Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lancelot Part 14

The Queen and her Knight.

Arthur returned victorious from his war, and he see to it that all who had served him would be rewarded. His first reward was to his Queen with the treasures that he had gathered, and she was to be received his pent up loads inside of him. He said to her, that he is sure this time, she would borne him a heir and that would complete their union. Once he had done his lover commitment, Arthur was at his Round Table with his knights. Every one had a share of his loot and  soon he was ears to listen to them on their news. As soon as the King opened up, Lancelot raised the issue of his father's land. He asked for Arthur to lend him an army to re-take back his land from the pretender to that land. Arthur in his joyous mood, assigned a column of army to Lancelot. The battle was successful and Lancelot reclaimed his father's land while King Claudas was killed.

That also took Lancelot away from Camelot and he was happy at that. Since he reclaimed his rights, he was also hounded by many well wishers and Kings' who felt that Lancelot is a worthy ally if not potential lover for their daughters. One of them was King Fisher' daughter, Elaine of Corbenic; a fair lady with an eye for the man she loved must be gallant and famous. She was always in the company of Morgana, as flocks of man comes to worship Morgana although she flirt with some and denied the other of her attention. Elaine was not one to pick the leftovers or discarded, but she favors the rivalry with Morgana. That was how they became good friends.

"Lady Morgana, tell me about this Lancelot. I hear he is ...jousting with the Queen. Does the King knows?" Elaine was sitting with Morgana at the private corner of the castle of King Fisher. She invited Morgana over once she heard that Lancelot is now a master of vast lands.

"A rumor, my dear. One that was fanned by someone, picked up by anyone, and everyone now hears it, but no one would owned up on it." Lady Morgana looked at the younger lady. "Have you seen Lancelot?"

"No, I have not." Elaine lied as her father just visited Lancelot with her in tow. "Not up close anyway."

They both laughed but Morgana taunt her.

"You are like the dove to his hawkish feature. How else can he had noticed of you?" Morgan said to Elaine. "Lancelot is the finest among the finest. He won many battles and was never defeated."

"But I hear he does not mixed well with the ladies.....he may be....uh, you know.... " Morgana smiled at Elaine. "However he does have a long one. Like a horse."

They laughed at their snide remarks but then Elaine was intrigued by this knight. She met him casually then as she was dragged by her father when she was to be visited by another Lord Brannigan whom she had flirted on several occasions. The last was only last week at the creek when he wanted to take on her modesty but she playfully refused him initially on the reason that she prefer it intact for her wedding. He had been insistent and she had kicked him in the groin. That day, he was coming back to grovel at her feet again but her father had to chaperoned her to see the new Lord of Benwick. Her first glance was that he looked old, and he is as the years that separate them was almost five then. He does have the looks of a Lord with his tall frame and frame muscular body, but then again, he talks naught of love but of battles and foes. Such a bore, she said to herself. But now with Lady Morgana expressing that he is a fine catch and the possibility that he could be preferring the Queen, makes her more determined to know him.

"Elaine, how about you come over to Camelot this weekend? I am arranging a feast for the safe return of Arthur and you can meet Lancelot there." Lady Morgana expressed her invitation to Elaine.

"Wouldn't the Queen be upset if she sees me with him? After all, she is in love with him." Elaine mocked back to her friend.

"You vile creature, how can you be compared to the Queen? She is not as pure as you are. And if I guessed right, Lancelot may also be pure too in there too."

"You meant he has not done to a lady before....." They both laughed.

"May I present Lady Elaine of Corbenic." Morgana introduced her friend to Lancelot during the feast. He was standing there all alone when the two ladies approached him. Elaine did a low curtsy in her silvery yellow off shoulder gown. She is beautiful in that gown which accentuate all her finer curves and roundness to the delight of many who stood afar to see her.

"We met before, my Lady. Your father was in my estate the other week." Lancelot gracefully accepted her bow, and offered her his hand. "Today, you made me regret not having spend time talking to you then. My sincere apologies."

"I am pleased to meet you again, Sir Lancelot. Please do not apologies as that day, my father was most keen to speak to you. He did not even allowed me to interrupt as he knows your time is very precious and there are few occasions for him to see you. I am his daughter and I understand his needs and urgency."

"Then be it, I shall devote my time to you tonight." Lancelot took up the hands of the young lady and offered her a dance. He excused himself from Morgana and took to the dance floor with his new companion.

"Lady Morgana, I can see that you have created a new gossip for the ladies. Surely, Lancelot is too old for her." Merlin who slipped up to the lady and whispered in her ears.

"I care for my half brother and does want to see him disappointed in knowing that his Queen may not be sharing only his bedding." Morgana whispered back to Merlin. He was taken aback, and then he smiled.

"I think your plan could be working. She is upset from the looks of here." Merlin motioned to Morgana to look at the Queen who is sitting next to the King and holding her goblet of wine at her lips while her eyes are on the couple at the dance floor. She stared at them as they strut their moves, and then she looked at Arthur who is so busy with his wine and swapping battle tales with his knights. He cares not to asked even his love for a dance. She then looked at Merlin who is whispering at Morgana; most likely on her or Arthur. Merlin had never liked her and even once protested against their union as he felt she was not to his requirement.

The more she thinks of her love or her failure at it, was causing her the anger. She called on more wine to be served to her as she tried to watch the other people in the Hall but her eyes keep on coming back to Lancelot. Now he is taking the young lady to the open yard and possibility the garden. She excused herself and went up the flooring to her chamber which over looked the garden. She walked out the wall opening and looked for the couple should they be there. They were at the daffodils bed, and have a good chat.

Lancelot was asked by Elaine to take a walk outside as she felt the air in the Hall too much for her. He obliged as he felt it was a good opportunity to get away from Guinevere. He has been catching glances of her as she sat there by like a proper Queen, and waiting on her King. He wanted so much to walked up to her but he had to hold himself back as he fears the rumors would come more vividly if he does that. He has been avoiding her since Arthur's return going on his own battles but he finds his lonely time are on the her in her image that night when he saw her stepped outside of Arthur's chamber. He knows she belongs to Arthur but yet she is so lonely and in need of love.

"Lancelot? Are you with me?" Elaine asked of him as they stood at the garden.

"Yes, Elaine. I was admiring the flowers. What are they called?" Lancelot tried to create a subject so they can talk. He has been doing it from wine to her gown, with each subject only to last a sentence or a few questions.

"Daffodils; its the flower of honesty. One of them signify truth in the bloom. Are you an honest man, Lancelot?" Elaine asked of him.

"Me? Honest? Yes, I am." Lancelot stammered back. He was rather taken aback by her question.

"Then tell me the truth. Why are you without a lady love?" That question caused Lancelot to blush but he paused to think of an answer.

"Who said I am not? I am in love with a lady, but she does not know it as yet. Or maybe she knows but she won't tell."

"May I know who that lucky lady may be?" Elaine asked back keenly.

"Oh, its you, my Lady. I am in love with you." Lancelot mocked at her as he thought she was just pulling a fast one on him. He leaned over to give her a kiss on her cheek. Elaine blushed at the gesture and pulled at his hand to return back to the Hall.

Guinevere saw the kiss and then the hands pulling of Lancelot back to the Hall. She sighed as she relented inside her, that she is fated to live her life in misery with a man who does not know love but battle. Speaking of which, that man has just walked in to her chamber. He is drunk and looked uncomfortable to her. She knows his mood now but she is just not in sync.

"Guinevere, did you enjoyed yourself?" He walked up to her and embraced her smelling of meat and wine on him. He kissed her on the lips and rubbed his hands on her back.

"I am telling you the tales of conquest makes me a very bad man." He laughed at his own joke. "How bad am I? I would show you."

Arthur reached down and drew down the front of his legging. He shove his pelvis forth at her. She pushed him away as she was not in the mood for his joust at this time but he was beyond the grounds of saying no. He pushed back to the bedding and topple her over on it. He reached for the hem of her gown and pulled them up before he climbed onto her. He pushed and pulled until he had his way. She just lie there with her hands covering her mouth from the discomfort she is having.

Suddenly, he rolled over and sat up.

"What's wrong with you, woman?" Arthur shouted out. "Am I not good enough for you? You are dry as a wash stone on a sunny day. And more to it, you smelled like rotten fish."

Guinevere got up and smoothen her gown before she apologies.

"I am unwell, my Lord. Please forgive me." She reached out to him with her hand but he brushed her off.

"Since our wedding, have I not served you? But what have I got; nothing for me to hold and declare as my heir." Arthur glared at her. "Are you barren in the womb? Or am I not doing it right?"

He did not wait for her reply. He just put on his legging and left the chamber. Guinevere saw him leave and she dropped back on her bed crying her tears. She felt so hurt in her heart and also in her body, that he had rejected her. She had tried to hard and yet he felt no sympathy to her needs. Her mind then move to the one person she felt could had offered her that but he is with another lady now. Guinevere placed her hand on her breast and pressed down hard on it. She wants to hear the beat of her own heart as someone would had if he had loved her to be listen to it.

"Lancelot...."She spoke out in the soft tone. "Why can't you be mine? Where is my gallant knight when his Queen needs him?"

There was no reply as she let her tears flowed. There would be no answer from her heart but she can get that answer if she had a change of her heart.

Elaine asked the servant to place Lancelot on the bedding in the spare bedroom at Camelot. They are trusted servants of Morgana and their discretion can be arranged. Once they have left the chamber, she latched the door, and walked to the bedding where Lancelot lay asleep. She stood there to stared at him although this is not her first time, she is in a chamber with a man but this time, its her in the command. She had resisted advances from others before when they thought that she can be easily swayed by their charms or looks, but she fought hard and loud to denounce her amorous admirers. Once, one of them was forced to fight her father's champion for her honor, and he was mortally wounded in the bout but he still declared his desire for her.

She smiled at herself that why would so many would want her and yet she declined them. She saw a polished metal plate nearby which reflect her image. She there a young woman not of beauty but of the desirable nature; many would had said she is vixen to be bedded. She laughed at her own vile thoughts and then looked back to the one man she had actually found desire. It was not before but this evening as they danced and speak, she felt her heart flutter every time he looks at her.

But why? He is older than her, and above it all, he desires another; a Queen which is above her in the social ranking. She is just a noble man' daughter, or one that can be considered a simple girl compared to the other well endowed ladies with rubies that garlanded on their neck.

"Elaine....Elaine....you are humbling yourself." She said to herself. He is the greatest and even the Queen could not get him for he is beyond her reach, but maybe not for me. Maybe he needs a bait to hold his attention.

He is desirable; a gallant knight and wonderful gentleman. His hands were at their rightful places during our dance, and yet he held out the glass for me first.

She stared at him again; looking at the man breathing in deep and loud. Then he moved in his sleep ever slightly and mumbled some words she could not hear. She thinks he may need to wipe off his sweat, so she took to leaned on the bed and dab at his head with her long wide sleeves of the gown. He reached up and grabbed her hand.

"Guinevere, do not leave me. ..........I know I been away but I .....can't bear to see with him. He does not....." Lancelot mumbled in his dream. "love you like I do."

In his dream, he was lying next to Guinevere at the creek hidden from the any passerby, and he had held her right hand to confess his feelings. He leaned over as he pulled her up to be kissed on the lips. He did not just kissed her, but he opened his mouth to used his tongue to rolled over her lips. She responded back and their tongues were in contact.

Elaine tried to pulled away from the hold that Lancelot had grabbed on her, but she find herself more engaging to the kiss on her lips. She wanted to tell him to stop but when she opened her mouth, he had invaded her with his tongue. She gave up on her resistance and forced her lips onto his. Then she felt herself being pushed over and he was over her. His lips are over her mouth and then at her cheeks before it was sealed at her eyes. She dare not open her eyes for she fear she would scream or run in fright. Part of her tells her to maintain her sanity; her virtue; and also above all, this man does not love her. But part of her, is reckless to commit the one thing she had save in her; to him and only him I shall devote.

"Urghh!" She moaned out as his lips have trailed down to her lower neck. He has been gentle and yet rough on certain areas; nibbling at her earlobes, and now nudging deep into her upper bosom. She reached with her hands to pulled him but she find herself holding him down more. She arched her back to received his lips while her hands went up to grabbed his head. She felt him getting more adventurous; she smiled at her own thoughts, but not for long.

Lancelot laid a trail of his kisses to her bosom and now he finds it restraint by the gown. He does not know why, but he wanted to go beyond. In his drunken state, he knows not of any code or boundaries of his action, as he reached for her shoulder sleeves to pulled it down. He dragged it down to her elbow to free her bosom of the restraint. He laid his lips on her protruded teats and suckle on them like a baby on the mother. He pulled as he suckle and then he enveloped it with the width of his mouth.

"Oh....." But no, he should not be doing that. She wants him to stop but yet she can't. She grabbed hold of him and she can feel herself surrendering to him. She can feel his legs getting in between hers as she let it spread out like the butterfly wings on its flight. His legs are pushing and pulling above him causing her gown to be raised to her knees. She know what she wants now as she raised up her knees to let the hem dropped further down. She cares not for the improper looks she may be seen now, but she just wants him.

Lancelot while his lips were attached to the bosom, he finds his hands groping lower and then he was rustling at the layers of cloth that covers her there. He managed to dig in and then he felt her flesh on his fingertips. He let it trailed until he finds himself onto her nectar of love.

"No.... Yes....." She is in a state of confusion. No man have ever gone so far with her. Not even her lady in waiting are allowed to even touch her there. She once did on a lonely day, and she finds it very naughty but enjoyable. She kept at it and then she felt the sensation of elation in herself. She could not stop but to continue until she burst out in a form unknown to her. Since then, she had kept this incident to herself, but on some nights, she had re-visit those moments again. Like now, as she reached down with her hand to hold his hand there. It was then she felt something more warm on contact with her's. Its warm and yet its throbbing like the heart. It can't be, she told herself. She seen some, but that was when she was younger, and they looked so fragile. She smiled in her thoughts, and then she rubbed the back of her hand against it.

"Guinevere, I can't help it. Please forgive me."

Lancelot raised himself up and pulled at his leggings to his knees. He freed his manhood and climbed back on her. He knows not what but he wants to get in there. Its the finer sanctum of his lust, and he must have it today. For his love, for her, and to hell with Arthur. He thrusted in without any care, and he grunted on top of her. He pictured himself impaled on Guinevere as they both faced Arthur. He thrust and never was he without any care then but his own.

She gasped out loud on his thrust and then she felt his movements as they moved the virgin flesh inside to accommodate him. The initial pain was soon over and then the tender flesh inflamed with her bodily fluids invites his every movement inside of her. She feels now more of pleasure that she once felt when she was alone with her body.

Lancelot could not find more pleasure than the one which he is experiencing now. He find himself moving in unison to her and soon the most pleasant feeling came to him. He could feel it coming and he knows he cannot hold it back.

"I am there, my Queen....." He let it all out before he sank on top of her. She also lay there unmoving with her hands and legs still clasped around him. He knows not what but he must had felt asleep then.

"Morgana? How can this be?" Arthur jumped out of the bed. He noticed that he is nude, and more to that he is Morgana' chamber. He saw his tunic on the floor and grabbed at it. He put it on with his back to his half sister.

"Arthur? Good morning." Morgana called him from the bed. Arthur turned around to see her and was more shocked that she had sat up with the bedcovers covering only part of her. More to it, she was nude like him.

"Did we.....Oh, I am so sorry." Arthur apologies to his half sister. "Did I do the foul deed onto you? I deserved to die."

Arthur broke out in tears, but Morgana rushed over to console him. She held him in her arms with head at her bosom like when it was last night. He came barging in and screamed that she does not love him. Morgana was then about to retire to her bedding dressed in her slinky night dress. She walked up to her half brother who was still drunk and consoled him as siblings do. She held onto him as he complained of his lover and Queen. She kept on rubbing his back and then his head while soothing his anger. She could find that he had grown since she last held him when he was said to be Utter bastard son and then heir to the throne. She find herself now holding the one person she truly desired; the King himself. Not in person but in name. If he is the King, then I am the Queen. The night before was a whirlwind of feelings and soon she find him laying next to her asleep unaware of what he had done. Till now at this hour of the morning, Arthur finds it easier to run out without a word, leaving his half sister standing there smiling.

"You may run, my King but I have you in me now." Morgana speaks out as she place her hand on her womb. 

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