Friday, October 26, 2012

Lancelot Part 17

Thy honor preserved

Lancelot could find a horse but his injury needed some more time to recover. It was by chance he met Sir Gawain and Sir Kay. He told the duo of her possible abduction and they speed off to check on her. In the meantime, Lancelot to bind his injured ankle well so he can travel by the next day. It was late morning when the duo arrived at the castle of Sir Meleagant. They made known they wished to see host of the castle to the servants.

"Sire, the knights have asked for permission to seek your audience." The servant told his sire who was having his morning meal at the Hall.

"Tell them I am indisposed at the moment and I am not receiving any guests." Meleagant told his servant to tell that to the knights.

"It may not be proper, Sire." Meleagant slapped his servant on the face who questioned his authority. He told the servant to do as per instruction. Then he took his leave to go and see Guinevere. He knocked on her door before he went in. She was sitting by the same corner dressed in her earlier gown that she went riding on.

"How fare you this morning, Guinevere?" Meleagant asked of her but she did not replied at all. She just avoid his stare and looked elsewhere. "I missed you at the morning meal and was wondering if you are hungry."

Guinevere shook her head and continued ignoring him. He was getting upset at her refusal to sleep with him and now even to talk to him. He saw the torn night dress on the flooring, and picked it up.

"You tore it yourself last night? That was you asking me to bed you. I held back on your unwell condition. So is it my fault this morning? Why do you ladies like to taunt us with your lustful acts?" Meleagant shout at her. "Or you like us to force ourselves on you that you would feel the domination over us."

Guinevere raised her hand to cover her ears yet he mocked her still with his declaration of his love for her. 

"What is it that you want of me? My body?" Guinevere stood up and opened up her arms to show her body. "Take it then. Just as Arthur had done. Bore your manhood into me. Make yourself the one on top or behind or anywhere. Take your pick and get it down with. I am never to enjoy your love."

Guinevere dropped her arms and then she continued in her words.

"You are no better than him. You only desire the body and never the soul. I need more which is the later. I need to know the man above me, thrusting me with his; truly love me. I am not a whore or a wench that is looking for a good time. I am a woman who needs love. Real love, not a bedding love."

She looked up at him, and then she reached for the sleeve of her gown. She pulled it down and stepped out of it.

"Do your part, Meleagant. I cared not anymore." She stood there with her body nude to his eyes. Meleagant turned his back and walked out of the chamber. He went back to the Hall and asked for his wine. He drank his fill while the two other knights awaits him outside. He cares not what they think as he is now not sure of what is love is about. He saw his sword on the seat next to him. He picked it up and looked at it closely.

"You would serve me or you would be without a master soon."

"Sire, the knight at our gates called for you to a challenge. " The servant advised his Sire. "They accuse you of holding the Queen hostage here."

"Who is the knight?" Meleagant asked of his servant, but they said they do not know his identity. Meleagant went to the wall opening to peek out at who was it that called hin to challenge. He recognise is as Sir Kay who is weaker opponent to himself.

"Tell him,. I would be out." Meleagant then asked for his armor, and he wore them with the pride knowing he would win. Meanwhile Sir kay got the acceptance he wanted, and he rode back to prepare himself but in the process of dismounting, he mis-step on his left foot and injured himself. He hobbled for a while but he still can't get the pain off. Gawain offered to take his place, but Lancelot stepped in.

"Its my task to protect the Queen. If not my slight injury, I would not had been late. I can wear Sir Kay' armor and fight Meleagant." Lancelot asked of the two knights and Sir Kay reluctantly agreed. He stripped off his armor and find that his ankle was cut by a part of the armor footing. Nevertheless, Lancelot managed to don the armor and he mounted his borrowed horse. He closed the visor and rode forth to seek his opponent.

"Knight, I been waiting for you. I thought you may had some second thoughts, and left me holding the lance for fun." Meleagant taunt at the knight he assumed was Sir Kay. Lancelot behind the visor did not wait for any invitation, but rode out to meet Meleagant with his shield up and lance drawn parallel to him. He raced down the open field and he saw Meleagant had also done the same. Lancelot knows that Meleagant likes to hit at the left side of the shield in most of his jousts during the first round.

He did exactly that, but Lancelot had moved his body off to avoid the thrust and used his lance to thrust into Meleagant' right arm holding the lance. Lancelot lance hit Meleagant just below his right shoulder and dropped his lance. In the same time, Meleagant lost his balance and fell from the back of his horse. Meleagant got up and stared at the knight which had rode past him.

"That can't be Sir Kay. I have bested him many times, and this time he fights better." Meleagant shake his head and walked back his castle where he took up a new lance to challenge the knight. The second round was an equal match with contact made but both knights retain their saddle.

"Knight, may I have your name?"

Lancelot refused to divulge his name and he rode forth again. His ankle still pains, but the hardest pain is on his heart that he failed to protect his Queen. If she was anyway harmed by this knight, he promised himself he would kill him. His ride reached Sir Meleagant and he thrust out his lance while dropping his body back. Meleagant missed him with the lance but Lancelot lance took him on at the below the right armpit. The contact caused Meleagant to fell off his horse again, and this time he sat there on the grass.

Meleagant was not satisfied and he got up to removed his head piece.

"Knight, meet me at the castle there. We fight there."

Meleagant ran on and went inside his castle. He has the drawbridge drawn up once he was in. Its a normal wooden drawbridge, but under it was the real dangers. Pointed sharp blades and spears protrude from the moat. They been embedded into the moat before it was filled up and anyone falls over is bound for instant death. The only way to cross it was the two length of blades which formed a walkway for the person to cross. Its narrow yet not too wide for one to balance on it.

"Surely you do not fear death, knight." Meleagant taunt at Lancelot. "Your Queen awaits you here."

Lancelot took off his head piece and then his armor; and then deftly stepped on the two long blades which the flat side faced upwards. He slowly made his way on the sword bridge; balancing himself with his sword, and at times using the soles of his feet to grabbed hold on the blades that acts as the bridge. Ever time he does, he risked having cut at by the blades. His ankle already painful from the previous injury now screams out in his body yet Lancelot hold his pain back with the thoughts of Guinevere.

Soon he was over and he rested his feet for a while. Its bleeding but he can still walk.

It was then Meleagant came rushing out without his armor. He stopped before Lancelot and holler for the healer.

"I apologies for the action of the intruder who donned my armor. He took my place and fought you." Meleagant told Lancelot. "I have killed the intruder and his body now is being carried to be thrown into the moat."

Just as Meleagant spoke out, a body was seen thrown into the moat from the castle wall.

"There he goes, the villan who used my armor. The healer is here now and I would let him attend to you now." Meleagant stepped aside to let the healer through. He then holler for the bridge to be lowered for Sir Kay and Gawain. He asked that his guests be admitted in to the castle.

Soon Meleagant greeted them at the Hall and invited them to his table.

"Meleagant, we came for the Queen. Give her up and we may spared your life." Lancelot asked the host as he stood up on his bandages soles.

"Lancelot, I afraid you are mistaken. I rescued the Queen from some brigands some days back. She was too ill to travel so I nursed her back." Meleagant defend himself. "I was sleeping when the intruder took my identity to fight with you. Its most unfortunate, but I woke up in time to kill him myself. Please forgive me for not being there earlier."

It was the Sir Kay spoke on the refusal of Meleagant to see him the day before. "Sir Kay, as I have stated, I was nursing the Queen then, and was indisposed to host another. Do you accuse me of withholding my hospitality when my Queen needs the full attention of this castle?"

Sir Kay on hearing that retract back his words, and offered a toast to the other knight as a sign of apology. When he reached for the goblet of wine, he cut the back of his hand against the meat knife on the table.

"Sir Kay, even the Holy Ones does not forgive you of your wild accusations. That cut is their grim reminder to you on you rash accusations." Meleagant mocked at him. Sir Kay took the comment with a heavy heart as he offered back the toast to Meleagant.

"Go and inform the Queen, that the knights are here." Meleagant ordered his servant to inform the Queen. The servant did as she was instructed and when Guinevere asked of how many have arrived; she was only told of one name.

"Send me Sir Kay to see me." Guinevere told the servant.

"My Queen, how fare you today?" Sir Kay addressed his Queen, He told her that he arrived with Sir Gawain but they denied entry until Lancelot arrived.

"You mean to tell me that Lancelot was the last to arrive?" That got Guinevere very upset that the person she was expecting to come and rescue her was the last to arrive. "I need to rest, and would see them tomorrow."

"My Queen, Lancelot arrived late as his horse was killed by the archers. He took a ride on the cart...... To give chase but he was sent to the village. We met him there......"

"Lancelot of a cart? That is below his dignity...his standing as a knight. How could he? The carts are for the ....wrong doers, or the invalid....." Guinevere spoke on the shame to be seen on a cart.

"My Queen, he was hurt on his ankle. He could not walked." Sir Kay defended Lancelot. Once Sir Kay have left the chamber, Guinevere looked to the wall opening. She was still angry that the one knight she was expecting to come and save her did not do so. Sir Kay is a good knight but he is not the one she want to see right now. Why does all these happened to them? She felt bad but a part of her refused to see him. She fear she could not control her emotions. She might betrayed her true feelings. Must she do that? Or does she fear for Lancelot as he dares not defy the King.

She felt so confused then.

"Lancelot, you shamed me and yet I defended you." Sir Kay spoke to Lancelot when he return to the Hall. "The Queen is disappointed at us. I told her you were late because of your injury, yet she feels upset. She feel that so much for you."

Then Sir Kay looked at Lancelot.

"Your action defend her honor when you rode on my behalf; you ought to let me do it. If she viewed you as able to fight, how would she accept my tale on you being injured. "

Sir Kay did not wait for Lancelot's reply as he walked away. Lancelot looked at his bandaged hands and soles, and then he sighed in regret. He would had mounted the steps to see her, but he is hurting now at these places. But once he heard the words of Sir Kay, his heart felt more hurt by it.

Their host offered them some chambers to rest before they take the Queen back. Lancelot was given the chamber next to the Queen. He thought of the happenings that day and wished he could had turned back the time. He stood there by the wall opening and listen hard to the sounds of the coming dusk. Soon he was fast asleep at where he stood, and little he realized that the other party also came to the wall opening to listen to the sounds of dusk.'

Guinevere cried out softly at her woes as she wished again she could see her love once more. She regretted her action today as she should had gone to see them and asked them to take her away. There is so many options but she seems to have always chosen the wrong ones.

"Lancelot....I missed you." She whimpered out into the night. It was then Lancelot was awaken by the sound of his Queen calling to him. He looked out and could see no one but dark nights until he heard her whimpers from across. She is just a short distance from his wall, and yet seemed so far. Lancelot ever eager to see her climbed himself up and balance on the outer wall edges. He slowly inched his way around the narrow edges of the wall to reach the Queens' window opening.

"Lancelot!" Guinevere called out.

"Guinevere, may I come in?" Lancelot asked of his Queen as he feels his hold on the edge are slipping. "Please..."

He reached out in desperation and Guinevere caught him with her hand on his. She pulled him in into the chamber and he fell on her in climbing in. Instead of pushing him, she held him in her hands. When her hands touched his injured hand, he pulled back immediately.

"Are you in pain? Let me see." Guinevere to his hands. She saw the bleeding that comes from his hands, and she held it gently. She leaned over to kiss his hands, but he pulled away.

"It bleeding......" But she hushed him up.

"So is the blood in my heart. It bleeds for you too. Why didn't you tell me? What did happened then." Guinevere pulled his hands to her and looked at it in the dim light. He told her of the bridge and how he crossed it. She held him tight and rubbed his forearm. She was trying to transfer the pain to her. Guinevere then raised herself up and slowly pulled him up.

"I need to change the bandages. Please let me." Guinevere slowly unwrapped the bandages, and at time he squirmed when she peel it. She looked at him and told him.

"Lie down on the bedding. It would be better for you." He did as he was instructed, and she slowly removed the remaining bandages. She soon attended to his legs and washed it up clean with the jug of water in the house. She found his legging are also smeared with blood and reached to pull them off. He reacted immediately but she assured him that she need to wash his shins. He let go of it and leaned back.

She washed the upper shins and then she found her hands moving up to his thighs. He wanted to stopped her but she hushed him up. His feeling was betrayed as his tunic hem rose up to her touches. She could not resist herself, as she recalled that night in Camelot but now she is not in Camelot. She touched him and he reacted like before, but this time he sat up and looked at Guinevere.

"I am sorry, Lancelot..." Guinevere muttered to him, but he pulled her to him and kissed her. He pulled her close but she squirmed to let go.

"Your hands....injuries..." She felt the blood that seeps onto her flesh. It revolt her initially and then she find it become more arousing. She enjoyed seeing the blood and took a dab of it with her lips. Its tasted sweet and amorous. She reached for his right hand and placed it on her lips. His other hand was at her back and he was rubbing himself raw on her gown.

"Let me do it." Guinevere got up and pulled at her gown. She does not care anymore; she wants to be love. She wanted to feel him. No more guilty feelings on her mind about Arthur. Its all about Lancelot now. And her at his side. She leaned over and took his hands to rub over her breasts. He felt the pain in his hands but he wanted to do it.

"Lancelot...." It was his turn to hushed her up, as he pushed her over and laid his kiss on her lips. It was not the last and it would take forever for them to pry themselves apart.

Guinevere woke up at dawn to find herself alone in bed. She looked at her body which is smeared with blood and the scent of her union with Lancelot. It was a long night and she felt ever so meaningful in her love. She washed her body off the blood with the same water that she washed Lancelot yesterday. She was still standing there nude when Meleagant walked in.

"I am sorry. I would leave now." Meleagant offered to leave her to her morning ritual and then he saw the blood in the water. "What is that? Blood? Are you hurt?"

Then he paused in his words. He then looked at her.

"No, it can't be. He had come to see you. He had spent the night here. He of all the people and ....and you rejected me when I love you the most."

Meleagant rushed out and went down to the Hall.

"Sir Kay, I demand my right to restore the honor of my Queen." He shouted at the top of his voice. All the castle occupants were roused, and gathered at the Hall.

"Sir Kay, I demand a duel with for your invasion of the Queen's honor." Meleagant walked up to Sir Kay and stared at him. "We can fight anyplace and any weapon."

"No, this is not right. I am not with the Queen there." Sir Kay denied the accusation. " I was in my chamber."

"No, you were not. Your blood was found at the chamber."

"It can't be." Sir Kay denied again. "How can you accuse me of adultery on some blood assumed from me?"

"I heard enough. Sir Kay, do you accept my challenge or do you admit the visit?"

"Sir Kay is injured. I would fight on behalf for him." Lancelot stepped up to speak for Sir Kay.

"Sir Lancelot, I do not recall I need another knight to fight me." He then leaned over and whispered to Lancelot. "Do not shame me again.'

But Lancelot ignored him and walked up to Meleagant.

"Do you accept me as the champion?"

"I won't fight you. You are injured too." Meleagant told Lancelot in the face.

"You are a coward if you can't even faced me with my bandages."

In a short while, Lancelot was previewing some armor showed to him by King Urien. Lancelot was surprised that the old King actually offered him the armors. He asked the old King and his reply was equally surprising.

"I did advise Meleagant to released the Queen. But he insist of keeping her. He had make a mockery of our family honor. If you can defeat him, our honor would be restored. If he wins. I would have him killed later. So do me a favor, do not lose."    

The news of the duel travelled fast and the Castle was soon filled with people who had come to see it. The two knights rode in to their favored cheers of their own supporter. The two knights took their joust serious, as they met head on. Their armors were clashing while the lances broke upon the other's shield. The knights threw away their damaged lances and took new ones to fight on. They wasted three lances before they decided to fight on their feet using their swords. Lancelot felt each blow as his injuries add to his pain with each swing.

Meleagant can feel that Lancelot is weakening and he wants to take advantage of it. Lancelot's blows became weaker and he fell to the side holding his sword as he parry the downward swing. He then saw the face which spur him to fight his duel. She is the lady he most desired to see - Guinevere. He found new strength and he defended himself with his blows before leaping to his feet. He forced Meleagant back with his new strength.

Lancelot's new strength gave him more confident to complete the duel. He also find getting more angry as he viewed the other as the one who kidnap his love. He may had also out her to harm and he does not like that. It was then the old King stepped in to stop the duel.

"Stop the duel. I can see that this duel is not equal; Lancelot is injured and I would suggest that the duel be put on hold." King Urien intervened but Meleagant refused to let go.

"You would, my son. Sir Lancelot, we would reconvene this fight to a later term when you are fully recovered."

Meleagant reluctantly agreed when his father forced him to accept the decision. The Queen returned to Camelot with the knights, but Lancelot rode back to his own castle instead of going back to Camelot. He was glad that the event was over and the Queen's honor restored. She also makes a fine lover and he knows it won't be the last of their union.

Their next meet was the following week, at the same place. This time Lancelot came in his armor and carried his own lance. He rode up to Meleagant who was also armed like him.

"Sir Lancelot, I can assure you that if you want to called off the duel, I am willing to accept." Meleagant knows he is not a match for Lancelot offered a truce but the other had flatly refused the truce.

"I am unwell, Lancelot. Surely, this duel can be delayed for me to recover." Meleagant tried to offer another excuse.

"If you are unwell, I would fight you with more favorable odds to you, but the duel must be settled." Lancelot threw down his lance and dismounted.

"I would fight you without my shield and my left arm binded to my chest." Lancelot told Meleagant. "Do you accept it?"

Meleagant find himself cornered finally agreed. They stepped back so that Lancelot can prepared for the fight. Lancelot told his squire to bind him tight. Then he took up the sword and faced Meleagant. The other did not wait for Lancelot to prepare his stance when he attacked. Lancelot stepped aside to avoid the swinging blade before he jumped back. Lancelot thrust his sword and almost lost his balance as he forgot his handicap.

Meleagant charged at Lancelot which made the other continue to stepped back parrying the oncoming thrusts, until he hit the trunk of a tree. He stood against it and held his defense until he saw the opening. He parried the swing and then he thrust downwards to cut at the right knee of Meleagant. That caused Meleagant to stepped back and this time Lancelot pushed himself towards Meleagant. His next attack was on the right elbow of Meleagant at the exposed area on the armor.

It made Meleagant reacted in frightened manner as this was he feared; he is no matched for Lancelot. The other knight is just toying him. He must find a way to retreat or yield on this duel.

"Lancelot...." But Lancelot ignored the other's call and continued his attack. Lancelot found another opening and went for it'; thrusting at the right shoulder knowing that the knee is hurting, forcing him to step on his right knee, and then the blade cut in deep in between the armor. He pushed in deep and he pulled downwards hard.

"For Guinevere...." Lancelot thrust hard and turned the blade to cut across but the armor stopped him, so he pulled downwards. Meleagant could not scream as there was no voice for him to scream from.

Meleagant fell to his knees after dropping the sword. He clutched his wound but he knows he is going to die. He looked up to Lancelot.

"It was Kay who violated her. She should had been mine. I never touched her before, I swear. But he did....." Meleagant coughed out blood from his lungs.

"No, it was not Kay. It was me. I was the one. You blamed the wrong person. I am just here to shut you up." Lancelot pulled out his sword.

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