don't mind that he had the use of her, but I would still owned her for myself."

Meleagant glared at the Queen and he told her.

"Go to your chamber. I would come soon and be prepared for me. Its my right as your first love." He dismissed her with the servants taking her up. "Prepare her or I shall you flogged to death."

"My son, do you understand your action? It would be our downfall." King Urien pleaded again.

"I am sorry, father." Meleagant walked from the Hall to his own chamber. He took up the goblet of wine and drink it there, and then he looked to his own chamber. It has been devoid of love here since he met Guinevere when he became a knight of the Round Table. He proved himself in battle and wars, for Arthur; although he won most of them with wounds to his body yet he lived to continue on.

Lancelot? He hates that name. That knight whom he heard of rumors to having an affair with his love ails his heart. He had several times followed them from a distance, but he could not catch them in any acts of illicit love. He did however note that she does like to talk to him. Its not an act of illicit love but a common thing among friends.

Its time for him to see to his Queen. He went over to the chamber which he had held her captive. He find his father standing before him at the door.

"Keep to your senses, son. You are committing a sin which may never be cleanse." King Urien held back his son. Meleagant pushed the old man aside and opened the door. He latched it despite his father' hammering at it. He walked forth to see his Queen. She was sitting on her legs by the corner of the chamber holding onto a small stool in her hand. She had been changed into a night dress by the servants. Her gown lies on the dresser near the bedding.

"Come any closer, and I would club myself with this." She threaten him. He stood back for a while and then he laughed.

"Guinevere, I meant you no harm. Why do you resist me?" Meleagant told the Queen. "Perhaps my sword scared you."

Meleagant reached for his waist belt and removed it along with his sword. He also removed his boots and his jacket, with him now standing there only wearing his tunic and leggings.

"I am unarmed and like when we were young, I used to play with you in these clothes." Meleagant got onto his knees and then he sat down facing her. "Its not like old times, when we used to talk and laugh in this chamber. You would tell me of your silly dreams and me of my adventures. I admit most of them were made up to impressed you."

"Meleagant, please let me go." Guinevere pleaded with him. "I am now with Arthur and I am faithful to him."

"Arthur! Faithful!" Meleagant shouted out in anger. "Your Lord faithful? I seen him sneaking into other chambers. His sword pierced more virgins than you have ever offered. But mine is faithful to you."

Meleagant stood up and pulled his legging down to show his manhood. She avoid looking at him, but he continued on raving on his faithfulness.

"Its for you only. I have not impaled it onto others. I am a virgin waiting only for you." He flaunt his manhood at her, but she did not opened her eyes to looked at him. He leaned over and grabbed the stool away. He then grabbed at her shoulder to pushed to see him.

"It does not matter if you are not anymore, but I am still a virgin. We can pretend we are both virgins. I promised you I be gentle." Meleagant said ever softly to her.

"No!" Guinevere shouted out. "I am never to be.....unfaithful. Please leave me now."

Guinevere pushed him away with all her might and she got up to run away. In the move to run, Meleagant caught hold of her night dress and the flimsy material tore on her run. She ended up at the other end of the chamber with only her hands to cover her modesty. Meleagant got up and looked at her. He saw her naked body before him and he in turn pulled off his tunic. He also stepped out of his leggings and stood there with his apart.

"I am ready too, Guinevere." Meleagant smiled and walked forth to claim his lady. She ran again to the other side but he caught her before she could escape. He pulled her down to the flooring and climbed on top of her.

"Please don't fight me. I love you." Meleagant tried to pushed himself in, but she had her hands over her thus preventing him from coming in.

"Please, my Lord. I am unwell. Let me rest and we shall do it tomorrow." Guinevere pleaded with him and he stopped his thrusting. He got up and stepped away. He walked to his clothes and put on his tunic.

"Let not man speaks that I forced you. I shall take you when you are willing." Meleagant told her off and then he unlatched the door to go out. Guinevere curled up on her side and pulled up her legs before she let off her emotions. She cried for mercy and above all, she cried for help.

"Lancelot, please hurry. I need you."

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