Friday, August 17, 2012

Lancelot; the Darker version...coming soon to this blog.

On the way up, Lancelot could not helped himself as he slapped at her heavy bottom. She just jest on his slaps, and soon when they were in the room; she just came onto him. He pushed her off and on his irritation, he slapped her to deter her amorous advances. She smiled and came on for more. He slapped her more and she seem to take it in its strides.

"Why are you enjoying that? Are you not hurt by it?" Lancelot asked her. Wendy laughed at him, as she walked towards the bedding. She pulled off her frock and he saw the marks on her back. There are lashes welt marks on her back.

"Honey, I seen your kind all before." Wendy sat down on the bedding and pulled off her hose. "They come in here angry or frustrated; they took it on me. I took it all; lashes, whipping, or even the rear mount as long as they pay me well for my effort."

"You have the coins?" Wendy smiled at him as she fondled her teats. "They are worth their weight in coins."

Wow! I have not stopped writing since I embark on this 'Merlin-aire' tale, but its so absorbing that I just find myself clicking on the keyboard.


Maybe its the version I am putting forth. Its not your usual textbook version, or the one you read at the public library. Its a dark, erotic, love binded and evil exploring version. It tears at the soul of the characters I am writing on; Lancelot, Guinevere, Arthur, Morgana and the ever elusive Merlin ( small part he played but strategic ).

As I was gtelling the tale, I find myself indulging into the dark side ( No, Vader is dead, so you can forget him. It may had been Jennifer Garner in her red suit looming over me perhaps ) and I am about 2/3 on the tale.

So why am I telling you?

I am hit by a conscience in my mind. Should I continue as this tale is too dark to be told, or should be as its explores the inner feelings of the character. teh part we never get to read in the other books; what did happened after it gets dark, or do I dare to peek behind the curtains, or strained my eyeball to see into the hidden creek etc. The kind of work that a gossip columnist would do but that is telling the untold tale. In the end, I decided....que sera sera....

Why Lancelot, some one asked of me? That was before I told the person to stop reading over my shoulder. Its eerie when you are doing such a tale.

I don't know either, but  I was driven to tell his story with Guinevere..... the illicit love affair, the surrending of her virtue to a madmen ( no, he is not Lancelot. ) and the conflict with her other lover. All driven by the word; lust..... forbidden lust. Hey, this was like ten centuries ago, sexual liberation have not mateialise yet....although they did not had to burn any bra for it. They could had burned their girdle but that would be too expensive to replace then. Its not like there is a Departmental Store in every neighborhood.

So its about sex, huh?

No, its not. If it was, I would be posting in the porn sites, and get splattered for my effort. Its descriptive but with the context of exploring their feelings and pain too. Yes, that is the hidden ingredient there.

Ouch! Okay, I won't reveal it yet. Let me complete the tale soon. But I give you another preview. Just don't shoot up a cinema for the premiere, please.

" Arthur broke out in tears, but Morgana rushed over to console him. She held him in her arms with head at her bosom like when it was last night. He came barging in and screamed that she does not love him. Morgana was then about to retire to her bedding dressed in her slinky night dress. She walked up to her half brother who was still drunk and consoled him as siblings do. She held onto him as he complained of his lover and Queen. She kept on rubbing his back and then his head while soothing his anger. She could find that he had grown since she last held him when he was said to be Utter bastard son and then heir to the throne. She find herself now holding the one person she truly desired; the King himself. Not in person but in name. If he is the King, then I am the Queen. The night before was a whirlwind of feelings and soon she find him laying next to her asleep unaware of what he had done. Till now at this hour of the morning, Arthur finds it easier to run out without a word, leaving his half sister standing there smiling.

"You may run, my King but I have you in me now." Morgana speaks out as she place her hand on her womb.  "

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