Monday, October 8, 2012

Lancelot Part 13

I live to serve my Queen

Castle Dolorus is with a new Lord but its Lord is hardly in the castle. The new Lord of the newly renamed Castle Joyous find himself spending more time in Camelot. Its not his own doing but that of the King, who needs him there for tasks that never seem to end. It could be a joust with some challenger from afar, or to drive the brigands from the borders. Lancelot does not shrink from these tasks but the person he had to laid his eyes on is what driving his fear.

Its the Queen Guinevere that he wants to avoid. He dare not see her directly as he fear he would reveal his true own feelings. He find when he view at her, he think of her in the improper manner. Lancelot still recalled the image of the Queen when he saw her at the corridor that night.

It was a difficult time for Lancelot when Arthur took his army to battle the Saxons at the border but he asked Lancelot to guard his castle and also his Queen. The rationale given by Arthur for he is the greatest knight next to Arthur; therefore he is most adequate to perform this task without Arthur's concern,

"I trust you, Lancelot with my Queen." Arthur told him before he was to leave. "I know you do your best to defend her honor and mine, should the need arise."

"I am here to served you and Queen Guinevere. None shall harm her unless they have killed me first."

"I hope not as I intend to see when I returned here." Arthur told Lancelot. Soon Lancelot see the King's departure, and he turned back to look for the Queen. She is standing there still waving and then she turned to walked back inside. Lancelot was relieved that she may be going back to her chamber to rest, but he heard her calling his name. He ran inside for fear she could be in trouble but he find her walking into her chamber. He followed suit and stood by the door.

"Lancelot, I need your help with the lace on the back. My lady in waiting is sick today." She motioned to the back of her dress. Lancelot hesitate at that as he feel that work should be done by a lady.

"Hurry up. We are wasting time." She is struggling at her gown and Lancelot rushed in to pull at the lace. It came undone and he stepped back. Then he should not be here, and was to walk out when she stopped him.

"Please allow me." She turned around and slipped out the gown to the embarrassment of Lancelot, but she is not naked as expected. She had on a tunic inside her gown.

"Surely, you are not my inner friends, so I would preserve my modesty in front of you." She stepped out of the gown, and Lancelot can find she is all dressed also in leggings.

"Excuse me, but this time you have to leave."

He saw her later outside the chamber, with her hair bundled inside the back of her tunic and wearing a head cover that tied the hair firm to her scalp.

"Shall we?" The queen motioned to Lancelot. "We are going riding."

"How come, when man rides, they don't have sores like mine?" Guinevere was sitting on a wet grass by the stream to ease the sore pain on her buttocks. She has been riding the horse like a man would and now regret her action. Lancelot was standing nearby with his eyes on the horizon, as he fear for her safety as they are some distance away from the castle. His left hand is holding at the hilt of his sword and his mind is working out the possibility.

"My Queen, we may have to leave soon." Lancelot called on her. He saw them coming from two directions. Lancelot pulled up the Queen, and pushed her to her horse.

"Bounce on it. Don't sit tight." Lancelot told her when she mounted the horse. Lancelot hit at the rump of the horse as it ran back to the castle. He himself took out his sword and mount up his own. He looked at the two group and reckon the one on the left is likely to reach her first. So he rode to intercept them and there are three of them. He cut into their path swinging his sword. The first rider tried to parry the swing but Lancelot drove his horse on to the rider's horse.

The contact threw the rider off his horse but Lancelot had taken the second rider with a low thrust at the right thigh and then he used his leg to kick at the horse ribs with his shoe. That spurred the horse to panic and rode with the rider trying to manage it. The third rider who had ridden ahead turned back to confront Lancelot. He is charging holding a spear in his hands which Lancelot move his body on his saddle to avoid the thrust. He swing downwards with his sword to slash at the rider's right wrist holding the sword. He cut off the hand and the spear dropped. Lancelot followed through with a kick on the horse rump to alarmed it.

Lancelot then looked to the second group who was chasing the queen now decided to confront Lancelot. Instead of running off, Lancelot gallop his horse straight on at the second group of four riders and slashed his way through them. Lancelot rode hard to catch up with the queen and took the lead to guide her into the woods where they hid while seeing the pursuer off.

"Thank you, Lancelot." The Queen said to him. "I am glad that it was you who with me."

She dropped off from the saddle onto the ground, and Lancelot immediately attended to her. She started crying and reached out to hold him by the neck.

"Hold me please. I am afraid...." Lancelot reached for her back and held her close to him as she let go of her fear. She buried her face into his right shoulder and held on tight while Lancelot looked around for fear that the brigands may come back. Soon she was quiet and breathing deeply, and that was when Lancelot pulled her away ever gently to let her lie down on the soft grass to rest. She laid back and raised her right arm over her eyes to block from the sunlight, and her left arm was on her thigh.

It was that moment when Lancelot find himself staring at his Queen; admiring her beauty from near with no fear of anyone noticing. He stared at her from her nose to her toes and admired every part of her. She is a beautiful lady, and truly one deserving to be a Queen.

"Arthur, please don't....please don't...I am not a whore...." Guinevere muttered in her sleep as she tossed her head from one side to another. Lancelot on seeing her went to place his hands on her shoulder.

"Hold me..... Or please....." She moaned out in her sleep as she reached up to pull him onto her body. Lancelot ended up falling on top of her as her hands went around his neck to push his head towards the nape of her neck.

"Love me, Arthur.....I am yours to love.....don't discard me..." She moaned out as she rubbed his face into her neck. For some reason, Lancelot find his hands initially trying to raised himself up but now reaching out to cradle her head as they tossed from side to side. Then it hit him the truth and he immediately pulled himself up. That also woke up the Queen who was confused as to what had transpired.

"My Queen, you were in state of delusion. I think its time I take you back to your castle to rest." Lancelot reached out to pull his Queen to ger feet. She avoided his stare as she mount her horse and trot off without waiting for him.

That was one of the few events that he had to be close to his Queen. The other was when he escorted her to the nearby place of worship for prayers. He was part of the guards detail which comprise of twelve calvary riders alongside with Bran. The Queen was with her lady in waiting and she took the time to speak to the caretakers. Lancelot patrol the grounds for any signs of intruders, when he spied her walking by herself in the garden.

"My Queen, I thought you are in the inner Chamber with the caretakers." Lancelot asked of her when he walked up to her.

"I was but now I am going over to see the ponies. I gave them a pair last year so that they can have a stable full of it soon for the children to ride on." Guinevere walked towards the nearby stables, and when she reached there, she stopped at the doorway. Lancelot who was following behind her almost collided into her. He looked over her shoulder and saw the scene that stopped her. It was the ponies and the stud had mounted the mare. Guinevere had never seen one like these before, as she was raised a protected child, even to her marriage to Arthur; she kept her chastity intact. Now that her sexuality is opened, she had been feeling the need to know more. She looked on despite the knight that stood behind her and was transfixed by the sight.

Lancelot on seeing her looking, slowly moved himself back to a safer distance and kept a lookout for any who may come there. He was blushing in himself as he too had not seen such an act before, but he must keep his curiosity to himself. He felt more embarrassed seeing that he had been aroused by the scene and more so when its his Queen who is the voyeur.

"I think we should be leaving." Queen Guinevere walked past him in a huff and he had to adjust his waist belt to followed her in strides.

On their way back to the castle, both of them were in their own thoughts; one of wonderment of this scene, and the other what would it feel like to be the stud. But that was not the only scene we should focus on. There was another which Bran met an old acquaintance of his, Pierre from the Order.

"Hello, Pierre. We meet again." Bran greet his old friend and then they retired to speak at the nearby pavilion. Bran told him of their recent fortunes and now they served the King himself. Pierre asked of Bran' and he said he feels good. He confessed to Pierre that he finds the ritual taught to him by Pierre helped him to ease his concerns and pains.

"Pierre, I have a confession to make. Would you be able to hear me out?" Bran asked of him.

"Bran, I am not one who are capable, and you should looked up the parish or a priest at least." Pierre declined politely.

"Pierre, my confession are too ..... Hard for anyone to accept but maybe I have my faith in you to do so, that is why I come for you. It could be our fate to meet here today on this ground."

"So be it then. Tell me your sins and I would try to appeal to the Holy Ones for their forgiveness." Pierre reluctantly accepted the task.

"Pierre, to me its a not a sin, but a preference of mine. Let me tell you on my ....preference. I like man to the woman, and I am in their eyes; a woman." Bran confessed with a lowly tone as he admits to his sin. Both of them paused in their words as their thoughts works on those that was spoken. In Bran' was his hope that Pierre can see his preference and not condemned him to the Underworld with it. In the mind of Pierre, only words can expressed his thoughts.

"Bran, you have not sinned. You are a victim of public perception based on a set of conditions that they had set themselves. In the context of writings that even pre-date to the older years, the preference of one's desire have been well documented. It not sanctioned or prohibited by all but by some in their mind those pre-acceptance of the normal ways. But is there a normal way, when the desire shield the mind and your lust speaks for your body. Its the same when they do with a woman when their desire prevailed, do they speak with their mind or their lust. Man has been an animal of lust more so when they are in the throes of it. They would do anything; man, woman, or child, or even the living creatures among them. Sure is the level of our lust."

Pierre held out his hand to hold Bran's; and he continued, "You are a man too. But you find your role-play as a woman satiate your lust so that is nothing wrong. You did not force the act on another but they partake on willingly. So there is no wrong on it."

Bran looked at the hand holding his and he felt reassured. It was then Pierre reached for his carrying pouch and brought out a lash from it.

"This is my gift to you. When you are in pain, use it, and remember my words."

There was one other event that Lancelot was to find that his Queen had more needs of him. Since that riding incident, Guinevere asked of him to teach her more on how to ride like a man. She said she finds it more faster and she would one day race the others in some contest. Lancelot was not one to declined his Queen' wishes so he taught her well and hard at it.

Initially, it was hard to see her fall from her mount due to clumsy moves or just exhausted from the rides, but soon Lancelot find himself pleased with her riding skills. She galloped her horse like a man would and her horse respond well to her. It was one of these days, when he watched her do her galloping at the field, when he noticed another rider coming towards him. It was Lady Morgana, and she is astride her horse too like a man. She trot up to his and he acknowledged her presence.

"I see that your apprentice is doing well." Lady Morgana points to the Queen doing her galloping out there. "It would be good for her when she is in bed with my half brother. She would know how to hump to his movements."

"Pardon me, my Lady. I must be going." Lancelot excused himself on hearing such lewd remarks from her but she stopped him in his move.

"Surely, Lancelot; you are not offended by my words. I may be a lady but I am still a woman." Morgana taunt at him. "Although I am not a Queen to command who to get in between my legs."

That was clearly an insult to Lancelot as he had heard some rumors himself that the others think he is in an affair with Guinevere. He had defended his honor twice with some guards, but the words are still ringing in his ears.

"Lady Morgana, I can assure you that my relationship with my Queen..." Lancelot was interrupted by the lady.

"A matter between yourself and her. I am surprised that you would be offended to the idle words of mongers who just want to create a gossip among themselves. I have my faith in you, Lancelot. You would do all you can to protect the King and Queen."

Lady Morgana trot off to see to the Queen. They raced that day and Morgana lost by a long stride. She praised the knight that taught her well.

Later that day, Guinevere met Lancelot in the garden at Camelot after the hour of dusk. He was getting ready to retire to his chamber when he met the Queen sitting on a long bench at the garden. He walked up to her and bid his nightly greetings.

"Do sit down, Lancelot. I have words to asked of you." Guinevere spoke to Lancelot. He took his place on the bench at the other end, but she stopped him. "Its wet there, Here, sit closer. I won't bite at you."

So he did and he kept his hands to his lap. It was not intentionally, but it was precautionary. He could smell in her the scent of wine and she may had one too many. The Queen spoke of a few general issues and then she spoke out on the rumors. She heard them too and she thinks its malicious of the mongers to say such things. Immediately, Lancelot stood up and apologies if the rumors had alarmed the Queen.

"No, Lancelot. It did not. I am used to it. When I was younger, there was one that I am admiring my cousin, Maert when I actually dislike that slobbering fool. When I was to be betrothed to Arthur, there was one rumor that I was with his child." She paused at that. Then she continued. "It was all fake and meant to excite the others. We never did make love until..... That night after we were wedded. I was a virgin till then."

She looked down at her hands, and then she continued on.

"He was not, for that I am sure....." Lancelot cut in to avoid further discomfort.

"My Queen, its getting late. Perhaps you may want to retire to the castle."

"No, Lancelot. I want you to her me out." She glared at him. "No one listens to me. Not even Arthur himself. He only cares for himself and only himself...... Even at night."

"My Queen, it may not be appropriate for me to ...." Lancelot begged of her, and Guinevere stood up.

"Sir Lancelot, do you swear to serve me and only me?" The Queen Guinevere asked of him. Immediately Lancelot went on his knees and swore to her.

"I swear to server only you, my Queen. And ....only you." Lancelot spoke out. He did not why he did it but he already given his words.

"Sir Lancelot, I shall hold on your words for that." Queen Guinevere walked back to the castle without looking back. She did not hear him whispered to himself.

"My Queen, I swear and I duly do for I may had love you in my heart."

"The sins of lovers are that its never can be explained why and how it happened when it did. That is because the sins of lovers is also known as lust; one of the deadly seven sins of Man." Lancelot hear the words from Morgana as she still next to him in the private chambers of her's. He was invited to her chamber that evening on the pretext of discussing some matters regarding Merlin. Lancelot soon find himself in the company of Morgana dressed in a seductive low cut red silky sleeveless gown with a matching red ruby that holds the seams together at her bosom.

She did said, that if she wore this at the Hall, she would be ravaged by the others even before they had their drink of wine. Lancelot wanted to excused himself but she had insisted that he stayed. He had prepared a table full of dishes that she said would enhanced his appetite. She did start on a sober note on the issues that she would like Lancelot to attend to like some cases of missing stocks and of course the limping of a horse that belong to Arthur.

Lancelot protested that these are the matters under the purview of the Guards and his duty is to protect the castle from intruders. She then protested on the unfair treatment of herself by Merlin in the absence of Arthur. Lancelot offered to look into the matter with Merlin. Then she spoke on love affairs that was going on like she was into a gossip here.

It was then he finds his focus on the chamber was becoming hazy.

"My Lady, did you poisoned my wine?" Lancelot asked of her but she denied it. She claimed that the wine is a new one and may be too strong for him. She admit herself that she felt hazy too.

Lancelot pushed himself up and offered to excuse himself. Morgana tried to hold him back but he managed to make it to the door and opened it. There standing at the door was Merlin.

"Merlin, could you assist me please to my chamber. I think I drank one too many." Lancelot asked of the sorcerer. Merlin offered his shoulder but he did glare at the lady in red who had now slam the door shut. That sound rivet across the corridor to Queen Guinevere' chamber. She asked the lady in waiting to check on the cause.

"Its Lancelot, my Queen. He is unwell. Merlin is attending to him now." Guinevere dismissed her lady in waiting and then waited for a while before she went to the knight' chamber. He was laying on his bed still dressed in his tunic and leggings, with his sword still on his waist belt. She had seen that many times in Arthur, and she leaned down to remove his belt. It was then she had a peek at his manhood outlined on the leggings.

Guinevere was curious yet afraid, as the only other person she had seen was Arthur's. She looked around her and could see no one was there, but the two of them. She reached out to touch it gently and then moved her finger over the length. He stirred in his sleep and the legging appeared to be tighten. She took up her finger and gasped at the increase in the bump that was there. It began to tent up on the legging and she felt embarrassed. She took her leave of him then in a hurry.

Unknown to her, there was another in the chamber. It was Bran who was in the corner; he came in after Merlin left Lancelot here. Bran was attending to his Sire and he went to behind a screen to retrieve his strewn clothes when the Queen came in. Bran hid there for fear or curiosity to see what does the Queen wants to do here.

Now he steps up and walked over to the bedding. He can see Lancelot still lying there, and he also noticed the tented legging. Bran reached down and pulled at the leggings as to had it changed for a fresh one, but then he stopped when he saw the upright part. He remember seeing the Queen having touched it so he did the same. It was wet to his touch and he could not help but marvel at it. He then placed his fingers around it and stroked it like what he saw some of the lads did in the sleeping quarters. He finds Lancelot have squirmed but he is not waking up as Bran continued his ministration.

"My Queen, please ....... Don't..... " Lancelot in his sleep had reached down with his hand over Bran's to continue the strokes. His body went taut and then he released all of his energy to the strokes. Bran slowly pulled his hand off Lancelot and then wiped it against the legging cloth.

So he desires the Queen. That was on Bran' thought and he did not feel disappointed but was glad that his Sire desires a woman like the Queen. This would be his secret to keep for his Sire.

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