Friday, October 26, 2012

Lancelot Part 10

Sorry, I miss this one out in the its now.

The Stranger within us.

It has been over two days now since they left the monks, yet Bran does not ride with his companion but behind him. During their rest, the squire prepares the food and then withdraws to a corner of his own. Nor did Lancelot called on him but remain as silent in himself. It was on the third day when they were challenged by a knight from across the sea, did Lancelot speak to Bran.

"Please have for me my Black Armor. I want to show this arrogant knight of afar how we fight in this land of ours." Lancelot dismounted from his horse and then removed his waist belt. He then raised his arms up wide for his squire to dressed him, but he finds it this time rather awkward as he stood there. Bran however was all duty as he placed the armor piece over his Sire's head, and then proceed to laced the side of it.

"Bran, tell me how should I fight this knight? He looks so arrogant on that stead of his." Lancelot tried to strike a conversation with his squire.

"Bran? I asked you a question?" Lancelot spoke up again when Bran did not reply but was bust lacing up his armor leggings.

"Pardon me, Sire. I was below your voice, and heard nothing. Please asked me again." Bran apologies for his non-reply but Lancelot was beyond asking anymore. He was more upset at the squire and also at the knight who is trotting his horse around. He then felt the tightening of the lace at his shin and he asked that Bran loosen it slightly. Other than that, he did not speak at anymore.

He even declined Bran's assistance in mounting his horse, and then took up the lance given by Bran later.

"I want to use the other one. I need to test that one." Lancelot had acquired a new lance and he would like to use it today. He has been using the same lance given to him by Edward some season back. This new one is of darker shade and matched his armor.

Bran did not questioned him on the choice but prayed that he does know what he is doing today.

Bran's prayer could had not come more true that today. Lancelot lost his first round of joust to the other knight.

"Dark one, feel free to picked up your lance. We can joust again and try your luck.

Lancelot rode back to his squire and asked for his trusty lance. He then rode out and met the knight, and this time he won the joust.

"We are even, and perhaps to mae it more challenging, shall we fight with swords?" Lancelot asked of the other knight.

"I have no sword, but a trusted mace of mine." The knight declared his weapon of choice and Lancelot approves of it. The mace is a deadly weapon as its attached to a chain that extend its reaches to almost twice that of the sword. Both knights dismounted and walked to the middle of the clearing to fight.

"Dark knight, what is your name, as should I have you killed, it would be my honor to buried you." The other knight told Lancelot. "My name is San Juan of Spain."

"I have no name and never needed one. Many have called me the Black Knight and only you have renamed it the Dark Knight. I am still honored by your naming as it would be a dark day for you when I defeat you." Lancelot was still upset at the other that he had to insult him with those remarks.

"Bah! I heard many insults in my battles, but yours ranked not among them, but with the wenches that bends over for a few thrust." San Juan retorts back in irritation on this manner which he was replied.

Those last words took Lancelot's patience as he charged at the other knight. He fights with ferocity of an untamed lion, and yet he moves with such clumsiness of a hyena hound. He paid for it when San Juan managed to hit his chest plate with the swinging mace.

"A fatal blow if not for your thicker hide.' San Juan laughed at him, and Lancelot was charging again; this time with every deadly intent. His thrust was blocked but it did drew blood when it cut at San Juan's right forearm in between the pieces.

"You drew on my blood and for that I would take your head as payment." San Juan lunged himself with the mace swinging over his head. But in his arrogance, he forgot to cover his rear when Lancelot stepped aside to let him pushed through before Lancelot's blade changed its swing to come in more directly towards San Juan' head cover.

The impact knocked the knight down and he later find himself looking up to a sword at his throat.

"I yield, Sir Knight." The knight declared his defeat to Lancelot. Lancelot instead of offering his hand to the knight, walked away without a glance. It was Bran who came forth to help the knight up.

"Thank you." San Juan said to Bran. "I wished your Sire would be more kind in his manner."

Lancelot heard the remark but he chose to ignore it. He walked back to his horse and then reached to unlaced the armor. He find difficulty in unlacing it and it was when Bran arrived to assist him before he ease on his anger. He did not speak to Bran on his behaviour as he mount his horse. He trot off without a word to his squire who was left packing up his armor to catch up.

Later at the nearby tavern, he took on to his own room while Bran was given the stable to rest. He sat there by himself, helping himself to a plate of cheese and bread. His thoughts was on his earlier bout and he felt bad on his behaviour. He wanted to apologize to Bran but he could find the urge to move. His thoughts was interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Come in." Lancelot called out. A young lady came in bearing a small pail and washing cloth.

"Its water for your body wipe, Sire." She announced to him. She is a young lady of his height and built on the slim side, as there was little to be marveled at on the chest, but she carries a heavier bottom. The lady looked around and could not find the squire which usually accompany the knight.

"Your squire is not here, and perhaps if you want, I can washed your weary feet." She offered to Lancelot, and stood there holding the pail. Lancelot felt his muscles called out for it and he nodded. She took the consent heartily as she placed the pail at his feet and reached for his boots. She pulled at them and then soaked his feet in the warm water. She slowly then used the cloth to wipe in between the soles and then the toes. The water soon become murky and she offered to have it changed.

She left for a new pail of water while he lounged on the seat relaxing his body. His mind then reached back to his memories and he thought of Bernice again. He raised his right hand over his forehead to ease the pain that is throbbing there as his mind fleeting through. He was jolted from his dream when he felt his feet once again immersed in the water.

"Did I wake you, Sire?" The lady asked of him. He opened his eyes to looked at her and smiled. It was then he looked into her eyes and notice them to be hazel in shades. His own is sky blue and he felt intrigue by hers now. He then looked down at her rubbing his feet and could not resist his gaze at her exposed cleavage from his view. Its not that he can see much but what he saw was making him uneasy in his seat. He reached down for his tunic edge and pulled it down over his upper thigh. He held his hands there to hide his modesty while she keep on rubbing his toes.

Lancelot took a deep breath and looked away to across the room. Its not a large room so there was only the bedding which was the size able item here. When he looked at it, he would find his thoughts getting lewd in images, so he looked up to the ceiling. He smiled as he saw the silky hose hanging up there on one of the cross beams. It must been a ravaging act to have even that strewn up there, as he thought to himself.

Lancelot then felt his leggings end pulled up and he looked down at her.

"I can washed your knees if you want to, Sire." Lancelot nodded to her request. This time he watched as she washed his knees and then then shin, without a doubt his eyes was fixated on her exposed cleavage. He can catch glimpse of her darker puffed up ends, and that excited him all the more.

"Sire, I would leave now." The lady got up and holding the pail to leave the room but Lancelot stopped her. He reached out for her elbow and pulled at her.

"Please....don't leave." He asked of her. "I meant.....please ... I need the pail for more washing." He stammered his words. She offered to change the water but he insist its okay with that pail. For some unstated reason, Lancelot took to removed his tunic and reached for the washing cloth. He stood there only in his legging and wipe himself down. She reached for the wash cloth and offered to wipe his back. He let her do just that, and then she leaned over to whispered to him.

"If I can have some coins to feed my children, I would be pleased to serve you more, Sire." The lady whispered to his ears. Lancelot stood there momentarily and then he nodded. He walked over to the saddle pouch and removed his coin bag. He took a few of the silver ones and left it on the table before looking at her. It would buy more than a night at the tavern and he did not care anyway.

She saw the coins and she reached for her shoulder strap to lower her work dress. She let it slide down to reveal her slim looks but she placed her hands to hide her modesty. He walked over to her and remove her hand to placed them on him. He made her rub her hands there as he reached for her puffed up nipples. She pulled at the leggings and then lowered it down further. She had stooped down when she was doing it when he stopped her.

"Can you wash me?" He asked of her which she nodded. She took the cloth and wiped him with it. Then unexpected by him, she reached him into her mouth and swivel her tongue over him. He reacted with surprise and then with pleasure at the move, but soon his hands was at the back of her head holding her for his thrusting.

Lancelot woke up to an empty bedding but his coin pouch remains saved for those coins he left at the table. He laid back on the bedding and tried to reflect on the event but all he could remember was the licking and kissing before he explode on release not once but twice. She was an exceptional lover and he enjoyed himself. He got up to dress and saw Bran in the room packing his clothes.

"When did you come in?" Lancelot asked of her.

"Just now, Sire. She had left when I came in." Bran replied to him without looking at him. Lancelot did not say anything else to Bra but got up to find his clothes. He saw them on the flooring and reached for it.

"Perhaps you can wear these while I washed those." Bran offered him a clean set and he reluctantly accept. He gor dressed with his back to Bran, and then excused himself out. Bran did not say anything but work on his packing. He picked up the leggings and smell at it. It would need to be washed, he said to himself.

That evening, Lancelot met an old acquittance, Lionel with his brother Bors. He walked up to the two knights and introduced himself. Lionel was casual in his words but Bors was more than happier to see another knight who knew his brother.

"Lionel and myself have been serving King Arthur for sometime now. We are traveling to seek more adventures and of course more friends." Bors told his newly found cousin. "King Arthur also promised to recover our land for us. Would you be kind for us to do the same?"

"Help you recover your land? Sure, call on me anytime." Lancelot replied to Bors but his mind was on Lionel who was so causal in him meeting them again. If he fears I speak on the mines, then his concern is unnecessary. Nevertheless , Lionel decide to cut short the visit and departed with his brother.

Maybe we are all strangers in this land when we do not want to meet. More so in the public area. He was also surprised that Lionel did not asked of Bran.

Maybe they have become strangers after all.

Just like when he was seen as the Black Knight, he is a stranger to many who may had seen him as Lancelot before. He does not care as long as the battles continued on and he wins them all. But now he felt that his calling is to join the elites with King Arthur.

He stopped the tavern owner to tell his squire that they would leave at dawn. The owner looked at Lancelot and wondered why does not he do it himself as his squire is not a stranger to him. But the placement of the coin on his palm did not raised anymore argument.

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