Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Some good reasons why we should had snooze after we had sex

Read below at your own risk. No, its not porn. Its life. More so for life after twenty years. Same sex partner but with up and downs in the No. darling, this is not for PG13. Its for parents only; so I guess the rank would be PP- Parents Patrons.

Okay, the blanket is up now. Shh......

"Is that it?" She had to asked as I rolled over.

"Uh-huh." I pulled up the blanket and turned over. "I thought you had it coming. Or didn't you? Don't tell me you are faking it again."

"Geez, even if I did; you wouldn't know the difference. You were and would always be the Gunnery Sargeant; good on the range but never did well on the combat zone." She gave out her exasperated sign. "Oaf! With you, I think Frankenstein has more life than you."

"Frankie a chug along train. He may be shooting blanks." I laughed at the comparison. "This one is a valued rotary cannon with an extended barrel. It fires millions by the end."

"Yup, and tasted like sour cream. Ever wondered why I kept the jar of marmalade there. Its called variation in taste. I liked you when you were dieting then." She had me on an organic diet and it darned near killed me. I could see where I peed.

"The organic stuff? Please, it almost killed me." I protested.

"Well, it gave us Ryan. He is a fine boy lad now." I now my Ryan; he is definitely an organic growth produce, all lanky and flat by the side profile. I wondered if he's got a stub on him let alone be considered a stud like me.

"Well, I heard you. You were moaning its there. So I putted the ball." I remarked back. "I know my golfing well. Played them eighteen holes very weekend. Got every one of those holes in on the par or at least a birdie."

"Well, on this green; you did last in the first hole; and for the record, the par was way below the mark. Never had reached it since last Christmas in '99 and then was because I read the Harlequin Romance book before we started. You could said you were saved by a few prelude chapters." Darned, she still has that book, and it ain't no romantic getaway. More like what Jimmy used to read and hides in the locker.

"Darling, if that is a Six Wood Stick then I am the sand pit. You ain't hitting it right. More than to it, you only played with me once over the second hole. That was cherished memory." Now that a swing below the par. I turned over and looked at her.

"Looked at me, Missy. Don't throw your misery on my golfing. I swore I heard you moaning and even my hearing aids off, I can picked up those decibels like the birds chirping in the woods." Then I heard it. "See I told you, I could hear you again. So move your hands up."

"Jon, my lover of twenty years. What you may had heard was Jimmy's speaker sounding out his latest pron flick." I tuned in my ears and darned it. She's right. Its Jimmy; hard of hearing and doing the 'willy wonka' over the TV set. I knew Jimmy and he is one single desperado in this field. If he is a cherry, then its probably needed to be dunked in vinegar for lasting looks.

"Darned him. He ought to get a head set or had his head banged." I regretted joining in with the guys to buy him that set. Delayed me buying two new golf balls.

"Well, it inspired you way ahead of your last record. Sure you got any left in that oil well of yours, Baron." She always smiting me on my Dallas ego.

"Well, darling Susan. Ma' pipes are closed today like the prairie dog hunting for a hole to dig on a granite surface. There is a safety valve there for a reason. We can't afford another kid at our age. Even if there were any reserves, with your demands and my limited supply, I doubt I could pump up anymore." I yawn and stretched my back.

I be darned that the spine hurts like its been twisted on the Inquisition Rack. It was never like this ten years ago.; I could had out dance even Elvis if we would compete on the pelvis number. Those old days were just like yesterday, if there was a need for a rodeo rider, I could had ridden the mare down to her knees then, but now I reckon even if a ass of a mule would to present itself now, I would be finding it hard to mount a ride.

"You called me an ass of a mule? Jonathan Blake." I am sure she can read my mind. "If I had an ass of a mule, you are the most pathetic donkey I have ever mated. I think maybe Jimmy yonder could be the long horn bull I been mooning for."

"Jimmy, my ass! Jimmy ain't got anything to maul an ass. He is a stub and we all know it in the club. He does not come out and takes a shower when we around." I am darned proud I took my bath regardless of who is in the shower room. "Even Margarita once said, she thought she found a fire stick on me."

"If Margarita saw a fire stick, she must had been mistaken your cigarette lighter for it. You got to hold it to keep the flame going or jack it more on the side. " The lady scorned is when told they have a mule ass.

"Well, fiddle stick, go and join the Master's series, while I settled for Jimmy across the hall. At least, he may appreciate an ass of mine to be mauled." She tossed herself over to her side, while I am left with a broken putter.

"I be damned if he gets to play on my greens." I gave up on the exchange and decided to lay back. Then it dawned on me.

"How come most times, you are the one laying back and I am doing the push ups. I would like to be the one laying back for once." That got her riled She turned over, and looked at me.

"For one, you could not spread it like mine or you suffered a cramp in your thighs. And the other, you told me your back ain't designed to hold my weight. If you recalled I was a forty five pounder with the handle bars. Now I am sixty eight heavy with a twin fuel tank on the front." She does slapped hard for a sixty eight heavy. I could had swore she was getting into S&M but right now I think I settled for a M&M instead.

"Jon, all the arguing, giving me a headache. Get the aspirin for me from the dresser." I know where her aspirins are; they are her safety net for a round of golfing. Funny, these are not in white but blue.

"Susan, did they get a new packing? These are blues." The reply was alarming.

"No, Dumbhead. The blue ones are for you. Its called Viagra. Looks like I have get a refund now. Sure did not work on you. Wasted my money and four hours of anxiety. I even missed Desperate Wives."

Well, I could wait another four hours. After all, the patron are entitle to a return performance or money refund. In this case, I am not not for refunds.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lancelot Part 20 - The Final Part

The conflict at the Round Table.

Arthur arrived a day later than scheduled to Camelot. He came back with news of his victory but instead he was to see not all his knights but only some at the Hall with grim expression. Sir Gawain was there to tell him of the news and he threw his goblet of wine at the wall.

"Hunt that man down!" Arthur shouted out his command. "Where are all my knights?"

"My King, some of them have decided to stay clear of this conflict. They do not want to step into battle against one of theirs of the Round Table. We have sworn an oath there to protect each other. But today, I stand with some of them who believed that we did not break the oath as Lancelot is no more of the Round Table. For that, he deserves no protection from us but is now viewed as our enemy."

"I am the King, I decided who sits on the Round Table. Lancelot does not have one anymore on this table. He has been removed by me as I was the one who offered him the seat." Arthur spoke out loud to all that was in the Hall. "I also command that he be hunted down and brought to me at this Hall."

Sir Gawain led the patrols to search for Lancelot, while Merlin searches for the Queen. He met Arthur at the chamber.

"She cannot be found, Arthur." Merlin told him. Merlin walked up to the younger man and hold him on his back.

"Let her go. She won't be a trouble to you."

Arthur pulled away from Merlin and walked to his bedding. He removed his tunic and stretched his back. Merlin came forth but he pushed the older man aside. He climbed in and pulled the covers over him. Merlin turned to leave when Morgana came in with her son in tow.

"Arthur.....oh, hello Merlin. Did I come in at a wrong time?" Morgana saw her half brother on the bedding and Merlin near him.

"Oh, please...I knew all along. Do you think that I was blind? I may be but I had other ways of knowing. I did not actually enjoyed the role of a bitch most times." Morgana pulled her son, Modred into the chamber. "Do you know its unnatural and there are nothing there to fill up my womb. And I be honest, my knees hurt besides there. How did you men managed for so long? That I have to admired."

":Morgana!" Merlin shouted out while Arthur sat up on his bedding.

"Close the matter for now, Merlin. I did not come for a hand holding session. I heard of Lancelot and Guinevere. I am here to counsel my half brother." Morgana looked at Merlin. "Which you failed in the recent times."

"Speak your mind, Morgana. I am tired." Arthur spoke out.

"I know where Guinevere is." Morgana replied to him. "You can catch up with her at the shores. Or if they catch a boat, then its across the channel."

"Merlin, prepare my horse. I would leave in a short while." Arthur jumped out of the bedding and reached for his tunic.

"Arthur, you can't leave like that. There is no one to stand in for your place." Morgana told Arthur. "Lancelot used to handle the role...."

"Lancelot is no more with us....I would find another replacement." Arthur replied.

"Look no more. Modred is your nephew and is a Utter Pendragon lineage He can stand in for you. No more outsiders to sit in our family throne." Morgan interject her son into the discussion. "He may one day be a King and he needs some experience that only you can offer."

Arthur looked at her with his disbelieving look and then he nodded.

"But only for the duration I am away." Arthur looked at Modred who just stood there. He shook his head and regretted his action already.

Three months, they pursue Lancelot and Guinevere across the channel and into the foreign lands. The eloping couple did not paused long at any places they took refuge. But this one they actually stayed for a while; its the castle of a Lord named Maurice who had wedded a notable lady by the name of Bernice. Lady Bernice have managed to convince her Lord to offer sanctuary to Lancelot. Lord Maurice was kind to anyone who was related Bernice, his bride of ten years difference and more he hates Arthur who defeated three of his best knight in the joust. He called in some other lords nearby to reinforced his castle and they rejected Arthur's request for the return of Guinevere.

The reply given by Lord Maurice speaks his mind; 'no man should hold back his love for the woman he loved'. He was referring to his own love when he shipped his love across the channel with guards in pursuit. He did tell his bride that it in his blood to live life on the edge.

Arthur laid siege to the castle but he was in a foreign land with limited resources. He soon find himself having to lift the siege when he heard that Modred is making permanent plans on the throne that belongs to Arthur. Arthur sailed back to his land and on landing, he found his knights all waiting for him.

"My King, we have assembled the army for you." Merlin bowed to him. Merlin who was imprisoned by Modred and rescued by some guards who are still loyal to Arthur. "Modred has amassed an army of his own and we may have a war within our land."

"I find that when I am away, some of my enemies plot my downfall and even seduced my Queen to elope. Now my nephew tries to usurp me from my throne. How long was I away? No longer than my previous campaign with the Saxons, and yet he tries it. He worked assisted by his mother, as I was advised. That tells me one thing; never leave your lady at home."

That drew laughter from the men, and he then added in seriously.

"I have enough of their dealings. I intend to end all it this time. I am not letting the ladies interrupt my life anymore. I am delivering them all to the underworld." With that, Arthur rode ahead. His army followed him behind; a column of five thousand of lancers, foot soldiers and supplies wagons.

Modred did not wait for his uncle and called on his own army; a four thousand strong army to march on meeting Arthur. Modred ran to his mother before he marched out.

"Mother, Arthur army is bigger than mine. I cannot fight him in a straight fight. His knights are there with him." Modred asked his mother in a cautious tone.

"I have made arrangement. We are in Camelot; there is a treasure chest which I had shipped out two days ago." Morgana walked up to her son and hugged him. "The coins would buy you a new column that would come to assist you.  Ride with faith, my son. I have yet to failed you."

The army met at a place named Camlann. It a sloping wide valley which may had been a crater or an extinct volcano. Both the army arrived a day apart but they had their staging area set. At the center of the valley is a cluster of low bushes, which some of it was starting to flower. Both the armies were massing up their numbers on their staging area.

The lancers taking the fore, while the foot soldiers followed behind. There was also the archers with their long bows whose Arthur raised the first volley towards Modred' army. The reply came as instantly from the other side. Then the lancers start their trots into a gallop with the knights in the lead. The foot soldiers followed suit with their paces sounding the ground which paled compared to the galloping horses.

The two sides clashed near the bushes with their horses trampling over the new blooms. Lancers crashing their horses into the knights or the other lancers. Then they would get up to locate their horses or draw on their lancers to fight. If they dropped their lances, then they would grab at their short swords but that is no matched for the long swords of the knights. Some may try to duck the swing and sneak in for a close thrust, or evade the swing and hoping some other would jump on the knight from behind. It does happened when the knight finds a sword at his throat from behind.

Then the foot soldiers arrive, and they create human shields to allow the lancers to regroup. They would formed into what was termed as "armored shields" which is actually the foot soldiers group together and placed their shields on the outside as a defense and holding their swords or spears to hold back any attack. They would charge in unison and ram at the lancers or the opposite shields.

Arthur was in the midst of the fight protected by his knights, and clearly out of danger. It was until he saw Modred and he charged out of the protection circle. He ran forth and confronted the nephew of his.

"Fight me, Modred. Be a man like what your mother wants you to be." Arthur called out his nephew. The army cleared a clearing for them to fight. Arthur charged at his nephew with his sword, which Modred blocked the move with his shield. Modred stepped back on the attack and encircled around without striking. He kept on taking Arthur's attack as he noticed Arthur is tired and wounded in some parts. Arthur paused in his attack and stared at Modred.

"So the young one wants to draw the older one to wither before he strikes. I seen them all, Modred." That was when Modred begin his attack on Arthur this time and he is making cuts into Arthur. Arthur fell back on his right knee on the last cut and stared at the young challenger through his visor. He pulled off his head piece and looked at Modred.

"Show me your face, Modred. Let me see your face when I kill you." Arthur shout at Modred. Modred took off his head piece and smiled at Arthur.

"That would be good. Now I can see how you would looked when I kill you. I can tell my mother of this. She would loved it." Modred gloat as he feel he can do this.

"No, your mother only loved her own self." Modred charged at Arthur but this time the older knight was ready for it. He blocked the downward swing from Modred with his shield and thrust his sword out at the left knee. Always bring them down first, then complete the kill. That was when Modred clutched his injured knee when Arthur stood up and swung the sword on Modred' neck.

It was over and Arthur collapsed on the battle field.

Across the sea, Guinevere woke up in a fright from her bedding. Lancelot was sitting across the chamber holding onto his sword laid across his lap. He saw Guinevere woke up and ran over to hold her.

"I had a dream. It was you in my dream. You were turning mad, and and there was a knight killing all those around you." Guinevere told him. "I think I need to get back to Camelot."

"Why Camelot?" Lancelot asked her.

"Because I think the knight is Arthur. And he needs me." Guinevere ran out of the chamber.

Lancelot looked at her departing the door, and he cried out in his eyes. She still loved him. Despite all the things I did and the sacrifice we went through, she still went back to him.

Who am I to her? A lover or a lover that only served her needs when needed.

Oh my Holy Ones, she never love me. She only used me. For her own.

He rushed out to find her but she had ridden off to the shores. He followed close but he lost her near Camelot. He could not go there so he went back to Castle Joyous. He found it empty and Elaine had joined Galahad at Castle Grail as the new King. Gawain had died in the battle with Modred, and some of the others felt that without Arthur, the Round Table has lost its significance.

"I heard that you are back. So I came here to wait for you," Lancelot did return to the ruined cottage where he met Merlin who was there. "I got a pheasant here."

Lancelot sat down at the small fire made by Merlin while watching the pheasant. He does feel hungry having been riding for sometime.

"Did you find Guinevere?" Merlin asked him. Lancelot shook his head. Merlin then laughed out loud and took the pheasant from the fire to passed to Lancelot. "This is one bird which would not fly anymore."

"As for Guinevere, she did come back to see Merlin, but he died before she arrived. She took a look at his body and then left." Merlin looked at Lancelot. "Did you really knew her? The woman who had led you by your nose."

The love that never was to end

"Queen Guinevere was a nobleman' daughter, but she had a strong characteristic which made her a stronger woman among them. She is no real beauty compared to many, but she was seen to be awed by those who laid their eyes on her. It could be her manners or something but each man has his own preference. There was one issue with her; due to her unique characteristic she gets drawn into situation."

"One that occurred more than once was her abduction by those who finds her irresistible. During the early years prior to your arrival, she was abducted not only by Meleagant but also by another named King Melwas. War was averted by the intervention of the Abbot who negotiated a peaceful return of Guinevere. But then Arthur had doubted that his love after having spent such a time with the other King, would remain as pure to him as before. He did not questioned her but on me, he seek the advice. I told him that I know naught of what happened there, but she appear unharmed or in any condition of being forced on."

"Forced on? Arthur questioned my statement. To Arthur, his love could had submitted herself willingly. But why does he think that way. He then told me that he learned from the courts of his Queen's father court, that Guinevere had always harbored glory of being with the best, and more so if he is a King. When she was young, she only talk to the boys who are able to fight for her. There was one named Meleagant, whom she favored then as his father is a King, and he may one day be King. He used to fight for her so called honor and she liked him."

"But when Arthur came to asked her hand, she moved towards Arthur on hearing of his fame. She lusted his power and the strength of the King she can hold onto. She needed to be the Queen of all and seen by all."

Merlin stopped in his talk. Then he continued.

"I advice Arthur to let her go, as she is not suited for his Queen. I warned him that she would be his downfall but he pushed me aside. Me who had searched him out for years and then served him with loyalty, and one that I even considered more than my King; he disregarded my advice. His words still stings in me; Merlin, you are just jealous that she may take your place beside me. Remember this, Merlin; she can bore me my heirs but never you. I cursed at him that day, that he would not be with one as long as he remain as King. He chased me out of his chamber for days. I was even banished from the castle during that period. He only came to see me to bless him on his union to Guinevere. He apologized to me, and asked for my forgiveness. I gave him that and for his sake, and for my love; I went back to Camelot with him."

"I loved Arthur so much that I am willing to be part of him than to be tore apart." Merlin placed his head into his hands. Lancelot reached over to touch him and he pushed the hand away. "Let me complete my tale for you."

"When you arrived, I saw an opportunity to split the two so I encourage Arthur to leave you here with her. I told him that only the other greatest can be entrusted with the task of guarding his Queen. He does not want to see her abducted again, and so he agreed. Once that was set, I got the help of Lady Morgana. She was to conduct the situation where Lancelot would meet with the Queen. She did more than that; she even placed charms on you, which made you desired her."

"No, you never knew. Lady Morgana is adept at that, and her works did well. It was a start but you developed your own that brought to run away with her. Lady Morgana is not someone you can asked from, and not expect to give back. She took her share from me, and she painfully extract what I knew of Arthur to her. She had planned her half brother's downfall when she was set aside for the throne. She could not get to Arthur first, but she used me. She burned my stake with her lust and drove the fire into her heart. She could feel what I did for Arthur. She knew more of him than anyone else. His fears, his preference and above all his love."

"She also knew that I was uncomfortable with the Queen, so she plotted with me to create the diversion with Lancelot. She saw the love growing and then she feared herself that Lancelot may topple her half brother and then become King himself. Guinevere would still be Queen, regardless of which King. It seems to be her destiny to always be Queen. So she enticed Elaine of Corbin to seduced Lancelot, but she did not planned on the seedling to be implanted so fast. Lancelot wedded Elaine, distracted him from Guinevere as what she thought, but she was wrong."

"I saw the secret rides you had with the Queen. I used to spied on both of you, but never near. I know of your love for her, and if you satiate her then Arthur would had no fear of her straying away. She is still Queen, and you are still his knight. It was a good arrangement until Arthur told me he had slept with Morgana. Modred could be his son. That tells me that Lady Morgana had won in this battle. She had created the rift in her half brother and his queen, placed another worthy knight to matched the King in skills, and now sow his son that he does not know. Morgana can claim the throne for herself if Arthur dies now."

“I told Arthur I would seek you out, not for the rumors but to seek you to redress yourself to Arthur's trust. I asked that you be placed on the Grail trail and hoping that you would earned that victory. But your son took the honor, nevertheless it should bring you back to Arthur' side."

"But I was wrong. The other knights was not in my consideration, and the explosive argument between you and Gawain unsealed the reunion. Gawain meant well as he is a fine knight and a gallant one. One who stood up for honor and respect to the King, as he should rightfully do so. Your argument and then subsequent elope, confirmed Arthur' view of his Queen betrayal. He regretted most that he trusted you despite the rumors which he ignore as envy by others, and yet you betrayed him too."

"He sought you not for Guinevere, but to re-take back his honor from you. The honor he has bestowed to you as his most trusted friend. One that he could even leave his love to be taken care of. You betrayed him there. But in him, he still loved Guinevere. That was why he return back to his land immediately."

"It was not because of the pretender to the throne; it was Lady Morgana saying that she would reveal all to the people of the land on Lancelot and Guinevere. He rushed back to protect her honor. He fought at Camlann for her. She knew of this, as I wrote to her on this. I also made her dream of Arthur."

"What did you write to her?"

"I told her that her King needs her. He is dying." Merlin replied to him.

"No matter what, and where, Guinevere is the Queen of Camelot and her rightful place is by Arthur' side. It was my undoing to make her leave him. Its my undoing that she thought she could be Queen with you. But she ended up taking refuge at places which are stranger to her. She was no more the Queen, but a runaway woman from her rightful husband. You could never offered her that she wanted all her life; the role of a Queen."

"Why did she not stay then? Even if Arthur is dead, she could still be Queen." Lancelot told Merlin.

"There would be no Queen unless there is a King. And for her, he is dead. She cannot find another even if she tried. Her name had spread the kingdom and to other lands. She cannot be a Queen anymore. So she left us for another Kingdom; her own where she is still Queen in name. People would come and bowed her in the role not by namesake but by a token of respect."

"Where is she, Merlin?" Lancelot pleaded with the sorcerer.

"She has gone beyond the waters to the land where name is not whispered. She had joined the assemble to serve the faith and in return the people would come to her for respect. She is a nun of the order, and she had taken the vow to forget her desires of a lady. Before she left, she asked me to forgive her and forget her. Guinevere died that day with Arthur as the Queen should be with her King."

"No, I shall find her. Even it would to take me to the Underworld to find her. I loved her and these years have the best for me. Why did she leave me so when have so much now?" Lancelot stood up and looked to the skies. "You are the one who kept us in the wrong cages, so that we can feel and touch and yet not be together. Well, as I have bested the challenges offered to me, I would best you in this challenge. I would reclaimed back my Guinevere."

Lancelot took up his horse and rode off to search for Guinevere, while Merlin slowly got up and looked at figure hidden at the dark corner.

"Come forth, Bran. Your Sire needs your attention once again. You are his squire and so be one once again, for his sake. Shelter him and care for him as you were when you had you as his squire."

"Yes, Master Merlin." Bran took up his horse and mount it. Then Merlin spoke to him again.

"Bran, there is no more Guinevere now. So you can come out of the shadows and be with him. He needs you now."

Bran nodded and galloped off. He had been doing his task as the squire, ever vigilant all these years although his Sire forbids him to come along. He did at a fair distance and slept under the stars to await him most times. He knows what was happening, but he did not speak a word of it to any other. He only kept his eyes open and his mouth shut so that none may know of his Sire and the Queen. When they ran to the foreign lands, it was he who tagged behind to ensure that they are well. He never once left his Sire unlike her.

Over the remaining years of Lancelot, Bran saw how a gallant knight became a weakened wreck of his former self, drunk most times and getting tossed out from the taverns. When he was set on by ruffians or angry villagers, it was Bran who came to the rescue with his sword or to cover the weakened man with his body.

This morning, he is kneeling before his Sire as he laid on the haystack of this abandoned barn; near to death from the ravaging disease that taken its toll on his body. Lancelot struggled to speak but his voice could not carry it out. Then it did for his last words.

"She was my Queen for a period of time, and I am proud to serve her....."

Lancelot died that morning after having failed to search his love. Bran took his body back to Castle Joyous although it may be devoid of life, it was the one place he found joy. On the way to the castle, they passed by the tomb that lies the King. On the wall was written the words, 'his Queen now lies next to him'. Bran smiled knowing the Lady Guinevere has finally found her wishes to come true; she had lived and died as a Queen. He looked back at his Sire' body and smiled.

"Sire, she is back to her rightful place, and you are going to yours. You may not be King but you would serve this Queen for eternity. For honor and love."

Take care during the storm

Hi all
I just read the online news about the storm. They named her Sandy, I think. Well, Sandy is a bad girl. My prayers to all you who are affected. Be brave and take care. We all believe that the storm would come and go; and all of you would pull it through.
On our side of the world, we are getting the downpours too; on a daily basis it would come. I swore if I had finished off my last shampoo splashed on the car. Yup, that's the only way to wash a car; let God do the scrubbing.
Dinna worry, I got my subsmersible in place. It won't dive but it would float with the amount of fats I got on my waist.
I would had danced in the rain, but my good Doctor advised against it. He said they do not treat lunatics who run in the storm. I guess I would stay on the sanity side. It was getting crowded on that end anyway. Sure did not want to create another Titanic in the 21st Century. 
Darned! My good doctor is man of his profession; health above wealth. I would buy him the slice of cheese cake when the water level subsided. Don't worry, his clinic would surfaced soon after the water receded. Don't calibrate your GPS; its working.  
One last word; you can't understand me? Try to clear the water logged tracks in the brain. Its probably corroded by now. Mine's okay; did the lobotomy last month; it went right through ....pardon me, somethings are best kept within the doctor's records. Thank God, they write as bad as they did then in Medical School.
'Yup, God. Time limit'.I hear you loud and clear. Gotta go now. They sure don't give you much chance in the asylum to stay insane. 
But serously, I thought in moments like these, we need to have some laughter and looked for the silver lining. My heart and prayer to all of you in New Jersey. Take care and loved you.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lancelot Part 19

The Grail shall reveal

Sir Percival held up his horse to wait for Lancelot to catch up. Lancelot brought along his son, Galahad in this quest given to them by the King. Sir Bors also volunteered to followed on the task. Sir Percival is a tall man with a muscular frame and over the years he had fought many battles for the King. Twice he almost lost his life, he still pursue the challenges given but not on loyalty but on his love for the heroic acts.

"Sir Lancelot, please tell the rest that we would rest here." They are at a clearing in the woods and it has been days since they had started on their task. Lancelot sat down with Percival to rest when he asked the pertinent question in his mind.

"Tell me, Percival; is it true that you once saw the Grail?" Lancelot heard of the tale spoken at the Castle. Percival looked to him and smiled.

"I did but I was blind to to it." Percival told his tale to Lancelot.

It was soon after that he became a knight and found love that he wanted to made the journey home to his mother. Percival was raise by his mother all by herself in the deep woods. It was said that his mother was jilted by her lover, the father of Percival. She ran to the deep woods and made a secluded life there for herself and her son. It was many years later when Percival saw some knights near his home that prompted him to emulate them. He left his broken hearted mother for the challenges of the knights life. He trained well and became known as the Red Knight. Soon he found his love and he wanted to tell his mother of the news but instead he found what was to be known as the Grail Castle.

He seek shelter there with the host, King Grail. The lord of the castle greeted him as he reached the Hall. He saw his host was in pain and limping on his feet but Percival on courteous manner did not asked why. The host offered him a feast on his coming and it was a grand one. It was during the feast, he saw the most unusual sight. It was a young girl with a bowl that glowed with an unique light. The lad was followed by another holding a lance with a drop of blood on its end hanging there but not dropping off.

Percival again did not asked of the scene he just witnessed, and then he finds the feast was called to an end. He found himself escorted to his chamber where he rested. At dawn, he woke up to find himself sleeping on a bed of straws and in a ruined castle. He ran out of the castle and found his horse. He rode off in haste and never looked back. Till today, he cannot recalled where the castle lies. He did meet a old lady on the path and he stopped to asked her of his whereabouts.

"Percival, you are blind to the greatest gift that one is allowed to see. The Grail at your sight and yet you did not wished it well. Your failure to asked caused you to lose the sight forever. She would also not see you in your glamour." The old lady disappeared into the woods.

Percival never got to see his mother as she had died long time before his return, and he could never find the castle again. But it brought him fame as the Red Knight which soon attract the attention of Arthur. It was how he joined the Round Table.

Now his task was given again. A task he failed many years ago and it looked like heading that way too.

"The scene you said, maybe one I may had seen. Its one that my love, Elaine' father do at his castle on certain occasion. He never explained it to me but its hazy to me too. Let me take you to him. We can leave at dawn."

They reached the castle and Lancelot declined to go in. He has not been back for sometime, and he felt that he would do well to wait outside. Percival convinced him otherwise and all them rode in. They were greeted by King Fisher who had aged since Lancelot last saw him. He was warm to Galahad but cold to Lancelot when they met.

During the feast that was laid for them by the King, Lancelot felt the wine was too strong for him. He was feeling light on his feet and his vision blurred. He wanted to step up several times but find himself not able to move. He sat back and then he thought he saw the procession was starting. He reached over to signaled Percival who had also drunk a fair bit himself.

"Percival..... The Grail....." Percival heard him and he looked over. Percival caught glimpses of it and recalled it was like before. He can see it happening but this time it was like a fleeting images. Percival shake at his head to clear it, but he find himself still shaken. He motioned to Galahad to come to him who was sitting across the table.

"Galahad, ask the King for the Grail."

The young Galahad got up and approached the King and made his request. The King applaud the young knight and asked him to view the coming procession. There was no procession earlier but what was perceived in their minds. The King stopped the procession and handed the Grail to Sir Galahad.

"Galahad, you make your Grandfather proud. You are worthy to hold the Grail and may hand it to Arthur for his amusement for now. When he is done with it, you bring it back here and keep it here."

"Thank you, Grandfather. " The Galahad stopped to asked his grandfather. "I used to carry that bowl before when I was younger. You never told me that I was carrying the Grail."

"No, my successor. I did not. Nor did he knows." King Fisher point to Lancelot. "He was never your father when you were growing up. More to it, if you had known, you would had lost the innocence then."

"I don't understand, grandfather." Galahad smiled at his grandfather. "Just now you mentioned me as you successor....."

"Let me explain myself." King Fisher begin his tale to his grandson. "The Grail has been kept by the Fisher family for generations. I am the current one and had kept the tradition going. We do not actually published our association to the
Grail although this place used to be named Castle Grail. If we had reveal ourselves, we would be annihilated by those who seeks it. The Grail has a unique influence; it can be be seen by those who are innocent and free of any mortal sins. That was why the children before the age of puberty may carry it. Every time we do it, we can see those who can see it and can't see it. It a value item to see their true characters."

"My time would soon come, and you would inherit the position as King of Castle Grail." King Fisher looked to his grandson. "But now you may keep the Grail for Arthur."

"Grandfather, why do you still dislike Lancelot?"

"Lancelot does not need my attention. He seems to lack any attention to anyone that matters to him."

When Galahad return to Camelot, Lancelot was not there as he had returned to his own castle. He felt bad with what he learned from this task and would like to make adjustment with his son's mother.

"Lancelot, you cannot marched back into my life just because your madness was lifted by the Grail. Are you here to tell me that you were mad then when you were with the Queen." Elaine mocked at him. "If that is your excuse to come back to me for your supper and perhaps a softer bedding, then try harder."

Elaine stood up and walked to the wall opening. They were in her chamber where he met her just now.

"Elaine, I come to apologize for my past deeds. I want to come back to you. For him too. Our son, Galahad." Lancelot pleaded with her. He walked towards her, and she stepped away.

"No, I would not have you back. Not after that many years when you were away." Elaine told him off. "Do you think I ever cared when you were not around. Well, I didn't. Not after the first years but later it was easy."

"Was there another?" Lancelot asked without thinking then regret his words.

"There was none." Elaine shouted back. Then she paused in her reply. She looked at him. "You are not the only one who could cheat at it. I had my own. A throwback to you, perhaps....."

"Who was it, Elaine?" Lancelot asked her.

"I come to seek Arthur, and you may not stop me." Lancelot dressed in his armor confront Merlin at the Hall where the Round Table lies. There were four knights at the table' Sir Percival, Sir Kay, Sir Gawain, and there was the son of Lancelot; Sir Galahad. There were having their drinks when Lancelot barged in.

"Stay calm, Lancelot." Merlin who just walked in and was confronted by Lancelot. He offered to calm down the enraged knight. "There must be an explanation to all of this."

"Sir Lancelot, you do not come in and seek on the King in that manner." Sir Gawain stood up and demanded of Lancelot to hold his position. "Do you mock my King, Sir Lancelot?"

"I stand challenge to you for your disrespect to my King." Sir Gawain approached Lancelot. "I do not fear you. The others may do of you but not me. Even Arthur feared you. He let you bed his Queen all these years. He is so afraid of you, but not me."

Merlin stepped in between them and held back the enraged Lancelot now.

"There would be no duel. This is a matter best left to the King to settle." Merlin shouted out. But the accusation have been laid open for all to hear.

"Gawain, you bastard. In my absence, you stepped in to replace me. Elaine told me all about it. You courted her for years, and yet she refused to seek you. You persisted till she gave away her resistance to her own honor. You took her honor for your own lust. I love Guinevere. I only slept with her because we actually loved each other. Never did we let lust do our biddings."

"No!" It was the Queen who shouted as she walked in on hearing the commotion here. "Please don't fight."

Sir Kay ran to her side and held her arms. He wanted to hold her in this moment of despair but he held back. Then he looked at the two arguing knights.

"We would let the King decides. He is due back tomorrow from his war. He would decide the fate of all of us."

Sir Lancelot stopped his push to fight Gawain. He stepped back and then he took out his sword. He swung it on the round table and cut into it.

"I would wage war for on King Arthur of Camelot. He who stands with me would be well rewarded. I would not serve that one who neglect his love for ...personal glory. He has no heir and his kingdom is bound to fall on his death."

On those words, Lancelot walked out of the castle.

Sir Galahad, his own son followed suit and then Sir Percival also followed him out. Only Sir kay stood with Sir Gawain at the Round Table.

"Sent out words to the others. Who stands by the King shall be here for his return tomorrow or be considered as an enemy of the King." Sir Gawain spoke out in defiant.

"Fools!" Merlin shouted out and then left the hall. Guinevere stood there looking at the two knights. She knows where her love lies. She ran back to her chamber and later was on her horse to pursue Lancelot.

He was at the ruined castle and he had stripped his armor off. His tunic lies on the ground next to him, and his back was read with welts. He was inflicting the same punishment he had done some years back when he came back from the war with the barbarians. He battled them and won, killing a threat to the Kingdom but on his way back, he was confronted by a group of women folks that belong the barbarian tribe. They were with their children below the age of warriors. They stopped the knight in his path.

"Sir knight, you won at the battle, and slain our lovers. Now you leave us here without protection. Do you know when we invade your settlement, we killed all that was living so they would not had to suffer." The leader of the group spoke up. She is an young woman with a baby nursing at her teats.

"I am the knight of the land, and I do not battle women and children. Be gone or I shall be forced to ride over you." Lancelot threatens them.

"Then killed us before we are eaten by the wolves or worse, put to slave works for your men. They hold us like whores but you filled us with your seeds instead of coins. They killed the ones which cannot be used, and even the babes at our teats. Tell me, Sir knight if you have a conscience?"

Lancelot looked at the young woman and he felt regret that he fought this battle. He had killed their men as their' had done the same to the settlement here, but its true she had said that none survived the attack. We have retaliate in kind, but the code of our knights does not permit us to kill women and children. He was pondering the situation when some soldiers following him to return to Camelot, came running past him and attacked the group of women and children.

Lancelot rode up and kicked at the soldier who just stabbed the young woman talking to him. The soldier kicked at her body impaled on his spear and then crushed his feet on the baby. Lancelot knocked him on the back of the head and then dismounted.

"Why did you killed them?" Lancelot held back the soldiers back from the terrified women. They were four of them and they are panting in exertion while their weapons are covered in blood.

"They killed our family. Our loved ones at the settlement while we were serving the King. We now wants our revenge for our love." The fallen soldier who was knocked by Lancelot now confront the knight.

"Then you killed them for your revenge. Then those who survived come back and killed whoever you are. And so on. Do you understand me?" Lancelot asked of him. "When would it end?"

"When they are all dead or we die trying." The soldier spoke out in loud tone.

"Then do it but leave your weapon here. They are unarmed so fight fair." Lancelot told the soldiers. They were taken aback by his comment. The women spoke out loud then.

"We have weapons. We would fight you now." The enraged women with their own makeshift weapons came charging at the soldiers. Lancelot was caught in the fight and he had to defend himself. In the end, it was only he standing with a group of children standing frightened at a distance. He stood there with his armor and sword coated in blood.

"I do not want to...." But the children had panicked and ran away for the nearby woods.

"I should had stopped it, but I could not." Lancelot whispered to Guinevere who shared his pain then. She saw him flogged himself and held him before they resign themselves to the depths of lust to quench their emotions.

Tonight he is back at the ruined cottage since the day they were captured by Merlin in their act. He dropped the lash after his mind had shifted to the event today. He had stood up to his King when he did not intended that. He wanted to confront Arthur on the betrayal of Gawain and his intrusion on Elaine. Instead he had that confrontation with Gawain and then he ended up declaring war on his King.

"Oh my Holy Ones, why did I do that?" Lancelot moaned in his mouth.

"Do what, my love?" It was Guinevere who walked in to the ruined cottage. She saw him there doing what he did back then hurting himself for his sins. Guinevere hugged him on his back. "You are not alone. Today, you had done what no man had ever done towards Arthur within these borders. But you did it. You finally come to your senses to fight Arthur."

She hugged him tighter than ever before.

"I am proud of you. You prevail in our love. Now we would conclude the love affair. We can remove the one who  stood in our way." Guinevere spoke to him.

"Guinevere, you knew this would happened. Why didn't you stop me in those years? You led me into this. But why?"

"Because I hated Arthur. He was a bastard. He is no Man. He never had been. He prefers not me, but Merlin. They were lovers, Lancelot. Its not me that he cannot bed; he is just not a man. You are becoming the real Man I wanted to love. Prevail my love, we would be united without restraints. "

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...